Rating:  Summary: still another answer to everything Review: Atkins has revised and updated his old diet to fit the latest trends. I'm suspicious of books that claim to have the definitive answer--there are too many conflicting research claims floating around these days to know what's really the Truth. I had hoped to find Atkins had modified his approach, but he hasn't and it's just too extreme for me.
Rating:  Summary: WORKS FOR ME Review: A friend urged me to get the book and try the diet, and last June (1999), I decided to give it a try. I had been gradually putting on the pounds over the past 10 years and whenever I'd gain a few pounds from over indulgence, it would become my new "plateau". I hate the very idea of being on a diet and have always been hoping for some kind of "magic bullet" that would spare me the feelings of deprivation while permitting me to get my figure back. I wasn't all that convinced by Dr. Atkin's theories in the book initially, but I decided that I could endure almost anything for 2 weeks and made up my mind to make a 2 week commitment. Actually, I was a convert by the end of the 1st week because, just as he predicts, my appetite actually decreased, I found the permitted foods very enjoyable and satisfying, and the weight melted away. I lost about 8 pounds the first week and I didn't do any special exercising. I decided that my goal would be to lose from 20-25 pounds and I am close to reaching that weight. I occasionally eat some bread or ice cream and so my weight fluctuates within 1-4 pounds of my goal. Since I expect to follow the carb and sugar restrictions for the rest of my life, I don't feel compelled to hurry. I took a 2 week trip to Paris and London over the Christmas/New Year's holidays and just as on every previous trip, I managed to gain 5-7 pounds. However, this time I was able to effortlessly (for me) lose that 5-7 pounds within a week after I returned home. I'm so happy with my body again and it's so great to wear clothes that I couldn't get into for many years. People who don't see me all the time always comment on how much slimmer I look. The best part, though, is that I LOVE the food I'm eatting. We have eggs and bacon or sausage every morning for breakfast and I love cooking with butter and heavy cream. I have always enjoyed crisp skin on chicken and duck and crisp fat on steak. I no longer have any guilt over eatting mayonaise and butter and cheeses and macadamia nuts. I feel fine and I don't have any side effects. I just had my blood work done just to cover all the bases, but I feel like Dr. Atkins has given me back my youthful body. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Rating:  Summary: Sounds like a cliche but this book changed my life Review: I am a large person 6'4" and have been tall all of my life. I do a desk job so don't have a lot of activity during the day. I have been overweight for about the last 15 years (32 years old now) but things hit kind of a pillar in August of 1999. I hit 300lbs my blood pressure was through the roof (190 over 110 that is extreme hypertension for those of you who are unsure) I was feeling absolutely disgusted with myself. I have been on a multitude of diets prescribed to me by doctors and nutritionists but nothing ever worked for long. I heard about Dr. Atkins book through a business associate and thought what the hell. Since August of 1999 I have lost over 70lbs and still going strong. I have enjoyed all of the foods that I eat (variety is key on this diet get some cookbooks if you are not culinary in any way)and never gone hungry. My blood pressure is down to optimal levels. I am in the best physical shape of my adult life I feel great, was never ill. If you follow the instructions carefully in this book (all of them) then you will be absolutely astonished at what you can accomplish. I truly believe that this book has prolonged my life. By the way all of my blood fat counts HDL LDL & Lipids are in the optimal range.
Rating:  Summary: Atkins Will Work For You...but, read between the lines.... Review: My husband and I have been on Dr. Atkins Protein Diet for three weeks now. It is great...it really is! Our advice for anyone seriously considering this diet is to read the book from cover to cover, and to use a highlighter and/or mark pages of special interest to the individual. Dr. Atkins has wonderful teachings and anticdotes and case studies, but he does tend to meander from chapter to chapter about things I needed to know ahead of time. (ie. he states later in the book that you may stay on the induction plan additional weeks and slowly build up your carbs 5g a week, before you go on to the next level of the diet...but, it's only two sentences long and not where I thought it should have been.)You MUST be committed to this diet to continue on after the two week induction or you WILL gain weight back and maybe even more!
