Rating:  Summary: This WORKS. just not for me. Review: I am SO sick of reading articles or listening to the 'nutritionists' on TV that say Atkins is gonna raise your cholesterol level, it's gonna cause kidney problems, eating no carbs is so unhealthy, you'll lose weight but you won't feel good, blah blah blah.... HELLOO!!! have you ever even READ this book? Cutting carbs dramatically is only ONE phase of Atkins! Don't we KNOW people PERSONALLY, or have even experienced ourselves how our cholesterol levels decreased and how we got much healthier, not to mention losing all that weight? Bottom line, Atkins is a wonderful way to lose weight and become healthier. it just didn't work for me. I mean, it did, but the problem for me was that being an asian, I live with an asian family, where rice is the staple food. We live with rice. Meal equals rice. HAving grown up eating rice every single day and being surrounded by rice, I could not resist it. When I went on this program for three weeks, it was actually the only time that I actually lost more than 15 pounds, not to mention feeling much better. Blowing it all up with a meal of rice, I thought, "I would absolutely keep this up if I could cookfor myself, not living in an asian family." NO diet is perfect for everyone. but I AM sure that if you are not in a situation like mine, it will absolutely help you lose weight, feel better, and become healthier. Trust me and trust Dr.Atkins. HE does know what he's talking about.
Rating:  Summary: Lost 14 lbs in 14 days during induction Review: I love the Atkins Diet! Having previously tried all of the pills, potions, powders; high fiber, low fiber, no fiber and various exercise as well as medically supervised weight loss programs, it is a pleasure to have something that finally works!To wit I dropped 14 lbs during induction and am continuing to lose (so far an additional 10 lbs) with the ongoing program.I disagree with the reviewers that say this program lacks variety. True if you are talking carbs, but not food in general. I also disagree with the ndividual that says that Ketosis is a dangerous state of health. I thought that old wives tale was permanently buried. You have to go into ketosis to reach a fat burning state.Also, the Atkins program is infinitely different and better than other diet plans and programs. You are not just losing weight, you are losing fat.The individual that said this program works only because it is low calories obviously never tried the Atkins program and probably never even read the whole book. I am losing weight on MORE calories with Atkins than before on a lower calorie but high carb program.I 100% agree with the readers that noted improved muscle tone, skin, nails and hair on this program. I never got that with the other diets and even so called "healthy-balanced diets."Atkins now has a 30+ year track record. Don't knock it, try it. It works.
Rating:  Summary: The real amerian diet. Review: Finally someone has dispelled the myth of the "balanced diet." Since 1980 when our government has been pushing the Balanced Diet hard, we have become the fattest nation on earth; with epidemics in Diabetes, Obesity Heart problems and a marinade of other illnesses. For two century's Americans eat a diet high in protein and fat; and we built this great nation as a strong healthy race. Akins are others who are pointing us back to the right way to eat, are doing a great service to all of us in the USA. He is a hero.
Rating:  Summary: Don't be Misinformed about Atkins!! Review: Many people have blasted the atkins diet for it's radical look on carbs. Many people have tried the diet and failed. Don't let this discourage you from learning about Atkins and why it may benefit you.After reading many of the negative reviews on this diet I feel I need to address issues that people have brought up. Many complained on the first few days of the diet they felt weak, sick to their stomach, dizzy, etc. Of course you will! You're body is going through serious withdrawl from our caffine and high sugar lifestyle. This is your body purging itself of toxins. Anoher complaint people have with atkins is that it is an "all meat-diet" This is completely FALSE. There is never a time where you are not eating any veggies if you are following Atkins advice. Finally there is a right and wrong way to do atkins. THE WRONG WAY is to drink diet soda and things with fake sugar, not eat enough fruit and veggies, to gorge yourself on food, to not exercise and once you've lost weight to go back to eating a high carb diet. This will not work long term (duh) but many do it, lose weight, and then gain more weight. THE RIGHT WAY is to cut out refined sugar from your diet and caffine. Not to use sweetners exact for a very rare special event. To learn how to exercise and to know that you exercise for reasons besides how you look. To make sure that all your carbs come for a fruit, veggie or nut. And to grow with the diet and not just stay on induction. What atkins is really about is learning how to eat a diet less processed. This is how you'll have the most success with the plan. When I started Atkins I weighed 182lbs. I now weigh 148 lbs and am working towards my goal of 128lbs. Through exercise and atkins the weight has come off easily and has put me back in control of my life.
