Rating:  Summary: From a cynic--it works... Review: You can read testimonial after testimonial, and here's one more: I lived the pain and felt the pain that for more than three years defined my life. Walking and getting through the day were, at times, extreme agony. Former passions like running and biking were a memory. Fear--of flying, social engagements, lifting, and doing almost anything other than lying on a cushion in my living room--was the norm.Even after buying this book and quickly perusing it, I didn't think it applied to me, so I called Dr. Sarno, who curtly informed me, "I can't help you because you don't live in New York. Read the book. You definitely have TMS. If it still hurts, then read the book again." I can't tell you the pain miraculously went away one day. I can tell you the book made a clear case over time that the manifestations of the pain itself, e.g., switching from side to side, varying in intensity for no apparent reason, became clearly illogical...and this was the beginning of the end for the pain phase of my life. In summary, spend the ten or so bucks and do the "work" prescribed. You too will be biking, jogging, rollerblading, swimming...if that's what you want to do. It sure beats thousands of dollars and endless frustration with orthopedists, chiropractors, physiatrists, physical therapists, acupuncturists, etc. The medical profession may think Dr. Sarno is a quack, but I think these testimonials speak for themselves.
Rating:  Summary: experienced this first hand--it works Review: Was told by a doctor that I would be paralyzed & incontinent over 3 years ago without emergency surgery--Dr. Sarno showed another way while still having me follow through to make sure that I was mediclly sound via conventional means--referred me to a neurologist who gave me "the benefit of the doubt" and here I am stronger than ever without any surgical procedures. It's hard and emotionally painful--but it works...
Rating:  Summary: End back pain forever! Review: I was told about this book by a business associate. He was unable to bend down to tie his shoes much less play with his infant son. After reading this book he was pain free in a matter of days. Sounds too good to be true, but I had been through 10 years of pain, chiropractic, exercises, medication, hanging upside down - all to no avail. The doctors wanted to operate, the diagnisis was a herniated disk at L5. Two weeks after reading this book I was pain free. I was sceptical at first but had nothing to loose. Everyone that I have referred to this book has been 100% cured. Read it and change your life.
Rating:  Summary: If you have back pain you MUST read this book. Review: This book will change your life and your outlook on many illness'. I was told I would never regain use of my leg unless I had surgery on my back. By reading this book and by seeing Dr. Sarno my back pain was eliminated. His focus is on tension and anger and how it affects your body.
Rating:  Summary: Will it work for you? Review: I read this book over a year ago and I've been "liberated" from my backpain. It took a few months of hard work working with the book. I have tried giving this book to other "back sufferers" but most people, for whetever reason, can't relate to this book. Perhaps they need the emotional crutch of being a "sufferer" or they can't admit to having "problems" or perhaps they don't have the time and patientence to "work" through this book.
Rating:  Summary: This book will change your life. Review: When I was told by somebody else who read Dr. Sarno's book that he read the book and his back pain was gone, I became an immediate skeptic. But after trying every other precedure short of surgery for my back pain, I figured reading the book couldn't be too painful. And I was right--it was actually painless, as I have been ever since. After trying Chiropractors, physical therapy, exercises, drugs, Cordozone injections, epideral taps, back braces etc., it was this book that cured me. I read the book 6 months ago and have not had any pain since. It sounds too good to be true--but it is true. Anybody with back pain must take a few hours to read this incredible book. It seemed that on every page, Dr. Sarno was describing me and my condition. I have gone from having pain all day long at work, limiting all of my activities, to living a pain free and very active lifestyle. I HIGHLY recommend "Healing Back Pain" to anybody and everybody suffering daily from this pain. You won't believe it but it truly has healing powers
Rating:  Summary: This book will make your back pain go away in no time! Review: Dr. Sarno explores back pain from an emotional perspective that most doctors don't even acknowledge. He empowers readers to get rid of their back pain without drugs or surgery. Reading this book gave me the knowledge to eliminate my back pain--I'd been suffering for more than a year--and my headaches as well. I've been pain free for more than a year. If you're suffering from chronic back pain, read this book
Rating:  Summary: A review of the mind's role on causing back pain Review: This is a very readable book on the way the mind can affect real pain - in the back. It is very readable and convincing. It offer that stress and repressed anger can actually physically constrict nerve impules and its related affects in ways that cause the lower back pain that affects millions of Americans. The key to Dr. Sarno's remedy - and this is the key to being able to believe it and apply it - is to confront the psychogenic origin of the pain and drop all other therapies and aids. In other words, no more physical therapy, braces, exercises or adjustments since these are crutches that preclude confronting the mental origin of the problem. His argument is convincing and worth reading - but as one who suffers from chronic back problems, its an awful tough call to quit the physical remedy in lieu of the mental one.
Nonetheless, its worth a read because it does provide insight whether one takes on Dr. Sarno's remedy or not.
Rating:  Summary: Healing Back Pain by Sarno Review: This book links the mind and pain sensations to the gastrointestinal tract. There is an association between the pain signals and the gastrointestinal tract; however, the curative result is in controlling inflammation. The author provides a good analysis of peripheral nerve involvement in the management of pain. Specific coping strategies are cited, as well as testimonials in the form of numerous letters from satisfied followers and adherents. The author cites Vitamin C in megadoses as a preferred treatment option. He relates pain to specific anger as an undercurrent which magnifies the pain sensations in proportion to the degree of anger/resentment present. The author describes the oxygen deprivation in muscles and specific trigger points for pain. These ideas complement existing knowledge in conventional medicine,as well as known oxygen therapies in Europe.
Rating:  Summary: This Works and Should Be Required Reading Review: Several years ago I was off work for nine months because of what the doctors diagnosed as repetitive motion and then disc problems. AFTER major sugery, when they told me I'd be out of work and in excruciating pain the rest of my life, I found this book--it was next to one of those "how to live with excruciating pain" books. Within two hours of starting to read Dr. Sarno's Healing Back Pain I could turn my neck. Within two weeks the pain was completely gone, and I've been a ball of fire since. I wish I could thank him in person. Buy this book, if you can, do it before you commit to major surgery.