Rating:  Summary: It does work - even in moderation Review: I was 25 pounds overweight and feeling terrible. Several friends at work tried this diet and have lost weight and feel great...so I ventured. Yes I had the headaches the first few days and the funny taste in the mouth, but that was caused from the change in eating habits and the removal of sugar from my diet. After 4 days, the headaches and the taste disappeared. In 2 1/2 months I have lost my 25 pounds and am maintaining my new weight by 'carbing' out a little on weekends. As with any weight loss, moderation and exercise is the key. My cholesterol has dropped, not that it was high to begin with. I am never hungry, and I allow myself suger free fudgesicles and popsicles along with suger free jello as my desserts. They taste as great as the regular flavors...and I also enjoy caffeine-free, suger-free cola. I eat 3 meals a day and am really eating less than i used to eat but I am, I repeat again, rarely hungry. I hope everyone sincerely tries it and wish them luck.
Rating:  Summary: females lookout! Review: I have been on this diet now for 2 weeks, lost 5 pounds and am having trouble. I started my period today after 3 days of extreme cramping and moods! This diet is horrible during this time. I never have these problems during this time! I would love to hear from others with this problem--
Rating:  Summary: To all those Nay sayers! Review: I am 42 years old and have struggles with weight loss since being an early teen. "Diet" is not a new concept for me! However - Dr. Atkins shouldn't even call this a diet but a life changing event! I've just finished my 2 week induction phase and have never felt better, I've lost 13 pounds and have more energy than I can remember. I say to those who claim it doesn't work - your not following it correctly, or your body is not the type to respond to a low carb diet. However I have wonder how you got to this point if not for excess carbs. My family is amazed at the meals I'm afforded, after all every other diet was so restrictive (without much results) that they can hardly believe Mom and The Mrs is doing so well. This to me is not a diet anylonger - but a way of life! Good luck to all you new comers - you'll be very happy with your results if you stick to it! And take your vitamins.
Rating:  Summary: I should have read this book long ago Review: I bought this book in November 1999. After reading it twice, I started the diet the Saturday after Thanksgiving. At that time I was carrying 300 pounds on my six-foot-five frame. It's now March and I've already dropped 40 pounds (half way to my goal)and I feel great. What's more amazing than the weight loss is that I accomplished it without the HUNGER and DEPRIVATION I've come to associate with most diets. I'll admit that I craved my lost bread, pasta and sweets during the first few weeks on the diet, but I soon found that low carb eating could be just as satifying as my old habits. Here's a typical day for me:Breakfast: Three eggs with sausage. Lunch: Double bacon cheeseburger (no bun) and a salad. Dinner: Steak and salad. I don't see anything standing between me and my long term goal to lose 80 pounds. Overall, the book is excellent. I found Dr. Adkins cheerleading of the diet a bit excessive, but also motivational. I was pleasantly surprised by the number and variety of independent reasearch studies Dr. Adkins sites throughout the book. I was skeptical of the diet before reading the book, but soon became convinced that this is the diet for me.
Rating:  Summary: Problems with diet and Atkins center Review: I had started the Atkins diet going on almost 3 weeks now. There are positive things with the diet, however, I am now 2 weeks late for my menstrual cycle. (I never go this late, ever) I decided to call the Atkins center, got switched to three different people, and when i finally had the "professional" on line, she told me that they aren't trained with the medical aspects! The book says any medical things going on to call them, and I am told this! She told me to go to my gynecologist and explain to him what is going on and that I am on this low carb diet. I am calling my doctor today, but these people are NOT a help at the center what so ever. < Concerned and very skeptical now>
Rating:  Summary: Dr. Atkin's New Diet Revolution Review: Dr. Atkin's approach may fly in the face of conventional medicine but then the advise of conventional medicine is what got me to the weight I was at. After the first week of the two week introductory period all of my food cravings disappeared. After being on the program for 2.5 months I've lost 28 pounds and two dress sizes. Best of all - I don't crave any kind of food anymore. I just had my cholesterol checked and it was 153. The high level of fat in the foods allowed on the diet have had no ill effect on my health and I am having my doctor monitor me closely. Most days I eat between 25 - 40 carbs. Simply avoid sugar and flour and work out every day. Ultimately the only solution to obesity is less food - more movement, but the low carb approach can really help with the food cravings. The primary difference between naturally thin people and fat people is that the naturally thin person rarely thinks about food and the fat person 's thoughts can never escape it. For the first time in my 30 year battle with my weight I don't wake up thinking about what I'm going to eat.
Rating:  Summary: Atkins got it mostly right... Review: Among the diet-book authors, Atkins is one of the two that I have not caught saying something really stupid (yet). The other is Dr. Bernstein, the author of _The Diabetes Solution_, which I like better than DANDR, because it isn't as full of weasel-worded disclaimers. The only other flaw I found in DANDR is that Atkins takes over 400 pages to say what could have been covered better in fewer than half that many. My reaction may be due to the fact that I was already sold on the LC approach to losing weight, and I found the seemingly endless sales pitch to be slightly annoying.
