Rating:  Summary: Speculation as Fact. Review: I am glad that this book is in the library and I did not pay for it. I do not care if a person hates or loves the First Lady. But I do care when facts and arguements are not hand in hand. If lies are such a big concern for her, where are the books to condemn Reagan and Bush? This book seems to be nothing more then bitterness in writing. Where are the facts to back up statements. I believe in being fair. I think the Clintons have made some mistakes. But they are small compared to the past two Presidents. They did not start a war to remove a drug lord that was supported strongly by the last two predidents. They did not sell illegal arms to hostile nations. Let us get a perspective. Hillary may not be a warm caring person but she is smart.
Rating:  Summary: Speculation as Fact. Review: I am glad that this book is in the library and I did not pay for it. I do not care if a person hates or loves the First Lady. But I do care when facts and arguements are not hand in hand. If lthe lies are such a big concern for her, where are the books to condemn Reagan and Bush? Where are the facts to back up statements. I believe in being fair. I think the Clintons have made some mistakes. But if Ronald or George had the same witch hunt going against them,and their wives, and on every aspect of their lives, what would we think of them?
Rating:  Summary: The FABLE Against Hillary Clinton Review: It is misnamed. Ms. Noonan has written The FABLE Against Hillary Clinton. Ms. Noonan is a bright, experienced, fascinating pol. When she appears on the talk shows she purrs out nicknames to wilting male talk show hosts and flips her yellow mane and coos her venom. This she has done in this short work of fiction. She writes pages of bogus dialogue only to tell you at the end of the long fabricated section that this is not what Hillary said, but SHE SHOULD HAVE, as far as Ms. Noonon is concerned. She is outraged because Hillary does not act, say, do as Ms. Noonan thinks she should. Why doesn't Hillary just stand up and tell us truthfully how evil she and Bill really are? Well, Peggy, because they don't believe it is so as you do and if they did, it would ruin their persons and plans. Someone as smart as you, Ms. Noonan, should be able to grasp that.A slim book of fiction for people who hate the Clintons to delight in Ms. Noonan's hacket job. It is beneath Ms. Noonan and her rather distinquished career and it is a waste of time.
Rating:  Summary: Consider the Source Review: When reading this book or any other book by this author, please keep in mind that this is the believer in the "Miracle of the Dolphins." Why anyone would give credence to anything written or said by someone with such a tenuous grip on reality is beyond me. I guess it proves that Alzheimer's is indeed contagious.
Rating:  Summary: Big Brother is watching you Review: This book makes it clear that we could have the kind of mind control that was seen in the original book about Big Brother. The book is called 1984 where there were NO individual freedoms. Big Brother could electronically watch your every move. Reading this book is a must for anyone who cares about individual rights.
Rating:  Summary: Either cynical or naive, this book is just bad Review: Those below that have suggested that this book reveals more about Peggy Noonan than Hillary Clinton are absolutely correct. It reveals Ms. Noonan to be one of two things: an incredibly politically naïve ideologue or a cynical wordsmith who is obsessed with her hatred of Hillary Clinton. And yes, it is hatred not contempt, as Ms. Noonan would have it. (Those who have contempt for another by definition put themselves above that person morally. This is more appealing to people like Ms. Noonan because it implies that she is more rational and decent than the person who hates is since hatred implies ignorance. This is all well and good except that the tone and techniques of this book reveal Ms. Noonan as perfectly willing to sling mud with the best of them. Claiming she feels contempt is like her saying her hands aren't dirty because she wore gloves.) And what are the tone and techniques of this book? First of all, Ms. Noonan feels free to repeatedly accuse the Clintons of scandals but provides NO documentation. It's all "in the public record," according to her. So why not provide citations? (Possibly because the public record isn't so damning. For a good look at the Clinton "scandals," read "The Hunting of the President" by Joe Conason and Gene Lyons, who meticulously examine the public record and document how a good number-but not all-of the Clinton "scandals" turn out to be the invention of right-wing ideologues (including Ken Starr) with a grudge.) Ms. Noonan can't be bother with this. Instead of facts, Ms. Noonan seems to think dime-store psychologizing by former Clinton staffers with copies of psychology textbooks and comments from members of the press counts as firm evidence. (The mainstream press doesn't come off very well in Lyons and Conason's book.) She puts words into Hillary's head to "explain" her--including a long chapter on how Hillary is supposedly thinking regarding the New York campaign. The one example where she extensively quotes Hillary (on education), she refuses to let the few quotes she provides stand for themselves. More revealing, she claims, are the negative commentaries of people like Christopher Lasch. The tone is snide and grating. If Clinton's record is so bad, simply stating and documenting it ought to be enough. Instead, she repeatedly provides lists of "scandals" unrelated to her current argument in order, presumably to make sure you remember the pejorative name, but not the details. This book is also terribly organized and edited to the point where Ms. Noonan contradicts herself. For instance, in Chapter 4, she discusses Hillary's attempt to craft a national health care program. Chapter 5 then opens with Ms. Noonan complaining that she has NEVER seen Hillary spend ANY of her political capital. Excuse me, but anyone who tries to reform health care MUST spend a lot of political capital to even get people to discuss it! Similarly, she criticizes Hillary for holding the initial health care reform meetings behind closed doors, but then has a fantasy sequence where she wishes Ms. Clinton had held a secret meeting with Hollywood execs to encourage them to monitor their products for sex and violence. The WORST thing