Rating:  Summary: Gotta Love a larger woman! Review: This book has so many good qualities that it's hard to seperate them. This book was great for many reasons but what I found most inspiring was that finally a larger woman is portrayed as a real woman with a life and family and men problems. Then there is the many adventures of Cannie Shapiro... from New York to Hollywood and back to Philly! And even better, Cannie stays a "larger woman" and likes herself!The writing here is comical, easy, and very entertaining. I recommend this to all who like a great read!
Rating:  Summary: A great beach read! Review: OK, so it's winter. A beach book is still a beach book and this is one of the really fun ones. You just want to keep reading this book....
Rating:  Summary: Satisfying From Cover to Cover Review: This book starts when Cannie finds out that her ex-boyfriend, Bruce, has written an article about her in a widely-read women's magazine. He describes her as being a "larger woman" (something she never thought of herself as). She begins to go to "fat classes" to lose weight. She begs for Bruce to take her back. After all, she was the one that said she thought they needed "a break". Instead, he continues to put his thoughts on display to America in his magazine column and starts dating another woman. Cannie is a funny and lovable character. As i read this book, I pictured the author (picture on back cover) as the main character. And I wasn't far off. This is definitely a case of an author writing a wish-fullfilment book. The story began taking small cues from the author's own life: she dumped a boyfriend only to want him back only to find that he'd found someone new already. A friend of mine who also read GOOD IN BED said that some of the story seemed to be unlikely to happen in real life. But, hey, this is fiction! Fiction doesn't have to resemble what is most likely to take place. It can resemble the "what-ifs" of life. For example, Cannie becomes best friends with a movie star and is whisked off to California to spend time with her. This, too, came from the author's daydream: WHAT IF the author hadn't been stood up for that interview and became best friends with the movie star instead? The main character, Cannie, says all those smart things that the author couldn't come up with until hours later in real life. The character is blessed with what the author only daydreamed had been the real life outcome. The story has a satisfying conclusion and is satisfying throughout. The characters were all 3-demensional and lovable and I had difficulty putting the book down.
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous! Review: I loved this novel! I wish I read it sooner, and maybe not as quickly (I flew threw this in a few days, and greatly disapointed that it ended). Perhaps it was because the author portrays Cannie as a real woman, not a comical version of a larger woman like in Jemima J. or one totally obsessed with her weight like Bridget Jones who wasn't even a big girl. And even better, Cannie stays a large woman and learns to love that. There were a few surprises in Good in Bed, which I won't spoil, but you get sucked into Cannie's life from the first sentence. She is recently seperated from her long time boyfriend, then thinks it's a mistake sometime after. She is enraged that he wrote about her in popular women's magazine. And that is just the beginning of her tale. Don't skip this book. Not only is it a wonderful story with a fabulous heroine, you'll put it down and feel proud to be a "larger women".
Rating:  Summary: Funny and Tender Review: Jennifer Weiner captures your heart with this book. Even if you are not the fat girl, you can relate to her experience on some level. She handles hurt with humor and tenderness. I highly recommend this book. I think it is one most anyone would enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: 4.5 stars! Funny romantic book that pulls you in Review: This is the first book of Jennifer Weiner's that I have read but it won't be the last. I laughed out loud many times while reading this book. I love the heroine and friendships she cultivates. If you liked Bridget Jones Diary, you'll like this! It's witty and I would love to see it made into a movie (if they follow the author's advice... it's in the back of the book)
Rating:  Summary: This One's For the Fat Chicks Review: Every other fat woman out there that thinks that life would be perfect if she could just get skinny, needs to read this book. I used to be Cannie. Every heavy woman that I know has been her or still is her. You know, apologizing for our size, afraid of showing our naked bodies, bound and determined to be "Good in Bed", to make up for our unsightly bodies. This novel reminds you that there's a lot more to a woman than her dress size. This novel makes you fall in love with Cannie. What's more, it makes you fall a little more in love with yourself. Which is something every fat chick needs. It's good for little women too, because the message isn't really about being fat, it's about the unrealistic expectations that women place on themselves. Other things that make me appreciate the pluses and minuses of being a woman are Barbara Kingsolver's Prodigal Summer, Anna Madorsky's music, hearing Etta James sing, Fried Green Tomatoes, and anything and everything about the Sweet Potato Queens.
Rating:  Summary: quite enjoyable Review: I really enjoyed this book. The characters are well written, and the pacing is pretty quick and even, in that you can follow what's happening, but you don't feel like a point is being labored to death. I was recommended this book by my wife, who is now reading Ms. Weiner's second book. I'm very glad she did. Gives a good look into the mind of a female character, and I would venture to say that men would enjoy this as well (as I did), as some of the problems and trials faced by Cannie (our hero in the book) are not gender-specific. We all face self doubt and so forth. This book tells a good story of dealing with what we have, and making the most of it, even when we feel like there's no way to do so.
Rating:  Summary: One of The Best Books I Ever Read Review: Good In Bed is by far one of the best books I have ever read. I would rank it right up there with The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Jennifer Weiner is an excellent author. I think Cannie is the kind of character that most young women in their 20's and 30's could relate to on a number of levels. Whether you have struggled with your weight, have had trouble getting over a guy you love, have unresolved issues with your family, or even if you havent had any of these problems, you could understand Cannie and what she is going through. She is definitely the type of character that you root for and want her to have a happy ending. I could hardly put this book down yet i didnt want it to end. I heard they might be making this book into a show, similar to Sex in the City...if that is true, I cant wait to see it!!!
Rating:  Summary: A Thoughtful Review Review: I've given this book (and consequently this review) a lot of thought. First of all, it's fairly long-or seemed long-so I didn't whip through it like I do most of the books I read. So Cannie, the main character, has been in my life for a while. It must be said that Jennifer Weiner is a very gifted writer. Through her characters we learn that she's funny and smart, and her witty banter keeps you reading. Her Cannie is well drawn and likable and it's what gets the reader through most of the rather contrived plot. I loved the first half, where we meet a "large woman" and experience her coming-of-age metamorphosis; however, I found her friendship with the Hollywood starlet, as well as other plot diversions, to be (again) contrived and even juvenile. Nevertheless . . . the author is clearly a talent worth watching and because of this, I highly recommend Good In Bed as a fun-and mindless read. The paperback version, which I picked up at a Target store (when I was supposed to be buying socks for my kids), labeled it a "beach book." Now I know why.