Rating:  Summary: Washington Whistle Blower Review: Zell talks about a political party moving away from main stream America. He talks about the things wrong in Washington, not only with the Democrats, but the Republicans as well. His book will open some eyes as to how our elected officials do business. Unfortunately, it is not a pretty picture.
Rating:  Summary: A good Book with thoughtful insight Review: This book was well worth the purchase price. Mr. Miller is a truly great American. He Puts his country FIRST. He obviously does not buy into the Hate America First segment of the Democratic Party. Thank you Mr. Miller!
Rating:  Summary: The poignant disrepect about this man just proves his point! Review: Amazing. The folks that attack Mr. Miller are so enflamed with his common sense, they must resort to character attacks (ie...he is just a hillbilly). Whether you are a R or a D, matters little. The book represents an orthodox view of traditional democratic values. His life, as well as his character, was nearly flawless; to include is political life. Moreover, he, unlike many others, has the guts to admit his faults in this book. Yup, the problem with this book for many is his dissection of ills of the Democratic Party, and the disruption of the moral fiber of this America, hits home.....and penetrates.The "nutso's" who are spewing their venom against a man who has been in the political process for most of his life, are probably the same folks enjoy the same ole political practices that has plagued our wonderful nation for way to long. You notice, none of the left wing bashers challenge the "concepts" on the book. For example, how many democratic Presidents have served in recent years, as Mr. Miller notes? Well? Ok, it is a fact, not many. Ok...why? That is what Mr. Miller has the GUTS to admit, while the naysayer conveniently avoids. He is attempting to educate a party for which he has devoted his entire life. The obstinate folks who flippantly lacerate his character and insult his Southern background simply prove his point! One reviewer tells him to wake up; this is NOT the 1940's. I ask this reviewer, how many times has the party successful put a democrat in office since then? Again, you prove his point. Wake up yourself and have a cup of coffee.
Rating:  Summary: Heartfelt Integrity Review: I bought this book because I heard Sen. Miller on television. It was very difficult to find, and in fact I made three trips to the bookstore, finally finding it hidden in an upstairs area stacked behind Michael Moore books. I'm not kidding. There were only 3-4 copies of Sen. Miller's book left, and it was a small stack compared to other stacks near it. So the book was either under-ordered, or it was selling well despite being hidden. You know, there's a thing about "how many they ship" vs. how many go back to the warehouse. That's just what comes to my mind when I see large stacks of various "popular" books in the store, for example, HIDING other books. Big stacks do *not* designate true bestseller. Anyway, I had to work some to get this book, and if I hadn't heard Sen. Miller speaking about it, I wouldn't have done it. I'm glad I did. I know there's a political point to the book, but I enjoyed reading this story more for Sen. Miller's stories of his family, past and life than for the politics. This was a very well-written and enjoyable book, and I just have one thing to say. I am a Republican for the same reason Sen. Miller is a Democrat. The way he describes the families in Georgia and their traditional allegiances is the same way I grew up, in Southern California. I am not a Southerner, but I understand how angry Southerners must get to hear bigoted and prejudiced statements by people who don't know what they're talking about. We get it too. Most of the rest of the country doesn't even know there's such a thing as a "native Californian" with values even though they elected one as President. I don't think this book should be grouped with ultra-political "conservative" books. It is a personal book by a man with a lot of conviction and deep roots in a valued part of our nation: the State of Georgia. I am glad I bought this book and read it, and proud that Sen. Miller wrote it, and he did an outstanding job. If it bothers "Democrats" to hear that there are a lot of members of their party that don't like to hear the strident rhetoric or don't agree with the official party platform, then that's "real Democratic," ain't it? Pfft. As far as "we Republicans" are concerned, there are a number of wings of the party that don't always get their way. Maybe Democrats should take a hint and start talking and listening to all members. . . . what? Eh? Hell will freeze over? Guess that's right. The fact that Zell Miller isn't jumping parties alone shows his integrity. And some people *really* can't stand that.
