Rating:  Summary: Knocks the nail on the head Review: The media is owned and operated in a capitalistic system, and owned and run by capitalists. So, if the media is slanted to the left, the questions should be, why does the capitalistic system breed a bias to the left? When you understand the proper question, you see how moronic the idea really is. As for Nixon being more liberal than Gore, one only has to do a search on google to find out how true that statment is. Capitalism Magazine has an article dated Aug 5, 2003 which backs up that claim.
Rating:  Summary: Worth a Look Review: Of the three most popular liberal writers, Michael Moore, Al Franken and Eric Alterman. Alterman is definitely the most intellectual.
Rating:  Summary: The Truth Review: Unless you are a die hard conservative, this is a great eye opener into conservative media bias. There is no news station more bias than Fox News.
Rating:  Summary: Squeling like stuck pigs.. Review: Middle of the road Americans argued for decades that the northeastern elite press was liberal. Facts were withheld, arguments were spun, and viewers/readers were left to conclude that only government could fix social problems. There is nothing wrong with having opinions, we all have them, but the elite press denied it. Despite surveys that show 90 percent plus of journalists voted for Democratic presidential candidates. Since conservatives were shut out of mainstream press, they turned to alternatives. Periodicals, AM radio, the internet etc. Over the last 2-3 decades they have come to dominate these medium. Mediums that liberals cannot, repeat, cannot make money at. Note the small circulation of their periodicals and ratings for liberal talk show hosts. Now with the Fox News Channel there is finally a network, albeit cable, that at least tries to present both sides. Which is what we should demand from all press. Keep squealing liberals. Oink, oink.
Rating:  Summary: What? Review: This book produces almost no facts to support its title. Don't waste your money, or at least buy a used copy.
Rating:  Summary: The Media is Gulity As Charged Review: The Conservative Media - ??? --- is keeping liberals out of office? hummmm.... Well no kidding! The premise of this book is so absurd I can hardly believe I seriously paid good money for this twaddle. It's not even good for entertainment value. This book offers little that is new. Nice try Mr. Alterman, but Bernie was right.
Rating:  Summary: This book misses the point entirely Review: It's clear the author started from the conclusion he wanted to reach and worked backwards. He identifies conservatives in the media, but fails to mention that they are generally op-ed people, not like the overwhelmingly liberal news anchors and press corps who are supposed to be objective (you just can't get past the fact that 90% of the Washington press corps voted for Clinton). Of course Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are conservative; it's what they DO. They're giving opinions, not reporting news. The fact that they are successful is a capitalist-style endorsement from the millions of ordinary people who listen to them and read their books, not the result of a secret conspiracy of ultra-rich right-wing authoritarian fanatics.You can weave all sorts of wild conspiracies by following paper and money around. Yes, Rupert Murdoch probably has something to do with Fox News being conservative, but is Ted Turner, husband to "Hanoi Jane" Fonda and owner of several networks, supposed to be above it all? The author does inadvertently advertise one trend in the liberal-conservative battle correctly: in any medium where people are given a choice (talk radio, cable news, Internet), they always choose conservative viewpoints over liberal. Only in near-monopoly situations where affiliation is irrelevant or supposedly nonexistent (TV networks, newspapers) are we all forced to swallow liberal tripe and pretend it tastes objective.
Rating:  Summary: Alterman does reference....... Review: I think that to be fair, and to gain an accurate and complete view of the political landscape one should not only read this book but also the right-wing counterpart, Slander by Ann Coulter. If you read both books and do a quick search on lexus-nexus,you will realize something; while both authors use citations, Ms. Coulter does NOT present her sources out of context.
Rating:  Summary: Any idiot outside of NYC knows the liberals run the media Review: Anybody who is familiar with Eric Alterman's conservative bashing and rantings from "The Nation" and "Altercation" on MSNBC.COM will be instantly familiar with this book. Eric's leanings are so far to the left that he makes Bill and Hillary Clinton look conservative. Most of Eric's writings are obviously filled with hate for George W. Bush. If the President said the sky was blue, Eric's column in "The Nation" or "Altercation" on MSNBC.com would say the sky was Red. Eric's rantings are so skewed to the left, that it's easy to see that his book is fired by his hatred for anything conservative and how he twists the facts to justify his point. Anybody who watches CNN, MSNBC, or any the major network broadcasts can obviously tell that the Liberals are in control of the networks and their broadcast agenda. Fox News is the only network that offers an honest and fair presentation of the news without the obvious liberal bias of the other media news shows. Also Eric forgets to tell us that Liberals are in control of most major newspapers in the United STates. It's obvious to anyone who reads a newspaper in the United States. Also MSNBC.com has a leftist bias. Eric Alterman's "Altercation" and Jill Nelson's op-ed pieces on MSNBC.com show just how liberal msnbc.com is in it's news reporting. Eric has no regard for the United States. He's typical of the liberals in Ann Coulter's book "Treason" that wish to destroy the United States from within. Eric has no regard for United States law unless it can be twisted to serve his politically correct and leftist anti-american agenda. Eric thinks he knows more about Constitutional law than the Supreme Court when he says that the Supreme Court was wrong and George W. Bush is the Commander in Theif. Eric forgets to tell us that the US Supreme Court stepped in to stop the Democratic controlled Florida Supreme Court from rewriting election law after the fact of the election to help Al Gore steal the election from George W. Bush. The Democratic controlled Florida Supreme court was guilty of changing the rules after the election has occured which violates Federal Election Law and the US Constitution. Eric also conveniently forgets to tell us that the President is determined by the electoral college and not the popular vote. It's in the constitution, yet he conveniently overlooks things that disagree with his leftist liberal and anti-american viewpoints. Eric Alterman's documentation standards practice the normal liberal method of cross polination. Cross pollination is when one liberal writes an article or book with no factual backing and then another liberal author references the book to back up his non-truthful claims. Very little of Eric's documenation for his book comes from the mainstream media or verifiable sources. Most of his documentation comes from unverifiable questionable sources in the liberal community. The footnotes and endnotes look real impressive if you don't question their validity or their sources. Most of his footnotes and endnotes come from nonverifable sources and have very little factual support behind them. Anybody who wasted their money on Eric's rantings deserves their money back.
Rating:  Summary: laughable premise Review: Unlike the 1 star reviewers of "Slander" and "Bias", I actually read the book. The major problem I have with this book is that he attacks the internet, talk radio and Fox News as being conservative.............DUH!!!! Since the liberal media is what it is explains why these alternative mediums exist and they have pretty much conceded being right wing. I expected Alterman to prove that the major networks, PBS and the majority of major newpapers and magazines don't tilt left. I knew this endeavor would be daunting for him and I was right. I remain unconvinced. His elitist, "I'm smarter than you" tone, takes me back about 15 years and makes me want to beat up the girly boy. He often gets off subject to make unrelated political rants and even goes as far as saying "Martha Stewart Living and Marvel Comics are driven by conservatives. Puuuulease!!!! Admittedly this book is better written than Michael Moore's autobiography, "stupid white men" I would only suggest this book for the hard core political junkie and then as a 4th tier purchase.