Rating:  Summary: Almost as Exciting as the Other Alex Cross Novels Review: Detective Alex Cross is on his way to retiring the Washington D.C. Police Force. At least he thinks he is until his friend John Sampson shows up at his door with yet another new case.John's buddy from his days in the war was falsely accused of murdering women. Worse yet, he is subject to the iron hand of the US army. The evidence against Ellie is enough to put him to the gas chamber.Sampson really believes his friend was framed, and Alex's investigation turns up evidence overlooked-or concealed by the military authorities. Drawing on their years of street training and an almost telepathic mutual trust, Cross and Sampson go deepbehind military lines to confront the most ruthless-and deadliest killers they have ever encountered before. These guys are TOUGH and they manage to get away with many murders before finally getting pinned down. It may already be too late to save Sampson's friend from death row, but eventually Alex Cross puts two and two together as always. I mostly enjoyed the book, but found some of the parts more slow moving than in the other Cross novels I have read.
Rating:  Summary: Alex and I are parting Ways. Review: I never write book reviews, but I am so confused as to where the author of Kiss the Girls went, that I am compelled to chime in. I used to love James Patterson. This book was ridiculous. I won't even go into the lameness of the plot, but the "Italics" drive me NUTS! His earlier thrillers were taut and on the money. A real sense of evil permeated them. These jokers feel about as scary as moldy bologna. I have never in my life had an urge to write a novel, but I do believe I could do better. Either Mr. Patterson has just plain lost it, or it is all about the money. Alas, Alex, I knew him well. :) Farewell. The only saving grace is I borrowed this from our library and didn't buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Another one of those Yikey gory things...... Review: I read this one after Beach House by the same author. I now have come to the conclusion that the author is perhaps a little weird! I mean, he just seems to write only horrifying stuff--- that too, sickeningly horrifying, if-you-know-what-I-mean! If you are like me and do not really enjoy gory stuff, then puuhleaze, do not even think of getting this one. It made me want to throw up. Book to be read once and kept away, I feel.
Rating:  Summary: Blind mice can't read & enjoy this but you will Review: Another Alex Cross masterpiece where Alex is this time brought back to the serial killer chase by an old friend of his partner Samson's army days who has a dilemma. He is about to be face execution for a despicable violent murder spree and everyone is convinced of his guilt except Samson. Cross is his last chance. A foursome of killers is reliving their Vietnam killing days and Cross must deal with them as they cross his path. Meanwhile Alex's family is facing their own life threatening dilemmas. Who is funding the killers? Why are they killing? Do they have anything to do with Sampson's friend's case? This is one of the best Alex Cross novels written. The usual short chapter style makes this like the others a breeze to read. You don't need to read previous Cross series books first to enjoy this one but you will get more out of it you do. Previous books are sensational as well.
Rating:  Summary: Why can't I give it zero stars? Review: If this book was written by anyone other thn JAMES PATTERSON, it would have never been published. It seems Jim needed to fulfill a contractual obligation and get a new book out. Too bad he decided not to actual write anything worth reading. The story's timeline is off by 20 years. Vietnam vets in their 40's thirty years after the war: Did we have junior high battalions over there? The history, bad guys, investigative work and characters are all hackneyed and slopped together. The investigation also keeps stopping for awkward romantic scenes that lend nothing whatsoever to the story. The bad guys are a psychopathic, infantile trio of supposed geniuses who are expert killers. This group is so sloppy, sadistic and out of control, they make the Manson family look like jaywalkers. The fourth "blind mouse" is an unknown employer who wants the Mice to kill certain people for millions of dollars. Now I'm going to ruin it for everyone..... The killer is mention in ONE PARAGRAPH halfway through the book. He is never spoken to, he is never suspected and he has no clear motive whatsoever. In fact the character's current military position makes this whole story look like the ravings of the most paranoid [person] you will ever find. Jim, retire please, you just don't seem to care anymore.
