Rating:  Summary: This programme works! Review: At last a method for getting in shape that really works! I saw the book while travelling and kicked myself for not buying it. Finally broke down (thank you Amazon) and read it cover to cover non-stop. This programme is NOT "Too good to be true". Nutritionally it is sound, the exercise programme is elegant, straightforward and based on well researched principles. What makes this so different is that Phillips has hit on what makes people willing to get up off the couch and lift weights ... first thing in the morning! Who can resist a challenge? And that's the secret. Whether you enter his "official" challenge, or just do it on your own, you have entered into an irresistable game with your better self. And it's fun, never boring, and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to get incredible results. Phillips is sympathetic, inspiring, and knows what he's talking about. Along with the book (which includes a donation to "Make-a-Wish" Foundation) you get a whole support system. Thousands of people are doing this and there are several websites just for mutual help and support. Also great funny stories, tips for getting the best out of the programme, how to manage it if you are vegetarian, what to expect if you are diabetic, etc. My husband and I are taking the challenge. He never exercised a day in his life and now he's lifting weights and cycling 6 days a week! Me, I've never gotten the gym results I wanted and suddenly I've made more progress in 10 days than in ten years. We both have gobs of energy and get more motivated by the day. Try this - it is fun, it really works, and you will come out of it a better, more confident human being. And isn't that what we all want at the end of the day.
Rating:  Summary: Bill Phillips BFL Program Works Review: I have read many books on fitness and have worked out on and off for about 30 years, so I'm not new to this. What really convinced me that this book and program was different were the testimonials and before and after photos (some are literally unbelievable). A real bonus is his program does not require a huge exercise time investment - only about 4 hours per week. And, I definitely appreciated that his program could be done at home with minimal equipment. (Fortunately, we already owned a good treadmill and weights, so this part was easy.) Therefore, my wife and I bought and read the book and I convinced my wife to participate in the program along with me (she is definitely not a fitness buff!) Does it really work? Yes! I can already see the changes in our bodies for the better and our metabolisms are really revved up, just like he says will occur. We have been working the program for about 4 weeks, although we modified some of the guidelines to make it fit our needs and lifestyles. Overall, I think this is an excellent book and program and would rate it the book and program "4 ½ stars." However, it is not perfect. In some respects, his book and program "misses the boat." For example, his workout regimen and diets are not modified to accommodate males and females, young and old, fit and unfit. He does not give any good examples for women in their 50s or older. One standard program does Not work for all. Unfortunately, he does not tell the reader what to do once their goal is reached. He doesn't say what a good "maintenance program" would be. Another weak point is the lack of exercises for the thighs, abs or butt, so we are supplementing his program with some of Denise Austin's exercise tapes. (She's a great motivator!) Further, his diets do not provide for enough servings of fruits and vegetables - we really should be eating at least five to six per day. Finally, do you need to buy his shakes? No, of course not. Other brands should be fine. Or, eat low-fat cottage cheese and carrot sticks. Makes a great snack! We use protein bars because our jobs do not easily allow mixing shakes at work. Having said all this, still do get the book and work the program if you are serious about getting in shape. You can always modify it to suit your individual needs. It's fairly tough and rigorous; actually some parts are fairly rigid, but as I said, you can vary the exercises, diet, timing, etc. to accommodate your needs. As this is designed as an intensive program, expect to expend substantial effort. He does provide excellent motivation, both mental and physical. His exercise examples and selection are very good. And, he dispels quite a few myths about diet and exercise. Basically, using this book is like having your own highly skilled personal trainer with you whenever you want.
Rating:  Summary: It really works! Review: I have been doing this program for 2 weeks now, I've lost 11#'s and 3% body fat! I am really excited about it! Learning to eat isn't as hard as these people say it is. And the list they refer to is just examples of what you can eat. Not to mention his website gives you healthy recipies using the food he recommends. He also has a magazine Muscle Media. This is a unique programm because it not only helps you to lose fat weight and build muscle. It also motivates you to live a better life psychologicaly. Half of his contest is based on mental changes you have made a about life! I started out weighing over 200 lbs. with little motivation. The short power packed workouts really do work! They will leave you feeling sore afterward at first though, just like any exercise. He recommends his supplements and shakes,but if you follow the program he lets you know how to get by without them. His shakes are actually pretty good, and some days I just don't feel like puting together a homemade meal,and a shake is just easy. GNC has a generic brand of his shakes wich will work just as well. He has a lot of backup sources in his magazine,and his website,to keep you motivated and interested.
Rating:  Summary: Results are real. Review: I have not read this book or tried the diet yet but I can promise you it works. You see, Pete Holter from Frederick, MD., just won the Body-for-Life challenge. Pete is someone I grew up with and had a hand in talking him into joining the Air Force. While in the Air Force he decided to follow the Body-for-Life program. He went from being a thin kid to a body-builder in appearance. The story of how things progressed for Pete are actual and the results are real. Check out Bodyforlife.com and look on the right side of the screen for "AIM HIGH" with a head shot of Pete. This article is a reprint of the one in "Muscle Media" magazine for September 2000, his article is on page 110. After seeing the article on his success I contacted him and we talked about the program and how it could help me. As soon as I can get a copy of the book I am going to give it a try. Good luck to anyone else looking for a way to get back into shape.
