Rating:  Summary: Low men, high moments. Not to be confused with the Dead Zone Review: Hearts in Atlantis was an endearing nostalgic book, a pleasure to read. It had frightening moments and nightmarish situations but there was a change in Mr. King's writing style. It would be difficult to explain this subtle change. Nevertheless, it is there and personally, all his fans will feel privileged if this change becomes part of his permanent style of writing.
Rating:  Summary: Great King Review: I wasn't sure of the concept of this book as described on the cover when I first started to read it. But the first story was great. All the things we love about King were in that. I particulary liked the way the character/circumstance were linked to previous novels. ( I just LOVE the way he does that). The second one I started out being dubious about, but stuck with it and was rewarded.I enjoyed all the tales and the way the intertwined worked incredibly well. A definate buy!
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous Examination of an Era and its inhabitants Review: The First story was obviously the best. Its connection to the Dark Tower series is interesting and I hope we see the characters in it again. The kindly boarder, the use of "Lord of the Flies", the cruelty of children are all elements of this intriguing tale. The other shining tale is the one of the college students who become obsessed with Hearts. Anyone who has experienced life in a college dorm knows how easily obsessions begin be they drinking, computer games or whatnot, and lead students far astray from their work. This story is also a beautiful love story and was very touching. The other stories were pretty weak however. Blind Willie was unbearably predictable, boring and farmiliar. Skip it. The final tale tying the threads together was also weak. But the two stories I mentioned were blockbusters!
Rating:  Summary: Some interesting twists. Review: I am an avid Stephen King fan, and have read everything that he has written. This book has to be right near the top of the pile when it comes to rating his work. It doesn't go too far with the supernatural like he has in some of his work, and it has some nice twists along the way. If you're a true fan of Stephen King's work you will not be disappointed
Rating:  Summary: Sunk, just like its namesake. Review: If it is possible for a novel to suffer from multiple personality disorder, Hearts in Atlantis is so diagnosed. It appears to be many things, but never really coalesces into any of them.For the most part the stories here can be read separately, and in many ways have the ability to stand on their own, some better than others. Having said this, you should at all costs avoid the second, eponymous Hearts in Atlantis installment as one of the most tiresome narratives ever. If you are looking for a good scare then this story will frighten you only in its ability to illustrate how absolutely boring and ultimately pointless a story can be. With that sole exception the individual stories show some faint promise, but taken as a whole work, which appears to be the intention, the effort finally falls flat. If you do take a shot at this, stay away from reading the dust jacket (hardcover) as it gives away a final chapter element you may wonder about as you read through the preceding stories. (Yes, bachman is really my name)
Rating:  Summary: more than a horror story writer Review: Think of Stephen king as a writer of the horror story. He indeed brings more to that table than any other author who has ever lived. This tome, however is not tale of horror. If you've never read the "other" Stephen King, avail yourself of the opprotunity to do so. HEARTS proves King's worth as a consumate author. An there's a romantic side to the "horror king". This excerpt describes an 11 year old boy's first kiss: "They drew apart from each other a little....Yet he knew already that kissing Carol that day at the top of the ferris wheel was going to be the best part of that day. It was his first real kiss, too, and Bobby never forgot the feel of her lips pressing on his-dry and smooth and warmed by the sun. It was the kiss by which all others of his life would be judged and found wanting." Could anybody have painted a better word portrait? I fell in love myself with the little girl, Carol Gerber. I fell in love with the book. As others have opined, I thought at one time King had lost his touch. I took a chance with Hearts and I am the richer for doing so.
Rating:  Summary: King is King Review: Avid King fan, I was devasted when he got hit by the car, thinking if he died or couldnt write anymore, I would never know what happened to Roland. I love his style, I love the way he throws in bits and pieces from his other stories. Long live the King.
Rating:  Summary: One of his best Review: I am a big fan of King's Tower seires and this is right up their with them. If you like the dark tower you will love this. It contenues the team of the the tower and talks aboult Rolland and his quest.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent book. Review: Even though critics hate him... Even though I have not liked some of his books in the past... Even though this book is long... This book deserves 5 stars. However, there is a good deal of unnecessary bad language so I'm giving it a 4. There are passages in this book which are heartrendingly true. I loved all five stories. Excellent!
Rating:  Summary: King roars like a lion! Review: This book was one excellent read. All six stories were - though very sad - incredible. To many, this book brought them back to a decade they can remember as if it just ended yesteryear. Yet to others as myself, it is like going back through eons of time to another world . . . the 60s. With its hippies waving the peace sign in the air, and writing stuff on the college dormitories such as "LBJ is a war criminal," Hearts in Atlantis seems not only to be a great book of the 60s, but a very informational book, as well. Much can be learned about that decade in reading the six stories. Peace, dude.