Rating:  Summary: Yet another expose Review: I suppose the only thing one can say against this book is that it is not new. Dr. Fatima Mernissi (Islam and Democracy) talks about how the House of Saud is using its petro dollars to fund terrorism and suppress democracy, the New Yorker ran a story on this, just recently Robert Baer provided an excellent expose in the Atlantic of this same phenomenon in an article called "The Fall of the House of Saud". Thus the facts are well-known. But what Dore Gold has done in this one book is bring them all together in a compelling, authoritative, yet easy-to-read narrative. He has shown that although the Saudis have tried and are trying to peddle the worn-out lie that Middle East terrorism is the result of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; it is really they who are behind it. Or, as Baer puts it, once Abdullah tried to cut back on corruption "The third-generation princes were getting only about $19,000 a month--a fraction of what they needed for the lifestyles they sought. To keep even a modest yacht on the French Riviera requires a million dollars a year. What were they supposed to do? In order to make ends meet they had been getting into nastier and nastier business, taking bribes from construction firms (mostly the bin Laden family's) seeking government contracts, getting involved in arms deals, expropriating property from commoners, and selling Saudi visas to guest workers." Dore Gold fills in the picture. He tells us that not only did the impoverished princes do all these illegal things, they also cashed in on the most lucrative trade around: international terrorism.
Rating:  Summary: This book spells out all the facts! Review: Hatred Kingdom simply says it as it is and always was. The US and UK were always the peacemakers when the Arab countries were killing themselves among their own people. When they were slaughtering their people and assassinating their leaders. The Arabian territories have always been babysat by the US and English governments. The Arab countries were always dependant on the US and UK for making peace and dividing their territories appropriately among their leaders, like a father cutting slices of cake to his fighting kids. The Arab countries were always dependant on the US and UK on oil drilling within their countries. This book spells out all the facts. And for all of those opposing the author's work simply because he is Jewish, let me just say that you should do your homework, verify the open facts and then you'll realize that facts are facts regardless by whom it is brought forward.
Rating:  Summary: An honest review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: This book is scrupulous in its documentation and true in its convictions. Gold does not condemn Islam only Saudi style Wahhabism. Please do not buy into the intellectually dishonest reviews of this book. Furthermore, you cannot condemn this work simply because the author is a Jew! If one reads the book carefully, one will find no condemnations of Islam or of the Muslim population in general. In fact, Gold makes it known that countries like Qatar and Bahrain practice much milder versions of the ultra conservative Wahhabism without the same repercussions. What's more, Gold does not sanction military action against the Kingdom; instead, he suggests global standards that will curtail its blatant incitement against Jews, Christians, Shiites, Sufis, Hindus, Buddhists, and any other doctrine that does not adhere to their version of what the oneness of God is.
Rating:  Summary: Good Expose' By Dore Gold Review: The author of this book Dore Gold has written a side of Saudi Arabia that is unknown by most average Americans.A sect that is gaining a foothold in Saudi Arabia called Wahhabism is calling for most extremist dealings with the Western world.The kingdom of Saudi Arabia has become an active supporter of many terrorist groups that are operating in the world today.Al-Queida,Hezbollah, Hamas and other terrorist groups are recieving financial backing from Saudi Arabia.Saudi Arabia also pays the families of suicide bombers who carry out acts of terrorism in Israel. Gold also is able to show how the religious leaders in Saudi Arabia preach anti-western rhetoric.This is a very revealing book. Is Saudi Arabis an ally?Read this book and you will wonder.
Rating:  Summary: A MUST READ Review: a must read for our world today (unfortunately) God Bless America!
Rating:  Summary: Finally, It All Makes Sense Review: If you want to read just one book, to understand the cause and origins of terrorism, this is the book. After 9/11, like everyone else, I asked "Why do they hate us?" The President said "Islam is Peace", and we were told that this was not true Islam, yet muslims danced in the streets all over the world as they watched the Trade Center destroyed. I set out to find out why, and have read numerous books, about all aspects of Islam, Middle Eastern and Arab history, as well as the Koran. I learned that much of what I had been told was not true, that the news media are incredibly superficial and befuddled (surprise?), and that many apologies for Islam are phony. After all this, I still knew that I did not understand. When I read Hatred's Kingdom, I expected a Jewish/Israeli slant, and definitely did not find it. What I did find was a well-written, extensively referenced, well-organized analysis, full of structured historical info, and finally, an explanation which puts all the pieces together. The Saudis are definitely not our friends - they cooperate with us when it is convenient to have us do something for them (like defend their country, or buy their oil). Their rulers are totally beholden to a fanatical form of Islam, called Wahhabism, which preaches war and death, even to other forms of Islam. It teaches implacable hatred and violence toward all non-muslims, and they have actively spread this hatred throughout other muslim countries. It was behind the Taliban, it invaded Bosnia, and it disrupts Chechnya. Nearly every Islamic terrorist, regardless of where he grew up, follows the teachings of this sect, and so it all comes together. Generations of Saudis have been taught this vicious doctrine since childhood, including most of the 9/11 hijackers. Osama bin Laden grew up on it in Saudi schools. What's scary is that millions of other Saudis have been taught the same doctrines. Hatred's kingdom, it is indeed.
