Rating:  Summary: Finally, someone understands my issues with weight. Review: I cannot tell you the connection I felt to Dr. Atkins's patients as I was reading the case studies in this book. All my life I have eaten less than everyone I know and weighed more. Dr. Atkins explains why, and helped me eat until I was satisfied and I still lost weight slowly and steadily. Yes, even on Atkins my body fought to keep the weight on, but I have been on maintenance for two years now and am maintaining a 40 pound loss. Do not let the medical establishment and the food industry, much less the government, sway you. This diet works, there is science behind it, and let's face it, you can't lose weight without sacrificing something. You have to be committed however, because you are dealing with body chemistry and every time you cheat you go back to square one. This diet works, it is healthy, and it is sustainable over the long term. I can have a huge steak, smothered in butter, a salad with real dressing, and steamed broccoli, with sugar free jello and real whipped cream for dessert. Who cares about a baked potato when I can eat like that?
Rating:  Summary: Good Luck fellow Dieter Review: A must have for the SERIOUS carb counter.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect diet, perfect book Review: I am French. Most of my fellow countryman- and women eat controlled carbohydrate foods. I am not a chauvinist (well, a little) but I think that even the most rudimentary research will show you that we are not exactly dropping like flies.This is a truly wonderful diet. Not only will it improve your health at a amazing pace and lower your "bad" LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, your weight will drop, and fast, together with your cholesterol count. I am on this diet for 2 years now, and dropped over 120 pounds with it. Anybody who tells you this is a "fad" diet, or this is all "waterweight", or tells you that moving your cholesterol from the danger zone to normal and healthy levels is not good for you in the short or long term, is a certified lunatic. Even (actually, especially!) if that person is your doctor. Get another one - quickly, before the Food Pyramid's (which is nicely showing cracks recently...) low-fat high-carb diet recommendations kill you. Or do you think gobbling diet pills, appetite suppressors and bloodpressure- and cholesterol medications is completely normal? Very recently the renowned (of "science" magazine fame) investigative science writer Gary Taubes wrote a major article for the New York times. After this brilliant article, The Food Pyramid, and other so-called "balanced" diets proponents like it, will never be the same. This landmark article, finally revealing the scientific truth after 30 years, proves without any question that Atkins has been telling the truth for over 30 years. It also makes clear that your Government has been very effectively misled (and even didn't want to be bothered by the facts), and consequently has been misleading us on basis of, essentially, a bunch of pseudo-scientific nonsense and unproven theories of some late sixties fat fobists. Now this fact alone is almost the crime of the century. But it gets worse. The incredible truth is that literally HUNDREDS of millions of YOUR dollars (!) have been spent over the years to prove the low-fat/high-carb paradigm, without ANY effect - the major scientific studies failed completely and proved the exact opposite of what the low-fat theorists hoped for. All this time dr. Atkins has been called a quack, a whacko, a money hungry fool, a charlatan, and so on and so forth. Essentially, they tried to destroy the man using the primary tactics of debunkery: if you can't attack the data (his research, his facts and his clinical evidence are rocksolid), try to attack the person. And so they did. The man even had to defend himself before Congress. And now mainstream science is forced to admit that dr. Atkins has been completely right for over 30 years. It is very, very sad, but there is no other conclusion possible: the truth, once again, has been suppressed and rediculed because of political experiments and commercial motives. It is, after all, cheaper and far more profitable to manufacture junk food made from cheap (and bad) transfats, sugar, corn syrup plus white flour as real food made of natural and healthy ingredients. It is also very interesting for pharmaceutical companies to sell you a plethora of drugs. It will of course take quite a while still, but dr. Atkins' diet revolution started to get serious momentum recently. In the meantime, you can start working on your health and weight by buying his book. Read it cover to cover. Follow his guidelines, it's easy to read and comprehend. But follow it to the letter. It will improve your health by orders of magnitude while dropping pounds quickly and easily. Do yourself a favor and buy this book TODAY. It is excellent, clear, fun to read and packed with very good advise and... THE TRUTH. The real truth, uncensored, unaltered and backed by hard scientific facts. Really read it very carefully. Follow his advice and guidelines to the letter. Then, if you have a curious mind, read the NY times article. And see how decades of real, hard and factual nutritional science is totally backing this diet... you will most likely, like me, have serious difficulty not getting extremely angry with your Government and the food industry. In my opinion dr. Atkins deserves a Nobel Prize for his work and for the incredible fight he had to put up with to expose the factual truth as outlined in this magnum opus of nutritional science.
