Rating:  Summary: Response to Hawaii Review: Actually, the negative reviews of this truly predictable piece of propaganda all come from a variety of reviewers, nearly all of whom have signed their names, wanting to attest and document their contempt for this worthless attempt at spin doctoring...Do you right wingers even look at the evidence? Or do you just make it up as you go along, assuming you're bound to fool somebody?
Rating:  Summary: Nicely done... Review: Unlike almost every other reviewer here I actually have read the book. George W. Bush inspires the same kind of frothing hatred from the left that the right had for Bill Clinton...except even more extreme. In an attempt to combat what he considers the major myths about Bush, John Podhoretz answers with Bush Country, part-polemic, part-riposte to the angry left. Each chapter begins with a different aspect of the Bush administration, among them the Iraq War, the war against terrorism, domestic policies, economics, etc. and ends with Podhoretz's attempt to dismiss a major myth about the president (including but not limited to: Bush = Hitler, Bush lied about WMDs in Iraq and the standard litany of liberal accusations. How successful is he? I'm a conservative myself so I'm obviously biased towards Podhoretz's way of looking at things. That said, there is a lot in this book that the left won't be able to casually wave away as mere right-wing propaganda. He does a good job exposing many of the major criticisms of Bush as merely the product of Bush hatred. What did disapppoint me about Bush Country was *Podhoretz's* casual dismissal of Bush's spending record. Given that federal domestic spending has jumped over 20 per cent since Bush took office I had hoped that Podhoretz would call the president on it, rather than defend it. That said, Bush Country is quite enjoyable.
Rating:  Summary: Amazon - Please Review the Reviews Review: Can't anyone see that all the negative reviews here were written by the same person who no doubt did not even read the book? I like to come to Amazon to read real man-on-the-street critiques from people who have actually read or listened to the subject in question - not political rhetoric that should be done on blogs. Sorry for the short diatribe.
Rating:  Summary: One Daddy's boy on another Daddy's boy Review: If you can get past Podhoretz's assertion that George W. Bush is a "great" president, here's another goodie for you. The Pod calls GWB "the best presidential speaker since Franklin Delano Roosevelt." Uh-hunh, right. It takes a real classy background to call Vladimir Putin "Pootie-Poot." This collection of preposterously wishful thinking (George W. Bush has, says Podhoretz, "remarkable self-discipline in his personal life") is for right-wing diehards only, who aren't about to let the truth get in the way of what they consider a good story.
Rating:  Summary: Another laughable book by an inferior Republican Review: Yet another laughable piece of Republican propaganda, this time from an author who is known for his "lies and inaccuracies". The sad truth for the GOP and for Mr. Podhoretz, is that the majority of Americans have now realized that Bush is a coward and a liar who uses our brave soldiers and American military power for his own gain and vanity. No serious person can compare an incompetent like Bush to TRULY great men like Roosevelt or JFK. The funny thing about this book is it flies in the face of reality. In every major poll, Bush is getting spanked by a REAL American named John Kerry, funny how Mr Podhoretz fails to mention that. Despite the lame attempts by Conservative inferiors like Podhoretz, Coulter, and Savage, Americans will see to it that Bush is collecting unemployment in November.
Rating:  Summary: Liberals sane but highly motivated Review: Podhoretz has it wrong. Bush did not drive liberals insane. Rather he has energized, motivated, and united them in a driving determination to remove him from power this November before he does even more harm to the country. It turns out that when Bush said "I'm a uniter" he was right. He has united the liberals in their determiniation to drive him from power this Fall.
