Rating:  Summary: DRIVEN TO DISTRACTION Review: This is an excellent book by two people who know hands on what ADD is like to have and live with. Helping you understand ADD is only one step which they go even further. Very explanitory on ways to help work with the ADD to live a more productive, yet less frustrating life. I really got a lot out of this book and highly recommend it to anyone who thinks they have ADD, just found out they do have ADD, or know someone with it. It was very helpful for me as an adult just learning that I have ADD. I know have a grasp on what I am dealing with and realize that I am not the only one. There are also a lot of great resources included in this book.
Rating:  Summary: THIS IS THE ONE! Review: If you have ADD with never being diagnosed, your life has probably been a wild one... But when itÕs time to stop being wild and get serious the realization hits that you canÔt just sit still. This book documents, accuratly describes, and can put one on the road to using this mental illness to your advantage. If it wasnÕt for my ADD I wouldnÕt have traveled around the world, met millions of good friends (even if for a short time). I never would trade those memories in but now in my life I need some stability. Adults with ADD (at least myself) have an endurance and strength to conquer the challanges they face. This book put you on that correct road....
Rating:  Summary: In Gratitude For Such A Spectacular Discovery! Review: With undiagnosised ADD onboard, being raised in a large household the second of eleven children, with a perfectionist father who would not accept second best as a condition of showing his love for his children, and an obedient submissive mother was a challenge beyond discription. I was continually being punished for my actions and behavior, and not understanding ADD (or that there was even such a disorder) I felt as if I was a scumbag of the lowest order for the first 40 or so years of my life. My father had two degrees, or better stated two professions, one as a dentist and the other as an anesthesiologist. Hyperactivity was seen as a huge sin in my family, and I don't remember anyone as hyper as I was. When I asked my mother a few years ago how was my behavior as a child (of which I can remember very little) her comment was, "We didn't have a moments peace from the day you were born until you left home to become a missionionary at the age of 19!" Wow! What a eye opening statement! Reading Dr. Hallowell's book is such an experience! I read a case history in his book to my seven children substituting my name and profession (a dentist) for the person envolved, and when finished my ten year old daughter quietly took me aside and with grave concern asked, "Daddy how did they get your life's history in that book if you just bought it?" I have never read a book that hit home with more force in my life than did Dr. Hallowell's DRIVEN TO DISTRACTION! What a masterpiece of diagnosis and heartfelt concern. In the Bible there is a verse which states that we are commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves. Until reading (and comprehending) Dr. Hallowell's book I could not grasp that scripture, as I could not "see" why I would even desire to love another as I did myself, simply because as stated above, I felt that I could not love myself (in my heart) as I always considered myself to be a scumbag of the lowest order. Forgiveness of one's self is, in my opinion, one of the most challenging and difficult endeavors in life, and Dr. Hollowell's book has done more for me in this area than all the preaching in church and advice given combined. Thank-you Edward from the bottom of my heart for having the courage to expose your life and ADD behavior so that others like myself might begin to live! A must read! Sincerely, Dr. Michael Hamilton
Rating:  Summary: _Completely changed my life... Review: "He slept beneath the moon, he basked beneath the sun. He lived a life of 'going-to-do', but died with nothing done." - J. Alderberry, "Epitaph to Myself" This quote has been on the wall of my "study area" since I was six or seven years old. My dad had it, and felt it applied to him. I saw it, and typed it up, because I thought it applied to me, too. I have an IQ in excess of 145, but until recently could do nothing with it. Misfit my entire life. Labelled "enormous potential, perpetual underachiever" my whole life. Educational and professional performance hindered beyond (I thought) repair. I had considered suicide many times. Then, someone got me this book. By the end of the first chapter, I was crying tears of joy. I cannot tell you how nice it was to learn that I was not crazy, and not just a dink-off and a screw-up. If you know anyone who has potential but no direction, and no apparent ability to effect a change in themselves, please get them this book. Don't tell them about it- get it for them! If they are undiagnosed ADD, they probably want to change, but think it impossible. If you tell them about the book, they may never get around to getting it, evn though they mean to. Seriously, it could save their life.
Rating:  Summary: RELIEF AT LAST! Review: I am a 16 year old who was recently diagnosed with ADD. Foryears I was the "lazy smart kid", the class clown who couldbe so much more if he tried. After reading this book, I finallyrealized why. Being diagnosed wasn't enough. This book changed me in that I can now alter my habits to better accomodate my ADD. If you have ADD, reading this book is like reading your life story. You feel better about the disorder, and learn that there is no shame to it, and can at times be beneficial. I STRONGLY recommend this book to any person diagnosed with ADD, or who is close to someone with ADD. It has definately had a profound effect on me
Rating:  Summary: A different light on ADD Review: My husband and my son both have ADD. When I began reading this book, even within the first chapter, my anger and frustration towards them subsided. I began to understand that some of the simple things that drove me crazy, not answering me when asked a question, not putting things back where they belong,etc, were things that were very difficult for both of them to accomplish. Learning of the positive sides of this disorder confirmed my belief that neither my husband nor my son were stupid, but just the opposite. I cannot tell you how many times I began crying with overwhelming relief of understanding and of hope while reading this book.I feel better prepared with the challenges our family will be facing in the future.
Rating:  Summary: Good for the newly diagnosed Review: I bought this book because it came highly recommended and my husband has ADD. I was dissapointed because the book's main focus is on discovering IF you have ADD. We already knew he had ADD, we just wanted more information on it. This is an excellent book for someone who isn't sure if they have ADD or has just discovered they have ADD. If you already know you have ADD and you are looking for help with medications, relationships and other situations I would skip this one.
Rating:  Summary: Good book for a Basic Understanding of ADD Review: This is a good book for a basic understanding of ADD. This is a ground breaking book. It was one of the first books written that gave a good explanation of ADD. This may be one of the first books to read about ADD if you are just learning about it.
Rating:  Summary: The book that changed my life... Review: As an adult with ADD (which I found out by reading Driven to Distraction), I can honestly say that this book changed my life. It altered my entire self-perception. Now, instead of seeing myself as a lazy, disorganized, half-crazy person, I understand that I have a common condition with negative - and positive - traits. I also understand clearly why I failed so miserably in school and no longer blame myself for it. Even just the knowledge that there are other people with the same syndrome, the same behaviors... is comforting! The altered self-concept has made me a much more positive person, and knowing what I'm dealing with has helped me to nurture the positive aspects of my ADD, particularly the ability to hyperfocus on tasks that are important to me.
Rating:  Summary: Driven to Distraction Review: If you're looking for an easy to understand explanation of ADD/ADHD by two professionals who have it themselves, Driven to Distraction excels! Thanks to Stewart Ater, M. D., (of Houston, TX) who recommended that we read this book when he diagnosed ADHD for our 20 yr. old daughter, this incredible book drastically changed our lives. After years of set backs and searching for answers, we finally found not only the cause, but also the best treatment for the condition. Without the valuable information supplied by the two physicians who wrote this book, we would never have understood so completely what all ADHA entails. Please email us if you would like to ask any questions about this inestimable guide. Robert and Yvonne Turner email: YTurnerLitMom@aol.com