Rating:  Summary: For Blind Mice Review: The prodigious James Patterson, hot on the tail of Stephen King in the category of turning out one book after another, does not disappoint his followers in Four Blind Mice. Not a lot of unpredictability here. Almost a John LeCarre sense of evil in the government (well, ok, the military) that Alex (again) has to penetrate. He and his huge boyhood friend try to help Sergeant Cooper, positively (and we know this from the first few pages) framed for murders he didn't commit. And like the New York Sanitation sign from the 70's that read "dig we must," they keep pushing until they find massive coverups from Vietnam. This is intriguing because if the cover-ups happened in the late '60's, let's see, add the three's and seven's, carry the nine's, hmmmmm, some of the senior field grade officers then would be, ahhh, 80? Late 70's? Personally, I am uncomfortable with the analogy that the tragic foolishness that was Vietnam now reaches a new level of concern under the pen or laptop of James Patterson: That these men need to be hunted down like Nazi War Criminals. But no matter, Cross and Sampon are up to the task. So there's a lot of murder, high tech toys, reminiscings about the lost innocence of youth, as well as a lot of love (both the vertical kind and the horizontal kind), a marriage, a couple of illegal State sanctioned executions (imagine the wrongful death suits coming out of those!) and the typical mingling of family values and yet painful retribution for the evil doers. A little confusing. A fast read. If you like a superficial novel, good James Patterson. If this is what you want and expect, he delivers.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome James Patterson makes me want to write Review: I love this guy. I just started reading his books I am a huge Mary Higgins Clark fan so was a twist for me. I grew up in Fayetteville NC, my father is retired Army and my Mom worked at the Hospital across the street from the hotel where Dr Cross and Sampson stayed. When I started reading I could see my home town. I actually felt like i was in on this investigation with them. To me that is what a book should do for you. You can take on the persona of the characters, you want to get those bad guys as much as they do. Each one of his books ties his storys together you learn about the characters. You can actually relate to some ot the things they go through. I stongly reccomend this book to anyone who enjoys reading sheer imagination and excitability that you expect from any mystery writer.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Late-Night Page Turner Review: Alex Cross is back! Patterson's latest thriller takes Cross on a journey across the "grey wall of silence" within the Army...to uncover the ruthless murders of former Viet Nam soldiers. I was kind of turned off by the Army ruse, but it works well in this novel, adding yet another element of mystery to Cross' case. Some lamblast Patterson for the length, the chapters, the jumping around...but he does a good job of keeping you on the edge of your seat (case in point: I finished this book in two days. TWO days is usually a very short time for me!). In the end, all the peripheral information makes for a good book-- Patterson thrillers at it's best!
Rating:  Summary: typical patterson, but not up to snuff Review: its a typical patterson but not as spine tingling as the others. my 2 cents: read it to complete the set; but don't expect too much.
Rating:  Summary: Four Blind Mice Review: James Patterson has always has a unique style of writing his novels. The chapters are short but impact filled and it is easier to read with the short chapters rather than having long ones. Each book is always a new surprise and always comes filled with different twists and turn. Four Blind Mice comes highly recommended for those who are not weak in the stomach but for those who are should not read this book. It has very detailed, vivid descriptions of the many murder scenes that could make anyone's stomach do flips and flops. This book has the sadness, happiness and romance that most people would greatly enjoy. Four Blind Mice is about three man that are hired to kill people and the frame someone who is completely innocent. That poor person is sentenced to be executed for a crime they had no clue about and didn't even commit. Detective John Sampson of the Washington D.C. Police Department ask his good friend and highly decorated detective to help his army buddy Ellis Cooper, who is on death row, so he is saved from his framed murder. That detective is Alex Cross. He is a main character in a number of Patterson's novels. Ellis Cooper was just one of those many people framed by these three men. He was framed for the murder of three women but sadly this poor man is not saved in time. That is only the beginning of Alex and Sampson's long journey because in return they are compelled to find out who framed Ellis and had him executed. Throughout the course of the story the three men kill multiple times and every time they get away with it. They jus think it's some great big game that they can keep on playing and they're even getting paid to do it. So they don't care who has to die. Alex and Sampson interview a number of people who lost loved ones due to the three men's framing scheme. Each time the stories sound similar but there was still no lead to who the real killers were. Finally through Alex's persistent he finds a clue of who might be involved. Those three men where rangers in the army during Vietnam and Alex discovers that they killed many innocent civilians over there. He believes that's where all the killing really started. Those three men are Thomas Starkey, Warren Griffin, and Brownley Harris. These men are trained killers and know exactly what they are doing. Sampson and Alex decided to travel to were the vicious killers live and try to get a closer look on who they really are. Sampson and Alex caught up to the killers when they followed them to their cabin in the middle of nowhere. There was a party with girls and a lawyer and the three men also killed those innocent people. Sampson was shot and Alex tried to escape and shot one of the three men, but the other two caught up to him. Sampson wasn't dead and saved Alex by shooting the other to men but it wasn't over yet. There was still the person who was paying the men to commit the murders. His search leads back to a General Hutchinson, who was also involved in the Vietnam murders. Alex threatens the General that he will go to the press and tell them what really happened but that doesn't help him get information it just makes things worse. That made Hutchinson angry with Cross and so his men grabbed him and stuffed him into a trunk and drove some place so they could kill him. Then once again Alex was saved but this time by a Vietnamese gang. Then after his last run in it was finally all over, at least that case was, but Alex decided to take a job with the FBI so the many murder cases wasn't over yet. All through this book there was some romance and happiness combined in with all the killing. Alex got together with Jamilla Harris, who was a detective in California and had worked on a pervious case with Alex. Then Sampson became close to one of the women of a innocent man who was executed. In the end everyone was happy and everything was perfect. John Sampson even go married at the end to give the book a good happy ending. Things always do turn out just right in most of Patterson's books. All and all this was a good book and it was hard to put down once a person got started. The only bad part is that with these books you have to pay great attention to what is going on or you can easily get lost but they are always fun to read. So if you like those kinds of things grab this or any of the other James Patterson novel's and you'll be greatly pleased.