Rating:  Summary: A Jury of Her Peers? Review: A serious exploration of Hillary's public behavior and bizarre personal life would be welcome, but this isn't it. Noonan clearly has her own ax to grind, as the Clintons have made her beloved "Reagan Revolution" a target in their own propaganda since the 1992 campaign. Moreover, Noonan has zero credibility to write this kind of treatise on Hillary, not just because of her politics, but because of the presumptuous first-person techniques she employs--who's the one with the real "gall" here? Even Kitty Kelly got nailed for indulging in this kind of crap.On a broader note, one wonders just whom this growing cottage industry of anti-Clinton tomes (Regnery et al) is aimed at--certainly not liberals, and most independent voters who I know don't read political books at all. It appears, therefore, that these books are written by and for a community of sycophantic conservatives who only want their own beliefs confirmed and fed back to them--and Noonan, who is every bit the hypocritical figure she believes Hillary to be, seems happy to serve it up. What vapid literary and intellectual lives Noonan and her compadres must lead.
Rating:  Summary: Peggy Nonnan ROCKS! Review: Not only is she good looking, but Peggy is smart too! You owe it to yourself to buy this book, not so much for the shocking truth that jumps off the pages, but for Peggy and her wit. She'll make you laugh! It's a great book by a great woman!
Rating:  Summary: What I Imagined At the Revolution Review: This book is supposed to appeal to conservatives. You can tell by the title. That's why I thought it would be better, especially having read her first book, "What I Saw At the Revolution," her odyssey in the White House as a Reagan speechwriter. Her ominous book dedication to Eleanor Roosevelt notwithstanding, I hungrily opened to the first chapter which began with the discredited (I thought) device of reading the mind of the main character. One expects this in fiction. Here, it created the impression that Noonan had to invent a Hillary, as if the Hillary we already know isn't bad enough. Or do we really know her? She has undergone more cosmetic changes than Michael Jackson. So why should conservatives bother reading this book when we already have a catalogue of her sins in publications like National Review? Because Noonan graces her book with piquant observations, phrases and anecdotes. My favorite: "the soul of an East German border guard." Others include "Gargoyles have taken over the cathedral," "phrases that pop out of her mouth like tarts from the toaster." When someone remarked that a Clinton speech was a triumph of spin, Noonan rebuts, "They've forgotten that when someone calls you a liar, they are not praising you." Noonan also has an excellent section regarding the FALN Puerto Rican terrorists, and another exposing the past Hillary pieces in law journals. If these two sections had been distributed in pamphlet form before the senate election, she'd be throwing vases at Bill's head in Little Rock right now instead of New York City or wherever the hell they decide to dig in their heels. Let's hope a sequel will be more EXpose than INspose.
Rating:  Summary: Oh please.... Review: I would have given this book no stars if it were an option. It's sad that someone so well known is trying to make a name for herself at the expense of another.
Rating:  Summary: Waste of Time Review: Note to Peggy: get over it! Next time, try to give us something objective. If we wanted propoganda, we would have gone to the RNC website.
Rating:  Summary: just another hatchet job Review: Noonan's book on her experience as a Reagan speech writer was a wonderful book. One need not turn misty-eyed or view Sen Clinton thru rose colored glasses, to conclude that Noonan's book is just another vile tract from the "get Bill, get Hillary" camp of late-night cable TV right-wingers. Talk about "politics of personal destruction"! Hillary was dead-on accurate about the vast right wing conspiracy, judging from this unpleasant work. I hope Noonan will turn her considerable skills on other "character" issues -- may those on her side of the street: e.g., "W" getting rich off the Texas Rangers (just imagine what they would have to Hillary if she had turned $600,000 to $13mil with the help of her daddy's buddies; and the dirty job done on Sen. mccain during the primaries, etc. Gee, suppose Hillary had done what Linda Chavez did -- break the law, lie to the vetting group .... it would keep the late night "get Bill, get Hillary" crowd busy for years! Peggy: get a life.
