Rating:  Summary: This is a very informative self-help book Review: Dr. Atkins book is great. It is the best weight loss book i have read so far. i just started the diet two days ago and have already entered into ketosis. i have had to read the book 2 times and still have to refer to it several times a day for help. This amazon books site is the only bookstore that goes into detail regarding a synopsis of the book and reader comments are great. i was able to read the reader comments and got great information and also learned there is another site under better health that has a message board dedicated to the atkins diet. anyone having additional questions should look it up. i would like to hear from anyone with encouraging words and help with food choices by email at feefee30@aol.com. i'd appreciate all the help i can get. thanks-felicia
Rating:  Summary: I found a way to find the thin me Review: I started the diet just about 3 weeks ago after being totally digusted with myself and seeing a woman at work looking great knowing she was on the diet. I guess I was jealous because I originally started the diet right around the same time she did BUT I gave up. Looking at her I did not feel good about myself. Well I said, one more time and in 3 weeks I have lost 20 lbs. The first few days were hard, I won't deny that but I know that this is the right thing to do. I needed a little boost tonight and decided to read all the other comments and wow I hope I am just as successful. I have alot of lbs to go and reading the success stories has given me more will power to go. Don't ever give up--have faith and you will succeed using the diet!!
Rating:  Summary: I cried when I lost my first pound! Review: I thanked God for this fabulous new way of eating. It absolutely changed my life. I lost 8 lbs. on the first week of trial. I've tried everything else and nothing worked for me. But finally I found something that definately works. But, I'm afraid I can't stick with the diet right now since I am breast feeding a 3 month old. I'm devastated that I have to give up the diet by she is definately worth it. I failed to realize how this is unhealthy for her once my milk supply started decreasing tremendously. I wouldn't recommend this diet to any breast feeding mothers. I guess I have to wait but I highly urge everyone to try out this diet. I welcome anyone to email me to discuss success stories or skeptism. I have had a lots of people disagree with the diet. It would be nice to talk with someone who actually enjoys Atkins diet as much as I do.
Rating:  Summary: Update -- Two Months Later Review: Reference my original review here: circa tony@dtx.net from DeRidder, LA Dated: August 20, 1998 Subject: The Proof Is In the Pudding (Except Pudding Ain't Allowed) Well, it's been nearly two more months since I wrote that initial review. After re-reading it I can not think of one thing I would take back, and I am even more convinced that Dr. Atkins has given me the means to reach my ideal weight while not feeling hungry all the time. I started at 246 and now weigh 191 ten weeks later. I am on the OWL (ongoing weight lost) phase of but still strive to stay in ketosis which I normally check nightly. Walmart sells Bayer Ketostix (50 test strips around $11.25) which you can find in the pharmacy area next to the Diabetics' Glucose test strips. Anytime I don't get a PINKISH or darker color, I immediately return to INDUCTION phase levels which for me is 15 grams of carbohydrates or less which I don't fine to be onerous. In fact, I feel BETTER anytime I eat less carbohydrates and I also feel LESS hungry which proves to me that I and a bonafide "carb" addict caused by years of carbohydrate abuse ... plain and simple. I don't know if my body can heal itself from the abuse I have done to it but this diet at least shelters me from further damage. I will NEVER go back to the "HIGH carb LOW fat" diets. Never! Never! The good news is my Blood Pressure levels. Prior to 07/14/98, a 185/100 would not be surprising and with just the Atkins diet, my levels dropped to an average of 151/82 within three weeks. I started taking Dr. Atkins BLOOD PRESSURE supplements and my BP dropped to 123/72 within ten days. For the first month, I was taking three tabs (horsepill size) daily, but now in conjunction with the Atkins Diet, I maintain optimal BP levels (systolic < 120 and diastolic < 80) with just one tablet per day. Naturally, I feel much better, no longer tired when I get up in the morning or feeling "drained" by noon. Even the "brain fog" has virtually disappeared. And, with my blood sugar levels no longer aggravated by a HIGH carbohydrate diet, the prospects of Type II diabetes is less likely. My little brother came to visit me last week. Folks used to say we were twins. I actually have an identical twin. Anyway, we both weighed about the same three months ago and now I have