Rating:  Summary: Mr.King at his very best! Review: I really enjoyed this book! King has created characters that are alive and moving. He shows how unforgiving the past can be but also how much hope the future holds. I'd love to see a story about Ted, there's a whole novel about him just waiting to be written. For King addicts this one is a real fix. For anyone new to King this is a great book to break in on. It's not quite as mind bending as some of his other work. You won't be diasappointed!
Rating:  Summary: The novel is superbalicious Review: I could read this book all day long. In fact, I did one day. It took me 21 hourse of straight reading to get through it, but I managed to finish. I couldn't eat or sleep until I had finished it, it was that involved. I still can't sleep because of that whole "Langoliers" mini-series. This book was just as haunting. It left me wanting for nothing....except more Stephen King. Gee, I sure hope I don't hit him with my car again. Oh well..
Rating:  Summary: I loved this book. Review: The book was delivered on Wednesday, and the entire household had to wait for me to finish it. I simply loved it. Thank you, Mr. King.
Rating:  Summary: King's best book in years Review: I just finished and am delighted by the stories in this book. I love how all the stories intertwine. I love his use of songs, every day items and common places. (I live in R.I so he is always in familiar territory with me) It reminds me a little of Peter Straubs "KOKO" maybe just because of the Vitenam inluence , but I think it's more than that. He proves once again that he is the king. (Now we just need some more Gunslinger)
Rating:  Summary: Winded Opinion Review: To "A reader from Nevada , September 20, 1999",.. what are you a frustrated wanna-be writer? Take a deep breath once in a while, you might think a little clearer and have more of an appreciation for the great things in our lifetime,. one of them being this book.
Rating:  Summary: HIA is the best book Stephen King has ever written Review: This is a book that I think, with time, will prove to be just as important as anything Hemingway ever published. This is also the best book Stephen King has ever written. What he has given us is five stories, all interconnected by a group of characters who grew up in the same town. Some go to college, some go to Vietnam. We start in 1960 and are sucked along until 1999. I cried more than once when I read this book. The major theme of the book is acts of courage and acts of cowardice, and about how these acts affect the characters throughout their lives. Most of them are haunted in one way or another by Vietnam and the sixties. There are moments of horror and moments of pure magic. King creates his most beautiful and lasting image with an envelope filled with rose petals. That's when the tears came. That image is so infused with hope and tenderness and love that you'll never forget it. Stephen King deserves awards and acolades for this book. I think after all these years we should finally realize what everyone has been afraid to say all along. Steve King is the quintessential American writer. He is also the finest American writer. Bravo, King.
Rating:  Summary: He doesn't have to get it right Review: In the letter to readers, King writes:"Of Los Angeles, Gertrude Stein said: "There is no there there." That's how I feel about the sixties, when the consciousness of my generation was really formed, and about the years after the sixties, when we won our few victories and suffered our any appalling defeats. It was easier to imagine swallowing a brick than it was to imagine writing about how America's first post-World War II generation moved from Red Ryder air rifles to army carbines to mall arcade laser pistols. And yeah, I was afraid. Allen Ginsberg said: "I have seen the best minds of my generation rot"; I have seen some of the best writers of my own try to write about the so-called Baby Boomers and produce nothing but bad karma laced with platitudes. " Well, it wasn't LA, it was Oakland California that had no there there. And anyone who had even a touch of the beatnik in him knows that Howl starts off--- "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night ... " etc. But then King being a novelist doesn't have to get the facts right.
Rating:  Summary: One of Stephen King's best. Review: While I have been a Stephen King fa n since "Carrie", I freely acknowledge that a few of his books fall well below his udual standard. When you take his output as a whole, however, you can't but realize that there has been a slightly uneven but definite advance in his use of a novelist's tools. "Hearts" shows a marked advance over nearly anything King has done. The title alone resonates through the book on a number of different levels, out of a number of meanings. The stories, not really separate, dovetail on more and subtler ways than is immediately apparent. Images and implications "circulate" through the stories and echo off one another in a very sophisticated way. And underneath it all is King's consistent compassionate insight into his characters (young people and kids in particular) and, perhaps his greatest skill, giving what is in a way genre fiction a solid foundation in a reality we can identify and identify WITH. A fine book.
Rating:  Summary: A Masterpiece of Modern-day Fiction Review: Stephen King just may be the best American writer of the Later half of the 20th century. Hearts in Atlantis just may prove my theroy. This is King's personal best in quite awhile, comparing to his greats as Different Seasons and The Shining. King reaches down to the 60's and the effects of the Vietnam war, and brilliantly gives us three tales of different people.
Rating:  Summary: One of King's Best!!!!!!! Review: I'm not a fan of short stories but..... "Hearts" was definitely a winner!!!!! I especially liked the story of Bobby and Ted and Blind Willie was awesome, too! The other stories weren't as good, but held my attention enough to fininsh the book in 5 days. Go buy this book; you won't regret it!!!!