Rating:  Summary: Did Pirsig waste his Time? Review: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is the most challenging book I've ever read. It's not one I would have chosen on my own, nor is it like any other I've ever picked up. The characters are not developed, yet they don't need to be. Ideas are expanded upon in great depth, but from angles that have never crossed my mind. The story jumps from novel to Chautauqua, and back again. The novel-like parts follow a boy and his father on a cross country motorcycle journey, while at the same time the Chautauqua becomes a battle between one man and the distant memory of another, seemingly fighting for the same body. Somehow the two-novel and Chautauqua-fit together. My feelings on this book are mixed. I can't decide if I like it. A few times I'd enjoy delving deeper into this "insane" man's mind, while most of the time I'd be ready to bang my head against a wall and set the book on fire. Many of the thoughts that at first intrigued me got analyzed to death, making it difficult to continue. However, in spite of struggling through the difficult and boring parts that appeared so often, I'm actually somewhat proud of myself for reading this. Parts of it made me think; I even found myself questioning subjects that arose. I'm not sure if I should recommend this book. I don't want to be responsible for someone going insane, yet many other books will seem like a piece of cake after reading Zen. Without the novel parts to ease my mind, I would not have been able to make it through this whole book and still be sane. It is extremely repetitive and if I never hear the words Quality or rationality again I think I'll be very grateful.
Rating:  Summary: A Wonderful Journey Review: I read this book in college and, again, after graduation. It truly changed my life. I cannot recommend this book enough. If I could give it a rating of 6 stars, I would. Pirsig's journey may remind some of A Beautiful Mind - a genius trapped within and by his own analytical mind and thoughts. For me, this book gave me permission (as if I needed any) to care, to find passion in the task at hand, and to pursue quality in all things. A wonderful and inspiring book.
Rating:  Summary: a good ride (and read) Review: In all probability I never would have picked this book up on my own, but now that I have I find it hard to put down. Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was not written to change the world; it was written by a man who learned to change himself. This book was also not written to be a self-help book that gives easy answers. Most of its answers aren't that easy to come by; this book has very challenging ideas and concepts that at times take a great deal of patience and gumption to wade through. One can't pick it up expecting a light, easy read. And as the title itself should imply, it is not for adventure buffs, romantics, or people who need a lot of character action in their reading. It is for those who wish to broaden their views of understanding their world. I've used quotes from this book on different occasions in conversation or for school reports. The things Robert Pirsig has to say apply to many facets of life, or rather they can apply to as many as the reader wants them to. This book can only be read with time and an open mind. If the reader has these two qualities, I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Quality in a 20-Ton Nutshell Review: Even though this book rambles at times and is often confusing and dull, it still brings up some intriguing points. I found the discussion of Quality to be interesting at times, but it eventually got repetitive. I also thought that Pirsig's discussion of so many different philosophies was insightful and thought provoking. This book even made me analyze my own life at times. Nevertheless, in terms of enjoyment, this book definitely falls short. About half way through, Pirsig's thoughts get so in-depth and specific that they are almost impossible to follow. This amount of detail almost forces the reader to lose interest very quickly. In addition, practically the entire book is a discussion of Quality, theories, and philosophies. This leads to almost no plot whatsoever. The lack of physical events actually occurring in this book failed to grab my attention. Overall, I thought this book had some good points and a good message, but these points were to few and to spread out to make up for the rest of the books flaws.
Rating:  Summary: IDM (but in book form) Review: Whenever I look into a new book I always read the reviews. But I don't read the reviews that give a book a good standing. I like to read the ones of the people who just didn't like it for whatever reason. I find if they can give me a difinitive argument on why the book isn't worth the paper it's printed on then they most likely have taken the time to think about it. However, in this case I believe in my own mind that people miss the point of this book. Most people read this book expecting to get some deep philosophical insight or just to impress their peers. I did enjoy the fair amount of philosophical discussion that occured but the best thing that I found when I read this book was that it gave me emotional response. Sometimes I would say, "I can understand exactly where Pirsig is coming from." but other times I would just totally disagree with Pirsig's approach to a situation. So in the end this book did have an impact on the way I think and act. It gave me insight into the mind of someone else.
