Rating:  Summary: Low Carbs vs. Low Fat Review: LISTEN TO ME!! This diet works!! Since Apr, I have lost 40 lbs. I have finally reached my goal (28yo/6'2"/185). I started exercising after the induction phase (at which I lost 12 lbs.) and weight has constantly been dropping. I slowed when I started training because muscle weighs more than fat. Also, my carbs have been increased to 50-60/day. Don't want to lose any more. My wife loves the muscles!! She's started the diet because of all the "attention" I am getting. I feel great. If you're tired of eggs, throw in some cheese, salsa and sour cream, mushrooms, etc. Treat yourself once a week once you have 'mastered' your new way of eating (it's not a diet). The will results will be worth it. For you low-fat junkies... admit it. You have never lost weight this fast eating "low-fat." If you're having trouble or feeling discouraged, email me.
Rating:  Summary: Book needs more information and more detailed summaries Review: I have read the book from front to back over and over. Went on the diet 2 months ago,after the 3rd day had a lot of energy. Then around the 7th day had a very bad upset stomach and bad headache for around 4 days. Finally went off it and just started to eat normally and felt like CRAP again, no energy.I have hypothyroidism which makes it very difficult in losing weight also. I took all the vitamins that DR Atkins suggest and then some.Well I went back on the diet again, never could get in the ketosis state. :( FRUSTRATING...This is my last hope for losing and I don't know what else to do. I need to lose over 200 lbs. :( ashame to say that, but true. I am in desperate need of help from someone who has so knowledge on this diet.I am having a very hard time understanding it and finding the foods also. Either they have sugar or carbs. Also I was drinking alot of water but that can be a drag after a while. So I was drinking non caffiene sodas and using equal in decaff iced tea. Do you think that aspartame is the problem for me to get in the ketosis state. Also I have diabetes 2 and when I was on it I have to say the numbers were lower. So I know this does work but I just need to get some knowledge and some questions answered so I can get started again. I also got that natural sweetener at GNC and all the other vitamins that were suggested. FYI if anyone lives near a SAMS club and is a member they have most of the vitamins there and are much cheaper. Well I hope this review will maybe catch someones eye and if so please email me. Would greatly appreciate it. To all of you dieting, keep up the good work and hopefully I can start losing and reporting my loses as well. :) PS. Many has emailed me before and was very helpful and was very appreciative for there concern. I guess I just need someone who can just click on something that I am missing and with all the other advice I have received will put me on the right track. Thanks for reading.
Rating:  Summary: Bad nutrition for long term Review: It seems like a theoretically sound way to lose weight, but a horrible diet to maintain for a lifetime! Eggs and bacon every day? Unlimited amounts of red meat permitted and even encouraged? Cholesterol would seem to sky-rocket with this diet. While Dr. Atkin's provides a very cursory explanation for how this won't happen, I want to know more. Okay, say cholesterol isn't a problem. What about all the free-radicals from the meat? And the lack of natural anti-oxidants and phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables that can't be replicated very well with vitamins? I agree that excess refined sugars and starches should be eliminated from the diets of people who are overweight and not very physically active--there's no need for them. But there's got to be a way to incorporate more fruits and veggies--they are absolutely necessary! Dr.Atkins, please provide some answers.
Rating:  Summary: 1 Year Anniversary, Still Loving It! Review: I am one of the "idiots" who tried Atkins,as the previous comment from NY put it. I've noticed the negative reviews come from people who do not read the entire book & have taken sentences out of context. Well, this idiot is a 40 year old woman with a 24 inch waist, not bad!. No I don't gorge myself on high fat, Dr. Atkins said to only eat till you are not hungry not to keep stuffing yourself. The morons who just read a few pages think you are supposed to stay on induction forever. It has its purpose but you are supposed to go to the next phase. I eat moderate fat, more protein. I also eat lots of green vegetables and small amounts of fruit. My muscle tone is much better since I've been eating more protein and best of all I feel satisfied at mealtime not half starved. I can eat more than I did on a higher carb foods but I don't eat like a pig either. It's not Dr. Atkins fault if you don't follow his instructions. I've done it for over a year and it has made me look & feel healthier. So there!
Rating:  Summary: An all around feel good diet Review: The first few days of this diet was tough getting used to but I am on my 10th day and feel great. I have lost 10 pounds and have more energy then before. My wife and I also bought the carb counter companion, and the cook book and found it very helpful. (By the way, she has lost 8 pounds) The only down side of the diet is that I am getting tired of eating eggs for breakfast and salad for lunch. Anytime you start wondering if this diet is for you, just hop on the scale and look at your weightloss. You need to do the diet to the letter during the first 14 days or you will miss what a great diet this is.
