Rating:  Summary: This book is great! Review: I live in Buffalo NY, home of the deep fried chicken wing and quite possibly my favorite food. I bought this book, followed the guidelines to a tee, and have lost 25 pounds. And guess what, everyother day for lunch I polish off 30 deep fried wings...guilt free! Life does not get any better than this folks!
Rating:  Summary: It is simply amazing! Review: I had tried everything to lose weight. I had always been thin until about six years ago and I started putting on weight.. about 10 pounds a year until I was 50 pounds over my usual weight! I got so discouraged. I tried all kinds of diets from slim fast to low fat to vegetarinism. I would run 3 miles a day and still couldn't lose. I tried the Atkins diet and lost 20 pounds in two months and now I am getting the last 20 pounds off as we speak. The energy I have had is unreal. I feel better and I never feel depressed. The clothes are getting baggier. I got in a size 8 the other day. Everyone started really noticing and they all asked me for a copy of the diet. I put my daughter on it too. She is 11 and she has lost about 15 pounds already in just a month. I highly recommend this diet. It is the only one that has worked for me!
Rating:  Summary: Forty pounds gone in thirteen weeks! Review: 40 pounds in 13 weeks, and the scale keeps winding counterclockwise. My numbers speak for themselves. What more can be said? Atkins rocks.
Rating:  Summary: Great Diet - Feel better than ever when I'm on it. Review: This is the best diet I have ever been on. I realize it's not for all people. My husband was on it for six months and never lost a pound. Doc says that's not possible and checked him for a yeast infection. As soon as that was cleared up his weight went right down. Ask the doomsayers 1. If the diet is so bad why do I feel so good when I'm on it and so bad when I'm off? Also ask , if the low fat, high carb diet is so good for us why aren't we the slimmist, healthiest country on the planet?
Rating:  Summary: Big Fat Lies Review: This diet is a dangerous piece of pseudoscience. People sometimes lose weight on this diet, but not for the reasons that the author claims. First of all, a high protein diet causes dehydration. Anyone losing more than a pound or two per week is almost certainly losing water weight. Peeing more won't make you thin, period. Second, although the author describes the diet as "luxurious" it is actually very restrictive. The only reason anyone loses weight is because she expends more calories than she takes in. There is nothing special about the diet itself, except that it tends to be rather unappetizing to most people. Consequently, they may eat fewer calories and thereby lose weight. A stated aim of the Atkins Diet is to induce ketosis, a metabolically toxic state. Weight-loss can cause ketosis, not the other way around! Artifically inducing ketosis by diet is not only ineffective, but dangerous.
Rating:  Summary: LOVING LOSING! Review: I bought this book about a week ago and I have lost 4 pounds. I have had Insulin-Dependent Diabetes for 18 years and my bloodsugar has never been better. My bloodsugar now ranges between 90-130, as opposed to 200-550. I also don't have low bloodsugar readings anymore from insulin reactions. I now take about 1/3 less insulin than I used to take. The protein in this diet really keeps my bloodsugar stable. I feel so good now--so much energy! I also had an eating disorder in which I basically starved myself for 2 years. I lived on Diet-Pepsi and fat free Pretzels to keep myself at a gangly-looking size one. Once I started eating again, everything I ate was stored as fat. I soon ballooned out to a size 12. I've struggled with the thought of "not eating" again many times. When a friend told me about this book, I read it and thought, "Wow, I think I can do that!" Eating a low-carb diet makes so much sense. Even if I didn't lose weight, the benefit of having "normal" bloodsugars and more energy is worth every gram of protein that I put in my mouth! The Atkin's diet is not really a "diet"--full of restrictions....its a way of life. Try it! What have you got to lose? Thanks Dr. Atkins!!
Rating:  Summary: The only diet in the world. Review: If you dont lose weight on this diet you are eating too many carbs. This is the best diet in the world as well as the best feeling diet. In order to master this diet you have got to rid yourself of the addiction of sugar. After the the first two weeks of eating only protein and fat you feel powerful. (literally)
Rating:  Summary: The easiest, most effective diet by far!!!!!! Review: I have written comments on here a couple of times before, but I like to keep people informed of my progress, as I like to know about my fellow dieters too. I started the diet mid-March, and by now I have lost around 27 lbs (got another 110lbs to go). It has been easier than any diet I have ever tried, and I have tried quite a few, believe you me! I did, about a week ago, experience some tough constipation, but I realized straight away that it was due to the lack of fibre in my diet, so I fixed that and now I'm fine. Sometimes it is really annoying when people write bad comments here and at the same time it being so obvious that they haven't even read the WHOLE book, like one person said "and what happenes when you get off the diet....." I just shook my head in fustration. If this person HAD read the book, even if it had been the summary,they would have known that is not a diet one gets on and off from like a bloody bus, but a life time nutritional philosophy. One person said that they weren't losing weight even though they were eating according to the instructions, especially loads of salads........sigh.....Dr. Atkins said that should you not lose weight, CUT OUT THE SALAD! People like them are so happy to critisise the diet as soon as things do not go to plan.....well, to all of you out there: Maybe you ARE doing something wrong but you just don't realize it because you never read the WHOLE book!!!! I'm not saying that this is the one and only diet for everyone, but if you cannot be bothered to concentrate on the contents of the entire book, you cannot blame anyone else but yourself. I must admit that I feel really passionate about the diet, and where ever I am and who ever I talk to, I always manage to tell them about the diet, whether they look like they need it or not. The main reason for this is that here, "on the other side of the pond" very few people have heard about it, and ever fewer can name foods that are either low or high in carbohydrates.... LOW FAT!! LOW FAT!! is the way we do it here......Well not anymore, I'M GOING TO MAKE SURE OF THAT!!!!!!! Wish me luck!!! P.S If anyone can tell me where to get the TV program about the diet "The View" I would be more than grateful!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: needs to be more informative about what you can eat. Review: I started the atkins diet last Monday and lost 7 lbs the 1st week. Of course, I am very pleased. But I am confused about how phase II differs from phase one. The diet seems great, although I read a lot of controversy on low carb diets. I plan to stick with it for a while, just to see what happens. But I will have to read some sections again to see what I missed. My weight loss is aready noticable, and 3 people at work have run out to buy the book.
Rating:  Summary: Loved the book but it didn't work for me. Review: I thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution. However, I had a problem with the diet. He says give us 14 days! Well, the first week I lost 11 lbs, the second week I gained 5 lbs. So I decided it must have been water weight, and I would try another two weeks on the induction diet. I did not cheat for the 4 weeks, and continued to lose and re-gain the same 5 lbs over and over again, until I finally went off of the diet. I cut my carbs to 10 per day. I really felt this was a good diet I could live by. I felt much better being on the diet. But I never really got into ketosis, and the weight did not fall off. I am rather baffled. I know several people who have lost tremendously and feel wonderful on this diet. I would love any help given.