Rating:  Summary: No need to take supplements Review: I have been on this program for three weeks and have lost six pounds and have dramatically increased the weight I can lift and what I can do on the bike. I have not taken any supplements due to the nutrasweet. I believe there are nonEAS products out there without the nutrasweet. Vegetables can be eaten six times a day if desired aand fruit substituted for the carbos-to reply to someone complaining about the f and v factor. I am never hungry and have huge amounts of energy which is brand new for me. Any cravings I get can be met on the once a week cheat day. I do think the requirement to buy his products for the competition is a blatant way for him to make money but I think he reimburses some. It's working for me and I think it is great.
Rating:  Summary: What's the big deal? Review: Wow! I thought I found the answer with this book. It's a best seller, people love it. Bill Phillips and Body for Life were going to change my life, transform my body. I was excited. I ordered the book, read it quick, re-read the parts I had questions about, printed out the tables (available for free at the web site advertised six times on each page of the book) and set off. This is great, I'm gonna do it. Finally change. Finally be the person I picture in my mind. I was going to have the body of my youth. The body that was on the high school soccer team, the body full of energy and strength. Is that what you are thinking reading the reviews and description of this book? Reality check time. Bill Phillips is a great salesman. His Body for Life system works okay but left much to be desired. I don't understand how doing 20 minutes of aerobic exersice will do your cardiovascular system much good. Yes, it's better than no exersice but not optimal. Reasearch indicates that 20 minutes is not even the minimun a person should do. If you are going to bother doing it, it's not much more difficult to do the 40 minutes. The complaint often sighted here is that this book is not healthy. It's a fair issue to bring up. Other plans will have you not only looking good but will have you feeling great. Bill Phillips will tell you that Body for Life will have you feeling great because you will be proud of your body. If you get in shape and are truely healthy then you will not only feel great because of your vanity but you will feel great because your body is in optimal health. Your heart, lungs, mind will be running strong. Vanity is a weak foundation on which to truely change your life. I also don't trust Bill Phillip's aspartame usage (in Myoplex or his "just sprinkle some on it"). There are better supplements which avoid this questionable supplement. I'm not saying aspartame is poison but there are enough questions for me to reduce my intake. Bill Phillip's style of writing is also a bit much. He does like himself and is very proud of his success. I don't like the fact that when he tries to say "I'm just like you" and "you know" he ends up sounding like he's taking down to me. Although others found his tone to be caring, I found it a bit insincere and condescending. In the end I really wonder why this book is so popular.
Rating:  Summary: 12 Week Wonders Review: I purchased "Body For Life" and found it an interesting read. It is a bit on the short side after eliminating all the "padding" but the motivational sections alone are worth the price. That is why I give it 3 stars. BUT LET'S GET REAL! 12 weeks? 4 months? Maybe all of the before pictures are not doctored (although some certainly LOOK a little strange) but common sense and my own experiences in the gym tell me that there is only one way to achieve the massive muscle growth shown in some of the pictures in just 12 short weeks: CHEMICALS. Steroids, HGH (human growth hormone) and others chemicals CAN produce quick results, but at the expense of your health. And, yes, when there are huge prizes at stake, there are contestants not above using some illegal substances to give them an edge. If you think the elemental weight exercises outlined in the book and the downing of Myoplex meal replacement powder will miraculously change you from Clark Kent into Superman in just 12 short weeks, please contact me about purchasing some beachfront property in Omaha! Yes, huge gains are possible without illegal chemicals. Hard work, careful diet, positive focus, and steely determination will all help. But you might still lag behind those who will risk their health in order to have a fantastic body. What looks great is NOT always healthy. Also, I don't put much stock in meal replacement powders. Diet is critical, supplements help. But the marketing of an overpriced powder like Myoplex is probably the sole reason for the existence of this book. Go ahead, improve yourself. But don't get discouraged when you can't achieve results like those in this book in just 4 short months. It takes years! Especially past 35. Trust me on this one.