Rating:  Summary: The Reality In The Middle East. Review: This book is right on the money. Even as I write the bodies are still being recovered from the latest series of Islamic suicide/homicide bombings, this time in Saudi Arabia itself. Scores of innocent people have reportedly been murdered, many whilst they still slept, and hundreds more injured in these latest atrocities. No doubt these are the consequences of the activities described within this excellent book. Included within his own personal review of this book, Richard Perle (former Assistant Secretary Of Defence) declared "If the Saudis do not move to extinguish the fire they have been fuelling, they will themselves be consumed by it." The author, a former Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, has through a meticulous study involving the use of previously unpublished documents, revealed the hidden depth of how Saudi Arabia has itself been the sponsor and paymaster of worldwide terrorism. These revelations and disclosures are very illuminating whilst some entities have tried to cover-up and excuse Saudi Arabia's funding and sponsorship of worldwide terror. A plethora of issues are investigated here, not least the Saudi funding of Palestinian terror groups such as HAMAS & Islamic Jihad, plus the payments to the families of Palestinian suicide/homicide bombers, including a Saudi 'telethon' that raised some $109 million for Palestinian 'martyrs'. The photographs displayed in this book reveal Palestinian school-children at kindergartens dressed in combat fatigues carrying replica firearms, with one young girl enacting the dipping of her hands in the blood of an Israeli for the cameras. A model of Jerusalem's Dome of the Rock is nearby. Al Qaeda and the countdown to September 11th is also studied here together with an analysis of the immense global reach that the tentacles of such terrorist organisations can now extend to and their disturbing implications for us all. If anyone reading this book believes that Saudi Arabia is an ally of the US and the West in the 'war against terrorism', then they will rapidly discover that they have been mislead. This is an extremely through and well written study on this subject which I highly recommend.
Rating:  Summary: a must read expose Review: Amazing truth about petrodollars funding Saudi Wahhabist export. And how Wahhabism has led Muslims to kill other Muslims. A must read to understand modern day terrorism.
Rating:  Summary: Whole new perspective Review: This book really shocked me into reality regarding the nature of the West's struggle in the Mideast. Sure, Dr. Gold has an agenda. But his data is solid. Lots and lots of primary documents provided to show that the real enemy is Saudi Arabia. God shows how the Saudi royal gov't has purchased peace with radical Islam by funding their terror operations and radical extremist causes around the globe. Within a religion that is fundamentally at war with the Christian and Jewish religions, Wahhabism the most extreme of all.
Rating:  Summary: Saudi fingerprints on the blueprints of global terrorism... Review: Dore Gold has written one of those rare works of journalism: an incredibly approachable work of history that demonstrates its relevance through self-evident connections to present-day events. The level of detail and scholarship in this work is both respectable and highly insightful to anyone seeking to learn the truth behind the whitewashed image of Saudi Arabia. ... After digesting Gold's masterwork, it is clear that Saudi Arabia is challenging Iran for mother-ship status as the base of operations for murderous global credos. Indeed, the most pronounced difference between the two countries appears to be that Saudi Arabia employs better Public Relations agents. Both countries openly support the slaughter of innocents. Both countries embrace and richly fund the forcible spread of their doctrines through murder and destruction. And both countries have made a lasting commitment to foster international terrorism by nurturing its lifeblood: a philosophical system that justifies this abhorrent and inhuman behavior. Gold goes a long way to properly identify Philosophy (or "ideology" in Gold's words) as one source of the irrational hatred that fuels these homicidal maniacs. He also correctly identifies the target of this hatred: secularism. Further, this secularism is very explicitly identified in Wahhabism as capitalism in the economic field, democracy in the political field, and freedom in the social field. Thus, while Western civilization has for centuries sought to divorce religion from the state, Islamists (and the Wahhabi in particular) wish to reverse this trend by removing the distinctions between church and state. Of course, all of the horrors of the Dark Ages will be revisited upon those who embrace this ridiculous creed, but that is a subject for another review. Gold goes onto correctly identify the nature of this agenda, however, when he cites that the "ideological motivation to slaughter thousands of innocent people" is no less important than "where terrorists received their training and which bank accounts they used." He also properly concedes that until the West identifies the root cause of these phenomena, the war on terrorism is impossible to win. True students of philosophy, however, will be disappointed that Gold fails to carry his insightful observations to their logical conclusion. For, while he cites ideology as a "necessary condition" of terrorism, he fails to identify it as the sine qua non of terrorism-namely, as that thing above all others that must be uprooted to destroy global terrorism. Gold's research is only slightly marred by the somewhat disjointed nature of his presentation. While he does an admirable job painting in broad strokes (e.g., the history of Wahhabism as a cult of killers), the reader does suffer in spots from a disconnected chronology of events and their relevance to the overall text. Additionally, there is a good bit of knowledge regarding Islamic icons and institutions that is presupposed by the author. Finally, as mentioned above, Gold seems to be more like a plodding prosecutor preparing for trial than a journalist reaching for a grand story; as such all of the energy of the book is consumed in developing a record rather than drawing any conclusions or offering plausible alternatives. Despite these shortcomings, however, this was a fascinating and meticulously documented record of Saudi atrocity that provides a story that is rather a substantial departure from that told through the mainstream Western media.