Rating: Summary: Powerfull Review: David J. Lieberman has written one great book. After reading this book I look at the world entirely different. Almost every time I see a commercial I spot a technique used in this book. One of the things I like best about it is how it is set up. If you want to get someone to do something for you, you just flip to the appropriate chapter and you're set! In fact, I used one of the techniques on my mom to get her to buy me another one of his books!
Rating: Summary: Required reading to be in control of your life Review: David J. Lieberman, Ph.D. is a recognized expert in the field of human behavior. With multiple books translated in multiple languages this is yet another fine example of his ability to give sound advice in a down to earth and useful manner. He divides the book into the five following general sections. Section 1 relates to building rapport both instant rapport and keeping it over long periods. It covers everything from first impressions, to getting someone to like you, to appearing confident, and many other items. Section 2 relates to detecting if someone is lying or manipulating you. Section 3 relates to taking control of a situation and getting people to actually do something. Getting someone to actually take your advice, follow through on a commitment, do a favor, get along together, etc. are all covered in this section. Section 4 relates to winning at a competition. Possible competitions include not only a game but job interviews, dating and similar. Section 5 relates to dealing with life's normal annoying, difficult situations. For example, people who won't return phone calls, forgiveness, breaking bad news, dealing with rumors, dealing with a complaint, dealing with jealousy, etc. It is easy to read the title to the book and assume that inside are the secrets to manipulating others and allowing you to take advantage of them. This is not the case at all as Dr. Lieberman starts on page one with the comment that these techniques are not "ways to manipulate other people into liking you". Are you going to get someone who can't stand your personality to suddenly like you and stand in line for the opportunity to do you a favor? Not likely. However, in the hectic world of today just getting someone to slow down enough to even notice you can be quite a chore. This sort of situation is where these techniques are valuable. Also if you feel manipulated by someone and don't know how to avoid it or get out of the trap then the information can be very valuable. Recognizing when you are not in control of your own desires is the first step to changing the situation. This book can help you to understand what is happening and why you feel the way you do and then it goes one step further in showing you how you can change the situation. The bottom line is that everyone should know these techniques not only so that they can recognize when they are being manipulated and can do something about it, but also so they can tell when strong feelings are not what they seem but are the result of some basic principle such as the law of association or reciprocal affection or something similar. How to make a good impression, how to change a bad one, how to stop being manipulated, how to regain control of your life, how to handle the problems of life, how to examine your feelings about someone and know if you really feel positive (or negative) about them or if it is just the normal reaction to various stimuli, it is all pretty much here in this book. If there were a great book that gave an overview of these principles this one is it. There are other great books that deal with one or two of these topics in greater detail, but none that I have read that expose you to the whole gamut of psychological principles with persuading, motivating, or getting others to at least accept your opinion as valid. A must on the bookshelf of anyone but the most recalcitrant hermit.
Rating: Summary: Never Feel Powerless Again! Review: I originally got this book while looking for reverse psychology techniques, and most of the secrets in this book work on almost anyone. Includes ways to make a great first impression, get anyone to like you, get the upper hand in an arguement, catch someone in a lie, get anyone to do a favor for you plus lots more! Some of the techniques I would classify as reverse psychology. This book is an invaluable addition to my library!
Rating: Summary: these psychology tips do work Review: I've faced three situations at work where I needed to convince someone to do something or diffuse a sticky situation. In each case I sat down ahead of time with this book and worked out a strategy of what to say using various techniques. Each time it worked like a charm.
The best example was when one of my co-workers was angry at one of my staff members for taking her seat. I used the technique of suggesting a punishment for him that I knew was too harsh (a day off without pay). I had to wince inside as I said it and cross my fingers that it would work. Immediately she said, "Oh no, I'm not asking for anything like that". And thus she began to realize that what he did was not that bad.
Getting someone to return your phone call by leaving a vague message that indicates you'd like to thank them or tell them some good news has also worked for me.
These are the kind of tips in the book. The book explains why they work very well. The book is easy to read. You do have to really think and plan ahead to apply the tips, but when you do, they are very effective.
