Rating:  Summary: dr. atkins new diet revolutionary Review: i started on this diet the end of april 2001 and have lost more than 60 lbs. i was very skeptical at first but willing to try anything as a last ditch effort. see i have been overweight since i was 12 years old and have tried every diet out there. i was ready to have surugy to end my misery. a co-worker told me about the diet and even though she was not over weight to me she was very weight conscience. she started the diet a few months before i did and i noticed that she was losing weight but was eating very good. she told me that she was on a lo carb diet and loaned me her book. after reading it i decided to go on it within a week i noticed a difference. after my family saw how i was shedding the weight they jumped on the band wagon. my mom is 70 yrs old and was suffering from high blood pressure she went on the diet and the doctor has since taken her off her mediction. so has my brother, he was on high blood pressure meds and has gone from a 48 waist to a 38. since i have been on the diet i get rave reviews from coworkers on how great i look. i have 7 friends who have joined me on the diet. this is the best diet i have ever been on i have another 60 lbs to lose and plan to reach my goal by june of next year. thank you dr atkins!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Cholesterol down 42 points Review: I bought this book a couple years ago, and have been following the diet off and on since then (more seriously for the past six months.) Fifteen years ago I started walking an hour a day and strictly following a low-fat diet. The results? Over the next ten years I gained 100 pounds. Since I have following the high-fat, unrestricted calorie Atkins plan, I have lost 30 pounds (about a pound a week for the past six months.) I now have shinier hair, clearer skin, and to my great surprise my cholesterol count has dropped from 208 to 166! (Average is 100-199.) I can not explain the drop in cholesterol, since I am not exercising at all... unless I look at my diet... I have dramatically increased my intake of eggs, cheese, hamburger, real butter, heavy cream, and steak! I'm not an expert, but it seems to me that since many people in the U.S. have started eating low-fat diets... obesity, high cholesterol, and diabetes in the United States has become epidemic! Maybe we should look at cutting down on sugar instead of fat! ... Just my 2 cents...
Rating:  Summary: It does everything it says. Review: If the diet is followed by the book it does everything it says it will do. After reading the book, the diet begins to make sense.
Rating:  Summary: Constipation, Dry Mouth, Waste of Money Review: I was able to stick to the atkins diet for 3 weeks until all my problems came to a head. The first thing I found odd was after eating 3 cups of veggies a day I did not go to the bathroom daily like before. Four days passed and uh-oh when the time came I was so constipated I could not go. It took a 1.5 ounce bottle of fleets laxative to fix the problem. After that I took MOM everyday, but was told that can weaken the bowel and make things worse. The other thing was the same thing day after day with no end. PLEASE dont believe the garbage the low carb doctors try shoving down our throats or you could hurt your health. LISTEN to common sense and simply eliminate refined sugars like soda, cakes and pies from your diet. Dont think for one moment all carbs are alike. I strongly suggest eating a well balanced meal plan daily. Good tools are richard simmons foodmover, and weight watchers 123 success plan. You wont have to buy any more books, or awful low carb foods. Just do a yahoo search on the mentioned plans. Atkins is clever in saying his diet is well balanced, BUT he wants you to take massive amounts of HIS vitamins, and eat HIS food products which a dog wont eat. I never liked vegatables, BUT since I purchased a juiceman juicer the juice it makes is delicious, and full of LIVING fibers. SO if you say well your full of it, just remember what I said when you are constipated, and sick of eating eggs. And no holiday stuffing, corn, gravy, potatoes, or pie. Just turkey and lettuce? Yeah right.
Rating:  Summary: Solid nutritional approach to long-term health & weight loss Review: This book is amazing. Dr. Atkins always has been the most famous and extremely successful pioneer in the field of modern nutrition, and this book reflects it. Rediculed for years, he now is a respected and accomplished expert on weight loss and health improvement, with a incredibly impressive track record. If you are concerned about your health, are overweight and want to dramatically improve your cholesterol profile, lower your bloodpressure and lose weight easily, effectively and, more importantly, permanently, READ THIS BOOK. And read it well. Read it from cover to cover - and follow the easy guidelines closely. The result will amaze you - your energy levels will go way up, your weight will go down, fast and easy, and what's even more important - all your vital signs will improve significantly by eating the most luxerious and delicious foods you have ever tasted! This is dieting for gourmands. What's even more wonderful is the fact that modern nutritional science over the past decade has very conclusively proven this brilliant and courageous doctor completely right! No matter what the zillions of critics say, the facts (AND results!) are on the side of dr. Atkins. There is no doubt about it whatsoever - what we have been told by Government and institutions like the American Heart Association is absolutely and definitely WRONG. Maybe a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet as proposed by these extremely conservative bastions of yesteryears theories works for some people, it sure doesn't work for most people. On the other hand, the Atkins diet is very effective for most people, especially the obese. And don't forget... this is the kind of diet that made the Olympic swimming team beat all records! Most (wise) athletes prefer this nutritional approach as well. A fascinating book, packed with excellent advise and... THE TRUTH.
