Rating:  Summary: I owe this guy $10,000.00 Review: I was Sarno's biggest skeptic and still question the details... BUT. I had really severe back pain from 1985 to 1998, enough I would stay in bed, crawl around on all four, couldn't get dressed, and no decent exercise. The Doc's wanted to operate after x-rays and an MRI, I was ready too. Then I saw Stossel's 20:20 report on Sarno and said why not try. So I bought the books and the tapes, and IT WORKED ! It took maybe 3 months for it to really sink in but after 13 years of misery, and around [$$$] (not counting the $4k MRI), a miracle... I have no pain, NONE, zilch .... amazing
Rating:  Summary: In Pain? Read this book! Review: After suffering on and off from back, knee and foot pain for years, I read Dr. Sarno's book. I have felt so much better ever since - four years now! Everytime I start experiencing pain, I reread his book and within a couple of days I'm better. I am off of my 800mg of Ibuprofen a day. I don't know if he is right on the money with his theory, or if it is just mind over matter or what. Quite frankly, I don't care. All I know is I am in my forties and feel better than I did throughout all of my thirties. I only wish I had heard of his book earlier.
Rating:  Summary: This book changed my life and my way of dealing with pain Review: I am fairly skeptical by nature, but found out about this book last year when I went online to get information about back pain and help for back pain. I read it at a time in my life when I was desperate to 'hear' something that would help my back get better. At the time I began to read the book, I could not walk, could not stand up straight, was living on painkillers, and was facing surgery, which I did not want. I had just experienced the death of a loved family member. I was afraid of becoming an invalid, afraid of the future, just plain afraid. The book calmed me down, gave me the information I was looking for, and gave me a focus. I did what Sarno suggested, talked to myself, gave myself pep talks, talked to my brain about what I was afraid of. I literally forced myself to deal the pain and when I started to try his advice there was plenty of it. I kept tabs on what I had been thinking about or feeling every time I had sharp jabs of pain. I kept a log of my 'successes' each day, like going down the stairs to pick up my mail. It took a few weeks, but my fears subsided and so did my pain. The proof? I went for an MRI that showed that I still had a herniated disk, although somewhat regressed, but I had absolutely no more pain. It sounds too good to be true, but his book works. I needed to hear what he had to say.
Rating:  Summary: Three years, still cured Review: First of all, my story is very similar to most other readers who have posted reviews, including years of pain, doctors, medications, therapy, and facing a prospect of surgery. I then heard John Stossel (ABC's 20/20 reporter) tell his story of curing his back pain and decided to try it. I wasn't even through the book and my pain started subsiding. It's been three years being completely back pain-free. Furthermore, I have found his "technique" (or theory, really) works for many other health issues I've encountered: sinus, stomach, and musculoskeletal problems. I've read some of the other reviews where the person was not helped by Dr. Sarno's information. I would like to offer my advice that I found very helpful in my healing--though it sounds silly, I utilized the self-talk with my "brain," telling it to STOP the pain, that I don't need the pain, and that I CAN handle the emotional issues that are going on in my life. Saying this statement with firm intent and emotion I think has been the key to triggering an effect. Dr. Sarno's teachings may very well be the most important discovery to ultimately healing a myriad of illness and disorders.
Rating:  Summary: Forget what the doc told you, this is the answer Review: After 7 months of daily excruciating pain, I read this book and immediately started getting better. I had tried it all - three doctors, physical therapy for three months, painkillers, etc. Conventional medicine fails to acknowledge the connection between our mind and body. It's not only shortsighted but really bad medicine. This book doesn't offer an "alternative" view - it's the correct view. Decades from now, people will see it as only common sense. Don't waste your time or money on endless treatments that don't work. Keep an open mind and try this book.
