Rating:  Summary: Articulate, and articulates what needs saying Review: As an Arkansan and an acquaintance of the Clintons and an amateur student of their governship/presidency, I especially welcome Noonan's masterpiece of insight on the issue of "what the Clintons are". I have attempted for over twenty years to articulate that definition, and have found that if I had just waited for this book, I could have saved myself the trouble. The Clintons are everything Noonan says they are, and it's not a pretty picture.For the reviewer from New York: if you don't know the facts about the Clintons, with an emphasis on Hillary, read "Hell to Pay" and "Partners in Power". If you then want to read a book that brings together all the scandals, all the dissembling, the unprincipled opportunism and the sleaze, and explains, in clear if majestic prose, what the result is: "what the Clintons are", reread this book. It will mean much more to you. A great many of us outside of New York pray that you all will end Clintonism, and the Clintons will then just go away and leave us alone. Tim Watson
Rating:  Summary: Clear Vision Review: After almost 8 years of living through the santimonious pretense of virtue displayed by the Clinton Administration, we finally have a book with the guts to "tell it like it is!" Ms. Noonan has obviously done her homework, and has managed to put Hillary Clinton in clear view for all to see. I applaud Ms. Noonan's courage, and I welcome her astute and intuitive vision of what might come to pass if we allow another Clinton to come into power. Thank you!
Rating:  Summary: an indeptly-written vendetta Review: Ms. Noonan hasn't gotten over her prediction that Bill Clinton would lose reelection. She's now taking it out on his wife in goopy, biased prose. Don't waste your money on this tripe.
Rating:  Summary: Good Job Review: As usual everything about the clintons is out for themselves. The press hides everything about these people! The only way these people can get ahead is to be CROOKED!
Rating:  Summary: One More Piece of the "Vast Conspiracy" Review: Having just finished reading 'The Hunting of the President', I am sensitized to the possibility that all too much of the media is out to make a political point rather than to create a truly informative narrative. 'The Case Against Hillary' unfortunately, is one of the most flagrant examples of character assassination that has ever been seen in print. The 'politics of personal destruction' is so evident here that it is surprising that anyone would take this book any more seriously than Professional Wrestling. When a book that pretends to give insight into the life of another, turns out to be just a long psycobabble speculation at best... It just isn't a book worth reading unless you are in the mood for a political trip into some fictional fantasy.
Rating:  Summary: Kinder, Gentler, Shallower Review: Ms. Noonan's random, pretentious musings on the First Lady read like Sean Hanity with a thesaurus. What you get by the end of this book is a facile collection of built-up resentments and petty gripes. It's too bad Noonan takes the Clinton's so personally. It's not their fault Peggy, it's yours.
Rating:  Summary: Peggy Noonan in a new role Review: I have read other Noonan books. They were related to her experiences and skills, and offered considerable insight. But now she has taken on the role of stalker for the Republicans. Nothing new here, nothing very interesting either. Peggy, we hardly knew ye.
Rating:  Summary: More of the hate mongers at work! Review: This book is amazing in only one respect--does Peggy Noonan think we don't know her for her right wing agenda already? She clearly is jealous of our First Lady and tries to make her appear wrong or bad in every instance. This simply is counter- intuitive to anyone with an iota of intelligence. However, the hatemongers and vitriolic sorts will love this and buy it up! I would never pay money for it and will advise my public library system not to waste taxpayer money on it.
Rating:  Summary: DOG BITES MAN! DAY FOLLOWS NIGHT! REPUBLICAN SLAMS CLINTON! Review: What a surprise! Noonan has written exactly what you would expect her to write. If you are a conservative, this book will fuel your anger over the Clintons. If you are a liberal, it will confirm your fears of the "vast, right-wing conspiracy." As a former White House speechwriter, Noonan never strays far from the script; instead she takes all the predictable shots and establishes nothing new. One hungers for the relatively balanced Hillary bio by David Brock.
Rating:  Summary: The Case Against Hillary Clinton Review: The truth will make us free. This book should be required reading in every high school government and/or political science class. This book dwells on the obvious facts which people do not seem to experience in other media formats.