Rating:  Summary: a very good book Review: I was looking forward to reading this because i am a huge fan of peggy noonan (sometimes i think she the worlds most perfect woman). I loved her book "What I Saw At The Revolution" in the 80's. Peggy Noonan is an artist with the english language and a conservative prize. nice Edmund Morris moment. Peggy Noonan is a fantastic writer.
Rating:  Summary: A more embittered author I haven't seen in a long time... Review: It's been a long while since I've seen anyone as bitter or as clearly irrational as Peggy Noonan. As one reads portions of this book or watches her present herself on the Judith Regan show (as she did recently), one is just struck with how deeply this woman truly does hate the subject of her book. In spite of what she may say, her words speak loud and clear, not on the subject of Hillary Clinton, but on... Peggy Noonan. It's my hope that this book goes largely unread. Reading it feels in some ways like how it feels to read neoNazi propaganda: the reader is given a glimpse into how dark and irrational the human heart can become when it chooses to hate something or someone. The reader is left depressed and anxious -- and nervous that others may be actually taken in by someone so clearly full of hatred.
Rating:  Summary: Political Therapay session in book format Review: Having recently read Ms. Noonan's book I was left wondering how this title was classified as "non-fiction" when so much of the scanty one hundred eighty pages seemed to be nothing more than Ms. Noonan's personal dumping ground of why she dislikes Hillary Clinton. Very little of the information that Ms. Noonan based this story on came from actual conversations or insider info that she received but rather through other publications by other authors and tended to read like a "friend of a friend told me tale." If you are interested in reading about Ms. Noonan's opinions on everything from raising children to battling the Hollywood machine as well as her hearing her political views then you will enjoy this but if you are looking for any insightful information on Hillary Clinton it cannot be found here.
Rating:  Summary: The case against Peggy Noonan Review: I read this book looking for some new information but all I found was foolish prattle. The book reveals more about Ms. Noonan than it does about Mrs. Clinton.
Rating:  Summary: The Case against Hillary Clinton Review: It is interesting to read the reviews to see how well James Carville has influenced the democratic left wing of the Party. "Criticism by name calling but no refuting off the facts". Ms. Noonan's straight forward approach makes this a wonderful read plus hard to reject the facts. None of them new, just more clearly presented. ... The last chapter is the best sumation of what this adminitration has done to our country. No true American regardless of party affiliation should be willing to support leaders like the Clintons just to stay in power. The reviews easily point out Clinton nonsupporters and Clinton supporters will not be changed by Ms. Noonan's book. However, I am convienced the majority of readers in the middle of the road will agree with the book's conclusion. It is time for both Clintons to be retired, permanently.
Rating:  Summary: Voters of New York PLEASE read! Review: In reading TCAHC I was immediately struck by the whole phrase "Clintonism" and how deadly it could be for this country. Ms. Noonan has written a very convincing arguement against any further promotion for either of the Clintons or Gore. The simple fact is that to elect Mrs. Clinton to the Senate is to reward her for her ability to tell half-truths and lies with much more power than she will ever need. I guess my favorite quote from the book is "before she gets to decide your future you get to decide hers". ...
Rating:  Summary: A must read! Review: In what is is an intellectual yet straightforward argument, Ms. Noonan has written a book that I just couldn't put down. Objectively, I think Ms. Noonan has captured the very essence of Hillary Clinton and has done so in a fair, non-gossipy manner. Indeed, she backs her argument with facts which make her opinion all the more persuasive. Every New Yorker -- rather every American -- should consider this a must read!
Rating:  Summary: What do you expect from a former Reagan supporter? Review: This is the easiest review I've ever written. If you hate the Clintons, you'll love this book and you'll give it 5 stars out of 5. If you don't hate the Clintons, or if at least you don't hate Hillary Clinton, you'll probably find this book to be a joke. The biggest joke of all is that Peggy Noonan spent way too many years writing speeches for Ronald Reagan and doing her level best to make him look good. So would she be writing about Hillary Clinton other than diatribe? She denigrates both Clintons by whining about all the damage they've done to the country. What I remember is that at the end of 8 years of Reagan and 4 years of Bush (Sr.), we were in the middle of the recession and times were pretty grim. And after nearly 8 years of the Clinton administration, the economy couldn't be better, Gore hasn't philandered, yet Bush (Jr.) seems to be doing better in the polls. But never mind all that. The Clintons are just the worst imaginable people and Hillary's just as guilty of whatever as Bill. (And if we're not exactly sure what she did that was wrong, we can always appoint an co-dependent persecutor to find out, because, well, she must have done something!) I suspect the real intent of this book isn't so much to keep Hillary from becoming a senator but to boost the right-wing, fundamentalist and redneck vote for "Anyone But Al Gore," which candidate happens to be . . . . well, you figure it out. I find that Peggy Noonan is about as ingenuous in her little attempt at right-wing boosterism as, well, Linda Tripp was in her maternalistic love for Monica Lewinsky.
