Rating:  Summary: objectively speaking, a horrible book Review: OK so I don't hate the Clintons as most of you reading this review do, but I'm no lover of them, either. I do, though, hate this book. Noonan, who has no business writing laundry lists, much less public speeches or books, is yet another snooty, upper-class twit who has it in for the Clintons. I read half of this book, became angry at the author's unfounded biases toward Hillary, and then I flung the thing across the room. A bevy of adjectives come to mind in describing this book: unimaginative, "superior," elitist, narrow-minded, pro-wealth, jingoistic, mediocre, forgettable, cheap. And chances are that these same adjectives apply to the people who like this book.
Rating:  Summary: Where are the facts? Review: Ms. Noonan's book about Hilary Clinton was very disappointing. I looked forward to reading it and by the end of the first chapter, I realized that fantasy scenarios prevaled. The author would state an event in the past and then project that into an imagined event in the future. Because of Mrs. Clinton's actions in the past, she will a certain way in the future. For instance, in an elaborate way, the author goes into great detail when she tells of Hilary's response to her election in November of 2000. As a result, the book left me very disappointed. Since Ms. Noonan had personal experience with Hilary, I was hoping that she would narrate these experiences only. Fantasy had no place in her book.
Rating:  Summary: Noonan eviscerates Hillary with her own words Review: Peggy Noonan exposes the truth about Hillary Clinton's drive for power and shows the ugly underbelly of Hillary's character without getting ugly herself. If you're short for time, read chapter nine first and see how Ms. Noonan uses Hillary's own words and writings to tear down the myth of "Hillary the champion for children". Noonan exposes Hillary's hidden agenda by citing her own words and does the the job that New York journalists seem reluctant to do; make Hillary back up these ideas or refute them. The "dream" sequence didn't bother me as much as the invented character in the Reagan biography. This sequence, shorter than a chapter, shows the possibility of a Clinton administration, if only their concern was truly with the betterment of the country, and not only with their own hold on power. It had me fooled for a while, and when I found out it was a fake, I wasn't mad at Noonan for imagining it, I was mad at Hillary for not actually confronting the Hollywood power players as Noonan illustrates. While reading this book, I began to feel that it would be wonderful if Peggy Noonan would run against Hillary for the Senate seat. I kept trying to imagine Hillary's comebacks to the stinging points Noonan makes on page after page. Anyone thinking of voting for Hillary should be required to read this book. Anyone concerned with the future of America, who wants to know how the liberal media elevated this mediocre, power hungry, back-woods lawyer to a super star should study it and hold onto it as Hillary makes her run for Senate, President, Supreme Court Justice, or Ruler of the New World Order.
Rating:  Summary: I Love Hillary! I Love Bill! They Both Love ALL Americans! Review: Right wing bigots may applaude the dribble in this book, as they hailed FELONS Nixon, Reagan & Bush Sr. (all 3 of them should have served time for HIGH CRIMES & MISDEMEANORS! ), while crucefying The Clintons for offenses such as consentual sex and defending themselves against viscious partisan attacks. REPUBLICANS are SELFISH and EVIL, making gains on the backs of the working poor and middle class. They hate ALL minorities and wish segregation, even slavery had never been abolished (admit it, bigots!). All that matters to them is their bank account and big business getting bigger. What ever happened to the Founding Father's provisions for "common welfare" (making sure EVERYONE gets a piece of the American Dream)?. GORE & HILLARY this November!
Rating:  Summary: Good premises but too many drawn out scenarios Review: I like the premise of this book. There is indeed a strong case to be made against Hillary Clinton and at times, Noonan makes it well. Unfortunately, Noonan too often tries to get into Hillary's head and launches into extended imaginary conversations Hillary has with herself. Noonan also creates other imaginary scenarios which detract from the book. These scenarios border on the surreal and guessing what Hillary may be thinking does not make the case against her. Noonan is at her best when she sticks to the facts and analyzes Hillary's record such as Hillary's alleged commitment to children. The book is still worth reading but I do not give it more than a moderate recommendation.
Rating:  Summary: Thank Goodness Review: Thank Goodness for courageous authors such as Peggy Noonan to use the wonderful Freedom of Speech to speak her mind and her opinions on Hillary Clinton. We live in a wonderful country in which authors are free to voice their contempt of the Clinton Administration. Please remember that before you judge the book based on your own personal opinion of the Clintons.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing effort by a good writer Review: I was looking forward to reading this book because I admire Peggy Noonan's gifted writing skills and I certainly agree with the premise of the book. But, this book seemed to me to not present enough material to justify being published. I think she had enough good material to produce a very fine magazine article or series of 2-3 articles, but, I guess she and her agent had sold a publisher on a book deal. By the time she gets through trying to stretch her ideas into a short book, the result is not pretty. Was she just lazy or couldn't she come up with more solid material? The travel office material was very good, but, not much else was up to that quality level. Overall, a lost opportunity to speak out well on the issues and a lot of lost credibility for the author.
Rating:  Summary: A Disappointment. Review: I am no fan of the Clintons, but have a voracious appetite for American History in general and presidential politics in specific. I have been a huge admirer of Peggy Noonan for many years (her speeches for Ronald Reagan were both clear and poetic (such as when the Challenger exploded), but this book came across primarily as a hatchet job. There were no new revelations; while I think that many of the things said were likely true, they were mere rehashings of past history. Ms. Noonan's coy "meeting" between Hillary and members of the Hollywood/entertainment glitterati was annoying at best. I was left feeling that the book was written primarily for a paycheck.
Rating:  Summary: the case against hillary clinton Review: Peggy Noonan is one of my favorite writers. (Sometimes I think she is the world's most wonderful woman). Having read "What I Saw At The Revolution" I was really looking forward to reading this book and was not disappointed. Peggy Noonan is an artist with the english language and a conservative treasure. Needless to say if you adore the clinton's you probably will not like this book (no pictures...haha). Basis of book is Hillary Clinton said she was going on a listening tour to find out what New York thinks of her possibly running for the senate seat. Well, since Peggy Noonan is from NY she thought she would speak about Hillary (but I dont think Hillary is listening to this). Book does not so much deal with Clinton policies as to who they are....the lies, the deceit, the pretending to be "one of us". One of the best parts of book is where she talks about Hillary giving speech to Hollywood elites, Noonan writes about Hillary scolding these people on not putting out better more wholesome positive entertainment. Problem is, it never happened. It was Peggy Noonan tribute to Edmund Morris. All in all this is a good read and only those who consider the Clinton's to be diety will be upset.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing! Someone who can write coherently about Hilary! Review: Why read a book that only covers ground you've already read about? First of all, Peggy Noonan can write well. She is interesting, informative, and witty. She is also not a blind ideologue. She has been able to work for Ronald Reagan and Dan Rather. Secondly, I feel that she has her facts straight. That didn't used to be an unusual trait, but these days, and especially on this subject, it's a wonderful breath of fresh air. Thirdly, she puts it all into a coherent whole. It's easy to hear something on the news and dismiss it as a mistake, or an unusual occurrence. But it's all put together here by an engaging and insightful writer. Intriguingly, the picture of Hilary that develops is not a caricature, but a real person. Peggy Noonan has done her homework. She knows her subject and can write about it well.