Rating:  Summary: Don't let the title scare you away. Review: Excellent, excellent read. Don't let title scare you away. The book has nothing to do with bedroom "activites". Cannie, who recently "took a break" from her boyfriend, is horrified to find he has written a column about her in a widely read magazine. Not just a column, a column about her weight & how she need to cope with it of all things!! Cannie is a witty, fun character who will have you laughing the whole way through and cheering her on.
Rating:  Summary: Ironically, she's probably NOT good in bed! Review: This book is alot like a rollercoaster... alot of up moments and alot of down ones. A perfect day at the spa with a famous friend, a chapter of moaning and groaning about her body, her life.... AGH!!! Who needs a book to do that? I felt like there were many cliche moments and parts of the book seemed stale and overused... (get over the slimy old boyfriend already). So many times while reading this book I said out load "Yeah, right"... I laughed alot, too. I had deja-vu... similarities to the book She's Come Undone... It's almost as if the main character is denying her weight more than embracing it. The author (who seems to have put ALOT of herself in this book) is creating a fantasy for her own insecurities with a character who seems to have everything but still complains and has nervous breakdowns! I don't get it. The feeling I got when I saw the title: YES! A sexy woman embracing her curviness! The feeling I got when I finished reading: YUCK! The only moments we ever witnessed her in bed was with her slimy ex. Desperately trying to make him love her. DOUBLE YUCK! So... that's my take on it... go ahead and buy it, but don't expect anything new or memorable.
Rating:  Summary: Bridget who? Review: I feel guilty for even comparing Bridget Jones to Cannie Shapiro...I would hang out with Cannie.
Rating:  Summary: What a wonderful character! Review: Cannie is definitely a heroine after my own heart. I have to admit that when I first got this book, I was expecting pure "fluff." However, I was surprised by how much I cared about Cannie. I was genuinely rooting for her. I notice that many people writing reviews for this book concentrate on her weight. Is she overweight or is she not? But I think this book can be applied to anyone who is feeling inadequate or embarrassed about how they look. Weiner's style was casual, but very witty and touching. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a light, entertaining read with a little something more!
Rating:  Summary: Good for a day at the beach and that's about it Review: Overall, I enjoyed this book--it's the kind of book that you can read over a couple of days at the beach. However, I know it's received a degree of critical acclaim, and that's what I can't figure out. Except for the fact that the protagonist is a "larger woman" (and she doesn't even sound like she's THAT large), the author isn't covering any new territory here, with her tale of a woman who's trying to come to grips with self-image, her family, and being suddenly single. She spends pretty much the entire book pining away over her ex-boyfriend, and he sounds like a total loser. This is standard romance novel fare,... Some of the characters are improbable (e.g., Maxi Ryder) and the plot twists unbelievable ...this is all fine, entertaining stuff...for a romance novel. To try to pass it off as something more literary is misleading, especially because it is so sloppily edited (misspellings and plot inconsistencies throughout). Clearly, the author is writing about herself, her own experiences and opinions, and giving herself the ending she wishes maybe she had in her own life. From her plus-sized figure to her witty repartee to her father who abandoned her (after about the millionth reference to her father leaving the family, I wanted to scream, "If you're as clever as you think you are, why don't you just find a good therapist and GET OVER IT?!"), there's just too much Jennifer Weiner in here. It's also irritating how she introduces her favorite celebrities into the plot (Maxi Ryder = Minnie Driver; Adrian Stadt = Adam Sandler). It all comes off like we're reading her personal fantasies. This book held my attention, though, because I thought Ms. Weiner had some good ideas, and I was interested to know how she wrapped the plot up into an ending. With the next book, I hope she strives for more imaginative characters, a little less melodrama, and a better editor.
Rating:  Summary: Not what I had hoped for... Review: When I read the synopsis of this book, I was excited to read this book. I thought that this would be a book about some gutsy character that happened to be overweight and was trying to find her place in this world. I was partially right. The main character is overweight, but she was far from gutsy. She spent the whole book completely obsessed with her weight problem and feeling sorry for herself. You got the feeling, that the reason people didn't always like her was not because of her weight, but had more to do with her being emotionally needy, insecure and extremely narcissistic. You never got the feeling that she empathized with any one else's plight, but she spent the whole time crying about how hard her life was as a heavy person. And then the author tried to make this girl a hero and had these famous beautiful hollywood people just love her because she has such a great personality. The way that it was written, it was completely not believable and at times embarrassing. Plus, you had to wonder about the message that this theme portrayed. If this woman wanted everyone to love her for who she was and not what she looked like then why was it so important that these shallow but beatiful movie stars be impressed with her? It felt like she didn't practice what she preached. I was very disappointed with the way that this book portrayed a heavy woman. It actually reinforced a bad stereotype of overweight woman as emotionally weak, needy, desperate and constantly resentful of the world because of their plight. Give me a break.
Rating:  Summary: Good to read in bed Review: This book is well written and highly engaging. Some books are hard to "get into" but this book kept me interested from the first page. A few times I would opt to take the bus to work rather than walk so I could keep reading. The Philadelphia references were a neat treat as well. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Been There, Done That.... Maybe Not! Review: I began this book because an unmarried twenty-something friend recommended it; I am a thirty-something married who happens to like to read. Probably the only reason I stuck with this book... (because I really didn't feel I had anything in common with the story line) was because this story unfolded, grew and was more than it's surface implied. I stuck with it, and am glad that I did. The beginning was chocked full of the stories I've lived ad-nauseum during my 'hey-day' as a single woman. I really didn't have much patience for reliving my 'stupid' days as a single, pondering over men who weren't worth it.... But I kept reading and found that this book offered a bit more than I'd expected. It went beyond the 'single angst' as I'd expected. The main character, Cannie Shapiro is a 27 year old writer who, although is a college graduate, does not have the self-esteem to see herself more than 'less than' everyone else. She is overweight, although strong, she's been abondonded by her father, essentially abandoned my her mother who has decided she is a lesbian, and has recently 'lost' her boyfriend, Bruce. The story follows her struggles with all of these issues ... all the while showing Cannie's wit, strength, pain, and growth. All in all, this book was more than a 'Twenty-Something' thing for this 'Thirty-Something' woman.
Rating:  Summary: Good in Bed is great! Review: I enjoyed this book very much. If you are a woman with a weight struggle, or you love one, you ought to read this book. The world may sometimes be cruel to larger women, but we are the cruelest to ourselves. This book highlights that cruelty in many ways, but it also outlines the journey through that dark tunnel into the light of self confidence and true happiness. The characters are very real and you share all their pain and joy throughout the book. This is a great book!
Rating:  Summary: Could Not Put it Down! Review: I highly recommend this book!! Unlike another reviewer who explained that s/he read a lot, I don't read often enough. I typically start a book and get 30-60 pages into it before it ends up back on my bookshelf and forgotten. This is the first book I have read in years that I could not put down. The characters are engaging and real and the writing is excellent! The story twists and turns in ways that are totally unpredictable and there is never a dull moment. I became so intrigued by the characters and the story that I could never find the right page to put the book down. I wish I could find more books like "Good in Bed" and can't wait for Jennifer Weiner's next book!