Rating:  Summary: more hate from Bill Maher Review: Bill Maher enjoys speaking from the mantle of ignorance, spewing hate towards anyone whom he opposes. This man does not make his points through factual proof, nor does he use well thought out concepts to prove his points. Instead, he uses bigotry, racism, huge leaps of logic and his usual dismissal of all those that disagree with him. This sort of stuff is exactly why Bill Maher was kicked off of tv.
Rating:  Summary: Racist Review: I found this book to be incredibly racist and full of hateful bigotry towards Arabs and Muslims alike. There was absolutely no factual proof or logical progression of ideas on Bill Maher's part in writing this book. It was, as everything he does, a slew of racial epithets, huge leaps of logic and the linking of totally unrelated events. This sort of garbage is exactly the reason why this man is longer on television.
Rating:  Summary: This book is a .... challenge! Review: If you're a Christian, read this book. Oh, you won't like some of the things it says, and you certainly won't some of the language nor the imagery. But you might find yourself challenged over whether you are really living out Jesus' program, or if you've gotten caught up in the modern Western values of comfort, materialism, and bigotry. It sure is a challenge to whether or not I'm living out the full tenents of my Christian faith--particularly about taking care of the marginalized and helpless, and doing without a few things--to the best of my ability.If you're not a Christian, but you care about morality, ethics, or the United States of America, read this book. I'm not saying believe everything he says; I don't. But consider where he is saying things we desperately need to hear--and what too many people are afraid to think about, let alone say. Maher's book is sure fascinating, challenging, and provocative!
Rating:  Summary: Bill says to the USA what the rest of the world wants to say Review: It is refreshing to read Bill Maher, a USA citizen saying to the fine, caring and patriotic people of the USA what the rest of us, who hurt with you in the pain of 9/11, can't say with authority... The real world is not a nice place! Everywhere outside of the USA is not created just to be a thene park for the USA. Ouch.. Bill is poking stuff that hurts.. I have many friends from the US. They are my loyalist and closest friends, much more loyal than my local friends, but as a culture, get some perspective from someone on the inside who knows! Onya Bill!
Rating:  Summary: An American Patriot, and Bill Maher Fan! Review: I find it extremely amusing that the very political correctness that Bill Maher writes about in his book are used to determine the content of customer reviews on this site. In my review I made a non-spiteful remark about Arabs and had it removed from the final version, while on the same page my review appears on, another customer makes a derogatory remark about "liberal Jews". I think Bill Maher would find this ironic as it epitomizes the political correctness that has infested our society. Is it in your opinion ok to defame one group while protecting another? If you insist upon being politically correct, please apply it equally to all. Maher does an excellent job of saying what everybody else is thinking, or should be thinking that is. He is right on by critcizing the way our government and our people have responded in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks. He points out that we as Americans are not nearly as angry as we should be and are way too concerned with being polite and afraid to hurt anyones feelings than with dealing with the real issues. We know who our enemies are, so let's face it and go after them. If more people would listen to Bill and get rid of those SUV's we might actually be winning this war and not supporting the ... every time we fill up our cars with their oil! Keep telling the truth Bill, hopefully enough people will listen and we may actually win this war! The only problem I had with this book was that it was too short! I would have given it 5 stars if it were longer!
Rating:  Summary: INTERESTED ? Review: If you are interested in a Sane, Honest, Funny, Common Sense "Take" on the World We Are Living In Today - post 9/11 - READ THIS BOOK! jwm 11/13/02 "Bill Maher has the courage to speak his mind - no matter what the consequences - something you can't say about most people these days. And he's damn funny! Now, more than ever, the country needs his outrage. Agree or disagree with him, there is no question that what he has written in this book should be front and center in the great national debate and I, for one, am thrilled that this cantankerous s.o.b. is still there doing battle for the republic we all love." MICHAEL MOORE
Rating:  Summary: I Hope the President Reads this Book! Review: Scathing, politically incorrect, insightful, blasphemous, inspiring! What a great book. Bill Maher pulls no punches and you will not agree with everything he has to say. BUT HE IS NOT AFRAID TO SAY IT in order to start the much-needed debate. The ability to dissent and voice opinions publicly is what makes America great and what we all need to be defending. I'm planning to give this book as a Christmas gift to all my friends who are frustrated by their inability to actively participate in the War on Terrorism.
Rating:  Summary: I hadn't realized how much I'd been missing Bill Maher Review: For many years I was a faithful viewer of POLITICALLY INCORRECT. I was deeply saddened to see it go off the air. But now Maher is back...and I am thrilled. Not only is WHEN YOU RIDE ALONE available in hardcover, but it's also available on audio...so I've been able to read and listen to my favorite pundit. I love the way he makes me think...and his views should become a rally cry for each and every one of us during these horrendous times. The posters are amazing. They are destined to become true classics!
Rating:  Summary: Maher is both an idiot & a genius. Buy the book anyway. Review: I both love and hate this book at the same time. I imagine Maher brings out this response from many people. I do agree with many of Maher's libertarian views, despite being "liberal." But still, he's got some ideas that he can't back up with facts. One of my major beefs is that Maher seems to believe that we are at war with Islam -- all of Islam. Such views are not helpful. They only make matters worse by putting everyone in the same category. If we judged Christians as being all like Jerry Falwell no one who believed in Christ would look good either. Maher's support of profiling Arabs also doesn't make sense. There are tons of scenerios in which an old lady, a child, or a love struck 20 something could accidentally bring a bomb on board a plane. It's not about knowledge or intent, it's about manipulation. I want the old ladies frisked, including my mother! Why? Because some people are too trusting and just might make a mistake. There are other views expressed or, unfortunately, outright ignored. In one poster he highlights the stoning of Muslim women while at the same time ignoring the rape and brutualities towards women here in the US. In another essay he demands more funding for the Pentagon, the agency that gets more than 50 percent of the discretionary budget and was judged by the GAO as being the most mismanaged federal agency in the entire US government. Please! In another poster & essay he supports the reporting of suspicious activities to the government. On its face, that might make sense. But then remember how many idiots there are out there and how many people have an axe to grind with someone else. The good posters and essays, on the other hand, hit dead center. The "why they hate" us posters are great as is Maher's support for better pay and respect for firefighters, soldiers and police officers. The pages focusing on our over consumption of oil are perhaps the best, most notably the one on the front cover. Despite these criticisms, Maher brings a lot of ideas to the table. God knows we need more of that right now when so many people are so quick to throw the "un-American" label at those who dissent. Which brings me to one of the better posters & essays in the book: Speaking out IS an act of patriotism. I'll grant that to Maher, even if I disagree with half of what he says.
Rating:  Summary: great book for the coffee table Review: Free speech is very important but the in aftermath if Sept 11 it seems that free speech was tested. Bill Maher said some things that were not PC and his show was toast because people thought he was disloyal to his country. Now, he comes out with this book to prove he is not disloyal to his country. Nevertheless, I liked the book. It made me laugh. Get it for its entertainment and witttiness value.