Rating:  Summary: Context for Policy Making Review: Quite unpleasant subject matter, coupled with an especially pedestrian style of presentation makes this book absolutely as dry as dust to read. Having said that clearly, it seems to me a most valuable book. Part of the reason the book is dry reading is simply that it is factual. Unlike many books, line after line of this text give explicit facts that can be verified or falsified by further reading. Factual information can be less pleasant, easy reading than a digested or even "sexed up" editorial. So, what I am calling "dry as dust" can also be seen as elegantly factual---just what we need.The context explained in all detail in this book shows quite precisely the relationship of Wahhabist Islam in Saudi Arabia to the government. The relationship is unlike what we experience in the West, and a lot of explanation seems needed. We see here, then, extremely good evidence that "Arab extremism" is identical with Wahhabism; that it is being exported in a consciously hostile way by the Saudis; and that it is as dangerous to most Muslims as it is to most Christians or Jews. Although this is very important information, it seems not to be entering as it should into policy making in the West. That needs to be changed. Perhaps at the next election, we might need a regime change (non-violent, thank you), too.
Rating:  Summary: Clear and Present Danger Review: The source of the major terror loose in the world today is described in shocking and sinister detail in this book. R. James Woolsey, a former Director of the CIA is quoted on the cover as stating, ÒIf you read one book to understand the roots of al-QaedaÕ fury, it should be this one.Ó This book should be required reading for every high school senior, every member of Congress and every western government official. It should be prominently displayed in every non-Saudi library world wide. As stated on the flyleaf of the book, Ò. . . Middle East expert Dore Gold provides the startling evidence of how Saudi Arabia not only is linked to terror, but in fact has spawned the current wave of global terrorism.Ó The Saudi's are clearly not with us.They are not only WITH the terrorists, they ARE the terrorists parents and sponsors. The book reveals that the perception that a major factor in al-QaedaÕs fury is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a serious and dangerous error. The Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia have built a fearsome and largely unseen worldwide network which is controlling the riches of Saudi Arabia and other contributions to their cause obtained through supposedly innocent charities. This sinister, savage, and growing cause has as its principle goal, the elimination of any human being who is not a Wahhabi or who can not be converted to the Wahhabi religion, including non-Wahhabi Muslims. Wahhabi sponsored and supported organizations include Hamas, Hezbollah, the al-Aqsa brigade and numerous others. They also control organizations still operating in the US. Everyone should read this book, and insist that members of their Congressional delegation read it and then take appropriate action to destroy these monsters before they grow further.
Rating:  Summary: Manipulation of history/facts to serve hidden Israeli agenda Review: The book lists historical events that occurred in the 19th-20th century in the Muslim World. Although many of those events actually happened, but they were twisted to serve the author's main point: attack Islam and Muslims, de-humanizing Muslims and portray the image of Muslims as terrorists (wholesale prejudice). Although he is claiming that the book is about Wahhabi as an extreme offshoot of mainstream Islam, he is attacking Islam as a whole (what else do you expect from a right-wing extremist Israeli when talking about their enemy?). While on the other hand legitimizing the occupation of Palestine by the Israeli Jews and making the daily killings of innocent unarmed Palestinian civilians children, women and elderly by the Israeli tanks and warplanes as "self defense" against what so-called "Terrorists." When the Spanish Inquisition started killing every non-catholic (including Jews), where did the Jews in Spain flee to? To Muslim land in Morocco (and that's why there is still a high number of Jews living in Morocco till now. Now Dr. Gold comes and slice and dice Muslims as enemies of Christians and Jews! How does he explain the Arab Christians who lived for hundreds of years in the Arabic countries and still Christians till our days if the main goal of Muslims was to convert "The People of the Book" into Islam by forcing them to pay Jizya (tax)? This is a clear propaganda against Muslims and Islam judging one-fifth of the world population by acts of a bunch of people who don't represent anybody except themselves. I gave this book a rating of 3 stars because it brings up to the open (thanks to research done by the IDF) many historical events that were hidden from Muslim population in the world although I disagree on the interpretation of those events done by Dr. Gold. From the details in the book, it looks like it was produced by the Israeli intelligence to attack the Muslim and the Islamic way of life and the Islam as a religion. It mainly targets Americans in attempting to influence the public opinion against Islam and Muslims. A couple of things they missed, American people who want to pursue the truth (which has beautiful ways to shine), will not be misled by a cheap propaganda in one book. Second, de-humanizing 1.2 billion people does not really prove anything but the author's attempt to insult the intelligence of the readers.
