Rating:  Summary: Noonan: A case against Hillary Clinton Review: How can anybody like Peggy Noonan formally writing for Reagan and Bush, have the guts to write a book about a person she donsen't know and don't like. It's obvious that Peggy Noonan want to make a buck, do you really want to read speculation and invented thoughts about Hillary Clinton. It really tell me all about the GOP's wanting to smear anybody who will not play their game... If I wan't to read nonsense like this I would save my money and buy National Enquire or Global, or some such...
Rating:  Summary: A thoughtful polemic on Clintonism Review: The subject and target of Peggy Noonan's new book The Case Against Hillary Clinton is not so much Hillary Clinton, but rather Clintonism, the corrupt and cynical philosophy of politics as a means for obtaining and maintaining power that has damaged and divided the country over the past seven years. Ms. Noonan admits that the book is a polemic written by someone who is very much one of the "Other People" and not "My People" in Hillary Clinton's Manichean ethos. As a polemic, The Case Against Hillary Clinton more closely resembles Christopher Hitchens' No One Left to Lie To than it does Barbara Olson's unflattering biography of Mrs. Clinton. Peggy Noonan does not have the temperament of Hitchens, whose contempt for William Jefferson Clinton literally drips from each page as he punctuates his points with stinging epithets. One gets the impression that she treated this book as a necessary duty. She takes no joy in examining and explaining these joyless and empty narcissists who are unable to live without the adulation and attention of others. In another context, we might feel sympathy for them, but not when they play out their private issues on the world's stage and at the nation's expense. The Case Against Hillary Clinton makes a convincing case why the people of New York should NOT elect Mrs. Clinton as their Senator. She shows that Mrs. Clinton possesses above-average intelligence, below-average character, and virtually no accomplishments of her own. The only substantive venture for which she was given responsibility, the misguided and health care task force, ended in political disaster, which directly led to Republican control of both houses of Congress for the first time in 40 years. Prior to that, Mrs. Clinton was a partner in a politically-connected law firm in a state where her husband was attorney general then governor. She brought two of her partners from the Rose Law Firm to Washington, D.C., one ended up committing suicide and the other committing felonies. Ms. Noonan skillfully argues that a person of such low character and meager accomplishments as Hillary, who has no connection whatsoever to New York State, would seek to be its senator is a mind-boggling display of mad Boomer narcissism. That she has a good chance to win speaks volumes to the moral decline of the character of the nation under Mr. & Mrs. Clinton's stewardship. Mrs. Clinton's dubious achievements are strikingly at odds with her inflated opinion of herself. Ms. Noonan contrasts the Clintons' extreme arrogance, sense of entitlement and moral superiority with the humility of great men like Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II. Mrs. Clinton's candidacy is significant because it foretells an ominous thought: that, unlike other presidents who gracefully left the world's stage and pursued quiet dignified lives -- witness for example Jimmy Carter -- the Clintons will have to be dragged kicking and screaming from the limelights and the attention they crave. I only gave the book 4 stars out of 5 because it covers little new ground. As a polemic, it falls short of the rhetorical brilliance (and excesses) of Hitchens' prose. It touches on a number of themes, which have been developed more fully by other authors. Finally, Ms. Noonan could not resist the temptation to include an Edmund Morris-like incident, which fooled me badly and illustrates the opportunities squandered by people who wanted the power of the Presidency not to achieve great things but to be big people.
Rating:  Summary: IT'S ABOUT TIME! Review: It isn't often we get to read truth about a most controversial political figure, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Peggy Noonan has brought to her readers some of the more explosive and informative details about our First Lady, who seeks election to the US Senate in the State of New York. This is a must-have for all those following the Clinton saga.
Rating:  Summary: Dissapointing Review: Just to clear the air I am politically what you would consider middle-of-the-road. As a voter in New York's upcoming Senate elections I therefore picked up this book with some hope of getting some insight into Hillary Clinton. Instead this book was just a diatribe against her without any new insight or new information. Clearly, Ms. Noonan (the former speechwriter of President Reagan)does not like the Clintons but what else does she have to say? not much. If you are looking for a book that intelligently discusses the impeachment turn to Posner's "An Affair of State." If you are looking for a good insightful book on the Clinton Presidency and Hillary - keep waiting.
Rating:  Summary: Insightful Review: The facade is shattered in Noonan's wonderful book as the First Lady is exposed as empty and as hollow as her rhetoric. The author succeeds in laying bare the truth and is unflinching in her analysis. An excellent job and Noonan deserves high praise. With Hillary, there is simply "no there there", and in that sense this book's revelations of hypocrisy and valuelessness are quite disturbing. This deserves wide attention during an election year when Clinton's empty hyperbole has replaced substance, a tactic that is cited as typically self-serving by Noonan.
Rating:  Summary: the case against hillary clinton Review: Peggy Noonan is one of my favorite writers. (Sometimes I think she is the world's most wonderful woman). Having read "What I Saw At The Revolution" I was really looking forward to reading this book and was not disappointed. Peggy Noonan is an artist with the english language and a conservative treasure. Needless to say if you adore the clinton's you probably will not like this book (no pictures...haha). Basis of book is Hillary Clinton said she was going on a listening tour to find out what New York thinks of her possibly running for the senate seat. Well, since Peggy Noonan is from NY she thought she would speak about Hillary (but I dont think Hillary is listening to this). Book does not so much deal with Clinton policies as to who they are....the lies, the deceit, the pretending to be "one of us". One of the best parts of book is where she talks about Hillary giving speech to Hollywood elites, Noonan writes about Hillary scolding these people on not putting out better more wholesome positive entertainment. Problem is, it never happened. It was Peggy Noonan tribute to Edmund Morris. All in all this is a good read and only those who consider the Clinton's to be diety will be upset.
