Rating:  Summary: Read the Book and Understand it befor you believe the Hype! Review: This books title says it all. "The New Diet Revolution". This is a new revolution indeed. It is a extremely drastic change from the normal diets that we have all grown up with. Especially now with all the "NO FAT" diet craze. But reading this book will cast a much needed sunshine on the dreary world of Dieting most of us live in. Unlike some people who were skeptical when they first read Dr. Atkins's theory of "low carb, high fat", I immediately believed it. I was the classic carbohydrate addict. I restricted myself from eating any sort of fat, loaded up on the so called "energy" foods, and managed to steadily gain 75lbs. I tried everything short of starving myself (which was the only thing that worked) yet I could not lose an inch or an ounce. Then one day while I was surfing the internet, I happened upon the Atkins website. It was like a veil had been lifted from my eyes. I understood that eating all those so called "Fat Free" sugar laden foods was what was making me "Fat". It is true, carbohydrates, are the enemy. Think about it. Centuries ago, there were no candy bars, sodas, cookies, vending machines filled with a carbohydrate addicts snackorama dream. According to recent studies, Americans now consume more than 100lbs of sugar per year, up from 4lbs since the beginning of last century (1900's). WOW! The vast majority of American society today is Obese or on the verge of it. Do not listen to people who tell you that your body cannot function without carbohydrates, that is only slightly true. The body can live without it for a long time, time enough for you to utilize your stored fat into much needed fuel. As soon as the human body depletes itself from its store of glycogen (carbohydrates), your body goes into a state of Ketosis. According to some doctors, ketosis is a dangerous state to be in, since many diabetics reach this state if their insulin is low and it becomes dangerous for them. As long as you are not a diabetic, the state of ketosis that the body enters after it is free of carbohydrates, is not in any way dangerous to a person without diabetes. In fact Ketosis has many great qualities. It is like you are on a fast, and if you have ever been on a fast, you know that fasting suppresses the appetite. And unlike fasting which WILL deplete your body of its muscle, when you are in a state of Ketosis, your body utilizes its fat for energy, something which it probably never did before. You do not lose precious muscle while in a state of Ketosis, nor do you feel the incessant need for food, plus no more mood swings or shifts in energy. This diet has helped me in many ways. I have lost half of the weight I need to. I no longer have food on my mind 24/7. I feel that I am FREE! I have read different sources about the Atkins Diet, take my word, do not believe everything that you read. After losing the weight that you need, Atkins advocates introducing the "good carbs" back into your diet, such as fruits and veggies. The trick is to stay away from refined sugar, flour and like foods. And for those who are just starting out, if you feel the need for sweets, he has many different foods which will help stop the cravings. My favorite is the Atkins Diet Advantage bar, it can be found in most health food stores. To all the pessimists out there, give it a chance. It is different, but I believe that if you give it a genuine try, it WILL work!
Rating:  Summary: It DOES Work Review: I've spent 20 years counting calories and starving. This book explains why high-carb/low fat diets are self-defeating and why I was constantly obsessed with food, even after eating. Altogether, I've dropped 21 lbs. in 7 1/2 weeks. It's the most painless weightloss plan I've ever used and the most successful one. I recommend it to healthy people (see a doctor first! ) who need to lose weight but who are tired of spending all their energy trying to resist temptation. Have a bacon burger with cheese and salsa and relax.
Rating:  Summary: FAILED ON ATKINS Review: This is the naive kind of diet you would expect a western doctor to come up with! They are not rained in health, but in cutting up people and drugging them. This is one of many books I've read on my quest for health. On this diet I was UNBELIEVABLY CONSTIPATED. I later discovered from my chiropractor that my liver and gall bladder, like most American's, was already stressed and overloaded and this was an extremely unwise diet. I ALSO DIDN'T LOSE ANY WEIGHT. For more sound advice, try Dr. Abravanel's Body Type Diet. You'll understand why some people can do okay on a high protein diet. But, even better, you'll understand your own body and you'll have a do-able path to health and thiness! Dr. Abravanel's book is the VERY BEST health book I've ever read. Now I have energy ALL DAY, no more mood swings, NO MORE FOOD CRAVINGS, and my cellulite is going away.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Diet I have ever been on.... Review: First of all... I give the diet 5 stars but I give the book 4 stars. Some parts are misleading and I found that researching the internet a bit can make everything MUCH clearer. The book is still a must if you want to be on this "diet:. I perefer to call it a "Way of Eating" as most low-carbers do. All I have to say is ... don't listen to the nay-sayers. Unfortunately they haven't read the book, don't know what they are talking about and are brainwashed by "food pyramid" rhetoric and out-dated dieting dogma. After years of low or no fat dieting and moderate exersizing .. I was heavier then ever.. 40 lbs overweight! I have been on this Atkins diet for 4 months now and I have lost 30 lbs .. that is just 10 to go! The food choices are NOT limited! There are so many more things you CAN eat. And that does not mean you have to stuff yourself with meat and fat . Listen to this... I have lost the urge to snack, I no longer binge, I can stop when I have had enough to eat .. I am NOT hungry! I am in CONTROL of my eating! My hair is shiny, my nails are stronger, my energy is better, I can think clearer and I sleep better too. For me .. this is a miracle! Yes you do gain weight if you go off this diet... as with ANY diet! I know people who have lost 100 lbs plus! You will hear horrifying stories of kidney damage or worse .. yadda yadda yadda. I follow this diet correctly, enjoy my food, feel no guilt .. and my doctor approves. My health is tremendous. I wish so many people weren't scared off by the rumors and ignorant opinions that so many seem happy to spout off. This diet could change the life of so many people. Read the book ..it isn't expensive and it will make sense to you! By the way ... the brain prefers Ketones for energy.
