Rating:  Summary: Simple, down to earth , practical and result oriented book!! Review: There is so much more in this book than nutrition and excercise. Bill reiterates time tested, life long principles that makes one decide to change for the better. Everyone knows about nutrition and excercise. probably too much. but there is still that struggle that we all go through. this book encompasses the daily struggles most of us have to deal with- even invevitable circumstances. not only does Bill mention it, He gives point by point strategies on how to turn negative obstacles into positive bridges. This book is simple to follow. highly motivating for a chronic procaratinator like yours truly. if you can read, write and are teacheable, you can do this. The part of this book that I like best is the chart of planning and actual results. old habits are just hard to break. simple, five minute planning is the key to breaking these routines. Right after reading the book today, I called the 800 number. I needed to know how much weight I should start with in the area of weight training. I was expecting an automated answering machine to direct me but to my pleasant surprise, a live fitness expert answered. Efficiency and Effectiveness is eminent in the author's book, his life and his business. I would highly recommend this book to anyone. just make sure you get it here at Amazon.com where I got it fifty percent off the cover price!!! I'm buying two more for my brother and sister back home!
Rating:  Summary: To help you attain the healty body you have always dreamed. Review: This is one of the BEST books I have EVER seen on the subject of building a healthy and fit body. The advice is no-nonesense and works and the concepts are written in such a way that they are easily understood. For example, understanding the "High Point" and going for quality over quanity blows much "fitness expert" advice right out of the water!! Basically, you go for an intensity in your weight training that pushes you past your self-limiting "best effort" and continually push that point higher and higher for results. Quickly you realize why you have been weight training for so long and so hard and getting NO WHERE!! Anyway... wonderful book and well written. Kudos to Bill Phillips! This book will help a lot of people get to where they have only dreamed... maybe me.
Rating:  Summary: Do you really think you need to swallow chemicals? Review: As a lot of people who gave '1 star' I want to repeat it again that the book is merely a huge ad for EAS products. Well, that's the way it is, if you want something to sell -- tell people how great it is over and over again. Now, think a little bit what happens to you and your budget after you complete 12 weeks. By that time you will spend almost $1,500 on EAS supplements and approximately $200 just on chicken. If you want to continue and stuff yourself with chemicals -- you going to spend as much as $6,000 a year just for supplements. And when you finally realize that it's WAY TOO expensive and diside to switch to another program that doesn't require such a heavy supplement load (as I did) -- you'll notice that you don't look that big and cute anymore. Thus, to be in shape all the time you'll have to spend $6K each year. How about if you find another program (or supplements) which is not THAT expensive, let's say $3,000 a year and use the other $3,000 you saved up to go on Hawaii with your honey. Each year.
Rating:  Summary: Quality information for people that need a spark. Review: Body for Life provides a clear solution to the most asked question of " What do I need to do to get my life and body back in to shape? " Yes , this books main focus is on rebuilding the new you physically, but along the way you find that it will also improve your total attitude about yourself. I recommend this book to people who are unsure of the correct path to follow, and to those of you that are currently up to date with what needs to be done, this book will clarify any questions. If you are a MuscleMedia subscriber you can find the same valuable information in his magazines. The only negative I have with this program, is that if you follow his supplementation guidelines, it will cost a minimum of $200 a month on supplements alone. But from the proven results, you can't afford not to give his 12 week program a shot and put any self doubt to rest.
Rating:  Summary: This book is wonderful, a must for anyone needing motivation Review: This is the most amazing book! I started reading it at 10:00 pm one evening and just couldn't put it down. I read the entire book, and found what I have been looking for to motivate me. Body for Life is not only inspirational, it gives you the tools to actually change your body and your life. Bill Phillips has given me reasons to get in shape that I couldn't find on my own. Don't get me wrong, they have always been there. I just never placed much importance on them. After reading his book, I feel that I could do anything that I set my mind to. Thanks, Bill!
