Rating:  Summary: Incredible revelations! Review: November 22, 1963: As a senior history major at The University or Texas, I was not a supporter of JFK nor was I interested in his scheduled visit to Austin later that day. Then the unthinkable occurred - the assassination of OUR President.Fall, 1972: a history professor at Southwest Texas State (LBJ's college) loaned me a book to read concerning the Zapruder film. The Warren Commission was not really satisfactory, and after reading the book about the assassination and the "magic bullet" my doubts increased. October, 2003: BLOOD, MONEY AND POWER - is this what really happened? Did LBJ kill JFK?? This book is an intriguing and disturbing presentation of that possiblity. There are incredible revelations made by the author, Barr McClellan. Names are named, events are detailed, and the motive (of course) is obvious. It's time to finally uncover the truth. No man is above the law. Let's "recall" LBJ's legacy through the proper legal channels to determine his guilt or innocence. You don't have to be a conspiracy nut to read this book. It's a "good un".
Rating:  Summary: Inspiring! Review: For those who have studied the tragedy in Dealy Plaza on 11/22/63 there will be critical analysis...McClellan has not spent his life reading up on every little detail of "who killed JFK", but, none the less, this book is must reading. McClellan is to be highly commended on getting this story out. This is probably the first-ever insider story from a source as high up as lawyers to LBJ. McClellan's writing is powerful, fast-paced and you will be inspired by his personal sacrifice and bravery! Ever wonder how a man as seemingly sleazy as LBJ made it so far?? Read this book and find out..stealing elections and having people killed...nothing mattered to this hell-bent-on- power crew. You won't be able to put this book down! And you will be angry, very, very angry, I hope. For those naive enough to believe that we actually live in some sort of a democracy, please read this most powerful tale and then demand a criminal investigation. In 1979, after 2 years of hearings by the House Select Committee On Assassinations, our government announced two important findings: That there was "probably a conspiracy", and that the Department of Justice needs to investigate. We are long overdue!! Buy it, read it and then write to the press, who have been most complicit in this lie for now 40 years. Write to your elected representatives. McClellan sacrificed a brilliant legal career for this case....now it's up to we the people. There can be no "justice" in America so long as this coverup continues. Don't depend on CBS etc. for any historical truth, read this book and then continue your study. The powers that be depend upon the ignorance of the American electorate.
Rating:  Summary: Cui Bono latin for "he who benefits" Review: On June 5th 1963 President Kennedy made the decision to visit Texas. It was mostly at the behest of his Vice President that this decision was made. With this in mind a quote from Edgar Allen Poe is worth noting "That which is most simple and obvious is the hardest to fathom". There is only one person in the world who "benefited" from Kennedy's death yet most find the notion of Johnson's complicity too far fetched to believe. A headline from the Dallas Times Herald on April 24th 1963 gives a clue to just how involved Johnson was in influencing Kennedy's decision to visit Dallas. LBJ SEES KENNEDY DALLAS VISIT is the front page headline. The Warren Commission knew of this headline but chose to ignore it. Why? It was Marina Oswald's testimony that on April 24th 1963 Lee Oswald was reading the morning paper and went to get his gun saying he wanted to "go see the Vice President". Marina tells the Commission Lee was refering to former VP Richard Nixon and in the Warren Report this is called the Nixon Incident with Marina locking Lee in a bathroom to keep him from going out. He relents and leaves without his gun. He then comes back later and packs up to leave for New Orleans. Did he go see Nixon?? All one has to do is check papers that date to know VP Nixon was not in town...BUT JOHNSON WAS!!! Not only that he is prematurely announcing JFK's trip 2 months before it was officially decided. After that kind of press Kennedy had to go. In addition, a curious statement by LBJ is found in the body of the speech he made to a bottler's convention. He is defending the President from criticism and then tells people to "At least wait until next November before you shoot him down"...Gulp...pause ...what??? No wonder the Warren Commission ignored this headline. An incredible faux paux??? Or maybe it was the fruedian slip of the century... Barr McClellan's revelations further buttress the idea of LBJ being behind the assassination. It was in 1974 that my father Fred T. Newcomb self published a 400 page detailed manuscript called Murder From Within that first outlined this whole "inside job" theory. McClellan has alot to add to the evidence against LBJ and although it won't convince people of "proof" it certainly will raise many eyebrows and at least give it some reasonable credence. Excellent writing on Johnson's history and lust for power.