Rating:  Summary: I have maintained my weight loss for well over a year Review: The test of a good diet is not losing but maintaining. You will assuredly lose on any diet. However, on Atkins, I lost 35 pounds and have kept it off. The diet is easy... you eat mostly fats and proteins. I have no problem following this. Instead of cake for a snack, I have egg salad or cheese. Importantly, not only have I lost weight, I feel absolutely great. The book is readible and easy to understand. You can read it cover to cover if you want to know the intimate details of the diet or you can read it selectively, to understand just what you need to know to successfully follow the diet. One caveat.. I have returned to my earlier hobby of distance running and in a race, I feel there is nothing in the tank. In other words, I get a very depleted feeling which adversely affects my performance. However, I am seeing a nutritionist at the Atkins Center and she has pointed out that I am sticking too closly to the initial maintenance diet. She is increasing my intake of complex carbohydrates such as salad greens, legumes, nuts, certain fruits (and maybe later even a few starchier vegetables). This should help to solve my "running on empty" feeling in races. In short, I look great, feel great and have maintained my successes over a period of time.
Rating:  Summary: No diet revolution -- try quackery and fraud! Review: This appalling book (and so many others like it, too) has sold millions of copies to a gullible public who want desperately to believe they can "eat themselves thin". It doesn't work like that -- but Dr. Atkins can apparently sell them on this horribly misguided idea, so off we go. The basic tenet of the diet is to avoid carbohydrates. In theory, this helps to regulate insulin production and decrease circulating insulin; less insulin soon results in less fat storage and fewer food cravings. Wrong. Without enough carbohydrates, the body doesn't burn fat efficiently, and substances called ketones accumulate in the blood. This condition, called ketosis, may initially make dieting easier (due to rapid water loss and a reduced appetite), but it is not the "nirvana" that Dr. Atkins claims. Ketosis is often accompanied by nausea, headaches, fatigue, and bad breath, and may exacerbate existing medical problems, such as gout and kidney disease. Likewise, a diet rich in fat increases the risk of heart disease and cancer. The weight loss is not directly traceable to losing fat, but instead to losing body water. This is both dangerous and misguided. Not one properly accredited nutritionist that I know of has stepped foward to endorse this "diet" -- probably because it consists of nothing but quackery. When are people going to understand that the only ways to lose weight are to a) reduce caloric intake and b) GET MORE EXERCISE? But of course you can't tell Americans to exercise more; they want to believe, more than anything else, that they can loaf in front of the TV for ten hours a day and eat potato chips and STILL be thin and fit. Books like this do nothing but further the big lie of dieting. Quit smoking, eat a well rounded diet, exercise often, and forget about nonsense like this.
Rating:  Summary: worked for me Review: I have never done this before so I guess I feel what I have tosay is very important. I am 29 years old and took a new job at a placewhere the activity level was far below my previous job, so along withthe lack of discipline and time to exercise the weight off and the new slow paced job I managed to gain about 30 unwanted pounds. So one day I noticed the book on a co-workers desk I picked it up and began spot reading it(not the way to go)once I saw some logic in the book I started over and read the book from cover to cover. That night I went to grocery store did some shopping and well lets just say the rest is fat history. Now six months later 30 pounds lighter and 5 inches thinner I feel better than I have in years. Now for the shocking part I have been able to return alot of my old favorites back into my daily eating rountine, thats right the #3 combo from Hardees'(that's a bacon egg and cheese biscuit) every morning(that's go large of course) I eat sandwiches, vegtables, deserts, don't get me wrong I did not go off the deep end but I am not suffering like some people claim that you will. The single biggest difference in my diet not only from the beginning but all the way through to what Dr. Atkins calls the maintance plan for at least me is NO SOFT DRINKS AND NO SWEET TEA. All I can say is thank you lord for crystal light(basically nicely flavored water no fat no sugar and no sodium) and diet sodas. I can honestly say before I started the diet I would consume 10 to 15 sodas or glasses of sweet tea a day. WOW that's a massive amount of sugar that my body had no idea what to do with. Don't get me wrong people I stuck to the plan just like the book said to for at least three solid weeks and it worked but then I customized it to meet my needs, trust me I am not a cook, I found a way to incorporate the system into my three meals a day at fast food resturants, oh yeah it's possible. I went out and bought the Atkins cook book and couldn't fix a damn thing in it, but then I realized if it was going to work I had to make it work for my lifestyle which brings me back to basically three meals a day out. Here's another one for you, go to Wendys get a triple with cheese get your favorite toppings on it I always add bacon then ask the cashier for a salad plate and two packs of ranch dressing, get to your table take off the bread mix it all up cover it in ranch and chow down it you aren't full about half way through you have a tapeworm. You want another one here's a great snack in five minutes or less take 4 hotdogs grill them nice and dark them cut them into bite size peices put them in a bowl cover with your favorite shredded cheese then about 1 minute in the old microwave and presto great snack for the cooking challenged. Well I am goingto wrap it up now but I feel so strong that this plan can work for you....