Rating:  Summary: I learned more (then I wanted to) about the author than GWB. Review: Looking over this book, I'm reminded of the ballroom scene in the 1967 movie, "The Fearless Vampire Killers". Here, the doofy old professor and his hapless young assistant have infiltrated a fancy dress ball of the vampires--in a mirrored ballroom. Bewigged and clad in 18th century garb like the rest; they continue dancing away, heedless of their reflections in the mirrors. As the music and dancing grind to a halt and everyone glares at them, they finally notice what's wrong. The professor's reaction is to start pirouetting again while edging towards an exit. Then the two break into a run while the horde chases after them. Given the timing of this preposterous book, Mr. Podhoretz must feel like the professor, as public confidence in our Fearless Leader fall faster than price of Enron stock. The author must feel a certain kinship with George W. Bush, considering that they are both are sons of famous fathers, devoid of any other distinction. Both have spent almost their entire adult lives in sinecure jobs without any real responsibility. (Mr. Bush as an ornament on the boards of Harken Energy and the Texas Rangers baseball team; Mr. Podhoretz grinding out hackwork for first, Sun Myung Moon, and later, Rupert Murdoch.) But I digress... Now this book would scarcely be worth a second glance except for Mr. Podhoretz's smelly little habit of imputing anti-Semitism to critics of Mr. Bush's splendid little war in Iraq. I have no brief to make for critics such as Michael Lind, who I think is harsh--even unfair--in his criticism of the Sharon government and it's more frantic American boosters. But there is an enormous and unbridgable gulf between offenses such as this, and openly expressed wishes that Israel be wiped off the map, or accusations that all Jews all over the world are conspiring with Israel to control governments everywhere. Considering neoconservatives (Yes, Virginia; there really are such things!) rightly decry critics of affirmative action being painted as racists, one would think that they might be a bit more cautious not to smear others in like manner. But flacking for George W. Bush evidently means abandoning all sense, decency, or dignity. Perhaps if Mr. Bush wins reelection, Mr. Podhoretz can giggle at the thought that crime does indeed pay, but the long term result will be to make the phrase 'anti-Semitism' as debased as the word 'racism' has already become. This is something genuine anti-Semites (and racists) will exult in.
Rating:  Summary: Evil Right Wing Nonsense Review: How on earth can anybody write a book about what a great president Bush is??? He stole the election from Al Gore! He tried to stop the military vote from being counted! Oh wait...that was Gore, but still Bush is evil I say! He just is okay? Let me check my democratic handbook here...ah yes, they're all NAZIS I tell ya! Nazis! Bush's grandfather's hairdresser's cousin's dog trainer once shook hands with Hitler! It's true!Bush gives tax cuts to the rich! He gave them to everybody else too, but....the rich are evil and should be giving ALL their money to the government anyway! This book is an outrage! Look at the unemployment rate! It's all Bush's fault! At least when Clinton was first elected the economy was great! That had NOTHING to do with the internet boom at the time either! Nothing whatsoever! My round wire-rimmed glasses are getting all steamed up! Nazis...blah blah...intolerant...blah yadda...evil...blah...yadda...the working class...blah blah....stole the election...yadda yadda....alchoholic...yadda yadda....democratic playbook...blah blah. Are you bitter fanatical liberals for real? You lost the election. Bush is still popular with the majority of americans. Iraq has been liberated from a horrifying dictator. There hasn't been a single terrorist attack on american soil since the war on terror began. Get over it guys. It's getting ridiculous.
Rating:  Summary: Podhoretz and JFK Jr. Review: Is this the same John Podhoretz who wrote an article gloating over the plane crash of John Kennedy Jr.? This loser was a NY Post columnist and wrote a column that was so seriously unbalanced, so dripping in envy and resentment, that he was suspended or fired or something? If this is him, this is one twisted individual. Say what you will about the Kennedys, or about the passionate hatred that animates most of these far right wing ideologues -- nevertheless, to gloat about the death of another human being is the work of a very pathetic, creepy individual. If this is the same author, this book should be shunned.
Rating:  Summary: Great read Review: This book takes the liberal myths and logically demolishes them one by one. Another reviewer asked "I mean, who honestly can say with a straight face that Bush is a decent without breaking into unstoppable fits of laughter?" I think the answer is that there are about 3000 people who died on 9/11 who can say that Bush is decent without laughing - along with a bunch more of us.