trimmed four inches off my waist 44 > 40 and lost around 55 pounds (55 and alive). He tells me that he also lost 15 pounds albeit not on the Atkins diet during the same timeframe by "reforming" his eating habits (cutting out midnight snacks and drinking less "whole" milk). That's good except he says he has regained most of his lost but he is not giving up. Needless to say, I suggested he look in the mirror as he still had big black spots around his eyes while mine were now gone. Anyway, I feel great. It's good to be able to again get into clothes I used to wear and see them loose on me. I'm keeping my old belt, the strain marks on it are clear evidence that the Atkins Diet works. For those of you starting out on the diet, stick with it. I used to think they'd have to bury me in a "piano" box but now I have HIGH hopes that I will be able to not only achieve my ideal body weight but that I will be able to maintain it. And, don't let the naysayers run you off. Follow the diet, take at least four GOOD multivitiam tabs everyday during the INDUCTION phase and drink lots of water. They can help. By the way, I saw Dr. Atkins on TV recently promoting his new book on Vita-nutrients, and if you can get it, it might help as it covers hundreds of common complaints. And, remember, Dr. Atkins is a bonafide cardiologist; a man who has my trust and confidence.
Rating:  Summary: Off to a good start Review: I started the (induction diet) on 10/12/98 I've lost 5 pounds, I'm sure some of that is water. I have more energy than ever before. I use to sleep 8 to 9 hours a night or I felt horrible. Now I go to bed at 10:30 or 11:00 and I'm up full of energy by 5:30am. I never realized what a carb junky I was until I started this diet and everytime I said what do I want I wanted carbs. I really want to stick with this and would really like some input from those of you who can offer menu suggestions for breakfest thanks.
Rating:  Summary: UPDATE Review: I have been on the diet now for Three full weeks I have lost 11 lbs and a lot of inches. I am amazed at the energy I have. I am sleeping better and I do not require near as much sleep as before. Ususally I need atleast 10-12 hours of sleep but now if I get 7-8 I feel fine. No more groggy afternoons. Hey People Try it!! It works.We now have 3 girls where I work that are on it.
Rating:  Summary: Unbelievable but true! Review: I've been on the diet now for approximately seven weeks. I'm one of those people who don't weigh themselves, but I know by my clothes that I have lost heaps of weight. At least two dress sizes. I've just discovered the other books by Dr Atkins - especially the carb. counter - which would really help. Hopefully I'll stay with this eating plan - some days if I really want something I eat it but then go back to the plan. I did have the unpleasant experience of passing out after having heaps of chocolate and strong brewed coffee at a special afternoon tea. Since then, even if I do want to go off the diet I try to be careful with just how many carbohydrates I consume.
Rating:  Summary: Read the Book.....you will be convinced !!!! Review: I went on this diet and on the first 5 days I lost 10 lbs. I totally lost my horrible cravings for sweets. I fealt better than ever. After my 5 days I started slacking and going back to my old ways of bread and sweets. I did this for 2 weeks and although I didn't gain a pound back I did feel aweful. Everytime I would eat a piece of bread or something with sugar in it it totally made me sick to my stomach. I couldn't work out, I fealt horrible. You can tell when you start eating something with carbs in it, it tastes great going down, but the minute it hits your stomach you wish you would of never ate it. Needless to say I'm back on the diet now for 5 days again and have lost another 6 pounds. I feel excellent and I can tell how much more healthier I am when I'm eating without carbs! For those of you who are negetive on the subject you definatly have not read Dr. Atkins book or tried the diet for at least a week. He explains why everything works the way it does. No other diet has ever done that. Although I don't take the recommended suppliments for this diet, I'm sure if I did it would just make me feel just that much more wonderful. I know this diet is totally out of the norm of what we all are taught and it's hard to comprehend but if you would just try it I know you would agree that it is definatly the way to go. I was the type of person that worked out 5 days a week and kept eating low fat diet food and could never loose weight. Now I can eat bacon and eggs, chicken salad with mayonaise, steak and crab with drawn butter and I'm loosing. I'm sticking with this. I just feel sorry for the people that are too closed minded to actually look at what today's diet is doing to people and try this. I would love to hear from other people that are on this diet.