Rating:  Summary: Thought Provoking Review: Zen and the Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance is a long, tough read. Although it may be long and difficult it is a must read for any person who condsiders himself/herself an avid reader. Even for those who do not read on a regular basis it is a must read. I enjoyed the book; it made me think of things out of the ordinary. For example: Do you have definition of Quality? You may think you do, but ponder the definition of Quality for a matter of seconds and you will immediately find out that you cannot define Quality. If any type of philosphy interest you, this book is a must read. The author, Robert Pirsig, is a very smart indiviual and has had a difficult past. The book reflects his thoughts pertaining to ALL aspects of life. I think you'll find that you either strongly agree, or strongly disagree with the author. Even if you don't like the book, you'll be glad that you've read it. As far as the book is concerned, it is about a cross-country motorcycle trip involving Pirsig and his son Chris. The trip will terach you about, values, humanity, humility, family, and most of all your inner-self. The book will lead you into the depths of your human soul. Sometimes, the book is hard to take, but you must keep on reading because it will teach you something. I loved this book and recommend it to all who read.
Rating:  Summary: Zen- I would never read this book again Review: This book is about a man's journey on a motorcycle. He goes through his past experiences and many of his obstacles. Many of these obstacles are questions he has about different theories, philosophies, and underlying forms. This book to me was something if had the choice, I never would have read. One of the most common thoughts Pirsig wrote on and on and on about was quality. Seems pretty simple of a thought doesn't it? Not to him. He analyzed this thought so much that it couldn't make sense to anyone. After all this examining he then decides to tell us that everything he has said about quality is wrong and should be forgotten. This especially made me mad thinking why did he right a book and make others go through that too when it was all nonsense anyways. This book takes you through Pirsig's sad life. He doesn't feel and he doesn't do anything but try to analyze different things. Maybe if he would step back for a second, he would see the real answer. Maybe he would actually start to enjoy life.
Rating:  Summary: Quality? I think not. Review: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is about a guy, Robert Persig, that goes on a motorcycle trip with his son, Chris. The purpose of the trip was for Robert to discover himself, to find out more about his past before he went insane. I had a very hard time reading this book, and I didn't really enjoy it either. This book was the hardest book I have ever had to read. This was because of Persig's rambling on of stupid, random thoughts and philosophies. Through out his trip he talks about many philosophies that will bore you to death. His great quest to find the meaning of Quality is unbelievably confusing and just plain stupid. After reading this book every time someone mentions the word Quality you will want to punch him/her in the face. He goes into such great detail about so many random thoughts and ideas that the book seems to never end. I am very proud of myself for actually reading this book in its entirety. I had such a hard time focusing and trying to understand this book and Persig's random thoughts that I dreaded having to even look at this book. I suggest reading through this horrible book so that from then on it will make you appreciate every other book that you read.
Rating:  Summary: Spectacular Review: This is probably one of my favorite books. An autobiographical cross country journey with philosophical insights thrown in. I was skeptical at first, but after receiving this book as a gift, I was hooked. I've hooked other friends as well. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Book should be burned Review: Dear Mr. Pisig, I do not see how critics can continually refer to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance as a classic or any thing remotely considered a classic. Your book is actually number 73 on the Modern Library Association's Reader List. Guess who occupies the number one and two spots respectively? Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. But, this is America, and there are free speech laws that prohibit me from burning and banning all of your books. But according to the AMERICAN CAPITALIST SYSTEM, I can buy out your publishing rights and make sure copies of your horrible story do not corrupt indelible minds. It's quite obvious to me your plan, ROBERT. First, you try and emulate Ayn Rand by integrating a philosophy into a novel. However, you fail to symbolize your philosophy into the characters and so you must rely on a more doggerel approach. Your lack of transitioning from plot to philosophy really annoys me. I can not stand your 300 pages of poorly executed junk. On the other hand, I can read Rand's thirty page speeches because they actually flow. Maybe you should go back to school and learn English Composition 101. Next, you realize that the slag you slap together just will not hold sales and make a fat enough check to pay all your bills. So in order to continue your lazy bum attitude of doing nothing but riding motorcycles in the country side, you decide to join the Welfare Capital of the World™ Sweden. Heck, you are not even creative enough to come up with our own philosophy like Rand has. You piece together some incoherent rant about philosophies that you read in college, and you think it's the greatest thing since Ayn Rand. You take an entire chapter to define what gumption is. I can do that in six words with my trusty Random House Dictionary: 2. courage; spunk; guts. 3. common sense; shrewdness. Even if you do ride a Honda motorcycle, you never mention it by name. Perhaps you are ashamed of the way that Soichiro Honda conquered the automotive world with nothing but introspection of his mistakes. Wait, thats something you advocate in your book. But wait, you're a socialist, I forget. I'm sorry. Let me tell you something sonny, you are not Ayn Rand and will never amount to her greatness.