about this book is Ms. Noonan's arrogance regarding the state of political debate in this country. She derides the Clinton's for distorting and lowering our political life, yet publishes this book which offers innuendo, name-calling, cheap psychologizing and self-righteous breast beating as legitimate criticism. There IS a books to be written about the price (and rewards) of cynicism in politics, but Ms. Noonan isn't interested in that. What she IS interested in (and why she hates the Clintons) is revealed in the final chapter. Here, Ms. Noonan imagines what a great Clinton presidency would have been like. She lists the things he didn't address that he could have. He didn't address entitlement programs "in ways that his party's left had balked at but that he knew were promising and practical." He didn't create a missile defense. He refused to accept Republican welfare reform. He didn't encourage "school liberation" proposals. "All he had to do was be a sound steward...love his country, put it before his passing interests, go for the long haul, think long-term, be a patriot," she intones. Pardon me if I translate: All he had to do was be a Republican. Ms. Noonan and others hate Clinton because they are offended that he single-handedly stopped the Republican revolution. (Well, the inept Republican leadership helped.) What is amazing is that Ms. Noonan seems stunned that the Clintons didn't let the Republicans have their way. She is offended that he was a far superior politician than Newt Gingrich and she hates him for it. Grow up. (As a final comment, politics needs both calculating politicians and idealistic zealots to work properly. Too much of either leads to corruption. Too much venality leads to things like Travelgate. Too much ideology leads to a President wrapping himself in the flag while Iran/Contra is carried out by his subordinates. Bismarck got it right when he compared the making of laws to the making of sausages-you really don't want to see how it happens.)
Rating:  Summary: Raw (not unfounded) Speculation Review: Ms. Noonan has crafted a somewhat self-indulgent but also wonderfully pithy little tome here. Naturally, to write a strictly fact-based rendering of Ms. Clinton's bizarre "career" would require many more pages. Ms. Noonan's goal appears to be to set forth certain "givens" about Ms. Clinton (and by extension, her loathesome husband), and then speculate about both the inner life of these people and ruminate about the broader implications of their involvement in American society. It's quite an interesting read because there is really no longer any doubt concerning the Clinton's numerous scandals (petty firings in the White House Travel Office, Mr. Clinton's misogynistic and satyristic tendencies and Ms. Clinton's desperate dissembling and enabling of his pathetic behavior - over a course of decades, Ms. Clinton's involvement with Craig Livingstone who acquired raw FBI files on the Clintons' political enemies, improper "task forces" meeting in secret to craft Ms. Clinton's byzantine prescription for socialized medicine, etc., etc.) No one can honestly deny that we have a couple of pretty "colorful" characters now occupying the White House. But what Ms. Noonan does so well is expose, through frank discussion of the scandals, the kind of person Ms. Clinton truly must be and, also, reveal the kind of society that (sadly) we have become. In a prior era no American electorate (at any level - local, state, or national) would even consider a man like Clinton worthy of public office - even less so his untested wife. Ms. Noonan offers a "quaint" perspective from a bygone time - a time when truth mattered, character triumphed over celebrity, and morality wasn't politically incorrect. As America enters its twilight, that perspective is now rarely heard.
Rating:  Summary: A good quick read on Hillary - but a biased one Review: I love Peggy Noonan. I had not thought too much about Hillary and her Senate race, except that I was glad that I was not from New York. Then I read this book. Maybe Noonan clarified why I have always resented Hillary at some level. I guess it is because I always have compared myself to her as we are both politically active female attorneys and I have never felt her equal. This book, and Gail Sheehy's, have made me feel better about myself. Peggy emphasizes that Hillary has really accomplished little on her own - there has always been a state-hired babysitter or housekeeper and the prestigious law job may have evolved because of her husband's status. Noonan's comparison of Hillary with her childhood friend from New York was particularly good. Those who are quick to criticize Noonan's obvious bias should read Gail Sheehy's book, "Hillary's Choice." Most of Sheehy's observations about Hillary, her lust for power, and her belief that she and Bill know what is best for the rest of us are common threads in both books.
Rating:  Summary: It does not deliver Review: This book is not so much an account of the misdeeds of Hillary Clinton (of which there are many) but a rambling, disjointed speculation piece about her. The author gives far too little factual material (which I was expecting) and far too much hypothetical fluff. There is no structure for this book. It seemed more of a lamentation than a "case" against anyone.
Rating:  Summary: My Thoughts Exactly! Review: For some of you reviewers who feel that a "hatchet job" was done against poor hillary..think again.The only hatcheting was a self inflicted one. Greed, misplaced power, deceit, and undignifying the institution of the executive office, were not on the people's agenda. What goes around comes around. Ms. Noonan has presented the FACTS that most of us are already familiar with. There is not anything new to find in this book. She simply states it for the record...an overview of most concerned citizens who are disgusted with the clinton bunch.We have had a wanna be Kennedy in office for 8 years and he did not make it....guess hillary thinks she can become Jack?....(do I see an operation in her future?)...The only legacy the clintons leave behind is a full waste disposal. We may need to find a location far far away for elimination of its contents.I am reading the book at this time...almost completed it....simply written, an easy read, and the facts are no surprise to anyone....Can't wait for a book about the clintons...say, in about 10 more years...."The clintons in Cuba"????...watch out Fidel!!!