Rating:  Summary: some thoughts for MDs on a thought provoking dietary trend Review: If you're a doctor, consider this, triglycerides are measured fasting, and research has shown that these triglycerides are a product of de novo lipogenesis, i.e., the liver is synthesizing them from glucose. On a low carb diet, glucose, especially during the long over night fast, is synthesized via gluconeogenesis using glucogenic amino acids, glycerol and lactic acid as the carbon source and using energy from fat. To then turn around and convert that glucose back to triglyceride would be a futile cycle and the body is very good at avoiding futile cycles. If it didn't avoid this cycle, then low carb diets would be even better for weight loss, since each spin of the cycle would waste energy. The most recent research shows that the Atkins diet increased HDL (the "good cholesterol") and reduced fasting triglycerides while leaving LDL about the same. Even though LDL levels remained about the same, one can conclude that the risk from that LDL has been reduced because triglycerides have been reduced and elevated TGs have been associated with a worse LDL particle profile. If you read the studies you will also note that they did not select a population with high fasting TGs. If they had, I suspect the effect on fasting TGs would have been even more dramatic. In my own case, my TGs dropped from 323 to 71 in 6 weeks, far faster than can be explained by my weight loss. What I have related here, is what I have learned trying to discover the mechanisms involved. I think, similarly, you should try to open your mind on the issue of fat in the diet. Much of the research that associated risk of cancer and heart disease with fat has not controlled for Calories, and once Calories have been controlled for the relation disappears in both breast and colon cancer. Instead insulin-like growth factors and the insulin resistance associated with high fat, high carb, high Calorie diets appear to explain most of the risk. The glycation of proteins and oxidative stress caused by elevated glucose levels and the increased sclorsis cause by insulin are mechanisms that are well established in the literature. A lot of poor research that does not control for these factors is still being published so look at only the best prospective studies. In case you don't have time to read the book, the Atkin's diet really only requires a significant reduction in starchy foods, sugar and the most empty fruit Calories. It allows plenty of non-starchy veggies, nuts, unsweetended berries and other fruits to supply vitamin C, folic acid, etc. You may have heard the evolutionary argument that our nearest relatives, the chimps and gorillas were mostly vegatarian and what meat they consumed was lower in fat. What you may not know is that most of the calories they extract from their diets are in the form of fat. They have larger colons that ferment the fibre in their diets, and that energy enters their bodies in the form of short chain fatty acids. Until more evidence comes in, I hope you can at least keep an open mind about this diet and recall how slow the medical establishment was in accepting the role of bacteria in stomach ulcers and how wrong it was in restricting dietary calcium in patients with calcium oxalate kidney stones. Diet and nutrition is an even more complex area with more variables to control.
Rating:  Summary: Living Off the Fat of the Land Review: With one third of Americans obese and another third merely overweight, it is understandable why America has such an enormous diet culture. There are countless books and numerous health gurus preaching a variety of ways for people to return to the shape intended by their DNA. The diet book taking America by storm at present is Dr Atkins' New Diet Revolution, an updating of a book published 20 years ago that has now become a dieting classic. That work was so radical at the time that it was widely condemned by the medical establishment. Now, although the Atkins diet remains the subject of controversy, a growing segment of health professionals and medical researchers have come to the conclusion that there is a great deal of sense in the doctor's arguments. What makes this turnaround all the more astounding is that Atkins seems to have found the Holy Grail of dieting, that is a diet that allows us the up-till-now mutually exclusive pleasures of eating to our epicurean satisfaction while also looking slim and trim. Most diets warn us of the dangers of fatty, high-calorie food and encourage us instead to consume carbohydrates. The key to Atkins' system, and what justifies the term 'Revolution' in the title, is that he reverses this equation, targeting carbohydrates as the real villain of the waistline, while giving the more delicious, high-calorie foods, so often denounced by dieticians, the green light. By limiting carbohydrates the Atkins' diet aims to decrease insulin in the bloodstream, which Atkins identifies as the mechanism converting carbohydrates to body fat. Because of the heavy criticism and then growing acceptance that met his ideas in the past, the tone of the writing sometimes has a defensive or even an evangelical ring to it. The diet is presented not only as an easy way to shed a few kilograms, but also as a way to prevent everything from fatigue and mental fog to diabetes and cancer. To back up its claims the book also includes many detailed case studies and controlled carbohydrate recipes. Until the mysteries of the human body are completely understood, a diet book that advocates rich dishes like lobster soup, sea bass, zabaglione, and blueberry ice-cream -- and even provides recipes -- will win out over those that count out how many lentils and cabbage leaves to eat.
