Rating:  Summary: I wanna kick Dr Atkins up the arse Review: My God, this diet has messed me up bad. After 4 or 5 days I was weak, dizzy, light-headed, feverish and had stomach cramps. As soon as I started to eat carbs again I started feeling better, but now after 2 days of going back to my old way of eating, I'm still not completely back to normal. The stomach pains are gone, but I'm still dizzy, faint and feverish. When the hell am I gonna return to normal. I've had to eat more than my normal quantity of carbs to offset the total absence of carbs over the previous 5 days which means I've ended up putting weight on, not off. I suppose I'm to blame for being so gullible in the first place. God knows how most of you are not getting sick on this diet. If thats what it did to me in just a few days I can only imagine what the long-term effects must be. Though in my case I'm sure I never would have seen the long-term had I been foolish enough to continue with it! The theory was great, the practice was very different. You guys are playing russian roulette with your health. It's back to the food pyramid and the established wisdom for me - assuming I recover!
Rating:  Summary: Am I the only one who gets ill on this diet? Review: The polarity of the reviews on this diet are amazing, people either love it or hate it. It either gets 1 star or 5 stars. Personally I wanted to love it, but I hate it. I read this book and 'Neanderthin' which also supports a high protein/fat low carb diet and offers very convincing arguments based on the natural hunter-gatherer lifestyle of our Paleolithic ancestors. The books made such logical sense to me. Our ancestors ate primarily the meat and fat of animals they hunted and supplemented this with nuts, seeds, berries and fruits that they foraged for. Even the veggies they ate were not like those we eat today that have been mass farmed. Their veggies were lower in carb and higher in fiber and were used more as a source of fiber than to provide energy - which really came from animal fat. This all made sense, and since our bodies and digestive systems have barely evolved at all since then, this should still be our natural diet. So far so good. Great theory. The problems came when I actually TRIED this diet. Each time I was OK for the first few days. I went into ketosis and did notice some slight weight loss. But by day 5 I started getting sick. I felt faint, light-headed, dizzy. So much so in fact that I feared I was going to faint or have a dizzy spell while at the wheel of my car - not a pleasant prospect. I also had stomach pains, felt slightly feverish and unlike many others who have complained of being constipated I had the opposite problem of diarrhea. Which makes sense when you think about it because your body is getting practically no fiber. God knows how Eskimo's survive - where the hell do they get their fiber from? At first I thought it might just be a one-off reaction. But I've tried it 3 times now and had exactly the same illness after 4 or 5 days. I won't be trying it again.
Rating:  Summary: Changed my life and blood test results for the better Review: I love reading all the reviews on this site, so I decided to write my first review for a book that changed my life.My cholesterol was really high as were my triglycerides. I was in a "danger zone". I had read several of the Dr. Atkins books and asked my doctor about the diet. She said "no way, it's dangerous" (like someone below wrote). I am a "nutrition junkie" and retired ballet teacher who has gained weight and gotten unhealthy with my "pyramid eating" patterns of fresh fruits/veggies and lowcarb, lowfat eating. I have exercised like a fiend and had all the water I could consume. I still gained weight and bodyfat doing everything that I had been trained to do all my life. I decided to go against my doctors recommendations based on the older version of this book, but I now own this new version which I really like better. I had my blood tested the day before I embarked on the induction phase. I did the induction for nearly 3 months with several maintenance times here and there. I had my blood retested. My doctor called the minute she got the results. She was so excited and asked "how on earth did you do this". My triglycerides were 50% lower, my HDL (good) cholesterol was 50% higher, and my cholesterol dropped to a normal level. My risk ratio was off the chart *below* the "lowest" risk level. She was shocked and speechless when I said I did the Atkins diet. My theory on the person below who said that everyone loses on this diet and then gains when they go off of it is a "no-brainer" (sorry). When they go "off" this way of eating, they consume sugar and flour and all those things that cause all the problems to begin with -- thus they gain. I also have to agree that "Sugar Blues" is one of my all-time favorite books I've ever read to shake up your brain/thinking on sugar! It's a sure-fire wake-up to get off sugar. Dr. Atkins is to be admired and congratulated for his consistent drive to tell the truth even though it's not the fashionable thing to do. I'm also glad that one of the hour-long news shows finally did their own report which showed that it does work! I especially enjoyed the end where Dr. Atkins is speaking to the medical community, and the doctors in the audience are either asleep, or eating bagels and donuts while "listening". What does this tell you? These are the mainstream doctors that are giving us the information in their own offices on nutrition (but they don't even listen!).
Rating:  Summary: Tried it... won't do it again... Review: While I lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks on this diet several years ago, I won't do it again. I've found that restricting my carbohydrates to this extent causes constipation, and I had two days worth of painful intestinal gas after eating too much turkey (made a turkey dinner with all the trimmings for the family, and all I ate was the turkey and the green beans). If you've ever had problems with constipation or hemorrhoids, don't attempt this diet. There isn't enough fiber to keep you regular. Like I said, I lost weight, but it wasn't worth the health problems that arose from my particular situation.
