Rating:  Summary: The Journey to Wholeness Review: If our present view of oursleves, and God, is correct then why are we, as individual Christians and also collectively as "the Body of Christ" so powerless, so ineffectual? The answer lies imbedded in every page of this powerful and moving work. We were (past tense) evil of heart. When we surrender to Christ we are renewed, transformed, converted in the most profound ways. "Behold all things have become new." The enemy would love to convince us that we must still struggle in the gutter but in reality we are already present it the heavenlies because of the completed work of Christ.
We have reduced The Faith to mere cognition and acceptance of dogma and it is killing us. Eldridge reminds us that there is something far deeper in our souls that yearns to be reunited with God. This deeper self, which we call the heart, has been seduced into slumber, or reduced to mere sentimentality, and often sacrificed on the alter of rationality.
A point we miss, or perhaps hide from, is that God still wants to walk with us, communicate to us, and provide direction and comfort to us. We cloth oursleves in a psuedo-spiritutual figleaf because we think God can't stand to see the real us. We have lost our ability to sense God's leading because we have lost the connection to our deepest selves, to our hearts. Our faith has become so focused on objective truth that we have lost the ability to experience the subjective reality of God and find who we are in God's plan. Like monks we forsake those things that we mistakenly believe are anethema to God and adopt pious pretenses. God wants us to experience Him and truly live in Him.
Some may find the use of illustrative snippets from movies and shows distracting but there is genius at work here. By using the things from our culture that touch our hearts we are primed to see the things of God from an open heart. "All things are permissible" according to St. Paul and Eldridge's careful selection insures that each is also "profitable."
There are the two other major threads intertwined through the book that we dare not forget; we are at war; we are meant to be in community. We desperately need each other, flawed though we still are. We each have something that others need and they bring to us things that help complete and fulfill us. Like a marriage the church can only thrive on a holy intimacy.
For me, personally, this book "connected the dots" of ideas, impressions, longings, and scriptures that have been percolating in my soul for decades. Eldridge put to page what God has been imprinting in my heart slowly over the years. At one point I had to put it down for some weeks because my heart was too weak to stand the bright light it brought. At just the right time God brought healing to some wounds and then I couldn't put this book down.
Don't settle for the lesser of what God has for you when He yearns to bring you abundance. This book is a great place to begin the journey to wholeness and recovering your walk with God.
Rating:  Summary: A Blessing Review: Another great book from John Eldredge that captures what is missing in most Christians today. 'Waking the Dead' is exactly what needs to happen in our communities and churches! John clearly walks close to God and in turn God really speaks through him in his books! As humans we look in every possible place, in substances and in other people to make us feel 'real', so that we might feel truly alive. We can BE truly alive, in the glory that was meant for us from the beginning. Take back the authority that has been restored to you through Christ, and truly live! John's books are like no others! These are not the same 'Christian' books that you've passed up before because they speak of things that seem unreachable or not applying to your 'real' life. Very well written book. One that you won't want to put down, I know I sure didn't! It's a good realization about how things are supposed to be, and how we've gotten caught up in the world and have taken our focus off where it needs to be. Our desire is to be free and it's a reality that we can truly experience! Enjoy the book!
Rating:  Summary: What true Christianity should be about! Review: Another impressive book from Eldrege - one you just can't set down. John speaks completely from the heart, as usual, and gives a grand effort to help Christians discover what following Christ is truly about - the heart. He explains why many Christians have lost their hearts, and gives a wonderful, non-legalistic, and insightful way to get our hearts back, which is what Christ really wants for us. And of course we cannot forget that we are born into a world at war, but the Enemy is not flesh and blood. What sets John's words apart from others is the way he is not afraid to tell it like it is (in his own life and in ours), seems to know exactly what we struggle with, uses adventurous writing to keep our interest, and gives numerous real-life examples of how God works and relates to us in our lives.