Rating:  Summary: Thanks for the advice, Bill and Mike. It 's really helped. Review: A few weeks ago I noticed "Body for Life" advertised through Amazon.com. I really was not in the market for an exercise book, but I thought I'd take a look anyway. I read each and every review of the book and decided to see for myself why so many people had such drastically different opinions of the work. After reading the book a couple of times I decided to come back and thank you, Bill and Mike, for taking the time and effort to write and clearly explain how someone like me can make a wonderful and rewarding change for the better in their lives. Being in a declining state of health, I decided to ask my doctor if the information and advice would be something I could use for the betterment of my health. After the "AOK" from my physician, I started to apply the principles and am happy to report that I am seeing quite a positive change. I've found it valuable to have a book like "Body for Life" that simply explains the procedures and exercises and also gives a plan of action that is relatively easy to follow. In all honesty, I was not comfortable enough with my own body to venture directly into a gym and jump into a training program in full public view. Being so out of shape, I would have found it very intimidating and not even been able to start. I now know after talking with several friends that I am definitely not alone in this way of thinking. Your book has given a person like me the incentive, needed information and the opportunity to start to better my health and my life in general. I am grateful for that and wanted to take the time to thank you and wish you much success with the book. I do realize that success for the book also means success for the "Make a Wish Foundation". What a great way to share your success with others less fortunate by donating the proceeds from the book's sale to the foundation. Hopefully the many people who have reviewed your book and left their comments, to be so publicly displayed, will now take the opportunity to privately give of their time or out of their wallets to help someone around them that is less fortunate. To Bill and Mike, I once again say, " thank you". And to all that read this "review", I recommend that you take the hour or two that it takes to read this book and see for yourself. Good luck and health.
Rating:  Summary: A thorough, step by step and simple to understand program. Review: This book was the best I have ever read on fitness. The main theme is attitude, where Phillips is second to none. It offers many specific how-to's on how to transform your body, regardless of past failures or disappointments. As far as his critics, they must be his competition, because I love the magazine, and the book was even better. And, by the way, the Myoplex is much better than any other protein shake, hands down!
Rating:  Summary: This program is OK for loosing weight... Review: If you want to loose weight, this program will help. However, if gaining muscle mass is your main concern, don't bother even trying this. The program does not allow you to eat enough in order to gain weight. By the way, the only way to actually gain weight is to eat a surplus of calories. EAS supplements do work, but so do many others that cost much less. Do yourself a favor, by Bill's magazine, Muscle Media AS WELL AS others and be your own judge. Find out what works best for you and stick to that. Don't be convinced that Bill Phillips is the only fitness expert around. Most of all, don't buy this book unless you have no knowledge at all of fitness or bodybuilding.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Place To Start Review: I have been in weight training for several years and already have a fairly complete physique. But, when i heard about all the hype for Body of Life, I had to get a first hand look at what he had to offer. Bill Phillips has performed incredible transformations it the area of health and fitness. His goals are very clear and it he seems very sincere in helping to reshape the world. Body for Life is filled with some amazing real life stories that are sure to motivate you into making changes in your life. The book is definately a must buy if you want to change the way you look and the way you feel as the information he provided is backed up by the most scientific research available. However, it is focused purely on the "average man" i don't recommend it at all to anyone who is at an intermediate to advanced levels as the information would be very elementary. I am also an advante reader of Muscle Media and a few other publications. You could probably get most of the information out of those materials as a main source or a supplemental to the book. Upon completion of the book, I plan on giving to my out of shape brother who could have much better use for the book then i would. So, to summerize, this book is probably the best and most complete source for anyone who wants to change and doesn't know how to do it.
Rating:  Summary: Answers to Aspartame Concern... Review: Again, it appears that this book is being judged on inaccurate information. First, I have failed to find where Bill Phillips advocates the excess use of Aspartame (NutraSweet) as part of the "Body for Life" program. The closest I can find is his suggestion of using one of his supplements as a CHOICE in the "Nutrition for Life" portion of the book. Secondly, Aspartame is safe-PERIOD-and has repeatedly been PROVEN as such by the FDA as well as by scientific and medical professionals. Granted, anything consumed in "excess" may/may not be "good for you" but to lable Aspartame as some sort of "dangerous chemical" is completely inaccurate. The confusion with Asparame stems from IRRESPONSIBLE people (primarily on the Net) who do not do the research on their misinformation BEFORE spreading it as truth. They simply believe anything that they are told as long as it conforms to their own PERSONAL beliefs, accurate or not, with not proof WHATSOEVER as to the validity of their claims. The concern shown by many here is based on a E-mail HOAX which has been PROVEN to be completely false by Time magazine (which you can research yourself) and EVERY medical professional who has gotten a look at it. The bogus "Aspartame Warning" claims it causes everything from Brain Cancer to "Methonal Toxicity"...All of which have been PROVEN (not by another E-mail but by REAL WORLD scientists and health professionals who have done the RESEARCH) to be COMPLETELY and TOTALLY false. As a matter of fact, the very E-mail that has raised these concers FAILS to mention the SINGLE RISK FACTOR involved with Aspartame (which involves people with the rare genetic disorder "phenylketonuria" who can not metabolize one if its ingredients). As one reviewer points out, "Nobodys going to believe that 'its all safe' talk", which is SUPPOSED to inspire you to do research and find the FACTS. It is a shame the same can't be said when they THEMSELVES come across "its NOT all safe" talk.