Rating:  Summary: Disappointed Review: I wasn't expecting a legal typical Grisham tale, but I thought it would have more substance than I found in this book. The all-american quarterback comes back to the small town along with all the other football players who had all played for the loved and hated coach as he is on his deathbed. Neely Crenshaw was not a lovable character since I really did not think he was well developed. This was a story of the players all reminiscing, but it was supposed to really be a story of self discovery for Crenshaw and show how he was finally able to wrap up that era of his life and move on. But, I felt like this book came up short. It just didn't have any magic or spark. I am a sports fan, not necessarily a football fan and I found the ten or so pages devoted to play-by-play and player commentary on a game to be a complete bore. It did not add anything to the story, in my opinion. Move on and try another football or Grisham book. You can skip this one!
Rating:  Summary: Poignant life lessons Review: While Bleachers is no masterpiece by any stretch, it is, however, an entertainingly poignant, if not a quick, read. The quaint small town setting of Messina makes for an ideal backdrop for a Southern high school football town - one where football is God. If you don't like football, too bad. People reviewing this book from outside of the South slamming it unmercifully either hate sports or simply do not understand the full significance of football in the South; high school football in the South is just as important, if not more so, than church on Sunday. It is, in no uncertain terms, a religion unto itself that is talked about year round - not just in the Fall. Having said that, I found the story of Neely Crenshaw, Silo, et al to be amusing as well as mildly profound at times. Everybody has known a Coach Rake along the way - somebody that has molded you into who you are today that you hated for doing it at the time. Perhaps a little borrowing occurred from Varsity Blues & The Junction Boys, though. Notwithstanding that, I recommend Bleachers as a good book that you will no doubt enjoy in one sitting. "Fear is inevitable, and it is not always bad. Harness your fear and use it to your advantage." - Coach Rake
Rating:  Summary: High school hero Review: "Bleachers" is a story about a trip back to high school. Class reunions have shown me that the high school hero frequently is not a very successful person in present day reality, and this book is the epitome that perception. (Of course this isn't true in all cases). My feelings are quite mixed in regard to the subject presented in "Bleachers". On the one hand, when I was in high school, I had fallen into the trap of "group think", believing that the football hero or cheerleader was the best you could be, worthy of hero worship, etc. The other hand, however, now realizes how shallow those beliefs were and wishes more high school time had been spent seeing the real worthiness of the unrecognized heroes amongst us. One thing Grisham does in "Bleachers" is to make my stomach churn. Remember all the favors the outstanding sports players and rally squad received for doing less than you or others and how you wanted to be on the receiving end also? The book rekindles those memories. That's why my stomach churns. "Bleachers" is not at the top of my list for Grisham favorites.
Rating:  Summary: Not His Best Work Review: I am a women & I like football. I even played women's football in school. However I think the book spent too much time on how the game was played instead of on the characters themself. The worst part of it was the big boom that I was waiting for to explain why he got upset was wasted on me. I was waiting for something more ump then what happened. It just did not do it for me this time. I love John Grishms books but lately.....
Rating:  Summary: 15 yard penalty Review: Heavens is this book bad! Weak plot, uninteresting characters, uninspired setting, and one huge cliche. Thank God it was a library book and only took an hour of my life. You want to know what my version of hell is? To be stranded on a desert island with only "Bleachers" and "The Five People You Meet in Heaven."
Rating:  Summary: Bleachers Review: I went to my schools library and I asked the librarian what was a good book for me to read. She asked me what I liked and I said sports, or something that will keep my attention the whole time I read. So she introduced me to the book Bleachers. I started to read it in class and I didn't want to put it down. It kept me thinking on what was going to happen. Or what happened. The book has a lot of life's lessons in it. How to deal with issues. Me being an athlete I understood what Neely went through. On how the coach doesn't do things to hurt you but does them to help you. It also says to live life to the fullest and do what you love and you won't have many regrets. That is exactly what coach rake did. He did what he wanted to do. That was coach football. He coached for 34 years and he only had to regrets. That to me puts the book in perspective.
Rating:  Summary: YAWN....... Review: Having played high school football made this book almost tolerable. The book is just so much pointless repetition that there is really nothing worthwhile to be said about it. I wished I would have read something else as the "pay off" I kept hoping for never materialized.
Rating:  Summary: Bleachers Review: This story was great, when it was a movie called 'Varsity Blues'
Rating:  Summary: I understand Review: "Bleachers" gives a wonderfull description of high school football. While in high school I hated my coach but, I respected him. This book helped me understand why he was so hard on us. This is the best book I've ever read.
Rating:  Summary: I'll read it, I come from Italy Review: I bought this book on amazon just yesterday. I live in italy and I'm very much interested into read english books, this is my first one, I also don't know the author very well, I hope the book will like me. It's just a way to better my english.