Rating:  Summary: Dr. Atkins diet is making my wife and I healther and happy. Review: I have read both Dr. Atkins books. I like reading the new diet revolution information and especially the technical information in the second book. The information is not boring like so many diets that seem to just fill up pages. This is a real break through in weight loss and health. My wife and I are obese, have type 2 diabetes and I have hypertension. The Atkins diet was recently suggested by my wife's Dr. the Dr. is also on the diet. Our blood sugar tests where out side of the acceptable range: over 160. In less than two weeks these levels have fallen to the acceptable range: 80 -120. Dr. Atkins has gone far beyond his first book in detailed information: like metabolic resistance and hyperinsulin. This book with all its information lets me be the judge on the effectiveness and health safety. Personally my diabetic and blood pressure medicines are interfering with my weight loss. This is also covered in the book with a suggestion of what to do. This is a very through book with a lot of answers to questions that obese people would have. All I can say is that "Dr. Atkins New Diet revolution" book is very well worth reading for over-weight people and the health problems that go with it
Rating:  Summary: Interesting, but one-sided in certain areas Review: I found the theories in this book interesting, and I realize that most of the people posting reviews here say that it has had dramatic results for them. However, I can't believe how one-sided Dr. Atkins can be sometimes. For example, in the chapter of his book where he tries to refute the critics of his plan, he says that it isn't true that high fat animal protein causes heart disease and cancer, even though the US government and most health organizations have proven it long ago. He says that there is "compelling evidence" that suggests the contrary and gives a few examples. So what? Just because he can give a few examples of people who eat high fat foods and get away with it, doesn't mean cancel out the MAJORITY of cases where high fat foods are harmful! WHY does he try to pretend that the research that suggests that high fat foods lead to heart disease doesn't exist? lol There are several other places where he does this as well. It's certainly odd that he only quotes research that confirms his beliefs, but ignores the vast established research findings that CONTRADICT his beliefs! Is he hoping that the government findings of animal fat and heart disease will go away and be forgotten? Get real Atkins!
Rating:  Summary: The "Diet" Works, People Don't Review: I like the saying, "The U.S has been on a diet for over 35 years and has gained 20 lbs". In an age of impatience, quick fixes and fad diets, the Atkins diet is a breath of fresh air. I hear many complaints that the diet will cause major health problems as if being obese is not already a health problem. What the majority of the U.S pouplation has been doing so far in terms of eating obviously isn't working because as a nation we are getting fatter and fatter. We are less active and eat way too much processed food. When my relatives come here from South America to visit and then go back home, they often comment on how fat the United States is. I recently heard that when a new stadium is built the size of the seats have to be bigger to coincide with the new American butt. Since I have been on the diet, I have more energy than I ever. I don't feel the ups and downs that come with eating too much sugar and high carbo foods. I have lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks and have 10 to go. For someone who is significantly "overfat" the Atkins diet is the way to go. The mistake people who don't try the diet are making is assuming that one can eat as much fat as they want. This is not the case. Atkins points out that too much fat can cause plenty of problems. What seperates the Atkins diet from so many other diets is that you can eat what tastes good and this usually involves foods that contain fat. We have become obsessed with low-fat eating to the point that food just doesn't taste that good anymore. To improve the taste, more sugar is added which has zero nutritional value. It takes discipline to restructure the way we eat. On the Atkins diet I'm not as hungry. I remember before the diet, I would eat a large carbo lunch and would want to sleep at my desk. Now I have energy all day and think about food less often. We can make excuses, we can lose weight, but we can't do both.
Rating:  Summary: Thank you Dr. Adkins Review: My doctor recommended the Dr. Adkins' diet. I had once been on the Fen/Phen diet w/great results and needed help because of it being discontinued. I read the book and started with great results. My stomach is no longer bloated, my spastic colon problems have vanished, and my skin cleared up. I really feel as if the milk and flour products were having a negative effect on my body. I do get a weird taste in my mouth, so I brush more often and swear by Trident gum. Only one set back - I suffer from migraines. When my head starts to throb, I do get a little sugar fix (very, very, small piece of candy or dessert) and it nips it in the bud. The sugar has taken the place of Imitrex (migraine Rx.) I've been on diet for 3 wks. (3rd try) and have lost 7 pounds. I wish I had a friend to share it with. I tend to do better knowing I'm not alone. E-mail me Re: Adkins Diet and I'll share your losses. Any other Re: and I won't read it due to porn mail problem. I wish everyone luck. Whether you remain fat or do the so-called-big-bad-diet, I feel as if both problems end up taking a toll on your health.