Rating:  Summary: Run don't walk! Review: Put down your Harry Potter books....and run, do not walk, to get this fantastic book! I bought Fit for Life months ago and flipped through it, intrigued by the pictures. But I wondered how these people actually made such phenomenal physical strides in such a short time (12 weeks), then put it down and forgot about it. Then my lovely wife picked it up and began doing the workouts without telling me. I saw immediate results, and for the first time in her life she's stuck with an exercise strategy. So, I began the workouts in earnest about 3 weeks ago. Don't do what I did, though. I've been very athletic all my life, playing basketball several times a week with some haphazard weight lifting along with several other sports. So, what did I do? I started out lifting too much weight, and paid for it with incredibly sore muscles. So don't be a macho man like me and suffer. Start slow and let the workouts build at a reasonable pace. I've lost weight and inches already, but the best thing is that I have a plan rather than a haphazard schedule that did nothing but help me put on too many pounds. And I feel great and already look better! One last note: this is not easy! It will take a lot of effort on your part. But it is definitely worthwhile. I've recommended it to all my friends already! So go buy this book!
Rating:  Summary: What Do You Expect? Review: Okay. Let's get right down to it. There are many different approaches one can take to improve physical appearnace and all around health. This book merely outlines one way. But regardless of whatever method you choose, one variable will always remain constant: you have to commit yourself wholeheartedly and WORK to make a change. Bill Phillips' book gives you that jolt to get started and stay focused. I have been on the program for several weeks now and have been experiencing a HUGE improvement. Havng worked out for many years I can honestly say that I never really achieved any substantial results. For me, three factors were to blame...lack of motivation, lack of commitment and poor diet. This book has literally changed my life around and has given my training regimen a sense of purpose. I am now on track in all three areas and that's what you need to be successful. For anyone considering purchasing this book, do it! It's inspirational and may be that small spark you need to ignite the burning desire within to make a change. For the people that say the program doesn't work, ask yourself this question: "What do I expect to happen?" Find the right answer and you'll realize that it's not the book, it's you that can turn things around. I'm doing it and was a huge skeptic in the beginning. But it does work only if you do!
Rating:  Summary: Great Review: This is a must have book if you are into prolonging your life!
Rating:  Summary: Go For It! Review: This is truly a wonderful book by a gifted man with a depth of insight into human nature rarely encountered in our "psychologized" society. It's full of common sense advice that will help sustain the long term commitment that will make this program work for you! The weight training program is simple, inexpensive, and effective. The nutritional advice is also simple, although more difficult to follow. I tend to cheat on programs like this, but Bill even builds a cheat factor into the program. One day a week you eat whatever you want. The only problem is Bill gets you so enthusiastic about the progress you're making that I now feel guilty eating my favorite foods even when they're allowed! Do yourself a favor. Buy this book. Follow this program. It works.
Rating:  Summary: Life Altering Review: I did not want to read one more book on fitness. I resisted - although the photos were compelling. Then I ran into someone that had used this book to get in the best shape of her life. I was intrigued.... so I did a 12 week program and found it to be truly life altering. After at least 15 years of working out regularly and trying eating plan after eating plan, to finally get my weight under control ALONG with the routine required to maintain it - is a life altering experience for me. Certainly the program is challenging - although it is not difficult. It takes focus and planning and inspiration to make the personal changes and to believe that your body can change the way others bodies have changed. The results are not immediate - and initially I was discouraged. I did the math - big results in 12 weeks meant I would make solid progress each of those 12 weeks. I did not see anything for 6 weeks, but once I saw the results - I knew that they were solid and I was on my way. The program does take planning. Especially the first week. But as hard as you work, you see results from that work - first from the inside, then everyone you know comments on the changes... I am a firm believer in this approach and this plan. It is probably not for everyone, but it has changed my entire approach to everything I do, not just my fitness routine, my job, my marriage, my personal relationships. It simplified and redirected my efforts in the right direction. I will keep using this plan to maintain and continue my incredible success.
Rating:  Summary: Body 4 Life! Review: At first glance of Body For Life you can allow yourself a few minutes to giggle at the before and after photos, then cry at the long list of instructions that will lead to you losing weight or getting in better shape. This book is NOT for someone who is already an average weight and wants to lift weights, it's for anyone who is sligtly over weight. The problem is Bill Phillips is not equipped to deal with anyone who is seriously over weight and it shows in this book. If you're looking to lose 40 pounds in two weeks and all the rest that comes with it then this isn't the book for you, you need a more traditional diet book, but if you want to get rid of that beer belly or ever increasing bum then this one is for you. Be warned though, you'll need to spend quite a bit of money to get the weights indicated in this book, using tins of beans doesn't really work for me and just makes me more hungry. A highly illustrated book that is for anyone who wants to tone up their body but has never set foot in a gym before, and doesn't want to, easy quick ways to help yourself while at home.