Rating:  Summary: UPDATE: I LOST OVER 44 LBS! Review: When I first started the Atkins diet, I lost 8 lbs in my first week, 30 lbs in the first month and so far over 44 lbs! I ate bacon or ham with eggs for breakfast, had chicken, beef or some other meat or fish entry for lunch and for supper I would have a big juicy steak or chops or chicken or some other meat or fish entry. I snacked on cream cheese, sharp cheese and macadamian nuts primarily. I kept carbs in the 20-30 gram range, protein over 100 grams and calories, I didn't worry about. I also took supplements: Protein Shake, a multi Vit/Min supplement targeted for dieters, Chromium Picolinate and Kelp, Lecithin, Vit. B6 and Apple Cider Vinegar Formula. I totally eliminated caffeine. Going from regular coffee to decaf coffee and herbal teas. I totally eliminated soft drinks including diet sodas and reduced alcoholic beverages as well. Although occasionally, I would have a glass of wine or a Coors Light. For people who suffer nausea, suggest you cut down on protein meals. Have sveral smaller meals. Most people have been so protein starved from the carbohydrate craze that they have difficulty assimilating protein when they go on a program like Atkins. Enzyme digestants like papaya, bromelian and betain will also help. I have found that the protein drinks (I call them "Slender Shakes") help a lot. Taken either in place of meals or in between. The one I use is 17 grams of protein and 0 carbs. CAUTION: MOST OF THE MEAL REPLACEMENT DRINKS ARE OF A LOW BIOLOGICAL SOURCE OR TOO HIGH IN CARBOHYDRATE. ALSO, definitely don't mix the shakes with Juice---that's called INSULIN SHOCK! I don't even use milk. Use water or half and half for a creamy delicious shake and NO CARBS! A couple of people have followed the same program that I am on. One lady lost 75 lbs in a little over four months! Another dropped from a size 48 down to a size 18! Another lady lost 20 lbs in 3 weeks and had a problem thyroid to the point where her left eye was swollen out of proportion (prior to starting the program). During the same three weeks, her eye swelling went back down to normal, the first time in years and her Dr. reduced her thyroid medicine! We believe that she had a iodine deficiency which was corrected by taking Kelp and this resulted in the weight loss/thyroid correction. In the 1970's I developed into a World Class Powerlifter from a good regional competitor by dropping 20 lbs and not losing any strength or energy with the protein diet. Through a combination of inactivity and foolishly buying into the high carb and fiber programs, I balooned. Now, the Atkins Diet and Nutritional Program that I mentioned have slimmed me back down to my old competition weight and shape at AGE 47! If you have any questions or just need a little support, feel free to contact me acdefran@webtv.net.
Rating:  Summary: Healthy weight loss guarantee! Review: 4 months ago my Cholesterol was hovering around 200 and my HDL was very low. My triglycerides have always been very high, about 235. After 3 months on the diet, my total cholesterol has dropped to 160, my HDL is up to 35, (a high for me) and my triglycerides are down to 107! This is the first blood test in 12 years where I am not in the cardiac risk column! Not to mention that I lost almost 35 pounds. I never went into full Ketosis or lost 10 pounds a week, I lost an average of 10 pounds a month, 2.5 to 3 pounds a week. Yes I do get hungry, and my energy level is not what he promises. But I certainly look better, feel a bit better and will try and continue this for a lfe time.