Rating:  Summary: Clear, concise, and helpful. Review: After first READING this book and then looking at the reviews here, I am troubled. Sprinkled among the 4-5 star reviews and personal success stories there are more than a few 1-2 star reviewers who are filled with venom. I have no idea about B. Phillip's past or MM's history, but I do know that seeing the video and reading the book gave me hope and the spark of belief that I could change. Of course the book isn't revolutionary (or even evolutionary) but it is exactly what it claims to be. The chapter on the Abyss alone is worth the cover price (to me anyway). This book has given me the belief that improvement is possible, even for me. Those who are so full of spite, what do you offer?
Rating:  Summary: Cut and Paste Book Review: I bought Bill's book knowing full well that he promotes supplements. I even had my doubts about the validity of some of his "before-and-after" photos. Before buying the book, I requested literature from EAS when I considered joining his competition. AS A COMPUTER GRAPHICS expert, the first thing that caught my eye was the look of many of the BEFORE pictures. They looked DOCTORED! Not a great job, either. Many of the heads just didn't match the bodies. In some cases, the skin tone was not even the same. I computer-enhanced the pictures, blew them up to 10X their size and the "cut and paste" was obvious. Just to confirm my suspicions, I asked several acquaintences (not in the graphics biz) "what's wrong with this picture? The small ones...NOT my blowups. 9 out of 10 saw the doctoring immediately. It seems that in his zealousness Mr. Phillips took someone with an excellent body and put their head on someone with a flabby body. THAT became the before picture. You don't have to buy the book to check this out. Just request his literature and see if I am not right. This discovery turned me off to Bill Phillips and his competition. I will do it on my own. Bill
Rating:  Summary: This book has all the right tools for being Fit-for-Life. Review: I had read about this book in Bill's magazine called Muscle Media, and my life hasn't been the same since. This book provides one of the easiest nutrition programs ever while also being the best ever. You can choose your foods and you don't even need to count calories, grams, or anything, just portions. Portions, described by Bill, are the size of your fist. After reading about his Nutrition for Life method I could not wait to test it out. Because of the variety in all of your meals your body gets it all. I put on muscleand felt energized all day. He does try to sell his Myoplex shake to replace a couple of the small meals but I saw results even without his product. It is the best and will stay the best overall fitness book I have ever read and I will continue using the methods described in it the rest of my life.
Rating:  Summary: Every home should have one!! This works! I am living proof!! Review: This book is for all those whom has started a program and never finished. This is new Body for life not a short term fix. And you know what it is EASY yes, I said easy. My husband and I are on the program for life and it works! Bill Phillips has taken the complication out of keeping a fit body. This is for all those out then whom have tried and failed before. And for the those whom are in the gym way to many hours. Great job Bill and Thank you! Can't wait for the next book.
Rating:  Summary: It Works Review: You be the judge. 8th week on the program: Weight 168, down from 178 eight weeks ago; Waist 33", down from 35" eight weeks ago; Blood Pressure 121/58, down from 134/83 eight weeks ago. It's the last figure that amazes me most. This program is excellent. The only drawback: users could benefit from a spiral-bound notebook/diary format rather than the hardbound edition currently available.
Rating:  Summary: Easy to read and easy to do to gain results you want. Review: I read this book in three nights and immediately started the program on the fourth day. Its has been four weeks and three days since I bought this book and I have lost a total of 12 pounds. Bill Phillips diet and exercise plan is simply explained in his book that my wife got involved and she feels great and has much more energy to get her through her very busey schedule. Thanks Bill.
Rating:  Summary: Some serious problems Review: I just finished the book and I noticed some serious problems. As someone who has been lifting weights for several years, I have a real problem with his lack of warm-up or cool-downs. No one in their right mind would just pick up a weight and start lifting. That is a prescription for disaster! As far as the aerobics go, I like the idea of the intervals, but 20 minutes? Study after study has shown that you need to have your heart rate up for 30 minutes or more. I'll keep my aerobic workouts longer, thank you. Finally, his nutrition information. Where, in the grand plan, is 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day? You need the fiber, not just the nutrients (which are available in the supplements?) I agree with other reviewers, you many be getting a buff body out of this plan, but where is the health? Like any other book, I'll keep some ideas, but the majority of the book will not be used.