Rating:  Summary: Seems to be a guy's diet Review: I thought the book was poorly written with too much time wasted on defensive arguments. You really have to pick through the literature to get to the facts about the diet. As far as the diet goes, I have found that the biggest problem people have is giving up breads and pastas (consensus from women) or they just get sick of the foods. I personally lost about 50 lbs at one point but gained a few back (about 5 lbs) when I went off the diet. I had a problem that I would party all the time and drink beer. Well I went on and off the diet for a couple of months and still made progress. You will gain weight if you go off the diet incorrectly. If you are in ketosis or simply have just been eating atkin's diet style and then you have a doughnut or some pizza or pasta you will see an immediate gain. your body will store all that water again that you lost and your bodyweight will increase by a few pounds the very next day. if you increase carbs very slowly and slowly decrese fat, the only weight you will gain back is the water. but that is okay. if you however go off the diet and let the sudden carb cravings get out of control you can gain as much as 10 lbs back in about 3 days. Believe me I have done it. So from my experience, the diet works better for guys, there are some side effects that are temporary, you have to go off the diet carefully, but it really works. if you cheat on this diet it really builds character. if you have some cookies or a soda, the sudden weight gain is like a slap in the face. if you do it right, there is no greater feeling in the world than knowing everyday you get out of bed and step on the scale you have lost another pound.
Rating:  Summary: Don't buy it! Review: I tryed the program and lost 10 pounds in one month, then stopped losing weight and fell off the diet in 2 months. It is too hard to stay on the diet because of the limited food choice. Don't do it!
Rating:  Summary: This Diet Works Review: I have succeeded in losing 14 pounds and am very close to my goal weight. This is the only diet that has ever worked for me. I would like to comment on what some other people have posted here (you will see their "reviews" following mine). One reader says that by denying yourself of carbs, you will only crave them more. This is both true and false. You will only crave them while your body is still receiving carbs. Once you have given them up, you will find that you will no longer desire them or have cravings. This reader also says that the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet has less side effects. The reason why is simply because that diet has a more gradual transition period, while Atkins is cold-turkey. You will feel run down and weak for the first few days that you give up carbs, but after that you will feel as though you have more energy. This is because it is the process of burning carbs off that makes you feel weak. You can prove this simply by eating a large amount of carby foods, such as candy. The next day you will definitely feel run down and weak (and probably crave more). This person also claims that she is a vegetarian, so eating meat to her is disgusting (although she thinks fish is okay). You can do a low-carb diet that is vegetarian. You merely have less of a choice of food. Another person complains that it works great at first, but then the loss slows down. This is true for any diet because some of the loss is water (which is lost quickly). As you weigh less, you will lose fewer pounds. Obviously someone who weighs 300 pounds can afford to lose 30 pounds, but someone who weighs 120 pounds cannot. The student nurse comments that the brain can only function on glucose (which only comes from carbs). She is wrong. the brain also functions great on ketones, which only comes from fat! Which would you rather do, get your energy from the food you eat or by burning your fat? This is a well known fact. She also claims that you will lose muscle if you do not eat carbs. this is also not true. Studies have shown that locarb diets have less muscle loss than other diets (such as low fat diets) because locarb diets induce ketosis, which is the process of burning fat. She also says that you should eat omega3 fatty acids. She obviously is not familiar with Dr Atkins; he also strongly makes the same recommendation. She claims also that eskimos are healthier because they get a lot of exercise. Do you really believe that eskimos get more exercise than people who live in warmer climates? I highly doubt it. they do however have the advantage that they have to burn more calories to keep their body temperature up. To burn 1 pound of fat, you need to burn 3,500 calories or so. Do some research to see how much exercise you need to do to burn 3,500 calories. From Dr Koop's web site: "The energy you use to exercise consumes fat. A 180-pound person who walks five miles burns about 750 calories. If that person walked five times per week, he or she would burn more than 1 pound of fat (3,500 calories = 1 pound of fat)." That means you have to walk 25 miles to burn 1 pound of fat, IF you weigh 180 pounds. I weigh 156. I would need to walk far more than 25 miles to lose 1 pound. Or I could cut back on carbs, and lose 1 pound in a day or two with no exercise. Which would you chose? I live in the city, and don't have a car, so i walk everywhere, and it never helped me lose weight. Not even rollerblading 10 miles, twice a week. Please, if you do the diet, read the book, buy the Atkins starter kit, take all the supplements that he recommends (+ extra calcium), and read the lo-carb support groups on usenet. If you do not, you will have the negative symptoms that people describe. If you do, you will have the same good fortune as the rest of us. Good luck!