Rating:  Summary: More credibility for the Atkins program... Review: recent press releases by the AMA have indicated that trans fats as found in potato chips and packaged snacks are the real culprit and health hazard - not the type of fat that Dr. Atkins recommends in this program.The report further states that consuming Omega fats in the form of fatty fish can reduce cholesterol (Dr. Atkins has been recommending this for years!)So once again Atkins bashers---EAT CROW!!!P.S. I have been on the Atkins program for years. Lost weight - feel great. Cholesterol is lower than ever and my weight is the same as when I was in high school. Thank you Dr. Atkins!!!
Rating:  Summary: Tired of being hungry on diets - try Atkins instead Review: Over the years, I have been on all kinds of diets, and was always hungry. As I got older, I couldn't seem to get the weight off even while having an exercise routine, and I was sluggish all of the time no matter what I did. I mentioned this to a friend and she suggested Atkins. So, I went to the library first and read 3 of the Atkins books including "The New Diet Revolution". The most helpful information was understanding the "why" behind everything - it just made sense to me. I went out and bought all the books and I re-read them constantly. I have been on Atkins for about 6 months, and I really like it. I am not completely true to the program everyday, but I can say that I have made major and permanent changes in the way I eat - I feel so good! The "Induction" phase 1 is a bit hard, but I readied myself by reading and understanding everything first, and that made it so much easier (2 weeks on Induction). My other advice is instead of weighing yourself, take out some kind of clothing that is a bit tight, and then try it on after 2 weeks. Keep going this way! I love it, have all the books, and exchange recipes with friends. I found the hardest part was psychological. But unlike other diets, on Atkins you are not hungry which is great! Good luck.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome! Review: You need to get these books! I was awestruck to find that they were delivered exactly 25 hours after I ordered them online! I can't wait to 'dig in'! Peace & Blessings.
Rating:  Summary: The only way of eating that works for me Review: ....I decided to buy Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution. I read through the book and discovered some interesting chapters on Metabolic Resistance (which is a measure of the ability to lose weight and keep it off) and on the Metabolic Advantage. What I read was indeed a very stunning revelation. The chapters explained that I needed to eat a diet high in protein, high in fat (especially saturated fat), high in dietary cholesterol, and low in carbohydrate (starches and sugars). I couldn't believe it. This was totally contrary to the current conventional wisdom on nutrition. That I was going to have increased muscle definition, decreased bodyfat, increased energy levels, decreased health problems by eating this way was akin to telling someone in the 16th century who had believed all his life that the Earth was flat, that this bit of wisdom was wrong and that the Earth is indeed round! So I decided to give Induction a try for two weeks and measure my degree of metabolic resistance. I had no idea what my CCLL (Critical Carbohydrate Level for Losing) was. But at least, I was going to know without a doubt if eating fat makes me fat. The first two weeks were rough due to carbohydrate withdrawal symptoms. I felt out of sorts, loss of mental acuity, lower energy levels. I was taking a vitamin at the time, only to later learn that it was the vitamin, canola and soybean oils that were making me feel out of sorts (and headachey). I now only use olive oil as the vegetable oil of choice. I had lost a grand total of 6 lbs in two weeks on Induction. The food intolerance problems were determined by reading the chapter on Food Intolerances and using a process of elimination to determine the offending foods (substances) while on Induction. Still, I missed fruit, so, I proceeded on to the Atkins OWL (On Going Weight Loss)/Premaintenance Nutritional Approach. From there, I determined my CCLL and was saddened to learn that it was 50 grams (starches and sugars). My health improved (without the vitamin). I ate nuts and berries in addition to a greater variety of carb-controlled portions of vegetables. I also ate carb-controlled portions of higher carb fruits (half an orange, half an apple, half a banana, half a grapefruit, etc.) in addition to the berries. Beans were (and still are) limited to 1/3 cup. As long as carbs were spread out throughout the day in 5-10 gram counts, kept under 50 grams, and came from a wide variety of natural plant based (whole food) sources, then I was doing fine. The good news is that, I started to feel better and I was very slowly losing inches and pounds. I have been on the Atkins OWL/Premaintenance diet for three years. Even though the scale only shows a weight change of 15 lbs, I have lost 5 inches on my belt! The weight loss plateaus that I experienced showed that I was losing fat from my face. I had to get my wedding ring resized because my ring finger got skinnier! No more hunger problems. No more craving problems and I still eat the same way as I did three years ago. Given the choice between elevated cholesterol levels (LDL 325, HDL 53) or the alternative (Type II diabetes problems, Blood pressure problems, low HDL problems, Triglyceride problems, lack of energy problems, brain fog problems, skin healing problems, hair thinning problems, brittle nail problems, obesity problems, blood sugar problems, and God knows what else), its a no-brainer. I am