Rating:  Summary: WARNING: Health Risks ... Review: Purpose: To inform those on the diet that serious health risks can occur, and after the diet retires, most of your weight will come back. I'd like to explain the pros and cons of this diet here. The upside is that you can eat all the eggs, meat, and breakfast sausage and omelettes you'd like, and your weight will drop faster than any other diet you may go on. Add that to exercise and your weight will drop even more. And there are candy bard made just for this diet sold in your local grocery or nutrition store. But this diet has major flaws here. You may have heard rumors on this diet causing heart disease, but it gets worse. There is a potential that this could cause several types of cancer, or even give you diabetes. These are serious health risks. And once you are on this diet, you'll most likely be engaged to it, more likely a slave to it, for the rest of your life. Once you get off of it, before you know it, you'll gain most or even all of your weight back. If you like this diet, that's fine. But this ONLY melts the pounds away, and there are some kinds of carbs you actually NEED TO HAVE. Stick to the nutrition charts. Don't be like me and waste your time.
Rating:  Summary: We'll see... Review: My doctor (internist) has just OK'd the Atkins diet for me. I am severely overweight at 5'3" 246 lbs. My blood sugar is borderline high and I'm 36 years old. I got this way over the last seven years from taking psychotropic medications for severe bipolar disorder -- before that my weight was normal. I haven't been on Atkins yet but I have seen good results with other people. I want to dispute what "funniegrrl" below says about ketosis burning muscle for energy. This is not true. In the absence of carbs, the body uses FAT for fuel, not muscle. No one disputes this, what is under dispute is how safe it is. My doctor believes it is safe, and I've never personally seen anyone pass out or get sick on this kind of diet, as I have with a few other diets. On the contrary, people tell me how great they feel and how much energy they have and how much better their digestion is. Some of the people who are reviewing this book seem to be "playing doctor" and dispensing medical advice. You have no idea who these people are, so my advice is to ask your doctor. Then, if you still have doubts, get a second opinion. From a DOCTOR. Good luck in your quest to get fit and strong. God Bless.
Rating:  Summary: Good for a Lifetime! Review: Not only does this "diet" WORK, but it's GREAT for "maintenance!" My friend and I both lost 35 pounds within 4 months two years ago. I lost 15 the first two weeks! Felt great, no problems (you have to exercise & take vitamins, yes, and LOTS of water please!). LOTS OF ENERGY!!! We now use it to offset those "naughty weekends" when we suddenly gain 5 pounds and want to shed it in a week or two. WONDERFUL and LIVEABLE! People who don't like it should just do something else ... like we have! :)
Rating:  Summary: The only "DO-ABLE" diet Review: The Atkins diet works. For the first 3 days, Ill admit, I was lethargic and craved carbohydrates but on the 4th day, I had more energy and I noticed a signifigant difference in my appetite. I used to fantasize all day at work about bagels and muffins, now when I think about food its because Im planning some delicious low-carb meal for dinner. And if you like to cook, there are SO MANY options! I have been following the plan for just over a month now and I have lost 15lbs, it cant all be water! I have tried so many diets but the hunger that they caused has always got the better of me. Not this time - Im never hungry. Honestly, I know that this diet may not be for everyone but I would encourage anyone who is trying to lose weight to at least give it a shot. And dont say to yourself 'oh I could never give up bread, rice, pasta etc.' because you can. Your body doesnt need it and after 3 or 4 days you wont even miss it. I cant say enough good about the Atkins diet. I am now in control of my eating habits, which puts me in control of my weight which translates to a much more positive self image and better health. Do yourself a favour and try the diet - Im sure you wont be disappointed!
Rating:  Summary: Bottom Line -- It WORKS! Review: I have struggled with weight all my life. Tried all the diets and couldn't make them work. Low-fat diets were especially hard because I was always hungry. Then I started watching friends and coworkers drop significant weight from Atkins. So I got the book and read it cover to cover. Then I started the diet. After 1 year, I had lost 65 pounds. That was 18 months ago. I've now put 5 pounds back on (over the holidays), but I'm not worried, because I know I can go back on the diet and be back to my desired weight in a couple of weeks. My blood pressure went to normal after years of being high after just two weeks on the diet. I was able to eat as often and as much as I wanted of the non-carbohydrate foods, so I was never hungry. No, I never went for the pork rind thing that so many no-carb people resort to, but I found other creative ways to get crunch (nuts!) without lots of carbs. Yes, you miss bread, rice, potatoes ... but you don't have to eliminate them forever ... just until you reach your desired weight. In my experience and knowledge of friends' experience with this diet, men typically lose weight on Dr. Atkins' diet much more quickly than women. So don't compare yourself with others. Just watch your own scale. But as with any diet, it won't work if you don't follow it, and if you're really not ready to get serious about losing weight. If you are ready, I highly recommend this book and this diet. Good luck!
Rating:  Summary: Change your life - Now Review: If you are like me, you lived between bouts of painful dieting and carboheaven. I grew up in the most toxic environment in the world for a carbojunkie: a bakery. I have lived for years with baked goods burning a hole in my mind when I ought have been concentrating on my work, my marriage, my child. I started living a low-carb, high protien life, and I feel that I've had an enormus weight lifted from my shoulders. I'm losing the weight that has been my worst companian since childhood, my chemistry is perfect, and I'm more productive than I have ever been. Read this book, understand why the Atkins diet works, and then follow it. Don't forget to exercise.