Rating:  Summary: i think this is good interpretation of the play Review: I think this is good representation of the play. The characters are very relatable but at the same time very fictitional. All of them have qualities about them that we see in ourselves and each other. They also have qualities that we want to see in ourselves and each other. Although the plot thickins throughout the play, one still gets an understanding of what is going on. The play has its good and bad parts of it, just like any other book or play. The plot is one that is fictional because this kind of thing usually dosn't happen to people. That is why it is liked so much by people. The play begins actually, slowley, so one gets the point of what is going on, then goes into depth about why this is going on. And about why all this is happening and how it starts. Most of all , the play is understandable. Although the words are old english, one still gets the meaning. Shakespeare put in words what he needs to to get the point across.
Rating:  Summary: The Tragedy in Denmark Review: In my opinion all of Shakespeare's writings are long winded, drawn out words with no possibility of ever coming close to being remotly interesting. Hamlet was actually one of the most terribly boring, predictable, useless book ever written. The plot had no vital juices. The charachters were devoid of all emotion and energy. Even more devastating to the book is how it all ended. I actually got to say once Hamlet,Gertrude, and Claudius died I was leaping with joy, it was impossible to contain my excitment. Why? Because it meant that if every one is dead, well, IT IS FINALLY OVER! Finally, this book not only is long, boring, and an embaressment to the whole romantic time period. It has no long lasting effect on anyone. So, what I'm trying to say is that any poor, unfortunate soul that has to read this book will never even understand let alone remember what actually went on through the course of the play.
Rating:  Summary: A pretty sad story with a good moral. Review: I think that Hamlet was a pretty fair book. It was very sad though. I still enjoyed the story and kept intrest in it. Hamlet was very sad to me. Everyone died that were the main characters in the plot. Heck the only main character that didn't die was Horatio. Even though Fortinbras didn't die he still wasn't a main character in the plot. This kind of made me dislike the play, but still enjoyed it. I thouhgt the book tought a good leson. It showed what greed and the driving force of vengence does to people. Hamlet became mad with vengence and almost killed everyone around him with it. It showed how a greedy person works. The king became angery and insane because he was trying to protect his interests. Hamlet was an all around good book and I enjoyed it.
Rating:  Summary: Hamlet was complicated but easy to follow. Review: The plot of Hamlet had many twists and turns. This made the play very complicated but it was still very easy to follow. This was helped by the characters explaining things thoroughly. You never really knew who was going to die and how they were going to die. This was a very well written play. It was written to keep the audience interested while telling a sad and depressing story. Hamlet was interesting because the way it starts out just pulls you into the plot by starting out with the ghost appearing and from there it just get more interesting. This play had many unexpected twists such as Ophelia going insane and all of the other main characters dying. The first twist though was the ghost appearing and talking to Hamlet. This within the first act was what compelled you to read on. then when the players come and Hamlet is going insane that compells you to read even farther. The play of Hamlet Prince of Demnark is possibly one of Shakespeares best written plays and quite possibly one of the best plays ever. Hamlet is a very compelling and involving play with many character and subplots without confusing the reader. To sum it up Hamlet is quite possibly one of the best plays I have read of seen.
Rating:  Summary: The play about Hamlet was an easy, fun, and interesting read Review: Hamlet was a very easy play to understand, compared to most of Shakespeares other plays. There was always some sort of weird twist that Shakespeare added, to keep the readers attention. There were some parts in the play were it was sort of difficult to understand what Shakespeare was trying to get across. Many of his characters had mental problems, which added to the mysterious effect that was depicted through the play. All of the characters at some point in the play had trouble confronting their true feelings, which showed some of the mental handicaps that the characters had. The end was kind of confusing, with all of the characters in the play dying. This ofcourse is the way that Shakespear writes. Overall this was a really easy play to read. This play was an incredibly interesting play to read. The play had twists that kept the reader thinking, and waiting for what would happen next. This was a long play to read, but well worth it.
Rating:  Summary: Hamlet Review: Hamlet was a play that contained many creative idea's and twists. It kept one that was interested in the play full of excitment. It had new things happening all of the time. Even those people who don't appreciate Hamlet and Shakespear's work was interested. It kept the new twists and ideas flowing. However I thought that it was long, and excrucitating. It took a long time to get to the main point, and one could predict the out come of the play. Ophelia was one of the more interesting characters of the play. She fit the role and she never was the same. Ophelia was a character that was more non predicting. The overview of the play in my thought, was long and boring. It kept those who like Hamlet, and most of Shakespear's work, interested in the outcome. Those who can't sit and read a play, where mostly fiddling with their fingers, finding other things to do.
Rating:  Summary: Hamlet was a good play But... Review: I thought that this version was easily reading because of the layout of the book. It allowed you to see what was ment by the book on the side pages. It was well written, but could of been a little diffrenet in the fact of how the players was not as long as I thoght it should be. I enjoyed most of the book before all the people died and no one lived. I think that Hamlet should of left one of the People alive in the play to make it more exciting at the end. But besides that I thought it was a good play. I like how the death of Hamlets father was dragged out threw they entier play until they end when Hamlet makes all the people sufer that were involved in his death or the cover up of his death
Rating:  Summary: Chris' Hamlet review Review: I really didn't enjoy reading this book and I wish that our English teacher wouldn't force my class to read this play. Nevertheless I finished it. I think that the story is very complex and complicated and consist of a huge amount of details. This bunch of details really confused me sometimes so that I had to look on summaries of it. If anybody would like to read it I would recommend to do this in an English class so that you can trade information so that it's easier to comprehend this play. I think that Shakespeare did a pretty good job, though.
Rating:  Summary: Overall was well done and written, well thought out Review: This book was easily read because of all the side note written to the side of the pages. Reading in class as a play made it much easier to read with the different vocies. It kept my interest to a point but some scenes were carried on to long and made the play long. In some places there really wasn't a reason or explanation of how or why things were happening. Ophilia and Fortinbras were confussing people to read along with. Overall the play was well done and I enjoyed reading it.
Rating:  Summary: travis' review Review: I felt that Hamlet was detailed and complicated throughout the storyboard. It had both action and suspence throughout the book. On the other hand I felt that Hamlet was too detailed and confused me. The old English didn't help one bit. It confused me more. I had to read this in English class my 12th year in High School. So this is propably why I didn't enjoy it. The story itself was a love tragedy and i don't like that kind of storyboard. I recommend reading this book in English class but not on my own free will.