Rating:  Summary: An Insider's compelling view of murder and LBJ's attorneys Review: The late, great film director, John Ford, has been quoted as saying of Lyndon B. Johnson: "The man is a murderer who does not deserve to be President." Ford's truthfulness and integrity have never been questioned. Barr McClelland's "Blood, Money and Power" offers credible evidence of LBJ's complicity in the murder of JFK as well as first hand knowledge of a corrupt Texas judicial system, and other murders that involved LBJ. Multi-Academy Award winner John Ford would have loved this book. For greater detail on LBJ and the murder of JFK, read my review of "Regicide" on Amazon.com. Congratulations to Mr. McClelland who has diligently and courageously pursued a worthy cause. The publication of this work by Hannover House should make them a force in the publishing industry and their courage in publishing this work should be applauded by all who believe in a just United States.
Rating:  Summary: Blood, Money and Power Review: It's about time someone told the story of what happened in Dallas as it truly happened. The "lone nut theory" never did hold water. And where better to get the true story than from the man who was actually there..... who knew the people involved and knew how politics in Texas actually worked. Recommend for all ages.
Rating:  Summary: True Evidence of Connections Much More than Coincidences Review: The book reads well and traces the bloody and relentless path LBJ followed to power. The connections are put forth plainly, and mere coincidences cannot explain all the interactions between Ed Clark and LBJ. This is a true exposure of corruption.
Rating:  Summary: Blood, MOney & Power :How LBJ killed JFK Review: I always knew there was something other than the "single gunshot" theory--Thank God for Barr McClellan! Now along with the "real facts" I know that my gut instinct was right all along. I have long thought Johnson had blood on his hands. This book reminded me of Truman Capote's "In Cold Blood,"in the way that it is factual yet written in a novelistic style. Couldn't put it down, LOved it!!! Again--kudos to Mr. McClellan and his bravery!
Rating:  Summary: Please, don't waste your time! Review: With Robery Caro now having completed three volumes of his biography of Lyndon Johnson, readers are well-advised to spend their time on those books, rahter than this sad effort. Avoid at all costs. [Don't let the single star fool you, this book deserves NO stars]
Rating:  Summary: I'm not sure how much of this is true, but... Review: This book reads like a thriller, and portrays a poigant picture of 1940s "Bubba justice" Texas. It describes how the Mob, the KKK, lynchings, and a blonde "sex circle" form Johnsons political education. After browsing through the book when I first bought it, I ended up reading the whole thing over a weekend. True to life or not, this book is certainly not boaring!
Rating:  Summary: Stunning insight from a true "insider" to the case Review: Kudos to Barr McClellan for walking the line of 'attorney-client privilege' in this revealing description of one of history's most nefarious plots. McClellan's first hand knowledge of the assassination details provides an insight previously unavailable for objective review, even though he was still handicapped from telling all that he knows due to his self-imposed requirement to obtain independent corroboration for all of his evidence. As this story opens and receives the wide acceptance it deserves, McClellan is likely to be hailed as a heroic figure for risking his professional stature to reveal a horrible injustice. Assuredly, many do not want this story told, and can be identified by their efforts to discredit the book or McClellan. But the American public is smarter than these media puppets... and any rational person reading McClellan's book will accept the abundant evidence of L.B.J.'s involvement in the Kennedy assassination. It's not a truth that many wish were true. But McClellan's unique "insider" perspective is the light that this dark incident has needed for these past forty years. 'Blood, Money & Power' is a historically significant work, and one of the year's best.