Rating:  Summary: Why all of the vitriole? Review: I am one week through the program and thusfar have found the results just short of amazing. My energy has soared(I look forward to my kids "attacking me" when I get home from work). I feel stronger after only 4 weight sessions. As someone who used to pedal for up to an hour on a stationary cycle at a constant speed,even with heart rates in the 140's-150's I'm seeing remarkable gains with the interval training(although I am generally going 30 minutes instead of 20)Despite being relatively active the past several years, as I've gotten older(now 38) it has become increasingly difficult to stay in-shape. I have never weight-trained before but somehow have always known deep inside that it probably is crucial in increasing metabolism and maintaining fitness as we age. I find Bill's writing style to be refreshing,so what if he's slightly self-congratulatory.I do though, also agree that he is plugging his EAS supplements, despite only mentioning them for 2-3 pages in the book. But can you blame him? They sure seem to work! My only complaint is that it's difficult to gauge what appropriate starting weights should be and at times have not felt like I was really struggling, but hey, I'm in this for the long haul. As for the myoplex, yes I've tried it and I actually think it's great. This sounds strange, but I can almost feel my muscles being replenished after drinking it. (taste:average but certainly palatable)I'm sure there are less expensive supplements with equal quality ingredients out there, or one certainly can eat food only, but have you tried to prepare 5-6 meals/day? In any event,again it's only been slightly more than a week,but it's been great so far, and my pants feel looser, I have a better attitude without my typical mood swings,(because of stable blood sugars from eating every 2-3 hrs?) and no hunger.
Rating:  Summary: Good book.. except for one crucial fault Review: I found this book as basic, and hence, good as I had imagined based on the former Phillips' stuff. But there is one crucial error in this Phillips' life style. Although the whole Body-for-LIFE is supposed to be centered on healthy life and healthy body it is still promoting the (excess) use of aspartame in one's diet, which we all know isn't healthy. Personally I have been waiting Bill to somehow react and answer to the people wanting more information on this subject, because no one's going to buy that 'it's all safe' talk, which I'm sure he's not even going to start with. So before EAS finds another way to sweeten their products I suggest that you stick to a healthier diet but apply the other good advice the book is offering.
Rating:  Summary: You Want Change-Buy The Book Review: "Body for Life" is targeted twords "average" people looking to change their bodies, an important fact to remember. It has been said that "Body for Life" is basically an ad for EAS (the acclaimed nutrition company Bill Phillips heads) supplements. However, when actually READING the book, you'll see that EAS supplements are mentioned primarily as a CHOICE (or in an EXAMPLE format) on relativly FEW pages of the 200+ page book. Hardly what I would consider an "Ad in book format". Bill Phillips believes his supplements can help you achieve what you want, if you choose not to take them, fine. Does it mean that your results may NOT be as dramatic as some of the 54,000+ people who have already used the program to transform their bodies in 12 weeks? Maybe. If that discourages you, you really shouldn't be purchasing Body for Life in the first place as what you are looking for can't be found in a book, it can only be found in your head/heart and its called a passionate desire to change. Look for it. The book contains is a "simple" exercise program. As with any new exercise program, consult your doctor before beginning. Many people find it is too hard to believe that achieving dramatic results can be done by using a "simple" exercise program, and for the most part, they are right. However, combine that "simple" exercise program with the nutritional guidelines included in the book (with OR without supplements) and you will make PROGRESS twords your goal of producing a better body, which Bill Phillips CLEARLY states you should be looking for as a principal of the program: Progress not Perfection. Nothing is misrepresented in the book. Many of the "reviewers" here have chosen to take EXCERPTS from the book in which to base their negative reviews on. This is similar to reviewing a movie based on a SINGLE scene. Hardly an accurate way to judge a COMPLETE program where all parts combined are equally important to your success. The facts are simple: It is a program that has PROVEN itself to work if you follow it as outlined. Your results will be determined by the effort you put into it. Changing minor aspects of the program (such as supplements) may or may not change your results. However, you MUST understand that changing ANY part of the program means you are NOT following a program that has been PROVEN to work a thousand times over and may not deliver the results "promised". Again, that is YOUR choice. After all is said and done, YOU will be the only one in YOUR body and it will be a body designed by YOUR choices. It is an inspirational book with an excellent 12 week program that, when followed, can change your body and your life but you must really WANT to change. It isn't a miracle cure. He gives you the map...But you have to follow it. PS..Some like to say Bill Phillips is only after your money. However, all monies he would make from "Body for Life" (which I believe is now in the $200,000 range) go to the Make a Wish Foundation NOT to Bill Phillips or EAS which is consistant with his other efforts to get you into shape (one of which has directly raised over 1.5 MILLION in donations). It is apparent to me that his ACTIONS speak far louder than "THEIR" words. PSS. I do not work (nor am I affiliated with) EAS or Bill Phillips in ANY way. I simply have started this program along with my wife 2 weeks ago and am seeing progress (more in her than me and not "dramatic" at this time but that is neither here nor there). That's it. My objectivity may be tainted because I see it working and, quite frankly, that is all that is important.