Rating:  Summary: I'd like to see long term health results of this diet Review: I'm afraid of a diet that elimnates nutritious foods. Carbohydrates are essential to good health. The ketosis that this diet produces in it's users cannot be good for the cardiovascular system in the long run. Ketosis also puts the kidneys and liver into stress. There is an ancient (east) Indian belief that those who eat an animal inherite the fear and feelings of the animal when it was killed. I also cannot believe that this diet can be good spiritually. If one watches Atkins speak one can see his agression and hostility brimming. This hostility often erupts if anyone disagrees with his rather nonscientific ideas. Perhaps it is many years of eating nothing but dead animals that has produced these most unflattering personality traits in this man. I must say I was never thinner and healthier than when I avoided all animal products.
Rating:  Summary: Clarificat;ion Review: So far I have nothing but praises for the book but I have a question. In the section of breads, pancakes and muffins, for the basic protein bread you use Atkin's diet bake mix but in others you can use either soy flour or the diet bake mix. My question is can one subsitute the soy flour for the Atkin's Diet Bake mix in making the basic protein bread.
Rating:  Summary: Wish I found out about this diet years and years ago! Review: In my estimation, for the great majority of people out there reading this, your success on this diet is dependant on the degree you follow the recommendations in the book. If you refuse to follow all of them, your milage may vary. If so, then don't blame the diet while at the same time not revealing your own failure to follow directions or contact the Atkins Center for advice. In my eyes, the AMA has lost credibility by supporting diets that don't work and make people frustrated. More and more people like me, are discovering the connection between health problems [like, diabeties, heart problems and obesity] and carbo/sugar consumption. And, finding out that it is something that we can contol ourselves without having to rely on visits to the doctor and pharmecy for medication. My wife has tried many 'approved diets' over the years and none of them worked. She has been on the Dr. Atkins diet for over a year now. She is healthier and happier than ever, and dropped 25 pounds until she reached her normal ideal weight and has kept it off, with occassional small rises here and there but very easy for her to get right back to her ideal weight. Her last medical exam was only a month ago, and the doctor said she is in fantastic health, all levels in normal range or better than normal range. This was an improvement from her medical exam around a year prior. She loves this diet. It has become a way of healthy life for her. Two years ago I was in a normal cholesterol range, according to a blood test. Seven weeks ago, I had another blood test. Cholesterol was very high. My doctor told me that he was going to prescribe medication to bring my cholesterol down and that I'd be on it for life. Strangely, he did not inquire whether or not I exercised. Nor did he inquire whether or not my eating habits changed. He didn't inquire what had changed about my life style from two years ago or whether or not I ate more sugary foods, or lots of potatoes, bread, pasta and other carbos. I asked what could have caused my cholesterol to go up like that. His pat answer was "genetic". He had a know-it-all arrogant attitude that I found offensive, and I chose to do some research on the subject first. Call it coincidence, but all of a sudden there were several newspaper articles appearing in Chicago Sun Times and Chicago Tribune with headings like "70 deaths directly related to cholesterol heart medication" and other similar articles. Yikes! I decided that if my health was ok two years ago and since then I stopped exercising and started eating sugary foods and lots of bread, pasta, beer and soft drinks that maybe if started exercising and eating right I would recover lost ground. If I caused my own problem, then I should be able to correct it without taking risky drugs, as long as I follow the right advice. We couldn't find the Dr. Atkins book in the house, so my wife bought me a new copy of the New Diet Revolution. It was exactly what I needed. It educated me as to the number one suspect for why my cholesterol had gone up: carbos and sugar affect insulin, which controls cholesterol production by the liver. Control your insulin and your cholesterol will head back towards normal. The book educated me on how to identify sugar in its many forms on processed food lables. It educated me on how to identify the foods my body needs for health, growth and a strong immune system. There is much more helpful related educational information in the book. So, I started the diet about 5 weeks ago. Besides loosing 30 pounds, I noticed that my heartburn went away. Nor do I have 'gas' and various other aches and pains in my back and legs. After about 1 week into the 2-week induction diet I had mild headaches coming and going for about a day and a half and they have never returned. Pretty much the same thing happened with some other minor aches and pains. During the 1st week I really missed spagetti and lasagna and bread and milk and chocolate and coffee and my morning cherry danish. Now, after 5 weeks I can easily live without them. I don't want to go back to feeling like I did when I was eating all those carbos and junk! The physiological and psychological cravings have gone away. But, perhaps a difference between my success and some of those who didn't report success, is that I made a firm committment to follow the diet. Every day I would read part of the book. It really made more and more sense to me. By the end of the 2nd week, I had less cravings for carbo's, increased energy and stamina. Things just keep on improving for me. Now,I can literally say I can effortless walk right on by the most succlent chocolate snacks and cherry danish treats. The desire for them is either gone completely or so trivial that I don't even notice it anymore. I don't get tired after eating a meal anymore like I used to, before the Dr. Atkins diet. I don't feel nervous. I feel more certain and confident of myself. I think clearer. I sleep better, don't wake up feeling drained of energy like I used to. I'm more alert, I have more life in me, I'm more energetic. My skin is looking healthier. My cholesterol has dropped. My teeth and gums appear to be healthier. For work, I sit at a desk all day, so 30 minutes of exercise a day along with vita-nutrients [including acidophilus] is a must for me, and definitely contributing to my improved sense of well-being and health. As Dr. Atkins says in his book, if anyone has a problem on the diet, you can contact the Atkins Center in NYC for advice. [Did any any of the nay-sayers ever bother to do that?]