Rating:  Summary: This book saved my life. Review: I was hesitant to read his book--I thought that my problem could only be fixed by getting the right medical care, not by reading a book. But Dr. Sarno described my symptoms and a clear path of action to get rid of them. Now I can focus on living, not pain.
Rating:  Summary: An easy, fast, enjoyable, helpful read! Review: OK brain, knock it off! No more TMS! I loved it. Easy to understand. Forthright and to the point. It goes hand-in-hand with the self talk: Get off my back! and She is a pain in butt and Don't cram your warped opinions and lies down my throat! Wish I'd had this book 6 years ago. Sarno calls a spade a spade. Too bad other M.Ds can't get the picture. It's worth buying and reading.
Rating:  Summary: This truly works Review: This book is a classic example of seemingly too good to be true, yet it turns out to be as good as advertised. Dr. Sarno walks you through the philosophy behind his mind-body connection principles, then gets right to the prescription, which I anxiously awaited. I suffered psiatic nerve/lower back pain for 3+ years, suspended activities I loved, saw a myotherapist (no success), accupuncturist (decent though not ultimate success), stretched, etc. But this book was absolutely what finally rid me of 98% of my pain, and enabled me to resume 100% of my physical activities (e.g., I am jogging and skiiing again w/ NO pain and no pre- or post-Advil required). The book requires some reflection, specifically, identifying past sources of unresolved stress, tension or anger that initially triggered the pain syndrome. But anyone who has experienced back pain would readily agree that this journey is worth it.
Rating:  Summary: No Pain. Review: 26 years old. Couldn't stand up or walk. Didn't have back surgery (even though 3 doctors told me to) for herniated disk. Checked into Mayo clinic for 4 days, had every test they could administer, received a CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH. Still couldn't stand up or walk. Didn't repond to steroids. Someone gave me Dr. Sarno's book and at this point, I was ready for anything. Read the book and called him since I lived in New York City. Went to see him. I have had no pain since then. Don't wait another second... Get the book and read it with an open mind.
Rating:  Summary: This book and a pitcher of margaritas cued my back pain! Review: For over twenty years I experienced back pain that some times incapacitated me. Six years ago, on a business trip, my back 'went out' on an airplane and I was unsure whether I could get out of my seat. I struggled to get out of the plane and checked in to my hotel on the River Walk in San Antonio Texas. I went right to bed but, upon attempting to get up in an hour, found that I had to roll out onto the floor. I yelled so loud that a security person actually checked in on me.I hobbled down the stairs to the escalator, out onto the River Walk and stopped in a bookstore to pick up a copy of the Comsumer Union's Back Book. It was out of stock but I spied a copy of Healing Back Pain. I purchased the book and walked a few steps to a mexican restaurant on the River Walk. Opening the book, I ordered a pitcher of margaritas to reduce the pain and began to read. It was a fast read and upon getting to the end and finishing the last drop in my pitcher, I finally got up and walked away - never to be truly bothered by back pain again. I've read the book several times since and have given away approximately 50 of them to friends (most of whom have had similar results). In fact I've just given away my last copy and logged on to Amazon.COM to reorder ten more. It was time for me to drop this note to those of you who have not yet read this book. Suspend your beliefs, read the book, and get rid of your back pain. A pitcher of margaritas might not hurt either (;-).
Rating:  Summary: Pain free within 3 weeks Review: This book is not for the feint hearted. To read it, and believe it, and so find the road to a cure for back pain, requires the suspension of disbelief. Anyone who has faith in modern medical techniques is challenged to question them in a gentle, but powerful way. The book centres around explaining a problem called Tension Myosytis Syndrome (TMS). In itself it is perfectly harmless but through continued muscle spasms due to lack of oxygen, TMS is responsible for the most excruciating pain that people with back problems suffer from. TMS is a condition which certain types of people are predisposed to, but it is rarely diagnosed. It is persuasively argued to be the manifestation of a persons' worries or tension rather than the pain being a result of an accident or specific event. Everything is explained clearly without being in the least patronising, and you will know whether TMS applies to you and your symptoms very early on. Although self diagnosis is not recommended, the book itself and the ability to take in the theories behind it provides the reader with the ability to cure themselves. It sounds too good to be true, but after 5 years and endless visits to doctors and specialists, this one book has allowed me to break free of my pain.
Rating:  Summary: An extraordinary approach that all should know of. Review: I have personally treated in excess of 1000 patients utilizing this approach; an approach that I was personally trained in by Dr. Sarno. This book is an incredible educational tool that has cured many patients, under my care and around the country. Every back pain sufferer should read this book and consider this perspective. Dr. Sarno is a pioneer in Mind-Body Medicine. Michael Sinel, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor UCLA School of Medicine and author of "Win the Battle Against Back Pain - An Integrated Mind-Body Approach."
Rating:  Summary: Skeptic goes two years without back pain Review: What can I say? I am the biggest skeptic I know. When I originally injured my back shoveling snow, then reinjured it playing basketball, someone recommended that I read an article about this guy Dr. Sarno. I didn't take the advice -- xrays indicated a physical injury -- and who was this guy to doubt my pain. I spent over 10 years limiting my activity with an average of every third day in substantial pain. So finally, after getting a tip from a co-worker I respect, I read this book. Two weeks later... no more pain. After several orthopedists, physical therapists, and chiroquackters, finally no pain. After thousands of dollars of treatment, a $15 book fixed me. To be totally honest, every three months or so when a major storm goes through I get a twinge. But my worst day now is better than my best days three years ago. I'm still a skeptic in every other area and can laugh about what I call the "I believe in Tinkerbell cure." But it worked. Try it, believe it and you'll probably have a good result. And if this works, what does this say about the rest of traditional medicine? Good luck.
Rating:  Summary: Revelation! Review: If you want to buy only one book about your back, this is the book! What a revelation! I've suffered with back pain for 20 years. This book describes me, my life, and my symptoms! And it will undoubtedly describe yours. I read it in one sitting. This should be required reading for anyone who's ever dealt with the frustration of doctors and diagnoses, with the cycles of pain, pain and more pain, and wondered "why me."
Rating:  Summary: Very inspirational and direct. Review: I guess I shouldn't be suprised at how negative people are about a prescription that costs next to nothing. We have all been well trained to believe that you get what you pay for. As for me I have suffered from severe back pain since I was 17 years old, and it has become more frequent and debilitating over the years. I'm going to give Dr. Sarno's approach my best effort. Drugs, exercises, gravity beds, and an endless stream of advice from other sufferers has never done much, except to make me feel ever more disillusioned and hopeless. It has become blatently clear to me that the medical community knows next to nothing. One has only to observe the frequency with which they retract findings and treatments. The medical and pharmaceutical community would like all of us to continue filling their pockets, and they cannot endorse anyone who so rightly exposes their motives.