Rating:  Summary: A Book Every American Should Read Review: 9/11, Millions cared for three thousand. Next time, it might be the other way around. This is one of the captions below a picture depicting the possibility of a nuclear terrorist attack on American soil, and is one of over thirty pictures and topics covered in this book. Bill Maher's voice may be the equivalent of listening to fingernails scratching the surface of a chalkboard to some, but the common sense behind those words cannot be denied. "When You Ride Alone" is pretty much standard Bill Maher affair, with him writing things and making connections between what we are doing at home, and how we, as an American civilization, have not answered the bell in response to the attack on September 11, 2001. Through an assortment of well thought out drawings that harken back to WWII propaganda Bill tackles numerous topics on how we, the people of this nation, should and could have responded, as well as some very astute observations pertaining to the role of the government. Now, this book in not for PC's. Racial profiling is one of the many questionable programs that Bill gives the thumbs up to, though the reasoning behind his arguments cannot be denied as anything less than sound. This along with SUVs, the drug war, assisted suicide, political passivism, and living in a wasteful nation, are among the topics covered. Whether you agree with him or not, the book raises serious issues and brings to light a unique perspective on what is going on in our nation. As stated, every American of age 18 should take the time to read this book and reflect on their own lives and contributions they might be making to those who flew planes into our buildings.
Rating:  Summary: The Title of this Book is Right on Target Review: We can only hope that the tile "When You Ride Alone You Ride with Bin Laden" becomes famous. It perfectly reminds us in a pithy and most accurate manner how Osama bin Ladin obtains most of his funding. Bill Maher's well thought out opinions should not be simply dismissed as that of someone representing the left wing of the political spectrum. Indeed, the man is not always kind to his fellow Liberals. So much so, that I wonder how the author got radical Leftist Michael Moore to endorse this book. How can they even be on pleasant speaking terms? I am a neo-Conservative who is appalled by the indifference of those unwilling to think seriously about the fuel efficiency of the vehicles they drive. Our enemies are indeed greatly helped every time we foolishly waste oil products. Since when did Americans feel it unnecessary to make sacrifices during wartime? And yes, where is the sense of community spirit that should be the norm in times such as these? Maher is also right to criticize our nation's ludicrous "war on drugs" and question the politically correct premises of our airport security officials who hesitate to search those who are more likely to commit terrorist acts. Sadly, however, Bill Maher does not give due respect to great scholars like Bernard Lewis. He wishes to explore the reasons why our enemies hate us, but this is virtually impossible unless one reads Lewis' perspicacious "What Went Wrong." The blame America first crowd totally misunderstands the true reasons motivating the terrorists. These Muslim fascists are not particularly enraged because of any past actions of the United States government. Heck, they are the last people desiring to form a secular and democratic cultural milieu. They are instead embittered that the Islamic world has lost its preeminence in the arts, sciences, and political power. In other words, they are on the losing side of history. The very existence of a successfully Jewish governed Israel demolishes their bigoted feelings of racial and theological superiority. Maher has written a thought provoking work that should not be ignored. You should pick up a copy. I also hope he returns to TV in the very near future.