Rating: Summary: Powerful, direct, effective, instant! Review: Imagine yourself with the "upper hand" in almost any given situation. Dr. Lieberman shows you how with this excellent treatise on the psychology of influence and persuasion. Using an ecclectic collection of techniques, including a couple of NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) techniques, you will truly learn how to never be taken advantage of again. Having nothing to do with manipulation, Dr. Lieberman's methods make use of skills and situations we all encounter every day in practically every interaction we have with others. If you are concerned that using these techniques is "unethical" or "cheating" in some way, you can let that concern simply dissolve away *right now* because, as Dr. Lieberman points out, you're playing games anyway, you might as well play to win! Even if you don't *use these skills*, you will instantly be able to spot them when someone else is using them to influence you. This is a book you shouldn't be without!! Some of my favorite chapters are: Chapter 1 "Get Anyone to Like You...Every Time" Chapter 2 "Get Anyone to Find You Irresistibly Attractive" Chapter 9 "How to Tell if Someone Is Trying to Manipulate You" Chapter 24 "Get Anyone to Return Your Phone Call Immediately" Chapter 31 "Stop Verbal Abuse Instantly" Chapter 37 "Get Anyone to Confide in You and Confess Anything"
and most especially, Chapter 40 "Get Out of Almost Any Physical or Sexual Assault"
This chapter alone could save your life or the life of a loved one, on just one reading through. The book is organized into 40 "mini-chapters" with the material presented in a friendly, readable style condensed into the tightest possible learning units. This revolutionary approach to teaching these revolutionary skills help you to instantly digest the material at the unconscious level and make them immediately available for your use. Not at all technical or clinical in approach, I'm sure you will be delightfully surprised at the simplicity and effectiveness of these methods, just as I was. Simply excellent! Get it today without a second thought. :-D
Rating: Summary: Helpful, tactical and practical, though manipulative Review: or even Machiavellian
To sum up the negative comment of other reviewers:
The book does not live up to its promising title; It's highly manipulative and its effectivness depends on the kindness of its targets; It's highly tactical that each of its 40 chapters just focuses on how to handle one specific situation; It lacks the depth of an averge book on psychology; It's a copy and paste of popular NLP techniques blah blah blah.
The above criticisms are all valid. However, I still rate it a good book for common readers who just want to work better and make life easier. Below please find my views that counter the negative comment above:-
Those who expect a 180 page book to teach "anybody" to do "anything" might just overexpect; The author admits the manipulative nature of his recommendations in page 54; It's natural for a book with 40 chapters to be relatively tactical than strategic. Otherwise, it will become sheer talk of little practical value; For fans and intellects of psychology, look elsewhere. In fact, please make sure you had completed the 18 volumes of Sigmund Freud before your complaint against others' lack of depth; If it works, it works. A patient goes to a doctor for recovery from illness, not medical knowledge with originality.
In short, a good and interesting read, something that can be put on your desk for quick reference in a variety of situations that can save you a lot of trouble.
Rating: Summary: It's the bomb. Review: Pop psychology at its best, this stuff really does work. I don't know that you can get anybody to do anything, but you sure can get sway a lot of people to do a lot of things you couldn't before! I give it 5 stars easy. Also recommend "Treat Your Own Knees" if you have knee pain.
Rating: Summary: Recommended for writers Review: Since I just finished it, I can't say that this book has somehow made some dramatic impact in my own life. However, I will review it from a different perspective than a "practical" application manual in taking control of your life. If you are a writer, or a struggling writer, a book like this can be an invaluable resource on day-to-day human psychology and interaction. You can see situations, interactions, and even conversations develop for your characters based on Lieberman's insights and examples. This book can potentially break writer's block, if you're stuck in a scene, you know what your characters want but don't know how to show it (a man coming off too strong to a woman, someone trying to break bad news to a loved one, someone wanting to manipulate a favor out of someone else, ect.), this book offers suggestions on how your characters should act, or more importantly, how they *shouldn't* act. Since Lieberman's observations based on real life, learning and internalizing the positive and negative consequences of the behaviors described in this book can add some realism to your short stories or novels. As for the lessons themselves, I now see how in many times in my life I have done the wrong thing, and this book explains why I just made things worse, like in past relationships, in job interviews...mistakes we have all probably made. Beyond any practical applications, this is just a fascinating book for those who are interested in human interaction.