Rating:  Summary: People need to wake up Review: First off I AM A NUTRITIONIST! Dr. ADkins is a cardiologist not a nutritionist. Would you have a plumber do your electrical work? FACT: The body does not burn fat without carbohydrate. FACT: High amounts of protein causes the body to catobolize muscle tissue which causes you to lose weight but slows your metabolism so a rebound is inevitable. Adkins claims that since carbs cause the release of insulin eliminate carbs and you will not store fat. True but protein still releases insulin. The ONLY way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume. FACT: CARBS= 4 cals per gram, PROTEIN 4 cals per gram, Alcohol 7 cals per gram, and FAT 9 cals per gram. SO carbs has the same caloric makeup as protein. Come on people think over the facts yourselves and don't fatten the pockets of this man who doesn't know what he is talking about.
Rating:  Summary: I was wrong about this diet! Review: I criticized the whole low-carb, high-protein diet program until I actually TRIED it. Since I've been off of carbs (for the most part) I've felt better and I've lost 26 pounds! Not every diet works for everyone, but please give the Atkins program a try!
Rating:  Summary: It helped me feel good... Review: I am only 17 years old,when I was only the age of 16 i weighed 189 pounds. At that point I decided in my life that I needed to do something about my weight. I did so many different diets and was almost about to give up when my dad came home from work one day and told me about this diet that a friend of his had started, and was actually seeing results, I thought what do I have to lose? So I started the diet, and boom by 4 months later I was down to 150 pounds. I felt so muh better about myself,so much more confident to walk into a room. I am just so glad I actually went through and did something on my own.I still to this day am currently doing the Adkins diet and still love it for the mere fact that if I was able to do it I think that anyone can. Life is great now as I am continueing to lose weight I get more and more excited each day. So I wish the best of lck to anyone out there who is looking for a diet that does work and believe me it does,it is just up to you to make that decision.
Rating:  Summary: Dr. Atkins deserves a Nobel Prize! Review: This book is the Magnum Opus of nutritional science. This diet is also a genuine lifesaver. After losing over 120 pounds on it, and seeing incredible improvements of my total cholesterol count, blood pressure, and triglycerides, I can safely state that this diet saved my life. I will be on it for life. I have seen very similar results in other people as well. A collegue of mine lost a staggering 147 pounds on this diet, with ease! Others could permanently wave off blood pressure and cholesterol medication. Anybody who tells you this is not healthy, all waterweight, or that ketosis is not a healthty metabolical state, or perhaps one of the hundreds of other BS-objections one hears about this diet, is a certified lunatic or just a ill-informed negativist. The hard, factual nutritional science behind the Atkins program is rocksolid, and has been proven over and over in the peer-reviewed, medical literature and in clinical tests. Even those bastions of ultra-conservatism, mainstream science, are now forced -albeit kicking and screaming- that Atkins has been completely right for over three decades. This diet is VERY healthy. Period. It will dramatically improve your overall health, especially for the obese and/or diabetics. It is NOT all meat, or all eggs, that is simply a lie. Just read the book - it is very clear. You can have healhty green, non-starchy veggies, some fruits even, meats, fish, dairy. Just don't gorge. Do yourself a favor and buy this book TODAY. It is excellent, clear, fun to read and packed with very good advise and... THE TRUTH. The real truth, uncensored, unaltered and backed by hard scientific facts. Really read it very carefully. Follow his advice and guidelines to the letter. Then, if you have a curious mind, read the amazing, landmark NY times article that was recently published by a famous science writer. And see how decades of real, hard and factual nutritional science is totally backing this diet... you will most likely, like me, have serious difficulty not getting extremely angry with your Government and the food industry. In my opinion dr. Atkins absolutely deserves a Nobel Prize for his work and for the incredible fight he had to put up with in order to expose the REAL factual truth as outlined in this amazing book from a brilliant, extremely courageous doctor. Truly the magnum opus of nutritional science. Good health to you all!
Rating:  Summary: Lab Tests are In Review: I waited to comment on Atkins until after I had been on at for at least 6 months and had follow up blood work. Sure I could see the fat burning off of me and the scale was becoming my friend, but is this healthy? Myself and 4 friends have been on this for 6 to 8 months. We had seen the results in others and one by one started it on our own. All of us lost significant weight in fat without a mass struggle. When I saw the measurements in my upper arms, thighs and stomach going down faster than the scale, I knew I was burning fat. There were some definite adjustments, but once those were understood each of us found it easy to stay on. Finding and exchanging new recipes even made it more interesting. Each one of our blood profiles has definite improvements with some being quite significant. One friend lost 90 points in her cholesterol and her tryglcerides once well out of range are now down to 94. One friend bordered on high cholesterol and now is seeing historically low figures. Other functions such as kidney and liver were also well within range. Atkins explains that your body always burns carbohydrates before fat and when you get those carbohydrates out of the way, you become a fat burning machine. The frustration with Atkins is that so many people, including some who claim to be on it, have not read his book and pass judgement without fully understanding it. This includes some physicians and ill-advised nutritionists. Atkins is the first to inform you that you CANNOT gorge on fat like so many people claim. In fact, there are certain fats that you cannot have at all. Thankfully, the desire to gorge is extinguished as you quickly find that eating protien throughout the day keeps your blood sugar stable. Now when I get hungry I do so very slowly. At first, it is not obvious how to count carbohydrates in fruits and vegetables. Once I understood that I could subtract the amount of fiber from the total carbohydrate number, I realized I could have more of those things than it first appeared. I stay away from the real high sugared fruits and starchy vegetables, but I don't even count the carbs in greens now, I just eat what I want and it works for me. I even have a glass of dry white wine with dinner occasionally. Many people confuse the Atkins induction period as being the entire diet. In fact, you may slowly bring back certain carbs and see what you are and are not resistant to. I have a little rice or even pasta at times, but I keep those things way on the back burner now. Orowheat has some low carb breads that contain no sugar and I have a piece of toast with breakfast everyday. You don't have to buy any Atkins products to follow this diet, but his Endulge bars are so good it is doubtful you will want to pass them up. I never cared much for the Advantage bars, but you could mistake Endulge for some of the well known candy bars. When people tell me Atkins is a dangerous diet, I ask them if I should reinstate the sugar or the saturated fats back into my diet first? I've cleared my pantry of all the processed high carb foods and haven't looked back. I no longer feel like i'm on a diet; this is a permanent change. Understandly, the Atkins' Revolution is counter-intuitive and runs against the logic of the traditional food pyramid, but it works and is healthy!