Rating:  Summary: Best book I've read Review: Apart from the Bible, this is the best book I've ever read. It was far more helpful to me than Eldredge's other books (which were awesome!) and has called me to be whom God made me to be. After reading it God called me to start a men's group based on this book, and within the first few weeks of men's group I could see dramatic changes in the lives of these men. I'm a big reader, but this is probably the only book (other than the Bible) that I recommend that EVERY Christian read.
Rating:  Summary: create a clean heart, renew a steadfast spirit Review: Count on John Eldredge to stir up controversy. With countless references to The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, Gladiator, The Wizard of Oz, Braveheart, even Amadeus and The Lion King, it is fair to say that Eldredge likes to use contemporary analogies to back up scripture.
If you aren't completely familiar with all those books and movies, or if you are the kind of person who takes offense when Dorothy and Toto are used to illustrate scripture, you may have a hard time warming up to Waking the Dead. Even if you are open to these areas, this isn't exactly an easy message for all to grasp.
One of the main points that Eldredge covers is that our hearts are good by nature, and that we have bought into the lies of the Enemy if we believe otherwise. He argues that the flesh is the culprit rather than the heart, and that we need to distinguish between the two. By acknowledging that our hearts are good, we are liberated from the discouragement of the enemy that tries to convince us that we are weak and unworthy.
By acknowledging the goodness of our heart and opening ourselves up to Jesus' offering of life through Discipleship, Counseling, Healing and Warfare, we are able to wake up from our slumber and shine with the light of Christ. The path is narrow and uncomfortable, but the reward is eternal.
Larry Hehn, author of Get the Prize: Nine Keys for a Life of Victory
Rating:  Summary: Misleading the Living... Review: Eldridge argues that there is glory hidden in each Christian's heart, and the goal is to capture and maintain a sense of liberation through a realization of human glory. As in his other books, John Eldridge conveys some great stories. Here he relates emotionally engaging accounts from The Perfect Storm, The Matrix, The Lord of the Rings, The Wizard of Oz. However, the other parts of the book (theology and conclusions) have prompted me to rate this book at two stars. Let me tell you why. Eldridge's book ultimately focuses on the realization of human glory. I suggest this stands in stark contrast to the New Testament. However, before I critique his conclusion, let me first convey his approach. Here is a summary of the book: 1.God wants us to be happy. (Starting and presumed premise) 2.However, we are not always happy. (Provides real-life examples) 3.Therefore, we are either blowing it or God is. (Eldridge's words) 4.The fault cannot be God's therefore it must be ours. (Assumed conclusion) 5.God's glory is 'man fully alive'. (Read 'fully alive' as 'fully happy') 6.'God's happiness and my happiness are tied together'. (A direct quote from the book) 7.Therefore, 'God's committed to my happiness'. (Another quote) 8.In fact, 'my happiness is the purpose of Christianity'. (An abbreviated quote) 9.Final conclusion: I need to live for myself (Summary) I promise you, promise, promise, promise, I'm not pulling your leg. This is all directly from the first chapter! If you want page numbers and more details, feel free to e-mail me. The first chapter is really the substance of the book as the rest of the book becomes footnotes to this primary chapter. Ok, the outline above stands in direct contrast to the words of Jesus, Peter, Paul, John, James, and ultimately - God the Father. Here's a summary of the New Testament: 1.God wants us to be holy (Matt. 5:48) 2.Because of this God is far more concerned with our character than He is with our comfort/happiness. (Romans 5:3-5!) 3.This is because our happiness is fleeting and our character remains for eternity. (James 4:14) 4.We will have trials, troubles, and tribulation in this world. (Acts 5:41) 5.Take heart, for God has over-come the world through Christ. (John 16:33) 6.Jesus will be our source of strength and peace through this difficult life. (John 15) 7.I need to live for Him. He is the source of real joy despite life-circumstances. (Luke 9:23&24) As a result, I am disappointed in the book - not because I didn't 'like' it, but because I'm convinced that it misrepresents scripture - including Christ's person and work. Far from waking the dead, I believe this book ends up misleading the living.