Rating:  Summary: I've tried them all and this is the only one that works. Review: You'll never feel so good loosing weight. Anytime I need to loose I simply cut back a little on the carbs and the weight comes right off. And I'm NEVER hungry! I've had complete blood works done many times while on this diet and my doctor is always amazed. Perfect in every way. I strongly suggest getting blood work done BEFORE you start this diet and then after you've been on it a couple of months. Your doctor will become an Atkins advocate.
Rating:  Summary: Different and very unusual ... but it seems to work !! Review: It really is hard to believe that a change of diet can not only reduce weight but also clear focus for thought patterns.Having tried the diet for 3 wks, I find myself being a more positive and energetic person. Recently I 'went back to carbs' and I notice the negative impact immediately ! Don't get too bogged down in the technicalities of the diet, keep it basic and simple and most importantly, Stick with it!
Rating:  Summary: This diet puts you in control Review: I must say that this diet has certainly extended my life for many years. I am 36 and 6'2" and my weight reached 330 pounds. I tried many diets, including Weight Watches and even taking some prescription medicine that almost got me addicted on them. All with very limited success. After six months on the diet I lost 60 pounds (now I am "just" 270). I fell much better. I sleep less but better. I have more energy. I have no more cravings for food, no more acid reflux. My blood pressure dropped from 140/100 to 120/80. Total cholesterol from 200 to 154. Tryglicerides from 156 to 65. Even uric acid that was a bit high dropped without me doing anything special about it. I really cannot find any honest explanation on why the medical establishment bashes Dr. Atkins so much. I knew about this diet since I was a teenager and have even done it successfully some 15 years ago but I was refrained from doing it again by doctors. It seems that I would grow a tail if I did it. I am sure that I would have never reached 330 pounds had I not received that kind of advice. Then, in march of this year I decided to go against this "expert advice" on the reasoning that even if this diet does harm you a bit - which I sincerely doubt - it's certainly better than to stay obese and die young. This diet puts you in control of your body. It's doable and it works. Now something from my experience: I did not exercise. I could get away with lots of coffe and diet soda and even some distilled spirits (3~5 ounces per week ). I had some cramps in the beginning but potassium solved them. I had constipation and solve it by eating lots of green vegetables, even at breakfast. If I eat less I do lose more weight so I try not to overeat though I am never hungry. That doesn't mean I eat little: I eat between 2000 and 3000 calories a day! The book itself could be better written and less political (his "Health Revolution" is much better). For the ones who want to read more I recommend "Protein Power", a very well written book, though I did better with Atkin's diet than with PP.
Rating:  Summary: Lost 11 lbs in 9 days. No side effects. Enough said.... Review: Book is poorly written. Diet Actually works, Hard to argue with results
Rating:  Summary: Seems pretty close to Sugar Busters to me Review: I feel as if this effort by Dr. Atkins is a clone of Sugar Busters only with different recipes. Nice try though.
Rating:  Summary: This book is a Godsend Review: Having read all the negative reviews on this site, I have a few words. I'm guessing either 1.) You didn't read the book carefully and thoroughly, 2.) You didn't try the diet for yourself or didn't wait long enough to see results or 3.) You did these things and simply blinded yourself to the facts. Let me give my side of the story. I'm probably a good 50 or 60 pounds over my ideal weight, but since this last monday, I've lost 3.5 pounds, or 3.5 pounds in 4 days. Besides that, I've had a huge energy burst and my mood has been incredibly good. I also don't deal with the minor bouts of depression I used to suffer from. I realize I've only been on 4 days, but I can't argue with what I've experienced to be true. And yes, the AMA can be very wrong sometimes.