Rating:  Summary: Bashing Noonan does not nullify her points. Review: I read this book in one sitting and passed it on to someone on an airplane, someone who was both amazed and relieved to find himself sitting next to someone who doesn't buy into the myth of Hillary's ability, but also doesn't appear to have any of the markings of a fascist right winger. I am a conservative and became one, after having been a liberal, in the pursuit of protecting patriotism. Ms. Noonan, throughout her book, expresses her own love of country and makes it more than clear that she had hoped that this dynamic couple would be fodder for her inspiration, rather than her disgust. The fact that the Clintons let her down, let down all of America, is not something that she paints broadly. She substantiates her points and a few times indulges in speculation, the denigration of which amazed me as those who defend the Clintons do so with the most outrageously extensive suspensions of disbelief and specious arguments as I have ever heard in my entire lifetime. Ms. Noonan's facts are painted as vitriol and so very unsurprisingly those who dislike the message can do no better than to slander the messenger with the most obscene and outrageous filth...a trait learned at the knees of their idols, the Clintons, among the most arrogant anti-Constitutionalists ever to so darken our nation's capitol. Brava Ms. Noonan. You wrote very well indeed and I say that with the confidence of a writer and English major. Would that any of the vitriol aimed at the author reflected even a modicum of eloquent intelligence.
Rating:  Summary: Noonan's "The Case Against Hillary Clinton" Review: Peggy Noonan's book is seriously flawed because it is overwhelmingly based on the premise that the author can know what Mrs. Clinton is thinking and feeling. Nobody's psyche is as penetrable as Noonan would have us believe; most of this book is, in fact, a mental and psychological exploration that is improbable because it is impossible. Furthermore, Noonan's writing is chock full of fallacies--red herrings and ad hominem attacks abound. Furthermore, Noonan overworks the fallacious technique of trotting out isolated examples to prove a larger claim. This mocks the well-accepted tenets of good persuasive writing that demand a certain weight of evidence to make an argument plausible. At one point, Noonan even imposes a psychological diagnosis of "narcissism" on both Clintons based on the words of a "political professional" friend of theirs. I was not aware that journalists and political careerists were now qualified to deliver clinical diagnoses. Because the book is entirely structured on these ill-reasoned, fallacious, and purely speculative techniques, I find its credibility and worth to be critically compromised.
Rating:  Summary: The case against Peggy Noonan Review: This seems like the rave rantings of a person obsessed with the subject of 'Clintonism'. I am not saying that Mrs. Clinton is the most ideal visionary or best suited leader for this nation. But Peggy Noonan, given her career, should be well aware that this is the dirty business of politics where people are motivated by power rather than the idealistic sentiments that she seems to constantly refer to. Peggy Noonan has a wonderful story to tell, although it lacks any credibility since a lot of it is her own figment of her vivid imagination. May be if she had stuck to facts and been objective instead of trying to color it with her own impression of what Mrs. Clinton's thought process, there would have been more believers of her 'left wing conspiracy theory'. The 'Case against Hillary Clinton' has some valid points, but it is my 'judgemnent' that the authoress is overly prejudicial, completely partisan (against Hillary, of course) in her analysis and is at times, a little delusional.
Rating:  Summary: Read if you Dare Review: I thought this was the most eloquently articulated explanation I've read of why people disagree with the Clintons. Noonan is right to group them together, "two for the price of one", as it were, however is careful to point out the differences between Bill the consummate politican and Hillary the true believer, the ideologue. For those that continue to support the Clintons and their vision of America, this book should be a troubling polemic that details why so many reasonable people remain opposed to the First Couple, despite the many, many accomplishments they take credit for. I believe at issue for Noonan and those of us that agree with her, whether 100% or somewhere less than that, is the fundamental dishonesty and manipulation that Hillary and her husband have subjected the country to over the past eight years. She is right when she labels it arrogance, and in the various scandals, offensive to the fairness of the American people. One facinating example is the section in which Noonan documents Hillary's use of words to "fog" and obscure, rather than "clarify", her positions and beliefs. Perhaps even more damning, however, is Noonan's claim that Hillary is no more than a "credentialed rube", "a mere operator", and that she is nothing like Eleanor Roosevelt, nor any of the strong women she models herself after. This, in the long run, will be harder for Clinton's followers to accept, given that Hillary ran on her "record"; however I believe that Noonan's book goes a long way to call that record into question, and cautions New Yorkers and Americans in general to take heed. Secondly, Hillary's claim to represent the needs and issues of American women in general is called into question, as Noonan considers Hillary's background, hard-left politics, and writings on society and the family which seem very much detached from the true needs of women in our society. Finally, memorably, Noonan compares Hillary to a classmate from Massapequa, Long Island, ending with the phrase "She is not like you. She was never like you." That phrase now always comes to mind whenever I turn on the TV and see my new senator-elect smiling robotically, icily.