Rating:  Summary: AMERICA, BEWARE Review: If even 50% of this book is factual (I suspect it is closer to 90%, at the minimum), then the nation is in for more perjurious, powermongering Clintonism. Will we never learn!?
Rating:  Summary: All Show, and What An Evil, Conniving One At That Review: The cult of Hillary Clinton, with one deep admirer, HRC! She will go to any lengths to keep it going, and at the expense of the American taxpayer!It is shocking that our country has fallen to such a point that we don't care what is behind a person so long as ... well, you fill in the blank. We're out of control, we all know it, and least of the likes of Hillary are any help out of it. The mock meeting with the media giants is worth the book itself! Marvelous piece of investigative journalism. She certainly writes with a wit and sharpness which anyone would dream of as a speechwriter.
Rating:  Summary: Hilary the bum. Read this book and see why. Review: This is a great expose about one of the biggest frauds of all time - Hilary R. Clinton. The author is able to separate the image Hilary wants to pose, to the scoundrel that she is. This is a well-written expose.
Rating:  Summary: What a waste of time. Review: First, love her or hate her, Hillary Clinton is a fascinating woman, and Noonan's main problems are that, rather than presenting an in-depth study of a lawyer, governor's wife, activist, president's wife and candidate, Noonan has to fill 180 pages with projection and fiction. Second, she writes for the people who fantasize that the Clintons have "ruined" our country, and who are are content not only to live in a dream world, but to project it onto others, some of whom are apparently incapable of anything but reflexive hate for anyone who doesn't buy the conservative good, liberal/centrist bad motto. So, I encourage those people to waste their cash and buy it. Use your new tax refund. Aside from that, the HRC that Noonan writes about is so one dimensional as to be pointless. Perhaps Noonan should go back to writing romance or westerns. Noonan has been so thoroughly discredited by her gushing love for Reagan, who really was a criminal, that her criticism of the Clintons is laughable. Overall, so is the author herself.
Rating:  Summary: Time for political axe-grinding! "Bring 'em on!" Review: Now that the right wing has trashed the Clintons, who is gonna trash the Bush's? Who will be the first pundit to blame 'W' for aiding the Bin Laden's and Saddam Husseins while profiting Cheney's Halliburton? To be honest, I am sick to death of conservatives trashing democrats and liberals tar-and-feathering republicans. It is time for a leader to stand up and speak out FOR something instead of AGAINST everything the other guy represents. Noonan has, this time, told us what's wrong with somebody. I wish this were the last such tome, but I know better. Noonan usually is good with the quip but tedious when going beyond a two-minute sound bite. This book is Noonan not at her best, but, should please her fans.
Rating:  Summary: I don't like Hillary but... Review: Okay I don't like Hillary but this Noonan woman is bonkers. She actually writes thoughts in Hillary's head. Uh, pardon me? And she complains that Hillary could have done good things and instantly suggest some liberal cause as if it would be a "good thing". Heck that's just the kind of stuff I didn't want her doing! If Noonan thinks she is a Republican I suggest somebody better explain to her that means more than thinking Ronald Reagan is a nice guy. There are actual ideas involved. I gave up after a hundred pages but my wife stuck through to the end. I still remember when she finished the book, turned to me and said, "this woman's an idiot". And we're life long Republicans. 'Nuff said.
Rating:  Summary: Cash for Slander Review: The number of writers that would jump on the slander bandwagon is amazing. There is no honest attempt to represent the facts; just to make money. Will Ms. Noonan write about Enron and it's supporters in the administrations.
Rating:  Summary: A Worthwhile Read Review: "Misrepresenting" the truth, abuse of power, unprincipled, shameless, self-aggrandizement, cynicism, conceit, obfuscation, spin, entitlement and character assassination, all characterize the "two for the price of one'' Clintons in Peggy Noonan's account of the Clinton's scandal plagued political careers. While Noonan's writing style (somewhat akin to a meandering stream of consciousness) is, at times, disconcerting, the book's substance is compelling and frightening in that Hillary Clinton's campaigning strengths will undoubtedly continue to keep her dedicated and uncritical core supporters in the dark. The keys, of course, are twofold: whether (1) the liberal media will have enough sense of country over political persuasion to deny her support and (2) "swing" voters will have enough common sense to see the real Hillary Clinton. I'm more optimistic about the latter than the former. Hugh Kemper
Rating:  Summary: Get Over It! Review: Peggy Noonan is one of a number of conservative women who just cannot get over Hillary Clinton (others include the highly intelligent Laura Ingraham and the late Barbara Olson). As a conservative, I happen to believe that their insane obsession cheapens the quality of conservative discourse in our country at a time when real issues need to be debated. Noonan is a fraud. Her mannered and affected way of speaking implies to me a desire to put real distance between her present and her past. She detests the Clintons for their morals, yet she was one of the biggest advocates of state-sponsored, political kidnapping when she insisted that Elian Gonzalez NOT be returned to his father in Cuba. That to me is not only inconsistent but perverse. She would prevent a natural father from having his son because of her politics. What a phony. I wish conservative women would GET OVER IT. Hillary is never going to be president. Move on to important issues.
Rating:  Summary: A laugh a minute! Review: I swear, this is the last right-wing roll of t.p. I read. These people would be funny if they weren't currently running the country into the ground. As for the "reviewer" who states that Mrs. Clinton is "unambiguously amoral, uncaring, power mad individual who wants nothing more than to stay in power and the public spotlight," well, you have CERTAINLY distinguished her from the rest of the Congress!! Oh, you poor, poor souls that lap up this garbage. You won't even know it when W finally declares a (formal) suspension of the Constitution!