Rating:  Summary: Disturbing Truth Review: Author Dore Gold is a former ambassador to the United Nations and has performed in-depth and objective research here based on official documents and factual occurrences. What is Saudi Arabia's relation to the United States in particular and to Western civilization as a whole? Is it primarily a matter of geopolitics or is it actually a fundamental difference of eclecticism, religion, and ideology due to the influential strains of fundamental Islam and virulent Wahabbism? Read this book and you can ingest the informational foundations to decide for yourself. It won't take too much contemplation. This is a very current and detailed account of what too many are not aware of. Gold also makes good points on what may be happening in this regions and world in the coming years based up these facts. Wahabbism and it's anti-western civilization hate-promoting are objectively elucidated and supported by factual evidence and cross-referencing. Transcripts from sermon's from the Mosques of Saudi Arabia are included. There are numerous sources of documents at the end of the book. Politically, the ruling family has had a lengthy and for the most part chummy relationship with American administrations over several decades. It's well known within SA and throughout the world that there are many who oppose the regime within this nation-state on the peninsula. Keeping the ruling family in power is preferable to what would possibley replace it. Such are the many nuances and angles of this culturally impervious nation. Home to the religious sites of Mecca and Medina, oil reserves, wealth, and Wahhabism, Saudi Arabia is publicly a protected pseudo-friend of the U.S. yet in actuality is an antagonist of United States and Western principles of civilization. Hopefully, the American public and members of Congress will read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Compelling and Authoritative Review: Finally! A book that gets past the superficial headlines and quick-fix current events, to explain what really got us in this mess. Hatred's Kingdom uncovers the truth emanating from 300 years of Middle East history, and then chillingly explains where it's all headed. In the process, I got an inside look at an entirely new dimension of the Middle East conflict: the ideological front, where the battle is over civilization and society, not policy. I'm convinced that anyone who reads this detailed story of the Wahhabi-Saudi alliance, backed up by flawless documentation and exhaustive research, will demand that we in the West act immediately to prevent the next legion of Bin Ladens from rising anew. Dr. Gold devastatingly exposes the Saudi role in building the network of terror, which stretches to Saddam Husein's Iraq, that not only brought down the World Trade Centers but stands poised to wreak more destruction. Through this literary adventure, I came to see the Middle East and the world stage in an entirely new light. For my money, there is simply no better currents events book on the market. Get it, and read it immediately.
Rating:  Summary: Hatred's Kingdom: How Saudi Arabia Supports the New Global T Review: Written by a former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations (1997-1999), this text for the general reader aims to uncover the links between the nation of Saudi Arabia and ideological terrorism. Gold argues that the current wave of global terrorism has its roots in Saudi Arabia's dominant religious creed, a radical offshoot of Islam known as Wahhabism. He further contends that the Saudis have provided both manpower and financial support to terrorists
Rating:  Summary: Well researched and not "cheap propaganda" Review: This book is a well researched and accurate picture of much unpleasantness in Saudi Arabia. It does have a point of view, but 50 years of Arabs trying to kill off Israelis will give an Israeli an "attitude," even if they are an accomplished scholar. I want to address an earlier poster who claims this book is propaganda and that mentions the Jews of Spain fleeing to Morocco "where they live to this day." The vast majority Jews were forced out of Morocco after the Six Day War, having their property seized as well. They were even forced out of remote areas such as the Atlas Mountains of Morocco where they had lived for over 900 years. The posted message that called this book propaganda, is itself, propaganda - and with no scholarship to back up its outlandish claims.
Rating:  Summary: See evil, hear evil, speak of evil Review: Intellectual vegetarians beware, there's a fair amount of red meat in Hatred's Kingdom. That's because Dore Gold has written a hard-hitting expose of Saudi Arabia as the foremost supporter of international terrorism in the world today. Lest there be any doubt, Saudi Arabia, the country that supplied fifteen September 11 hijackers, is portrayed as an active, deliberate, unrepentant sponsor, supporter, and source of major terrorist activities. It is done by the kingdom's Wahhabist clerics and worshipers as a fully consistent activity within Islam as they know it, practice it, and export it, and is allowed and encouraged by an informed royal leadership. This is Gold's claim, and it is a true one. Gold begins with some background on the Wahhabis, and how they came to power originally two hundred years ago, also with the help of the Saudi family. They managed to kill many tens of thousands during their first chance at running a state before being defeated. But they remained in the background, killing and oppressing whenever they had the chance. The distinctive feature of Wahhabism (named after the founder, Muhammad Wahhab, who lived in the eighteenth century) is that even all other branches of Islam are false and evil, and deserving only of conversion or death. Wahhabi attitudes about and actions against the Shiites are notoriously brutal. They don't even pretend to show tolerance for other religions. And so it was that these people managed to again gain power in the twentieth Century with the founding of modern Saudi Arabia under the kingship of Ibn Saud. Personally, I found some of the background material, making