Rating:  Summary: Atkins bashers eat crow.... Review: I have to admit, that I had my reservations about this program. Based on accepted scientific dogma, the Atkins Diet seemed very dangerous.Then I bumped into a friend that I hadn't seen in awhile. He had lost around 60 lbs and looked fantastic. Then his wife came out and she had lost 45 lbs. I asked what they were doing and they said "Atkins."What impressed me is that these eople didn't look like normal dieters. They looked wonderful. So radiant. So much energy. Their skin had a glow to it. I told them that I had heard some bad things about Atkins and they showed me the NY Times article about carbs. Between the article and their new slim appearance I was sold and started the next day.My first observation was that I wasn't hungery and I felt great. I enjoyed a big increase in energy. That never happened before on any diet.I lost 5 lbs. in the first three days and noticed inch loss in all major fat accumulation areas. Handlebars started to dissappear. Stomach got tighter. Chest firmed up.My nails, hair and skin all showed marked improvements. Like my friends, I started to get a healthly glow on my skin. Previously, I had been on a "balanced diet" and had tried and the "diet and exercise" system with little or no results.Around my 30's, I started a higher fiber/complex carb program with pasta, grains, fruits, legumes and interstingly, that is when I started to gain weight. Now I believe that it's carbohydrates that make you fat.I'm consuming more calories with Atkins, feel better, have more energy than with the "balanced or complex carb program."I'm in sales and on the road a lot. It's nice to be able to eat those luscious hi protein foods like lobster, shrimp, prime rib, pork chops for lunch or dinner and scrambled eggs or a nice cheese omlet for breakfast. I also enjoy the Atkins bars.I was a former Atkins basher and foolishly believed the medical community that warned that this program is dangerous. I think that being overweight is dangerous as is the food programs recommended by dieticians and doctors. But I was willing to be changed.I think that the NY Times article may finally proove to many that Atkins was right all the time. What I think is funny are people who think this program is dangerous but puff away on a cigerette, munch on a high sugar sticky bun or put down a double order of fries. Atkins has given me a new perception of dieting and nutrition. I'm a lifer on this program. and am sold, sold, sold.
Rating:  Summary: Atkins rules! The only way to lose fat Review: First of all, let me say that I am very glad that what Dr. Atkins has been promoting for over 30 years has finally been accepted as both safe and effective.Prior to Atkins, I tried the high fiber, high carb programs and felt stringy, lost weight but stayed fat.I became a "warrior" and went to the gym, did the best I could considdering how out of shape I was, lost a few pounds, toned up a little but the results were far too slow so I quit.I tried one of the over the counter diet shakes. Nothing. Tried the "fat burners" had a huge increase in energy but was up half the nite and had the jitters.As a last resort I tried Atkins. Several days---nothing. I continued for 7 days. Still nothing in weight loss based on my bathroom scale, but did notice my pants were looser and I loved eating eggs, steaks, chops and cheese again. Finally around the start of the third week, I started to lose. First 5 lbs. Then 8 lbs. Then 10 lbs. I noticed in the mirror that I looked tighter and my pants were a lot looser now. I didn't measure but figure I lost any easy 1 1/2 to 2 waistline inches.I was starting to get tired of eggs every morning so started to take a shake in place of breakfast. Noticed it tasted good and mixed with water.I also added the Vit/Min, Oil and weight-loss accelerator products. By this time, I had noticed that my skin was tighter and smoother. I had high energy. No mid morning let down and no hunger pangs.Dieting was no longer a drudgery. I have since started going to the gym again. One of the guys at the gym said, "Wow Louie you look great must be working out like crazy huh." I told him that I was just starting back but was on the Atkins Diet. Two other gm members are now on Atkins.As another reviewer commented, most diets don't work. Any weight loss is usually lean tissue (muscle) and water and very little fat. Most diets lead to deprivation. Most people who are on diets are easily identifiable: they look haggard, tired, are always hungry and also irritable. My weight loss came slow, I believe because I messed my metabolism up with other diets and plans. The thermogenic plans especially speed up your metabolism and when you stop...look out.I loved the Atkins diet. It is such a pleasure to be losing Fat, not just weight and putting good things into my body. Oh, my complexion which had been a problem for a long time has cleared up.A friend tried to steer me away from Atkins and started on this high Ketosis thing. ... I told him to read the book and asd him if he saw the NY Times article and told him to try it. This guy has always been thin but now (in his 50's) has to run 3-4 miles every day, is in good shape for a 50 year old, but how many have the desire or abiity to run 3-4 miles every day? I know I don't.I recommend the Atkins diet wholeheartily and believe it is the perfect answer to looking better and living longer.