Rating:  Summary: Peggy Noonan is Fair and Balanced Towards Hillary Clinton Review: Some Liberals have attempted to smear Peggy Noonan as a "Clinton hater" hinting that she is unable to write an objective and honest book concerning Hillary Clinton. On the contrary, the Republican speech writer may very well have understated the situation. This work was released before the election and Noonan hoped that Mrs. Clinton would fail in her quest for the U.S. Senate seat from New York. Noonan describes HRC as a woman who enjoys wealth and power. The need is so great that she has endured betrayal and humiliation by her husband that would have ended most marriages years ago. Did they ever love each other? Has the Clinton relationship always been primarily about the acquisition of power? Noonan cites an incident where an exhausted Bill and Hillary perk up immediately when alerted that an adoring crowd awaits them. The Presidential couple seem to truly enjoy adulation similar to a drug addict enjoying his latest high. "Mrs. Roosevelt did not think," adds Ms. Noonan "as they say, that it was all about her." She distinguishes between the committed self sacrificing Liberalism of Eleanor Roosevelt, and the self indulgent actions of HRC. Noonan perceives the now Senator Clinton as someone totally absorbed in seeking power for its own sake. The question whether Hillary has any substantially well though out positions is indeed legitimate. Mrs. Clinton never engages in vigorous public give and take discussions. Noonan also contrasts the Clinton White House staffers with those of recent Democrat and Republican administrations. The former come across as childishly immature while the latter engaged in dedicated seriousness. The Jimmy Carter Democrat Presidential era, for instance, was always strait laced and adult. She argues the Clintons surround themselves with ruthless and amoral followers who virtually will stop at nothing to do the bidding of their masters. Even the outrageous behavior of Nixon's top Watergate people pale in comparison. Peggy Noonan even devotes a few pages to the questionable pardons granted by President Clinton to the FALN Puerto Rican terrorists. Many speculated that this was done to increase his wife's election chances in New York. Was Noonan peering into a crystal ball? The very recent uproar over "pardongate" has greatly vindicated her conclusions regarding this dysfunctional political family. Hillary Clinton will now have power for the next six years. Have individuals such as Noonan blinded themselves to Senator Clinton's virtues and talents? Are they prematurely writing her political obituary? Peggy Noonan is so far winning her case against Hillary Clinton. The current New York Senator, though, has a splendid opportunity to prove her wrong. However, my bets are on Noonan. Leopards rarely change their spots.
Rating:  Summary: Truth Wins Review: One great book!!!! To those who thought that Bill Clinton's book was more than something to revise history, I'm sure you don't like Peggy Noonan. But the fact remains that Hillary and hubby were little people who would stab anyone (meaning ANYONE) in the back for personal gain. The Clinton coolaid drinkers won't like this book because it does get out the truth. And truth to that bunch is only something that you step over for personal gain. Read the book. I would venture to say that 90% of the coolaid gang hasn't read the book. But to tell the truth about the ones they bow down to doesn't set well with them.
Rating:  Summary: Noonan's voice is lovely, Reaganesque. Review: Noonan's beautiful, experienced voice makes this book a sharp but lush synopsis of Hillary's career, or lack thereof. (She also has a lovely audio voice. "What I Saw at the Revolution" on tape is tops). These 180 pages are perfect for a first time examination of Hillary's issues (or lack thereof) or as a refresher. Noonan goes way beyond typical "who, what, where," books on the Clintons that read like a series of 2-D newspaper articles by mixing in some creative fiction and a dream sequence The book's voice is simple but poetic and concerned. Like Reagan's speeches, maybe? National Review wrote that the voice of Reagan eerily calls from the pages of this book. This seems true at times and this is a credit to Noonan's past work as speechwriter. Still, I think at times she projects Reagan onto Hillary. She focuses a lot on Hillary as image crafter, as photo opportunist, as contrasting issue stands with words and pictures that say something else. Sound familiar? Noonan writes that "Reagan used words to cut through the fog" where Hillary adds to it. I think Hillary! has a lot more in common with Reagan than Noonan might think. This is a great book about Hillary! but perhaps it is also about Reagan and the current political era he helped shape.
Rating:  Summary: A very important book Review: This is not a mindless "I hate Hillary Clinton" tirade. ... Anyone who paid attention to what they were reading, and has studied the Clintons for the past eight years could never say such a thing. Peggy Noonan has written an engrossing and cogent dissertation on why Hillary Clinton should not be Senator from New York, or hold any other high political office. Hillary is an unambiguously amoral, uncaring, power mad individual who wants nothing more than to stay in power and the public spotlight. She is a socialist who believes that people are not capable of running their own lives, and that the government should do it for us, to protect us from our own stupidity and incompetence. She believes she is far superior to us. She is nothing like the people of New York, or anywhere else for that matter. She knows nothing of the trials and tribulations most people endure, of working hard, trying to save money for our retirements and our childrens education, wondering how we'll pay our bills, if we'll lose our jobs, if we'll be attacked on the way to the grocery store, if our children are being well educated, and are safe at school etc. She's never had to worry about those things due to her wealthy upbringing and her life as the wife of Arkansas's governor, and then as the First Lady. She just can't relate. And that's reason enough to vote against her, since how can she represent people she doesn't understand and empathize with? But it's more than that. Noonan shows that Hillary just doesn't care about anyone but herself, and makes a good point for Hillary being psychologically disturbed. It's not far fetched at all. The book is absolutely chilling. This is not a person you want setting public policy.