Rating:  Summary: Appliciable and benefical to Christians and non-Christians Review: I have co taught the material contained within this book, the workbook, and video tape series (video tapes highly recommended for the individual, as well as in a group setting).The material is easy to follow, implement in ones life, and results are astounding! Biblical references are helpful and tie in the material for use in a Christian setting. "Boundaries" is a good beginning step for lasting change.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect for understanding the importance of boundaries. Review: How come so many people in our society haven't been aware of this approach to improving our relationships with God, other people and ourselves? This is an excellent book!!! The examples of boundaries are very helpful. If you have had relationship problems in your life, this will really help you to understand why, and what needs to be done to heal. We have used it for a spiritual based discussion group and it has been remarkable to see the profound effects it has had in other people's lives as well as my own. Read this book!!!
Rating:  Summary: Practical Advice on taking responsibility for your life. Review: For Christians and non-Christians who can cope with bible verses invading otherwise sensible advice, this book is excellent at confirming what our consciences tell us - there are times when we should take responsibility for ourselves instead of blaming others, and times when we need to protect ourselves against others who, unintentionally or no, try to invade our boundaries.If your boundaries have been ruthlessly invaded, you will be relieved to find a book that confirms that the violation you have felt is not just your own weird and worthless reaction, and that you have been right to feel a need to protect yourself. If you like to manipulate or bully others, this book can give you an appreciation of what you put others through and maybe the reasons why you improve your self-worth by manipulating or bullying. This is an era where we can benefit from taking responsibility for ourselves and stop trying to feel better about ourselves by blaming others (witness the increasing numbers of absurd lawsuits). To the one star reader from Southern California, the Holy Spirit tells Christians whether they are acting like Christ or not (remember, he made a whip to drive out the moneychangers and he told people to repent and obey God - he was not a wimp who forgave those who continued to sin unrepentantly). The issue for us all is whether we can accept what the Holy Spirit says or whether we find it too hard to believe that the Holy Spirit can be so much more easygoing than we have learned to expect.
Rating:  Summary: A Life-changing Book! Review: I'm an Associate Pastor of Care Ministries in a large Southern Baptist Church. We have used this book with a video/discussion series for about 5 years. It's an easy read. Very user friendly. Boundaries has given many of our people a "new lease of life" and has "connected them more effectively with God and others".
Rating:  Summary: An eye opening and life changing book! Review: A 19th century author named John Ruskin once wrote, "Life being short, and the quiet hours of it few, we ought to waste none of them in reading valueless books." I take that to heart, and I must say that BOUNDARIES is one of the most valuable books I have ever read, and the time I invested in reading this book and in working the workbook, has been some of the wisest time I have ever spent. I will reap dividends for the rest of my life. The video series by the same title is WELL worth the time also!
Rating:  Summary: NO MORE CONTROLLING PEOPLE, NOT EVEN ME! Review: Boundaries is a book, that has shown me how it should have been from the start. From how bonding takes place with parents, to how to stop letting people control you. If you were raised by an older sibling. You probably need to read this book. Most of the older siblings, have a stronger control on siblings, than parents. They have something to prove. They are in CONTROL. And, guess who is being controlled, and sometimes those controlling spirits, just don't dissapear. We have to recognize when we are being controlled. And, know what to do about it. Boundaries teaches you how to take control without feeling guilty or disrespectful. It shows you how take control of your own life, and understand that you don't have to be controlled.
Rating:  Summary: "Christian" Psychology in 'Boundaries' Is NOT Christ-like. Review: In spite of the glowing reviews I've read, personal investigation and review showed that though "Boundaries" contains many specific Bible verses as prooftext of the author's assertions, I couldn't help but realise how far off the authors interpretation of the references were from what even the most obvious Biblical text conveyed. Their references are too frequently partial and far removed from context, even misquoting some phrases. The authors are irresponsible in their mis-application of Bible text references. If Jesus is God, (and no historical or archaeological discovery has ever proven that he was not) then the claims he made were real, his death and resurrection meant what he said it meant, and the 'born again' Christian should be a shining example of grace and forgiveness, open to God's leading and direction and free from the rigid, graceless and legalistic "Boundary" standards Cloud and Townsend promote. His life and death demonstrate that Jesus provides a far better example of love, grace, correction and restoration for relationships than what 'boundaries' endorses. I suggest holding steadfast with Jesus' example, getting to know him better by prayer and reading the Bible. Plainly, be done with this 'Boundaries' before you begin.
Rating:  Summary: For non-Christians too Review: This book has a biblical, Christian basis, and the online reviews here refer to that. But don't be discouraged from reading it if you are not a Christian. I'm not - this meant that sometimes I needed a Christian friend to explain a few things to me. But there is much to be gained from the book even for non-Christians. I found things here that I did not find in other books.
Rating:  Summary: This book will change your life if you let it. Review: I was profoundly affected by this book. It is impossible not to evolve into a better, stronger, more-centered person after reading "Boundaries." Cloud & Townsend move you with succinct writing and scriptual references to dig deeper, take responsibility for and have control over your life, and to become the best You that you can be. I refer to the book often and consider it a second Bible.
Rating:  Summary: Take control of your life. Review: Does your "Yes" mean "Yes"? Does your "No" mean "No"? Do you say them willingly or reluctantly? The authors offer insight into where and how boundry patterns originate. The authors answer many questions. Examples: How do I set limits on others or myself? What is the purpose of emotions? Is it all right to feel angry or guilty? This book is a beginning. Now I have the knowledge, I am to go in wisdom and love and practice what I have learned.