Rating:  Summary: It works Review: I've been dieting on and off since the age of 10, and in all that time I've found two diets that work -- Atkins and starvation. Enough said.If you're skeptical, I was too. I'm usually a big believer in "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is", but this is the exception that proves the rule. You may be concerned about the health effects of a relatively high fat diet. All I can say is, you can blindly swallow the bullshit proselytizing of the medical establishment, or you can think for yourself. Thousands of people have been on this diet over the last thirty years with no ill effects. And if your doctor tells you otherwise, find a new doctor. Don't forget, this is the same fool who told you that the way to lose weight was to "eat sensibly and get a little exercise".
Rating:  Summary: Finally! Something that works, Review: The book has taught me how to eat, feel satisfied and feel full of energy. I have not been in this kind of shape since highschool. Thank you for the opportunity to discover a healthier lifestyle. Bart
Rating:  Summary: 2 1/2 months later... Review: and 35 pounds lighter. I've had my bad days, just not giving up. I strongly recommend that anyone starting the diet, not only know your beginning weight, but also your body measurements. On weeks when the scales wouldn't budge, I'd still loose inches. A nurse once told me something that really helps. "Muscle weighs more than fat, but fat takes up more space than muscle". So, if you're loosing inches, you're still loosing fat. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to change the way they think about food and dieting. It's not a diet, but a complete change in lifestyle.
Rating:  Summary: Easy to Follow and Important to Remember Later Review: I have been dieting all of my life and I found that Dr. Atkins' book was pretty easy to follow. I couldn't believe that I lost 10.5 pounds in 8 days. YES, over 10 pounds in a week and I only exercised twice. I'm in my second week now and pray that the pounds keep coming off. It's important to remember later, once you've completed the "induction", that you MUST cut down on the carbs -- ALL OF US eat too much of it. I recommend it for those of you who LOVE potatoes, fries, macaroni and cheese, and rice. I don't even want those foods anymore. I've lost the taste for them. Believe me. Give it a try for 14 days. Watcha got to lose???
Rating:  Summary: Very Informative Review: I read Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution and Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution. It was truly amazing that this is the only diet that I have ever been able to stay on and see quick results.However there are alot of food recommendations in both books that you are allowed to eat according to their information but when you try and purchase some of these items at grocery they all contain sugar??carbs? Example you can eat all of the bacon, ham,& cold cuts (hot dogs) but where can you find any of these grocery store items that do not contain sugar?? of some form. They all have sugar!!! I found one brand of salt pork at Wal Mart that had no sugar that is the only brand of breakfast meats that I could find that I could eat.I called the Atkins center to find out where can you purchase bacon,sausage, etc. without sugar?? all you get is a recorded voice mail saying that they will return your call.???? The book tells you that you may have worchestire sauce, olives, ??? but carbs are to be kept at almost 0 grams of carbs especially in the first week? Olives,and worchestire have carbs ??.I made many many calls and left numerous messages to their help#,I had come to a halt in my weight loss for 3 weeks and could not lose another lb.I worked very hard and needed their help but could not get a call back letter or anything out of them.I tried to get a metabolic doctors help and could not find one. I think the book is wonderful it is the first time I have ever been on a diet and not been hungry, but is very discouraging that they offer you a phone # to call for help but no one ever returns your calls.I think that brand names for food products should be listed in your book it would help. The only brand name they mention is Bakettes(Pork Rinds).Oscar Meyer ham but Oscar Meyer ham has sugar??My first shopping expereience took me about 2 hours, you do have to read every lable to make sure it has no sugars of any kind.Guess what? there is not many food substances out there that do not contain some kind of sugar.Especially packaged processed foods. In all I liked the book, it suggests that you take a multiple vitamin,but I could not find an over the counter multiple that didn't contain sugar?? Every one that I found was coated with some kind of vegetable glaze and contained carbs.If you go on this diet and screw up and consume just a little too much carb.or sugar about 72 hours later you will gain 1-2lbs back just like the book says then you have to start over to get back into Ketosis that is why I think more product information is necessary for all of us Atkins readers. Hope someone takes time to read this and pass it along to Atkins.I would like to get in touch with other people whom have been on this diet. Do you know who? where? is there online chat Dr. Atkins??? Thank you, Kim F