sticking to Atkins for life. When my wife got introduced to my way of eating, she was a bit puzzled. "This is a diet?". She thought all Americans were eating this way. After all, she had been eating this way for her entire life in VietNam and in the United States and she was not aware that this was an actual diet (meat, fish, fowl, eggs, nuts, berries, butter, cheese, fruits, vegetables, spices, green tea, herbal teas, and some unprocessed whole grains). That's because, in Vietnam, my wife's family could not afford to buy and eat processed high carb junk food and other "luxury items" such as margarine. Members of my wife's family typically make it to the 90s-100s on this "diet" with no obesity problems whatsoever. However, there is a family history of Type II diabetes, but it only affects the elderly and they have only recently discovered that the problem is worsened (aggravated) by the consumption of white bread, white rice and white sugar (which are hard things to give up)... Follow up: Since writing this post, my LDL cholesterol has dropped 134 points without taking any medications, HDL remains unchanged, and my Triglycerides are the lowest that I have ever seen. It just took time and I have to admit that my cholesterols were really bad before I started doing Atkins three years ago. I have lost another inch on my belt and can now wear a size 34 plus the fat is still leaving my face. For three years now, I have eaten 4-5 portion controlled meals each day with a dietary composition of 65 % (or higher) animal fat, 30 % animal protein, and 5 % carbohydrate (starches and sugars). I drink plenty of water and tea. I will also sometimes drink Ginger tea to aid digestion. I exercize with weights and machines at the gym and perform some aerobic exercise with a bicycle or an elliptical glider three or more times a week. I have never felt better or healthier in my entire life.
Rating:  Summary: I love this diet! Review: I gave it one star to educate all the ppl looking at the bad side of this diet. So all of u hillbillies who think ur all smart cuz u heard about the diet, maybe u should re-educate yourself. You dont know how the diet works, and you've never tried it, or you have and you did it wrong. Because this diet works. #1 - I lost 23 lbs in the first month, lowered my chloresteral, and i feel fantastic #2 - My new young doctor loves it, in fact preaches it, because it is in fact sugar that makes us fat! Yes, fruit and starchy vegetables are banned the first phase, but you re-add them in later, so you end up with a healthy, sugar-free diet. #3 - Fat doesn't MAKE you fat. If so, how come americans have consumed 60% less fat over the last 20 years, and yet, we are almost 3 times as obese? This diet is paving the way for a better future...
Rating:  Summary: ~Hi There~ Review: I only gave it one star to be able to write along with the haters. Listen, uve never tried the diet, uve never done nething with the diet ,ur listening to lowfat fads and we dont care. if u want to lose .1 lb a week thats good for u. but stay out of the happy pplz lives. Stop being mizerable Baaaaaaatches....
Rating:  Summary: The most successful diet program of all time!!!! Review: Dozens of diets, fads and gimmicks abound, but how many have the success rate or the longevity of Atkins? Answer: Only Atkins! Atkins has been around now for over 30 years and for 1 reason it works. People are worried about the fat in the Atkins program but go around eating potato chips, frendh fries and ice cream? C'mon! I lost 48 lbs initially with Atkins a few years ago and have maintained it. While losing weight, I gained muscle, filled out my figure, lost in major fat areas; waist, hips and thighs. While on the program, I didn't feel like I was on a diet. I felt like I was having a feast each and every day. My skin tone also improved. Energy soared. I went from a couch potato to starting a mild exercise program of walking now I'm pumping iron too and doing more advanced exercises, cardio and spot training. I know people will say it's the exercise. And that would be only partly true. I lost 48 lbs without any exercise at all, just Atkins. The exercise part came because I wanted to firm up and improve my condition and health. I highly recommend the Atkins diet. It is simply the best and most successful fat loss program of all time. Dr Atkins, RIP.
Rating:  Summary: Will Absolutely Lose you weight Review: There is absolutely no question that the Atkin Diet will cause you to lose weight - and lose weight fairly quickly. In fact, it is almost magical - filling yourself with meat, fats, cheese, butter, cream - and the pounds shed off. In addition, some of the advice (eliminating processed carbs and sugars) is very sound - and has long term nutritional benefits. However, this diet is really designed for the sedentary. An easy way to lose weight if you can't be bothered with an OVERALL healthy lifestyle that combines both elements of diet AND exercize. You CAN do this diet in isolation, and lose a bunch of weight fast . . . and eat all the fat you want. I know Atkins talks about the importance of exercize combined with his diet - but from experience of not just me, but many others with whom I have talked, if you're athletic, or do strenous workouts, with the no carb approach (even unprocessed Carbs like Potatoes and Bananas are taboo for the most part), there is absolutely no way you'll be able to do this diet and maintain the same level of physical performance you did before. This is especially true during the first couple of weeks when, essentially, you are allowed zero carbs - processed or otherwise. If you want to both lose weight AND improve your endurance and athletic performance - read "Eat to Win."