Rating:  Summary: death and cruelty look great on me Review: at first i was a bit worried that a diet that promotes eating far, far more than the 60 grams of protien a day the americain dietary assoication recommends, just might overload my kidneys and liver. but what other options do i have, excercise, eat less, But why go to such extremes when i can do nothing but eat all day and melt away the pounds without promoting any healthy change in my life or my environment!!! bacon, sausage,ie all gods little critters sure look good on my plate, and i can eat as much as i want!!! not only can i eat all the red meat that i want now, i can also feel safe knowing that with the amount of antibiotics in my meat,i am safe from the kidney infections and colon cancer that are sure to follow! i would like to thank dr. adkins and his supporters the american cattlemens beef association for finding new innovative ways for me to be lazy yet lean. no carrots for this guy!!
Rating:  Summary: Why is everyone so mad? Review: The typical Atkins menu includes eggs, avacados, olives, nuts, fresh fish, chicken, and of course wonderful red meat! These are foods we are designed to eat...not Snack Wells, or "Mutli-grain" bagels. The book is a great read and offers hope to those who have tried everything else. I have lost 10 lbs in 5 weeks...2 lbs per week, which is what any "dietician" wants...nice slow, steady weightloss. I havent binged in 5 weeks...no late night cravings...i eat till i am full...i eat foods that satisfy me (eggs, nuts, steak, butter, olives, avacados)..and lots of dark green veggies! The program is built around 4 phases..the last of which is a Lifetime plan, which is fairly liberal w/ carbs i.e treating yourself to ice cream omce in a while.... good luck with your search for health
Rating:  Summary: Depends on your body type. Review: I found the book very successful and have lost 31 pounds so far. But it depends on your body type. I go to a Korean doctor that does body typing and his recommendations for my changes to my diet were very close to Dr. Atkins. So that's why it worked, but my husband and my oldest son are opposite to my body type and they need carbs, and they do much better. So I would recommend that if you feel more energetic when you don't eat much and when you eat much carbs, then it's worth considering this book.
Rating:  Summary: No different than any other diet Review: Based on the success of a friend losing over 100lbs on the Atkins diet, I decided to try it myself. I bought the book and carb counter, and read most of the book before I started. Let me say now that while Atkins definitely works for some people, it is really NO DIFFERENT than being on a regular diet. If you didn't like counting calories and watching everything that went into your mouth on other diets, this diet is not any better. I was unable to sustain Induction--it was just too restrictive for me. I craved fruits and vegetables too much after a couple of days to tolerate it--and I am not normally a big vegetable eater. Also, I was a bit disgusted at the amount of supplements and additional vitamins this man wants us to take along with the diet--as many as 4-6 pills three times daily. If this diet is so good for us, why are we taking all these supplements? I hate taking pills anyway, but I usually manage 1 or 2 vitamins daily. However, I must say that the Ongoing Weight Loss phase (Phase 2) is very easy to tolerate, and I am VERY slowly (7lbs in 4 weeks) losing weight on that part of it. It is basically eliminating bread and sugars, and limiting vegetables and fruits. While I am a fruit lover, so to do that part is difficult, the rest is pretty easy for me and I am not at all hungry. For someone that cannot do low-fat, low-calorie diets for more than a day or so, that is something.
Rating:  Summary: Good health and weight loss Review: I am excited about the weight that I have and continue to lose with the Atkins program. what excites me even more is my new found health, fitness and vitality.Before Atkins, I had no energy and couldn't even walk around the block. Even walking up a small flight of stairs got me easily winded.Now I walk 2-3 miles per day around a beautiful lake. On other days I do moderate weight training and some aerobic exercise at the gym. Sometimes I'll drive to the beach and walk up and down the boardwalk for variety.I read an article that stated that every extra pound of fat requires 4,000 extra feet of blood vessels to nourish (no wonder I was always tired before dropping 30 lbs.!!) and you will die 6 months to 1 year earlier for every extra 10 lbs of weight.With Atkins, it's not just about losing weight, it's about feeling better and living longer.And I don't miss the carbohydrate foods at all. My energy level has soared. Heartburn is gone. I kicked the coffee habit as well as my favorite snacks of chocolate chip cookies.I used to eat fruit every morning for a quick pickup. I quit that too and don't feel so bloated anymore. No more gas. The oatmeal and even worse, cold cereals that I used to consume have been replaced with bacon and eggs or a egg and ham on a muffin. I tried the Atkins shakes, but prefer real food. Occasionally if I am in a hurry, I'll make a shake with 4-6 ice cubes and sip it on my way to a sales call.I am grateful to Atkins for not only giving me my high school weight and physique back, but my health, wellness and fitness as well.
Rating:  Summary: ...but I'm vegetarian Review: I tried it and I failed after 3 weeks, because... I don't eat meat or poultry. Although I eat a bit of fish, this gets very expensive and the alternative-eggs, eggs, eggs-don't entertain the tastebuds for too long. Vegs: It is possible to do this diet, but it takes a bit more thinking since recipes are not as abundant and the emphasis on meat in the text is very strong. In the meantime, I'm stocking up on canned tuna until Dr. Atkins writes one for folks like me.