Rating:  Summary: Great close, great finish, slack middle Review: Ms. Noonan begins very well by achieving a gently scathing tone with conclusions which are inarguable. However, the best way to combat a textbook narcissist like Hillary is not to engage in a sort of generational narcissism by pointing out the ways in which the elite Ms. Hillary is unlike Noonan's teacher friend from Massapequa, NY (someone who is not scolded for being a Clinton supporter, and whose stance on impeachment is not disclosed). I didn't vote for George Bush, Sr. because he was like me; neither Reagan, nor Kennedy, nor FDR can credibly be claimed to represent "the people" in the bogus manner of Perot-populism. This, it strikes me, is essentially an unfair criticism of Hillary, and I say this as a self-described Clinton-hater. It's her corruption and her radical ideas that I object to. I am also dubious of the invented speeches that Ms. Noonan says Hillary could give; even if you agree with their content (warmed-over Dan Quayle/Joe Lieberman Nanny-state conservatism, designed to curry favor with the Weekly Standard editorial board), were Hillary to give a speech attacking Hollywood, she woudln't be Hillary, and she probably wouldn't be a Democrat, either. Would you vote for a senate candidate who could recite the plot lines of a dozen shows, ranging from "Just Shoot Me" to "Felicity?" Personally, I'd worry about that candidate, and that's regardless of party. Furthermore, Ms. Noonan betrays a level of ignorance and perhaps dishonesty by referencing the famously un-aired "Manchester Prep" as a show which Hillary is supposed to have watched in this imaginary diatribe. Do we really want to re-live Dan Quayle vs. Murphy Brown, or are there more pressing issues out there, like Mrs. Clinton's serial lying? If Noonan had a better editor than Judith Regan (who recently interviewed her on the Fox News Channel without disclosing their relationship), then this would have been a much better book. As it stands, it has a great opening 30 pages or so, and a great final chapter, both of which read like above-average magazine pieces. It's dismaying that this extremely gifted writer didn't receive any constructive criticism before going to press.
Rating:  Summary: Awful Republican Rehash Review: It's truly a disgrace when hateful speculation and absurd fiction can be published as fact. One hundred and eighty dreadful pages of a conservative elitist savaging a so-called liberal elitist. Noonan is so obviously everything she claims Clinton to be with one difference: She's a Republican. You can absolutely cut the jealousy with a knife as you read a woman whose time has passed lashing out at a woman whose time may be now. "Preaching to the converted" isn't exactly accurate. Noonan still seems to believe that fans of Hillary and Bill Clinton will flock to her cause after all that has happened in the past eight years. Much of the book is pitched at the New York soccer mom, including a truly embarassing appeal to a fictional (of course) Massapequa mom. Noonan continues the familiar Republican refrain: "I'm appalled that America continues to accept these people. But they will eventually come over to the side of good." If that's not elitism, I don't know what is. The hatred I feel for Peggy Noonan after reading this sewage is tempered only by the embarassment I feel for her. Not only has she written a poor book, she has sprinkled it with some of the most laughable rhetorical flourishes ever committed to the page, things an eighth grader might write with a 102 fever. And believe me, there is a reason this thing is 180 pages of large type. It's a Wall Street Journal op-ed stretched over the length of a book in a cynical attempt to make money. I can just picture Noonan repeatedly bringing back the manuscript to her editor. "Sorry Peggy, it's not long enough, we need a little more." "Not yet, Peggy. Why don't you put in that Hollywood dream sequence we had decided to leave out." "OK, Peggy. We were hoping for 200 pages, but it's been a year and we might as well get this thing out."