Rating:  Summary: INTRESTED Review: I am intrested in trying this diet, however I have read a lot of conflicting information. I am 5'8" and weigh 260lbs. I need to lose 130lbs. Are there any suggestions if this is the diet for me? I have tried countless diets, and have had a weight problem since I was 6. I was in Weight Watchers at age 13 and I am now 23. I don't want to be fat any more. Please give me some suggertions.
Rating:  Summary: We can eat like this for life! Review: Hurrah for Dr. Atkins! After years of diets that didn't work or with which I could only comply for a short time: I have found a way of eating that will work for life!Detractors of the book and the diet have probably done what many of us do with diet books: skipped to the "good part". It's important to understand that this book is really about four different eating plans. One that gets you started, one for ongoing weight loss, one called pre-maintenance, and a final lifetime maintenance plan. None of those "diets" by the way, is zero carbohydrates! For those who want to know the "why" of it all the science is clearly explained and further references provided. No "special" foods are required and the plan is easy to follow even when eating out. You can worry about anecdotes from people who may or may not have read and understood the book or you can read the book, understand the science, and see if this way of eating may give you a lighter, healthier body where the traditional low fat diets have failed.
Rating:  Summary: extremely dangerous-don't try it. You may ruin your health!! Review: I tried this diet and lost 10 lbs. in 2 weeks. Then just maintained for a month.I felt tired and frustrated. I gained it all back and some on top of that. I had severe lower back pain as well as pain in my upper back. I feel this is not worth the effort.
Rating:  Summary: needs more info on alcohol consumption Review: Very good health and dietary info, but very scarce info on the impact of alcohol consumption in conjunction with the Atkins diet
Rating:  Summary: Why am I not losing weight? Review: I have been following the diet religiously for nine full days, and I have not lost a SINGLE POUND. Dr. Atkins is virtually silent on this subject: the only paragraph I could find in his book was "There still are those who do get a measurable ketogenic/lipoltic response and still do not lose weight....usually turn up an explanation based on medication or a hormonal problem." page 230. Huh? Has anyone else had the same problem? Oh, and by the way, have you checked out the prices for products on the Atkins website? OUCH! $2.69 for a carbo-bar! Plus S&H! Here's a tip from me: Walgreen's sells ketone strips (not "lipolysis strips") for $9.99, as opposed to $12.99 plus S&H from Atkins. Please email me if you have had the same problem -NOT LOSING WEIGHT!
Rating:  Summary: This book changed my life Review: I have lost in the neighborhood of 300 lbs. over the years on various diets (20 lbs. at a time). I always got bored and ultimately gained the weight back with interest. Dr. Atkins' book changed the way I think about food. I now stay away from refined carbs and have lost over 25 lbs since January 4th. I do not crave foods nor feel hungry all the time. This is great! The weight loss is slow to be sure, but steady (about 2 lbs per week). I could lose faster, but I enjoy a couple glasses of red wine with dinner and its worth it.
Rating:  Summary: So far so good Review: I've been on the diet for a little over 3 weeks now, and I have lost around 12 lbs. I must be honest when I say that I was very sceptic at first, but I was ready to try anything. A month before starting the diet I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid gland which was one of the main reasons why I had put on so much weight over the last couple of years (21 yrs, female, 5'6" and 280 lbs at my heaviest), as it slows down ones metabolism. I had been on a low-fat diet for a month and lost nothing. Then I was diagnosed with the condition. An internet "chat-friend" of mine who lives in The States ( happens to be a doctor), lost 80 lbs in 9 mnths on the diet,and recommended it to me.And I'll for ever be thankful to him, as this diet isn't very common in the UK. I have more energy, not so tired anymore, and feel like I'm in control of my appetite. I must admit, that occasionally I get immense cravings for bread and potato, but in the end of the day, I want to be slim more than I want to eat that sandwich, so I don't fall for it. Whether I will be able to carry on like this for the rest of my life, I do not know yet, but if it gets me to my ideal weight, I won't easily give it up...........I'm slowly getting the life I want, NOBODY CAN STOP ME NOW!
Rating:  Summary: Scary Results - Please Be Careful ! Review: I am a healthy, active 43 year old woman who wants to lose 5-10 pounds and have more energy. I was impressed with the testimonials in Atkin's book and from a close friend who had success on the diet and I was anxious to try the diet for myself. In less than 24 hours after starting the Induction Diet, I was doubled over in pain from severe stomach cramps and felt so weak and dizzy I was nearly unable to function. Fortunately I was less than a mile from home and dragged myself to the car and drove home and ate some carbs to recover. This diet is definitely not for everyone. If you try it, be sure you are somewhere safe and people are not depending on you. I was stunned at how quickly I felt SO terrible. It has taken two days of balanced eating to feel close to normal. I'm going to go back to the Zone diet. I have discovered that I need protein consistently throughout the day, but too much of a good thing is dangerous. I can not live without some carbs! Please be careful if you try this diet. As for Dr. Atkin's writing style, it is annoyingly repetitive and he sounds defensive and arrogant to the extreme.
Rating:  Summary: Help!!! Review: Hi I hust ordered the book and I also ordered the carb counting book I was wondering if anyone can tell me if I'm doing it right so far (pre-book) ok yesterday I had 2 hamburgers no bun w/ mayo, ketchup, tomato, lettuce chicken (broiled) resse cups today 4meatballs, spaghetti sauce, chicken, tomatos then mroe chicken tomato lettuce bacon cheese mayo ketchup and i had about 3 cups of water.
Rating:  Summary: HELP WITH ASPERTAME Review: My husband and I are both on the diet. He is enjoying and loosing, I am loosing but not enjoying. I am tired and generaly don't feel good. I think it has to do with the aspertame. Aspertame has been proven to cause a number of health problems and I noticed a differnce in my health when I stopped using it in the past before I started this diet. Does anyone know of a sugar subsitute that can be used with this diet but dosn't enclude aspertame?