Rating:  Summary: The Proboscis Monkey Is A Scornful Pharisee Who Contradicts! Review: Maher's antagonistic!!!! He's suspicious, ever since his P.I. days to inordinate Larry King appearances, where he's imposing his intolerant viewpoints bent exclusively to his bigoted agenda. All these 80+ reviewers who don't sentence Maher's shortcoming drivel to below-average ratings are either traitors, steeped in self-hate OR are willfully subservient to unfounded innuendo, with emphasis on being easily mistaught! In this perpetration copying yellow journalism, Maher commits SO MANY believability contraventions, it's one half-truth or embellishment repetitively. What seriously outrages me is Maher imitating borderline psychosis, angrily overdoing critical over-ANALysis of petty matters-painful examples being schizophrenically furious fixation on what he, tyrannically, calls rightful reasons to join the military, namely people who reject comfortable lives of wealth for service, and scorching contempt for persons using medication to achieve goals, meaning dieting. Maher's next fault: psychotic pride, assuming he's qualified to lead people in all topics, overstepping into the A-B-N-O-R-M-A-L. The oppressive persecution with which he forms his unstable ideas resembles dictatorialness in Rome. His sneering spite for everyone not sharing his twisted misguidance is palpable in how absolutely he dictates his beliefs. His book reeks in literacy, aesthetic and adeptness. Maher spitefully attempts humor, but can't redeem his sorrowful face there either!!!! When one's trying to absorb his content, it's usually destroyed by underhanded infiltrations of exerting jokes, which are ALWAYS coarse or awkward!!!! Maher's an incompetently R-E-D-U-N-D-A-N-T jackal, squandering 33 bogus mini-chapters for discussion that would've fit in two, since his fleeting thought-processes are condensed as: 1) "Where's better security in airports????!!!!", or 2) "Why can't Americans get their priorities straight????!!!!" The worst objectionability is Maher's self-righteous pretexting. Unacceptable, is his insinuation to mishandle aspects of foreign policy in ways resembling rebukable socialism. Maher's short-sighted failure imposes a refusal of isolationism. Fine-except it's distorted to his hinderingly unqualified views. Maher discloses how shoddily unestablished he's business-wise, demonstrated in his continuous sighing over people nowadays taking things for granted, although that's the manifestation of technological and economical advancement, as people's productivity increases at performance. Maher refuses to practically rationalize Bush's suggestion to help the country after 9/11, which was shopping. Instead of understanding consumerism's the backbone of economies, Maher usurps more "fundamental" advice should've been given!!!! Despite amassments of heinousness, I'm overjoyed at buying this crappiness. Maher's a LIBERAL, despite others' ill-versed fabrications. His maltreated excess of self-loathing is quite convincing. The only reason that I bother these days with noticing liberal-sensationalist tripe is to examine its content to discover the incurably many, ruthless schisms in truth. I'll dissect lie-after-half-truth-after-exaggeration, to expose Maher's ulterior motive of bending facts to the subjection of his plot: Ridicule Americans as "ignorant" or "gluttonous". Sinfulness #1: p.24, paragraph 1, L.3-4. Maher justifies terrorists' actions and 3rd-World's envy of America. To plant something plotted to verify his slur, Maher blasphemes America inflates produce prices while others starve. Factually, inflated prices (which are enacted to reduce spoilage of produce) reduce domestic production, thereby allowing poor countries' farmers' goods to become competitive. His charges are illicit and ludicrous because he lets the 3rd-World evade blame reserved for it alone, from policies like mismanagement of aid to destitute, abuse of manufacturing workers paid next-to-nothing, and governments' cover-ups of AIDS. Trespass #2: p.29, last paragraph, L.5. He perpetrates half-truths, damning America for having 2% of world's oil without expanding that America-like Russia-multiplies that subjugated figure to 9% in oil production. Thereby, America's not in such dire graveness as Maher inflates. Breach #3: Chapters DOPE, CRAZY TALK. Maher demeans relationships between drugs and supporting terrorism, and defames America's drug war. Maher prevaricates that heroin's the "only drug" which benefits terrorism, when cocaine's predominant in South America's drug war. Maher subterfuges that the "only" connection's Afghanistan's Northern Alliance, trading opium. Yet Columbia's FARC annually receives payments of $600 million from wrathful coca farmers to fight Colombia's military, who're funded by U.S. government!!!! Iniquitously shocking Maher stoops to defending injury-sponsoring Colombian farmers, but decries America for spraying their vice-fields. This is an unprincipled plan from Maher to blame America's reaction, instead of the problem's cause: coca farmers. Evildoing #4: p. 69, paragraph 6, L.1-infests whole chapter. Maher's imperfectness professes America should mother the 3rd-World. Uneducated-in-the-slightest Pharisees everywhere will persist loathsomely equating non-military aid with the "right kind of 3rd-World assistance". B-A-L-O-N-E-Y!!!! Maher's boycotted from calmly examining facts. Cato Institute's extensively studied, since WWII to the