Rating:  Summary: A MUST READ! Review: Every once in a while a book comes along that reveals truth in a fresh and clear way. Waking the Dead has done just that. Not only will it inform, it will inspire. God is talking through John and has something important to say to every Christian. The old man vs the new man, the flesh vs the spirit, sanctification vs legalism are all clearly addressed and the freshness of just what Christ has done is presented with wonderful clarity. You must read, you will enjoy, best of all, you will be transformed. Thank you Lord for giving John these words!
Rating:  Summary: Another Heart moving must read by Eldrege Review: Except for a theological difference in Jesus going to hell. This book packs a whallop of insight into what it means to live bringing God with you as you learn, get entertained and live. John supports his image bearer theme much more intently in this latest book about recognizing false humility and has a great quote from Nelson Mandela that will knock you into the truth. Many quotes from movies and books like the Wizard of Oz, and Cinderella. If there is book man that understands and explains the heart scripturally it is this book. For those who previously didn't support John's books due to lack of biblical reference, he is quoting more often. I am only halfway through the book and it was worth every penny for the first 4 chapters already. If any book can show you a different perspective about what the Bible is for John can do it. Jesus was called Wonderful Councelor yet we don't often look at scripture as a counsel for there heart issues. ...
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book You Will Ever Read Next to The Bible~A+A+ Review: I am not sure where to start. This book spoke to me on so many levels; I am having trouble focusing it into paragraph form. This is my attempt, however. Anyone who thinks the heart is inherently wicked and evil has not read the Bible. I must admit that I had never thought of it this way, but it makes perfect sense. What happens when you are saved, washed in the blood of Christ? Behold, you are a new creation, the old passes away and all things become new, and Christ comes to live in your heart and fill you with the Holy Spirit. Now...IF this is true (which I believe it is, because the Bible says it is) then why, OH WHY, do we think the heart is evil? Why would Jesus come to live in an evil environment? It would contradict scripture to assume that Christ would live in an evil heart. If he was willing to do that, then forgiveness of sin would be a moot point and Jesus suffered and died for nothing. This book sheds light on subjects that I had not explored in depth before. I grew up a Baptist, and I currently attend a very vibrant Baptist church that is in-tune with the will of God, but spiritual warfare is seldom mentioned. Hey, churches aren't perfect in this world. Eldredge excels in speaking to the fact that we are at war.... a spiritual war against principalities and rulers of this present darkness of evil forces in heavenly realms. We must put on the full armor of God and guard our hearts, for they are the wellspring of our lives. I could write a full-sized newspaper ad about this book. It has spoken to me in a way that few others have. The author encourages us to pray certain little prayers and probes us to ask questions to God throughout the book. And I did that. And God answered.... multiple times. He is still answering. Maybe I am crazy. That's fine, I can live with that, because if I am, it is for the sake of Christ. Do you want to walk with God, see his face, and draw closer to his heart? Read this book. Study the scripture that goes along with it...and there are plenty scriptural quotes in here to keep you busy for a short while. Above all else, Read This Book. Did I mention that? Let me say it again.... go buy this book and read it. And ask God to open your eyes.
Rating:  Summary: Better be sure you're ready for this Review: I can't even understand the quote "God's glory is man's heart fully alive." How can I come to grips with this? Why should God care about whether or not I am "fully alive?" I thought his love for us was something altruistic but according to John Eldrige, it is much deeper than that. God wants our hearts. He wants me and values me as a child of God. I now know that I have value (in his eyes) and I will never give that up. Many of Eldriges critiques do not believe that man's heart is good but I do now. What John is saying that a resurrected heart is good. I was evil and my heart was too, but I have been raised with him in order that I might have a relationship with him. It's time I start living in Christ's resurrection instead of his death. This book is truly revolutionary.