Rating:  Summary: The diet is simple but ... Review: The diet is simple but reading the book was frustrating. My sense was that it could have had a better lay out and been much more reader friendly.
Rating:  Summary: dr atkins new diet revolution Review: it was very easy to loose weight once i stopped eatting carbohydrates. iam looking for the spanish version for a few friends.
Rating:  Summary: Definitely worth reading, and trying! Review: I read the Atkins book after seeing the article in the NY Times magazine ("What if it's all been a big fat lie?", July '02). I was really impressed with how much sense the plan seems to make metabolically and it is quite easy to follow and not nearly as crazy or restrictive as some people would have you believe. I've been following it for a month now and have lost close to 4 inches from my waist and 3 from my hips. I have tons of energy and don't feel deprived at all. I find the main drawbacks of the program to be the suggestions to use Atkins' products to replace regular foods. I live in Mexico and don't have access to them for one thing and I also don't think it should be necessary to buy processed foods to keep up a diet plan (and it isn't really, you just don't get as many fun foods). In any case, I recommend the book to anyone who is curious about a low-carb diet or anyone who suspects that the whole low-fat thing is not all it's cracked up to be.
Rating:  Summary: I disagree with JH422 - Atkins is for everyone Review: and layoff the vegetables. The myth of eating "lots of vegetables" is like the myth of high carbs/high fiber. It doesn't work for weight loss. Consume veggies-YES, but only on a modified basis and watch the carb count.Obviously some people haven't read the book and don't understand the system.I highly recommend that all serious dieters reread the Atkins Diet book and contact Atkins for any questions.While I am not an Atkins employee, I do have a lot of respect for this program - I lost 48 lbs using Atkins so yes, I am a believer and a very grateful student. While losing weight, I noticed a big improvement in my hair, skin tone, nails. There was a rapid tightening of the skin even without exercise. So yes, I am a believer.The reason that people fail with Atkins, I believe, is by trying to reinvent the wheel and subscribing to old wives tales like you have to have carbs and a lot of veggies. Perhaps you guys missed the article in the NY Times a few weeks back.Keep in mind, that the whole basis of the Atkins program is to reduce carbs so your body goes to it's fat stores for energy. If you are taking in carbs with veggies, your body is getting needed energy from an outside source and this will hinder the results of the program.The rate that a person will lose weight is based on a number of factors including metabolism, level of activity, age and even gender. I am a female in my 40's but still was able to lose 48 lbs with Atkins. On the other hand, I have known others in my same age group or even younger who lost at a much slower rate. I did take a herbal diet capsule and other supplements in addition to Atkins and drank a lot of water. I also joined an Aerobic class after I dropped my first 15 lbs. and found that my energy soared from the Atkins program.Today we live in an instant society where a person who has been overweight for years wants to be slim in a week or 2 or 1 month max. LADIES and gentlemen, you need to be patient and not just dismiss the program. And even as a 40-something female, I find it hard to believe that anyone can follow induction for a full month and not lose, that is without secretly cheating. Sorry, I don't buy that at all. One of the things that I suggest to friends who are getting slow results is to go back on induction for another 14 days (after going to the ongoing program) then get off induction for for awhile and get back on. This is what I did to lose that 48 lbs. along with getting on some supplements.Atkins is for everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Not for everyone Review: I did a pretty strict induction for a month and I didn't lose any weight. I think that Dr. Atkins estimates in the book that 30%+ of the population are very sensitive to carbohydrates. Whatever the percentage is-these are the people who will really benefit from his program and lose a lot of weight on it and write positive reviews. If you are not very sensitive to carbohydrates I don't think his diet reduces your appetite enough to make up for the very high calorie density of all the meats and fats you eat and still allow you to lose weight. Unfortunately we are all different and no one diet will work for everyone. You will just have to try a few until you find one that works. What works best for me is just writing down a good guess of the calories of everything I eat and stopping when I'm 500 calories under the amount needed to maintain my weight. It's pain but after a few days my body gets used to eating a little less and I learn to apportion the calories so I have enough left for the evening. I also learned things like if I have a big piece of buttery cornbread at lunch I'm pretty much done for the day. Most of us don't eat that many different food so it doesn't take long to learn the calories of the different things we eat. Whatever diet you choose I think there are a few things you must do to lose weight and keep it off. These are: 1-exercise, even if it's only walking around the block in the evening 2-find a plan you like and can stay with long term. If you go back to how you were eating before the diet you will gain all the weight back, so if the diet (think of it as a lifestyle change) takes a huge amount of will power how will you be able to stay with it long term? 3-Cut out (or at least really cut back on) the very high glycemic foods like sugar, cakes, cookies, pastries. This includes everything that contains sugar, honey, white flour, white rice, and fruit juice. 4-Eat lots of fiber 5- Eat lots of vegetables and salad (watch out for the dressing and cheese and meat) and at least some fruit. These are very low calorie foods with a lot of volume that will fill you up.