present, countries who've received non-military foreign-aid-results are sup-par!!!! By Cato's study, foreign-aid DOESN'T help countries whose economic policies are so constraining they need economic reform. I.E., out of 100 countries from 1980-1995, ones with A/B ratings attained real GDP growth, while countries with F-policy ratings endured shrinking, because countries receiving foreign-aid are encouraged to misallocate aid into primarily the opposite of its intent: economic stagnation. Maher also scandalizes Congress subsidizing farmers-yet it's foreign farmers who're the aggressor: 3rd-World countries injure American farmers by imposing cheap labor on their peoples, facilitating their farmers to sell their products affrontingly undervalued. Slight #5: p. 118, paragraph 5, L.5-7. Maher fails with Muslim boys entering madrassas to become terrorists. That's not madrassas' preeminent goal-it's radical Islam's teaching's costly side-effect. Most enrollees don't emerge ACTING on their teachings. Besides not being directly answerable, S.A. doesn't sponsor madrassas singularly. There're also Arabs from many countries across the Middle East funding them. It's double-dealing to segregate S.A., because Pakistan is also threateningly active in developing madrassas. Maher's two not-too-shabby propositions, tighter airport security and less sensitivity. These inadequacies are still harshly shortcoming a mean to the hampering extreme of unsavory misjudgments that are solicited. Maher's impenitently bigotedly unqualified regarding ability to discuss religion, and is an unprincipled double-speaker. Regarding Iraq's war, Maher prostituted himself on talk shows where he inconsiderately invites ingloriousness on America, cursing, "Iraq's a 'disaster'." Yet he perpetrates entries where he's responsibly gloating being for, "hard U.S. military a$$-kickings to ANY 'gangsta-government', be it Hussein...," and accepts that Hussein could "go biological"!!!! This is the arraignment of two-faced liberals who're overflowing the entertainment "community".
Rating:  Summary: A WAKE UP CALL! Review: Bill Maher's new book sounds like an alarm clock waking us from a comfortable but dangerous sleep. In brief, hard-hitting chapters, he exposes why the U.S. government would rather strip away your privacy than stand up to big oil or ruffle the political feathers of foreign leaders. He also holds up an unflattering mirror to all those who fly American flags while driving alone in those gas-guzzling SUVs. Real patriotism, argues Maher, requires more than a PR campaign. It means moving away from mindless consumerism, mindless politics, mindless citizenship. Only the current Bush Administration, with its far-right agenda and distate for civil liberties, can say with a straight face that a near-police state is the way to "defend freedom." America was not attacked on September 11th because we have too much freedom. The attack was launched because we too often support foreign regimes that deny their own people freedom. The attack succeeded because of failures in American intelligence which have still not been thoroughly investigated. If none of this has to do with the American people having "too much freedom," why then is the Bush Administration's knee-jerk response to strip away our privacy and curb our traditional freedoms? (While at the same time fattening the budgets of those who failed to safeguard America on 9-11?) Also recommended: "Speaking of Sex: Funny, Wicked & Joyful Remarks About Almost Everybody's Favorite Subject" by John-Paul Sousa. This book is a brilliant send-up of a society where sex is sinful, criminal, scandalous - everything but natural!
Rating:  Summary: tell it like it is Review: This should be required reading for every U.S. citizen. Enough said.
Rating:  Summary: Maher, Maher, We All Scream For...MAHER! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: This is one of the best, most comprehensive books I have ever read concerning "low-intensity confilicts" and the kind of engagements America finds itself in nowadays. The account is sombering. There is great characterization. There are high points (the Delta Force rescue, Army SF & SEAL actions) and there are low points (the PJ rescue & Arrowhead presence patrol). Once again the truth the America is almost too-civilized to win a fight against a foe that has a fighting spirit. I hope the author writes again!
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: Every American should read this, helps us understand more about why opther countries view us the way they do, and what he says is true, just think about it.
Rating:  Summary: Required Reading Review: Bill Maher is a living national treasure. I mean it absolutely seriously. Everybody should read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Outrageously funny, yet thought-provoking ! Review: This is one funny book to read, especially the posters. You're unlikely to agree with everything Maher said in the book but it's guaranteed to make you think and hopefully it will also make you alter some of your behaviors that will at the end make this a stronger nation.
Rating:  Summary: Audio CD is FANTASTIC Review: Bill Maher has a brilliant mind! It's so wonderful to hear his thoughts. I value that he tells it like it is and always appreciate his sarcastic tone. This CD will make you think and will make you want to put Maher in a position of power. I hope he shares more of his mind on another book/cd soon!