Rating:  Summary: The diet works Review: After the holidays my husband and I both needed to loose about 20 pounds. We were discouraged about cutting calories and loosing a pound or two a week. Twenty years ago we went on Dr. Stillman's diet which is very similar to Dr. Atkin's and lost the weight very fast. We both read the book and gave the induction diet a try. In day ten, I have lost 9.5 pounds and really have not been hungry. I'm not obsessed with food like I am when I am on Weight Watchers. Besides the quick weight loss that is another big benefit. I would highly recommend for you to read this book and give this diet a try. It has been easy to follow in restaurants also (caesar salads, fish, meat). I thought I would do it for the two weeks and then go back to watching my calorie intake like I have done for years, but I'm starting to buy in to Dr. Atkin's approach that I should just continue by counting carbohydrates. The book is an easy read and well indexed.
Rating:  Summary: WOW! No more diabetes for my wife and I feel 110% better Review: This diet is AMAZING - I would guess it's not for everyone (neither is swimming in Iceland ) however all should give it a try, (the book silly, not the swimming)! My wife had become diabetic due to her weight, she has been struggling to get her blood count below 160 even on 2000 mg of medication per day! I have been a SLUG for a few years and was HIGHLY dependent on carbs and caffeine (6 pack or more per day of Diet Coke) to survive the day. When we heard of this crazy diet I told her to go jump in a lake, I was NOT giving up my carb for this crazy idea of a diet. I am now a brand new person, I get up at 6:00 AM without an alarm and my wife no longer takes meds and her b/s is about 115! You do the math. We have ONLY been on this diet 12 days and I lost 14 lbs.. she is about 10lbs lighter. Go - run - do not walk - get this book! WHAT are you waiting for, reading this article is not making you skinner or healthy! GET A MOVE ON!
Rating:  Summary: Low Carb works great, but this is NOT the best book on it Review: I've been living on a very low carb diet for almost 2 years. My once high blood sugars are normal, my cholesterol has dropped, my blood pressure is normal, and I have maintained a weight loss of over 25 lbs--while going through menopause! However, I really HATE the way that Dr. Atkins makes it sound like he invented this diet, and I hate even more the very poor way he explains it and the fact that he uses a snake-oil salesman tone to make it sound much easier and much less complex than it really is. His approach has caused thousands of people to abaondon the diet because they couldn't get it working for them, or because his approach is so extreme they couldn't get started. He has also singlehandedly alienated the health establishment with his sloppy science and self-promotion. This has kept doctors from realizing that the low carb approach, as odd as it sounds, avoids heart disease and can stop type II diabetes in its tracks--for anyone who, like myself, is insulin resistant. "Protein Power" by the Dr. Eades couple is a much much better book that will give you everything you need to get started. If you are a type II diabetic, do yourself a favor and get "Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution," by Dr. Richard Bernstein, which gives you the details on how to use an ultra low carb diet to avoid diabetic complications. Then after you've done your reading, visit the alt.support.diet.low-carb newsgroup for help in fine tuning this diet and making it work. There are dozens (hundreds?) of folks there who have low carbed for years and can attest to the healthy effects that low carbing has had on their bodies--complete with before and after lab results.
Rating:  Summary: NUTRITIONAL RESEARCH SUPPORTS ATKINS! Review: I have been struggling with my weight for thirty years. Just about the time I would lose 35 lbs. I would immediately regain the weight. NO medical doctors were able to give me a satisfactory answer ... little did I know that their training at university and hospital does not consider nutritional information as important curricula. Sad but true! This updated and revised book is working for me. I find new energy and the pounds are dropping. This time around I will be able to maintain my goal weight because the medical explanations and annedotal reports in this work provide me a valid reference. I would recommend a quick read followed by a yellow pen to mark the important ideas for you personally. If YOU spend just14 days your life will change for the better and you will become a advocate for Atkins' Diet! (kwg)
Rating:  Summary: Losing and Loving It Review: I have been on the Atkins' diet now for 5 weeks and have lost 30lbs. I was very skeptical when i first purchased the book, but now very glad that I did. I read the book from cover to cover and still use it as a reference. Very informative and so easy to do. I still have a ways to go but this is the easiest diet I have ever tried and hopefully it will be my last. Try the 14 day induction of this plan...that is long enough to know if this is the diet that can change your life. If anyone would like to share their experiences on this diet or if anyone has any questions regarding the book or diet itself....please email me at the following address...i would love to talk with people about their success too. missyh@surfsouth.com
Rating:  Summary: Bad Bad Experience Review: This book was a terrible waste of money and I am glad that I stopped doing it before I got sick. I don't know what the hype is about. You lose weight for a couple of days, tell everybody, then you feel sick all of the time. By then, everyone else has told everyone and on it goes. I bought into it and am I sorry.