Rating:  Summary: Saved my life not one, not two, but three times.... Review: Prior to February 1999, I had a "bad back". One day in February of 1999, I confided to a friend my frustration around my latest backache that had gone on for about two months, and she loaned me her copy of Sarno's book. A brilliant light was shone on my whole situation. My back pain cleared up within two weeks, never to return (until recently). This year, 2002, has been especially stressful for me, for a number of reasons. As a result, I had a backache from January through March. The pain was annoying yet didn't impair my mobility. I knew that it was TMS, but I was not ready to "deal with it". In April, I read one page of the Sarno book (you will know which page), actively applied the principles, and my pain was again eliminated within about 10 days. You would think this is the end of my story, but it is only the beginning. Seven weeks ago (6/10/2002), I was ambushed by intense leg pain, which seemed to get worse and worse with each subsequent day, making it more and more difficult to walk. I had never experienced leg pain before in my life, and I had no idea what it was. I went to a doctor who, following 5 minutes of questions and a visual examination, informed me that I had sciatica caused by a "pinched nerve". The pinched nerve was caused by a misalignment of my spine probably caused by a 4-mile run the previous week. She recommended a stretching routine and suggested that I stop picking up my one-year-old son. My pain grew and I became increasingly fearful. Four chiropractic visits did absolutely nothing. I could stand or walk for only 30 seconds at a time. Simple daily activities became impossible. After two weeks of this hell I began to accept the possibility of prolonged disability. With very little hope I picked up Sarno's book again. You cannot imagine my surprise and relief to learn that sciatica is firmly in the TMS realm. I read the book cover-to-cover five weeks ago. I experienced noticeable relief after one week. I am doing the emotional work that is required (if you think this is easy, you are wrong). Every week, my pain reduces. At this point, I can walk for 10 minutes without pain. I conduct all normal activities without fear, peppered with short sitting breaks. I have experienced this improvement with no physical therapies whatsoever, and I pick up and carry my 25-lb. baby boy all the time. I am disappointed that I am not yet pain-free, but I know with certainty that I will be soon. TMS is real, and I have it. Sarno's book is not a quick fix, and it is not "alternative medicine". It describes a real problem and provides the path to a real solution. Read the book and be well. And tell your friends!
Rating:  Summary: The Book Really Really Works Review: I would go through periods were I would be in agony with back pain that would last weeks. I have been pain free for over 10 years. The book isn't science it's healing. Now I keep a few copies on hand at all times so I can give the book to my friends who have back pain because it works for them too.
Rating:  Summary: Three Years Later, Still Pain Free Review: It's been three years since I first read this book and said goodbye to my long history of backpain (see my first customer review "My Back Pain Evaporated", 3 Aug 2000). Today I ride roller coasters and roughhouse with my young sons, help co-workers move office furniture (including large safes), and enjoy life each and every day. I've probably purchased 15 copies of this book and given away all but two. I always keep a copy close at hand to review whenever my back gets stiff from day to day pressures. It allows me to re-focus and my back quickly loosens up. I LOVE THIS BOOK. Thanks Dr. Sarno.
Rating:  Summary: It works, it really works! Review: My lower back pain was unbearable...I could not stand in line in a supermarket for more than a few minutes. I was scared to go to sleep at night because of the pain. I went to see a specialist who said there was nothing wrong with me and sent me home. Then I read Dr. Sarno's book, and really tried to become aware of what's going on in my brain. It worked! I haven't had back pain since...it's been two years now. We carry amazing power inside of us, we just need to recognize it...and use it! Thank you, Dr. Sarno for reminding me of who I really am!!
Rating:  Summary: A conspicuous absence of scientific method Review: There is a lot of junk science going on today. Dr. Sarno isn't what one would call a a crank by any means. In his own practice he is well reputed, otherwise he would not be teaching at the NYU School of Medicine. But he appeals to those who read junk science because they desperately need something to believe in. His stories are anecdotal. There is no serious reference to or documentation for actual studies that can be verified by the reader / researcher -- instead gushing testimonials from fans. The unconscious mind is indeed suggestible, as he says. Where he goes wrong, is his assumption that today most people with chronic pain have repressed their resentments. Not in this day and age. This is the age of the victim -- where people have been taught it's OK to be resentful! He quotes Kenneth Pelletier (my own therapist) who told me he had an 80-year client who spent every session "railing about his cruel mother." Ironically every other mental health professional cited in his book has stated, in some manner in his/her book, that a focus on negative emotions is what CAUSES pain, and that it must be let go. Sarno is recommending the opposite, that pain is associated with some "hidden resentment," and it must be called up every time the pain surfaces. If that is what you teach your "suggestible mind," then, you will train it to make that connection. I would ask Dr. Sarno, how do you explain the same kinds of chronic pain in ANIMALS? They don't even know the meaning of "resentment," let alone have hidden ones. Many people are convinced prayer works, and because they are blinded by their belief that "someone 'up there' cares," they feel they are healed. It may work, but it's pure shamanism.