Rating:  Summary: This Book Reminds Us Why We Are Americans--the Truth! Review: This book carefully connects LBJ's continuing rise to power with ever heightened corruption. LBJ's 'henchmen' and other power hungry people must not be let off the hook. Years later, this book reveals what must be--which is why the silence in response to the facts presented in the book is deafening. Do not fear the naysayers and the continued attempts to coverup a horrible wrong from our past. We must face the truth to not allow such corruption to happen ever again.
Rating:  Summary: poorly told story Review: A poorly told story and the writer doesn't convince me at all. Ok, he probably did it (LBJ) or was at least involved but the writing and evidence from this book is really minimal. You better spend your money on some other book.
Rating:  Summary: Is LBJ the CIA's final patsy? Review: A good read. Maybe the truth. Presents a fascinating history of power grabs and status quo maintenance in Texas politics and justice. LBJ seems complicit on some level, and he had everything to gain from JFK's passing, but was he in charge, or just the CIA's final patsy-in-waiting? Their first patsy is about spent, and will be if and when the final files are released. We might start to see some rumblings after Lady Bird passes on. All of the principles are dead, and can't defend themselves in a court of law or public opinion. McClellan is bizarrily connected to the currrent Republican higharchy and Texas establishment. A sustained focus on LBJ's AND JFK's secrets could be a final nail in the the Democratic Party's coffin. Hmmm ... who benefits from that denouement?
Rating:  Summary: Amazing and Ultimate Corruption by LBJ Review: What a chronologically detailed connection of LBJ's fanatical and homicidal grabs of power along with the corrupt men who evidently would stop at nothing. McClellan should be commended for taking such a courageous stance and fitting the pieces of the puzzle back to a corrupt LBJ. The evidence is unquestionable in terms of dates and events. The most damaging piece of evidence is the Mac Wallace, one of LBJ's henchmen, fingerprint. Any unbiased read (anyone not interested in perpetuating the LBJ spinmeisters myths) cannot help but conclude that we may finally have the answer to JFK's assasination. This book reveals the increasingly devious and deceiptful path to power of LBJ. In spite of all the attempts to conceal the truth by mean and power mad men, this book leaves little doubt, and the title says it all.
Rating:  Summary: Beyond horrible Review: Barr McClellan fails as an author, an attorney, and a historian with his indictment of LBJ as the real killer of LBJ. Even he admits his book relies mostly on something he refers to as "faction." The book is practically unreadable in terms of style, and the "evidence" he offers would never be allowed in a court of law. His history is undocumented and unverifiable. His proof for LBJ's murder of Kennedy more often than not is a glance, or a look, or an unspoken admission, that apparently only McClellan can decode.Readers would be better off picking up Doris Kearns Goodwin's "Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream" or they might even try the Warren Commission Report (available for ten bucks), which few conspiracy theorists have actually bothered to read and the major analysis of which has never been conclusively rebutted. Barr McClellan certainly hasn't with this forgettable piece of flotsam.
Rating:  Summary: Unprecedented Insight Into Backroom of Texas Power Politics Review: A compelling tell-all about the grim world of Lyndon Johnson and his cohorts in crime, especially including his superlawyer Edward Clark who helped LBJ steal the 1948 primary that led to his Senate seat. A soulless monster who helped Lyn-don line his pockets and Clark's at your expense and mine, who helped him commit murders, and who covered everything up including LBJ's role the JFK assassination. I highly recommend this excellent work to all who love freedom and cherish the U.S. Constitution. Not only does it clear cobwebs of corruption and deceit, it also lays out the path to full disclosure and what must be done to repair flaws in the framework of our goverenment to help ensure that "Big Oil," major oil, the military-industrial complex, international bankers, and power-mad corporate executives will never be able to compromise the American electorate again.
Rating:  Summary: Truly a Phenomenal and Courageous Book--Finally the Truth! Review: The plot to assassinate JFK has never been fully revealed until now. Most Americans do not believe the Warren Commission's conclusory "findings." Finally, this book carefully shines the light on the power-mad conspiracy in Texas that led to JFK's murder and LBJ's coup. The evidence in this book is overwhelming and the fingerprint of Wallace ties it all back together. This book must be read and remembered by all in public service that to serve the public is not to seek personal power and gain at any expenses.
Rating:  Summary: Unbelievable. I couldn't finish it. Hard to believe the Review: author was a successful attorney in Texas. I guess the standards in Texas are fairly low. I'm also feel bad for the author's son as he is the President's press secretary. The author knows one thing about the law: you can't libel the dead. And he uses that to libel his now dead former law partners. LBJ was no saint but I can't begin to accept the fact that he ordered the death of JFK. The thing that turned me off right away is that the author claims he was a fairly recent hire at an Austin law firm and one of the partners tells this young associate employee that LBJ had JFK killed. That just doesn't begin to wash. I worked at a big law firm in Omaha and I can assure anyone that senior partners don't begin to tell new associate lawyers anything like that even if it were true. And then the author goes on to allege that this same law firm was involved in all sorts of crimes. The writing it too horrible to stand. No editor's pen touched this piece of work. All in all, an embarrassment to the State Bar of Texas, the author and his family.
Rating:  Summary: Not to be missed Review: This book adds important inside information to the conspiracy about which there are already many publications. But this one is not to be missed. It's author is not just anybody, and this strongly pleads in favor of the credibility of his detailed revelations. Furthermore, the man can certainly write. I did however discovere pieces of on-the-record- information that were not checked by the author, or from which he apparantly distances himself from. In my opinion these relatively small errors do not necessarily affect the seriousness of the work, since mr McClellan should be seen more as a witness than a publicist/ investigator. What the book lacks is an explanation why mr McClellan wrote it only in 2003.Being a lawyer, a lawsuit should not be his problem. Had he revealed all this in, for example, 1985, the 'bang' would have been much bigger. The information provided by the book makes clear LBJ was one of the main conspirators in the case. This was already assumed by many, but proof now comes from a rather unexpected angle: a lawyer. Next step is to link McClellans 'LBJ-Clark-Wallace connection' to the 'Hunt-Sturgis-Banister' evidence, which I feel can be seen as 'established'. Oswald could be that link. Although McClellan writes that Oswald was on the sixth floor and shot, I think his role was far less important. But he was a key man in the assassination for sure. I just hope McClellans book brings forward more witnesses. It is about time to get it all in the open.
Rating:  Summary: Wow, A Fantastic Book With Critical Supporting Evidence Review: This book truly erases the mystery behind what really happened by making a chronicle of the corruption of LBJ and his cohorts in crime. The Mac Wallace fingerprint clinches the case. Any history buff must read this book.