Rating:  Summary: Thank you Zell Review: For all of you who think Zell isn't a democrat......he is! For all of you who doesn't know the state he was a Governor, tells me you didn't read the book! It also tells me the criticism is from left wing radical liberals. Go read Michael Moore propoganda! Leave Zell Miller alone. Great Book! A must read for all
Rating:  Summary: A Conservatives Journey in his Party Review: This is an interesting book and would appeal mostly to Democrats who consider themselves Reagan Democrats or the like. As some have said, it may have been better if Zell became a Republican, however, Miller mentions that he was raised a Democrat and will die one. Interestingly, earlier in our history the only difference, for the most part, our parties were very similarly conservative with the exception of financial issues. Times have changed, yet Zell Miller reflects on his life as a life long Democrat decrying the lack of direction of that party and what he sees as it's demise. Democrats can use this book to envigorate them to have or develop a specific vision. Republicans though, should not allow a book like this to put them to sleep thinking the Democrats are through. An election is coming, be aware, the Democrats will fight to win this one at all cost.
Rating:  Summary: Rank and File Democrats Pay Attention! Review: I highly recommend this book to all who follow the politics of the day or the societal decay that has been enabled by the liberalized Democratic party. He gives some background on himself and it's an easy read. Basically Zell's book "A National Pary No More" is an inside look at the party that has become something very different from the party of Jefferson, Truman, and JFK. He is too kind to some of the biggest culprits in the party but is quite frank when talking about the party. Read it and then go get Sean Hannity's new book "Deliver us from Evil".
Rating:  Summary: Democrats evermore Review: All in all, I found his book a rather cute mélange of frank autobiography and maybe a few smatterings of policy views here and there. Yet none of that diminishes the literary merits of this book. The author once commanded the nation's heart as her most popular state governor, and even lobbied for Baby Mozart Compact Discs in one of his many more unknown projects. I think the book's detractors are maybe too quick to pull the pistol on Miller for being a "conservative Democrat" and not a "normal Democrat" (and in some cases, before even reading the book). The simple fact is, while even I would disagree with him on a few issues, Miller is just as Democratic as even Al Sharpton is, in spirit. Remember that the Democratic Party embraces a broad array of constituencies under the theme "common man." Under that theme, the Democratic Party of 2004 is the same as Jefferson's party of 1795. Maybe Democrats may divide on social issues, but they're still in it for "the little people." Miller's moderate tone and graceful chapter-to-chapter transitions (even invoking one funny anecdote) reflect a more profound wish for consensus politics that we should all look for, irrespective of our political backgrounds.
Rating:  Summary: Zell will be missed! Review: Zell's book gives you a look at his beliefs, values and ideals for our country. Being a politician all of his life, when he was elected Senator and got into the Washington crowd, it changed many of his opinions about his party and our government.
Rating:  Summary: how to be "progressive" Review: we all want to progress, afterall, change is unavoidable. However, only conservatives realize that the only way we can change things is if we embrace and accept how things are- to go WITH the forces that be. The left doesnt ACCEPT the reality of today- let alone agree or disagree. C learly, the left is not working with reality. "Progressives" should stop trying to CREATE something new by way of trial and error only to venture further into disillusionment and instead should DISCOVER the classical thinkers. For example, the humanities-the sciences of man- (politics, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, sociology..) were once aimed toward discovering the nature of man so we can uncover the GOOD, TRUE,UNIVERSAL, and what is FREEDOM. Our normative values were to follow from our understanding of how the nature of self relates to the nature of existence. This was more than an approach it was a METHOD. Liberal thinking, however, is undercutting this method toward the true, good, and universal in man. They instead try to justify their goal toward "equality" while disregarding the concept of "freedom" . Freedom becomes a FREEDOM FROM- no longer a FREEDOM TO or FREEDOM FOR. Values become relativized and humaness becomes an average. This, In effect, destroys the method toward a science of man. Anthropology becomes reduced to a mere comparative sociology, the concepts of society are left undefined. Someone should tell a liberal that it is never possible for society to be "value-free" no matter how politically correct you decry us to be. As long as there are those unable to reason for ourselves, society, father figures, EVERYTHING will always be implying some value to us. So please progessives, stop "breaking it all down for us" - it is not helping- and have faith in man. A reasonable man looks for truth- not contradictions. We are a capitalist, individualist nation for REASONS worth understanding..... there IS a nature of evil etc etc.