Rating:  Summary: Academic Silliness Review: This book is about five times as long as it needs to be. The only relevant parts of the book are chapter 3, part of chapter 4 on flow activities, and a few of the ideas from the remaining chapters, most of which consist of examples of people Csikszentmihalyi claim are engaging in flow activities.Mr. Csikszentmihalyi insists... and insists... and insists that his work is scientific and states over and over the academic rigor that has gone into his studies - not to mention quote after quote taken from Greek philosophers and modern psychologists that always almost exactly fail to be relevant to the chapter they appear in. It seems he uses them to increase the size of the references section. Then, he proceeds to shatter this illusion he creates. He provides irrelevant discussion and experimental data such as the section in chapter 4 entitled "neurophysiology and flow." In it, he speaks of an experiment which shows absolutely nothing about the relationship between neurophysiology and flow. At the end of the chapter he writes: "The neurological evidence does not, however, prove that some individuals have inherited a genetic advantage in controlling attention and therefore experiencing flow. The findings could be explained in terms of learning rather than inheritance." Later, he speaks of martial arts, making all sorts of errors. He claims that judo, jujitsu, kung fu, karate, tae kwon do, aikido and T'ai Chi ch'uan all originate in China (106). He says that "Those who can perform it well claim that fighting becomes a joyous artistic performance..." Hmmm.... Many martial artists (myself included) might object to the use of the word "joy" in describing the flow that comes in an intense combat situation. "No-mind" or Bruce Lee's "serious play" is not "joy." It seems that Mr. Csikszentmihalyi ran out of examples to expand his 50 page book into a 250 page one so he started making stuff up. Don't buy this book - certainly don't read the whole thing. I already wasted my time doing this. You don't have to also :-) If you are curious about the concept, go to your local bookstore, find this book, turn to page 208, the summary, and read until page 213. That's the book in a nutshell. Then, read from page 72 to 77. Although repetitive and filled with more examples than "How to Win Friends and Influence People" it is filled with valuable information. If you are still curious, read the first paragraph on page 49 on what a flow experience in like. Then, put the book down. Continue to browse. The psychology section is filled with interesting and worthwhile titles!
Rating:  Summary: Some Secrets of Creativity Review: While I do not agree with Csikszentmihalyi's philosophy or religious positions, I think he has some valid insights on the process of creativity. In writing on the internal rewards of creativity, he says "There is no question that to survive, and especially to survive in a complex society, it is necessary to work for external goals, and to postpone immediate gratifications....The solution is to gradually become free of societal rewards and learn how to substitute for them rewards that are under one's own powers." One such system of internal rewards is the enjoyment of accomplishing something creatively. He says such an experience can become a positive addiction. In the flow experience, one loses a sense of self in that one expands beyond self to an "undreamed of state" of consciousness. One is lost in one's work. "Everything the body can do is potentially enjoyable" he tell us. He quotes Thomas Carlyle saying, "Blessed is he who has found his work; let him ask no other blessedness." There are some highly useful insights in this wonderful book. He causes you to realize overcoming obstacles is not the exception, but the expectation in life. Flow is the process whereby creatively overcoming challenges is redefined in a positive perspective.
Rating:  Summary: Already a Classic Review: Csikszentmihalyi's "Flow" is to *psychological* capital what Robert Putnam's "Bowling Alone" is to *social* capital. These classics present two of the most useful theories ever to come out of the social sciences; they are blueprints for improving lives and building better societies. A more recent title by Csikszentmihalyi, "The Evolving Self," explores implications of flow theory for civilization and culture. Gallwey's "Inner Game of Work" is a good follow-up to reading Csikszentmihalyi. Flow isn't something you can afford to stay in the dark about.
Rating:  Summary: Get in the Flow! Review: Cziskszentmihalyi introduces an experiential concept that he calls "Flow". He suggests that this experiential state is intricately related to our happiness and explores the central factors that are associated with the phenomena. By comparing various examples of moments of "Flow" and others not of "Flow", the author provides an in depth investigation into this subjective state of mind. Some of the author's scientific research on this topic is also discussed. It is clear that the author is onto something very interesting and important just from the fact that this concept has crept into many books on Psychology in the past few years. The writing is not too technical and is understandable for people who are not experts in the field. Highly recommended! If you are interested in a fascinating book that takes this even one step further and places these experiences in a larger context, I suggest "The Ever-Transcending Spirit" by Toru Sato. It is an incredible book that explains the connection between consciousness, relationships, life, spirituality, human development and evolution in such a simple way that it will astound you!
Rating:  Summary: Stephen Covey, Anthony Robbins, step aside! Review: The publications and blather out there are endless! The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Personal Power, First Things First (duh!) are great feel good books, but what does one really get out of them? Well, after reading them, one supposedly knows what successful people do, what to do first, or maybe have an increased sense of personal power. Somehow, I don't think so. Enter Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and the idea of Flow. Flow is about finding meaning in a particular activity, profession or if one is really fortunate in life. The bottom line is that to achieve maximum happiness, enjoyment, or even "success" a person will often have "flow" experiences. It's when worries slip away, when a person or a team is engaged in an activity, and is so focused that it seems effortless. Covey, Robbins, and the rest of em', will present you with a square peg which you may be able to smash into a round hole if you keep hitting it hard enough. Understanding, yourself and what brings you satisfaction in life must come before following any prescribed method for improvement or success. If you love what you do, and do what you love, you don't need some guru to give you the steps to success. Flow can help you find and understand that. You've got to start with the basics, and this book can provide insight on what flow is, what conditions facilitate it, how to achieve it, and where to start. Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: Read this along with The Evolving Self Review: Flow is a wonderful book to help you get to wherever it is that you want to go. I also recomend The Evolving Self, a newer book by the author. Great book. Thanks, we needed this!
Rating:  Summary: Not what you think it is. Review: Judging by the 1 star reviews, it is painfully obvious that: 1) Those 1 star reviewers have never read the book 2) They have no earthly clue what this book is all about. HINT: Flow is a state of consiousness. A state of being. This book has helped me with my golf game, my performance on the job and in relationships with my spouse and family. Great book. 1 star reviewers, try reading the book and then come back and place your review.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful book Review: This outstanding book Mihaly Csikszentmihayli is a tuly the best book of it's kind on the market. It is not a motivational, "pump-up" book. Rather it is based on true psychology and on what works. Not just a "feel good" book. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Great book - highly recommended Review: This book is outstanding for anyone who wants to get the most out of life. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Get into Flow Review: I'm in sales and this book helped me tremendously to "flow" with my sales presentations and on a personal development level. My sales more than doubled in 4 months. Absolutely great book. Highly receommended.