Rating:  Summary: Saturated fat has given me awesome health. Review: Starting in June 1999 at 60 years of age I purchased Dr. Atkins' book and began a high-fat, high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet with absolutely AWESOME results. I lost 40 pounds. My cholesterol cardiac risk went from high risk to PERFECT. My blood pressure dropped 15 point to normal. It cured a skin problem on my hand and cured my allergy to my daughter's cat. My energy is wonderful and I never get sick like before and have never even had a cold. I hike the Rocky Mountains like a big horn sheep at 11,000 feet elevation for hours. My heart and lungs are perfectly clear. I eat lots of medium chain saturated fats from coconut oil and butter. High-fat ribeye steaks are consumed several times a week and I eat three soft boiled eggs every day for breakfast. Coconut oil has lauric fatty acids which is the same as in mother's milk and has proven antipathogenic properties. I do NOT eat partially hydrogenated oils, polyunsaturated vegetable oils, sugar, fruit, milk, grains, bread, starchy root veggies like potatoes, turnips, beet, carrots and yams, or other high-carbohydrate foods. I do eat lots of red-meat, fish, fowl, raw nuts, light colored real cheese and non-starchy veggies. Dr. Atkins' plan truly SAVED MY LIFE.
Rating:  Summary: Three stars for book, 5 ***** for the Diet: Review: I understand those who have failed. Before you leave this amazing WOE, it may be worth your while to visit www.lowcarbfriends.com, visit the messege boards and see for yourself how much support is out there!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Dr. Atkins' New Diet Debacle Review: Dr. Atkins is the godfather of the high-protein diet schemes. He's been advocating this "lifestyle" for at least 30 years. Is weight loss possible on this type of diet? Of course, but at what price? (...)Atkins and other protein advocates point to carbohydrates as the culprit for the poor health of many americans. (...)I agreed with some of the things Atkins was saying about simple carbohydrates (which include things most americans consume such as white bread, most fruit juices, baked goods, and snack foods). Most of these foods are overly processed and offer little nutritional value. I draw the line when he talks about fruits being a problem. Really, can you honestly believe that fruit should be avoided completely? It comes down to common sense. There are more realistic ways to alter your diet to bring about weight loss and better health. (...)Dr. Atkins goes way too far in one direction, drastically reducing foods that most inhabitants on earth consume without any weight problems, mainly complex carbohydrates. I hate to think of the tragic increase in health problems because of his diet.
Rating:  Summary: An Adkins Non Loser "Loser" Review: I have read the book(twice), highlighted the "important" parts and followed the diet to the letter for 3 weeks. My "reward" for such diligence? 1 lb total weight loss! Dr Atkins almost promises success if we adhere to his diet. But from what I've read from other reviewers, there is a small, but real group of us out there for whom the diet simply doesn't work. He includes a chapter on metabolic resistance, and mentions that a few will not be successful, but he really doesn't explain why. I strongly suspect that there are more than just a few people who don't lose on the Atkins plan. As for the diet itself, I honestly think that eating this way just can't be healthy. I have now gone 3 weeks without eating a piece of fruit or more than 3 cups of lettuce a day. Is it really a good idea to eliminate food groups forever from your diet? I have experienced nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and constipation while on this diet. I'm sure my body is telling me that eating this way just isn't a good idea. Dr Atkins maintains that it is possible to remain on the diet indefinitely-I'm starting to agree with his critics who say this diet can aggravate certain health conditions. Obesity is, I know, extremely hazardous to your health. But the Atkins diet should be used as a means of losing weight fast(if it works for you), then a more sensible weight loss plan should be adopted. I guess,if your desperate, the diet is worth a try. Atkins needs to warn early in the book, that for some of us this just won't work. I would give it 2 weeks and if you get no results, move on.
Rating:  Summary: very good book Review: I got the book today and it is very good i have to go this diet as i have polycystic ovarian sydrome and i think it is great to have i am looking in to buying the cook as well.i very helpful book