up perhaps a third of the book, to be not entirely satisfying. Perhaps I'm too much the historian, but it was too brief to be really interesting. To be fair, though, I already know the brief version of Wahhabi history, so I think a fair number of the most interested readers will also find this portion less than informative. I mention this only as a "heads up" notice to informed readers. But in the later stuff the reader will get more sustained detail. Gold traces the events in modern Saudi Arabian politics. Though I don't doubt that Gold has no love or respect for that country, it is perhaps a testament to his honesty that in many places it was clear that Saud and his successors had a tough time balancing competing interests. The Saudi family dug a hole that it couldn't get out of; a Faustian bargain if ever there was one. It dealt with the Wahhabis, and now it's stuck with them. And as bad as Saudi Arabia is now, it would almost certainly be worse if the Wahhabis ever gained complete power there. Of course I can't feel too sorry for leaders who are arrogant enough to name their country after themselves. I mean, even Josef Stalin only named cities after himself. The only noteworthy brass tack I have with Hatred's Kingdom is the tendency I've seen with attacks on Saudi Arabia to try to elevate the evil of Wahhabism by downplaying problems with Islam at large. I think it should be possible and not so terribly difficult to make it clear that Wahhabism is the very worst sect of Islam without claiming that the rest of the religion has no real difficulties. I think Gold even used the word "peaceful" to describe Islam (or at least part of it), though I don't recall the page number so I won't swear to it. Just state the facts as they are. Yes, Saudi Arabia is a huge terrorism sponsor, but don't forget that Iran is too, and Iran is not generally allied with Saudi Arabia at all. There, I've had my say on this topic. To finish on a positive note, this book is still well worth buying and reading. It's clear and to the point, without wandering aimlessly the way certain similar books have done (see Schwartz's Two Faces of Islam for a similar topic). Though not long enough to satisfy the frustrated armchair historian, it does provide a clear-cut explanation of why Saudi Arabia is probably the most dangerous, untrustworthy, false friend we have. Vigilance is the price we pay for freedom, so let's keep in mind who we need to be vigilant towards.
Rating:  Summary: The Whole Truth Review: Perhaps this book and others like "What Went Wrong" will serve as a wake up call regarding the real truth about Saudi Arabi & Islam.
Rating:  Summary: Simply Genuine, BRILLIANT, Please READ !! Review: Based on the opinions of Dr. Gold I would simply ask.. Why can't we simply take in Saudi Arabia? I mean we are already in Iraq and Israel is as good as American territory... Why shouldn't we simply occupy Saudi Arabia ?!?.. They are rather more connected to terror than Iraq or Saddam Hussein. This way we ll be able to control all the oil in the Middle East and everybody will be happy. Jews can again live there where they want to be. They will be able again to recover all the land they lost in the Middle East. I think the whole the Middle East belong originally to the Jews and with American help they could be able to regain control again. Where the hell did these Arabs come from in the first place!!!!??? Who cares why the Saudis hate the American... All of them are terrorists and murders anyway. They simply don't want to live our way... They hate democracy and freedom. We should invade every country that discriminates against Jews. We should start war against every single Arab, Islamic or whatever country which doesn't like our system. The only TRUTH is Democracy. ALL other ways of life should and must disappear. Why should we bother ourselves with trying to understand? It is just a waste of time. I would rather suggest as a response to the fact that no Jews live in the Arab countries that we prevent any Arab or better any Muslim to live in the United States. Who need these terrorists anyway? If we can have them under control we ll be controlling more than a fifth of the whole planet. We can achieve that with help from our best allies, the Israelis. They have the best experience in crisis situations. They know exactly how to defend themselves against all the stupid heavy-equipped well-trained full-of hatred Palestinians with their desperate suicide terrorist attacks. What the hell do they want any way? They should be thankful that they still live on OUR HOLY LAND! We could have sent them to the desert or let them live in Ghettos!! They cannot survive alone without our help. I will produce the evident for that ladies and gentlemen... There are more than 1.5 MILLION Palestinians in Gaza Strip what did they achieve?! NOTHING!! Although it is a very small and crowded area and although they have all the time in the world... they still live in a wretched pathetic way. If they were creative and as intelligent as the Israelis they could have build sky scrapers or something. Even though we allow them to work and support them with all the needed infra structure they didn't stop supporting Terror. What the hell have the Saudis to do with that?! It is just an excuse to hate the Americans and the Jews. In fact the Saudis and all other Arabs should be very thankful that we are taking care of these terrorists. I am very proud to be an American!! We should always and forever unconditionally support the Israelis in whatever what! We will fight the war against the hatred and terror until we kill all who support them!! The history shows us that it is useless to talk to Arabs. They are so stupid to understand. Besides coz they are not democratic all what they say is not acceptable any way. The best way is to ACT. First we occupy the land and then force them to give in. If it is necessary we can expand Guantanamo Bay. As we know it is simply legitimate to prevent terror before it happens. We KNOW now for sure, upon Dr. Gold opinions, that Saudi Arabia is the Kingdom of Hatred and Terror... so what are we waiting for Mr. President??