Rating:  Summary: The very best diet program ever... Review: Not since Slender Now has a weight-loss program delivered such fast and effective weight loss while drmatically changingmuscle tone, without exercise, hunger pangs, nervousness and irritability.Other diets don't work. Any weight loss is usually water and mucle and not fat at all. I used to feel irritable, hungry and tired all the time. Not with Atkins.My blood pressure has dropped along wth my weight. Trigicerides and cholesterol also lower. Muscle tones very noticably improved without exercise.I also love Dr. Atkins meal replacement shakes and bars. The shake is the best since Slender Now. The other diet shakes I have tried, were too high in carbs, too low in protein and didn't supply enough nutrition. Dr. Atkins program and supplements do.I wholeheartily recommend the Atkins Diet if you want results without compromising your heath and vitality.Using the supplements makes the program work faster. The shakes taste great and are easily mixed in water. Ideal for the lactose intolerant. You won't get hungy and you will actually lose fat, not just weight. You'll feel invigorated.Need I say any more?Great program. Try it, you'll like it. I love it.
Rating:  Summary: Everyone is a diet expert yet we're all fat Review: I love Amazon. More than 1,000 opinions on this book. The most amusing reviews are those from non-medical professionals who either haven't even read the book nor tried the diet. Yet they have dozens of reasons why it's bad, bad, bad. I have read the book. I'm considering the diet. His theory makes sense. And I have my reservations. My most significant reservation is the lack of variety. Even on maintenance one only is allowed 60 grams of carbohydrate per day. One Lean Cuisine and you're done for the day. Frankly, I think it's too coincidental that obesity rates in this country began to increase right about when the government began promoting its carb-heavy food pyramid. And did anyone see the cover of the New York Times Sunday Magazine recently? The cracks in the carb-heavy food pyramid are beginning to widen. If it turns out that Dr. Atkins is right, a lot of people will be eating a different kind of high-protein meal . . . crow.
Rating:  Summary: I tried it and it worked for me Review: I tried this diet becaue I gained a few extra pounds I needed to get rid of. I read the book from cover to cover and started the diet. In the end I lost about 20 pounds in 3 weeks which is awesome. In addition to this though I also use to jog 2-3 miles a day.
Rating:  Summary: The Diet Works, the Recipes are So-So. Review: I have lost a ton of weight on this diet, but quit it and gained the weight back because of fear that the diet wasn't safe. Recently the New York Times published an article ("What If It's All Been A Big Fat Lie?" 7/7/02, Magazine)which convinced me it was safe, so I am back on it, and losing weight very nicely. My layman's guess is that if you only have a few pounds to lose, and you only want to lose weight to look better, it's not worth taking the chance that the diet may increase your risk of heart attack or gallstones. Try a less restrictive, more balanced diet. But if you are so heavy that the fat itself is causing health problems, the fact that the diet does work makes it worth the risk. Anyway, that's the choice I made. That said, the book itself is useful, but I strongly suggest supplementing the recipes by doing online research. There are a lot of websites, and news groups, with great low-carb recipes. It doesn't have to be meat, meat, meat if you are a good cook or have a good imagination. It's especially fun in the summertime, to eat shrimp, crab, lobster, grilled chicken, and lots of salads and green vegetables. Think grilled chicken Caesar salad. Boiled crabs. Crab salad. Stuffed flounder. Grilled salmon. Green salad on the side, topped with a little guacamole. Lobster bisque with real cream. Greek salad. Use the ketosticks. Exercise. It works. My blood pressure is down, my blood sugar is down, my clothes are looser, in just a week.
Rating:  Summary: The food pyramid and AMA guidelines: WRONG!!! Review: Finally the medical world is beginning to accept, worldwide, what Dr. Atkins has been saying for decades: the food pyramid is wrong! We are raised believing meat and eggs are our enemies, cereals and grains are our friends. Pig farmers in this country will tell you: want to fatten a pig? give it grain!!! not fat, or meat, but CARBOHYDRATES! our bodies work just the same. There is a great article in the NYT's magazine (July 7, 2002) that pretty much summarizes the way we have been brought up, mistakenly believing we should stuff ourselves with complex carbs to live a healthy life. I tried every diet on the planet, and the truth is I only started this one after doing some research. Want to look good, feel better and live long? the tools are here! Don't take it from me, try it.