Rating:  Summary: A compelling book that should interest everyone. Review: Bill Phillips tells you how to regain the physical self you once had or the physical self you wish for. Everyone interested in losing weight and toning up needs to read this book,
Rating:  Summary: The Program Works, But It's All Up To You! Review: I found the book to be excellent. Yes, some of the information is basic, but the fact of the matter is, the program works. The problem I see is there are so many people out in the world that can't be taught anything. They are too negative to many of the truths that are presented to them in this book. From what I have seen in my life is, the people that can't complete anything are too weak to admit it. The book puts the entire program right before you to use if you wish. The lazy and narrow-minded people will never get anywhere, no matter what they try. The program in the book works for those who really follow it and want to change their lives. If you look at the ones that made the committment to change, you wil find they succeeded and changed their lives. I recommended the book to all my friend and family and it has already changed their lives. As for EAS supplements, I haven't used any of them, but still got results. If people would have bothered to look at the Sport Supplement Review (which Bill gives away free), they would have read Bill would like for you to use his products, but he also stated you can use other products from his competitors to get results. So those who want to sit around a bash the book, I say get a life and stop trying to hold the ones back from achieving their goals in life. Roger Younce
Rating:  Summary: Simple, Foolish, Waste of Print? I don't think so!!! Review: This book is for anyone who is looking for proven results and has DECIDED to make a change. The techniques described in the book are solid. I feel the book offers a great deal of motivation and provides beginners with enough information to make some positive changes for themselves. He goes over nutrition and exercise. Granted this information isn't a revalation however, to find it all together as it is presented in this book would be take more time than it would to buy the book, get it, read it and even go to your first workout. The part I like the most... all the proceeds from the book go to Make a Wish Foundation! BTW: When I first heard about this I too felt it was just a gimmick but now I know different.
Rating:  Summary: A well rounded source of information. Review: This book contains basically everything a person would need to start an effective weight training program. I agree with basically everything written, with a few exceptions. First of all, I think the workout guidelines may be a little too rigid. Everyone has different body types, and not all will respond to the same workout. A person like myself who has been working out for years and has reached a plateu, will probably not benefit from the same set/rep regimine as a person who just started working out. Another problem I noticed was that there is virtually no forearm exercise even mentioned. This is something that should have been addressed. Some people develop forearms quite well without any specialized exercises, but most probably do not. One caution to those who have a subscription to Muscle Media: you won't find much in this book you haven't already read. It's all good information, but it is somewhat redundant. Also, I would like to see one diet plan that doesn't include $10-15 dollars per day worth of Myoplex. I can say, that I would highly recommend this book to anyone just starting an exercise program. But to anyone who's been at it for a while, or is already a Muscle Media subscriber, you may not benefit that much.
Rating:  Summary: Just Like Any Other Fitness Book Review: There's nothing here that you probably don't already know. Nothing that you couldn't find for free at your public library. Does the program work? If you follow it. However, isn't that true of just about any somewhat rational diet/exercise regimen? I lost 40 lbs. by simply reducing my portion sizes, walking daily, and working out with weights. I understand many of us want a cheerleader, a motivator, some "expert" to tell us what to do, when the hard part is just getting on with it, and doing something. Buy the book if you have little or no access to diet/exercise info.
Rating:  Summary: Simple and fantastic Review: I have never wrote a review before, but after reading some of the reviews on Body for Life, I felt compelled to speak up. Notice that the great reviews are by people who are actually doing the program. The negative reviews are by people who took the lazy way out. They read it, then discarded it as bunk. TRY IT first before passing judgment. Also, if you truly read the book, then all the people complaining that Bill is trying to sell Myoplex weren't paying attention. The idea is to eat 6 meals. He offers Myoplex as a way to make life easier for people who don't want the hassle of planning 6 meals. He tells you that you have the option of using Mypolex or using food. The program works. I should know. I'm on week four and the results are amazing and I'm a personal trainer myself. It's hard to dispute such positive results and I recommend the program to anyone who's ready for the real thing.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding source of information and inspiration. Review: I found the book to be very informative and well thought out. I think the way Bill Phillips speaks in the book is just that, he is talking TO you not at you. The information on nutrition not only makes sense, but it is very easy to do. I know because I started following his advice as soon as I finished it! (which was a matter of hours and not days) The exercise outline he gives is a tough one to follow, but you get a good workout in much less time. He makes you take a hard look at yourself, both inside and out. I've follwed it for a week now and already feel better about myself. I'd like to say "thanks" to Bill Phillips for the material because I'm one of those people who exercise all the time and never saw results. This book will give direction and purpose to those who have tried and quit. The information in this book was so on the money, that I've decided to take up his "challenge". After reading it, I had the feeling of 'what have I got to lose but wasted time in the gym and some excess fat?!' This book is not one that will be put on a shelf to collect dust now that I've read it. It is staying on my night stand so I can use it as a reference and a reminder of what I can attain. The book will totally change your attitude for the better, if you let it. Once again, hats off to Bill Phillips and thanks.